**[BitWarden](https://bitwarden.com)** | Free and open source, cross-platform password manager with sync
**[1Password](https://1password.com)** | Open source, fully-featured cross-platform password manager with sync. Free for self-hosted (or $3/ month hosted)
**[KeePassXC](https://keepassxc.org)** | Open source, secure password manager, but without cloud-sync capabilities. KeePassXC is a community fork of [KeePass](https://keepass.info/)
**[LessPass](https://lesspass.com)** | LessPass is a little different, since it generates your passwords using a hash of the website name, your username and a single master-passphrase that you reuse. It ommits the need for you to ever need to store or sync your passwords. They have apps for all the common platforms and a CLI, but you can also self-host it.
**[Aegis](https://getaegis.app)** | Free, secure and open source app for manageing 2-step verification tokens, on Android
**[AndOTP](https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP)** | Another open source, secure authanticator app. AndOTP is well established with a strong large user base
**Note:** Don't use your password manager to also store your 2-FA tokens- use a separate application.
**Note**: In order to stay protected, it is important to also: Use strong and unique passwords, 2-factor authentication,
adopt good networking practices and be mindful of data that is collected when browsing the web. See the full
**[personal security checklist](https://github.com/Lissy93/personal-security-checklist/blob/master/README.md)** for all the details 🔐
*Contributions are welcome, and appreciated - to propose an edit [open an issue](https://github.com/Lissy93/personal-security-checklist/issues/new/choose),
or [open a PR](https://github.com/Lissy93/personal-security-checklist/pull/new/master).