mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 06:32:37 +07:00
Added hireling item read support
Added hireling item read support Added support for slicing byte buffer based on a header or footer
This commit is contained in:
@ -169,12 +169,13 @@ public class D2S {
realmData = BufferUtils.readBytes(buffer, 144);
assert buffer.position() == HEADER_SIZE;
quests = QuestData.obtain(buffer);
waypoints = WaypointData.obtain(buffer);
npcs = NPCData.obtain(buffer);
stats = StatData.obtain(BufferUtils.slice(buffer, SkillData.SECTION_HEADER));
skills = SkillData.obtain(buffer);
items = ItemData.obtain(buffer);
quests = QuestData.obtain(buffer);
waypoints = WaypointData.obtain(buffer);
npcs = NPCData.obtain(buffer);
stats = StatData.obtain(BufferUtils.slice(buffer, SkillData.SECTION_HEADER));
skills = SkillData.obtain(buffer);
items = ItemData.obtain(buffer, ItemData.SECTION_FOOTER);
merc.items = MercData.MercItemData.obtain(merc, buffer);
return this;
@ -304,6 +305,7 @@ public class D2S {
short name;
short type;
int xp;
MercItemData items;
static MercData obtain(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return new MercData().read(buffer);
@ -335,6 +337,24 @@ public class D2S {
public boolean isDead() {
return (flags & FLAG_DEAD) == FLAG_DEAD;
static class MercItemData {
static final byte[] SECTION_HEADER = {0x6A, 0x66};
public byte header[];
public ItemData items;
static MercItemData obtain(MercData merc, ByteBuffer buffer) {
return new MercItemData().read(merc, buffer);
MercItemData read(MercData merc, ByteBuffer buffer) {
header = BufferUtils.readBytes(buffer, SECTION_HEADER.length);
if (merc.seed == 0) return this;
items = ItemData.obtain(buffer, new byte[] {0x6B, 0x66});
return this;
static class QuestData {
@ -644,11 +664,11 @@ public class D2S {
public EnumMap<BodyLoc, Item> equipped;
public Array<Item> inventory;
static ItemData obtain(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return new ItemData().read(buffer);
static ItemData obtain(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] SECTION_FOOTER) {
return new ItemData().read(buffer, SECTION_FOOTER);
ItemData read(ByteBuffer buffer) {
ItemData read(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] SECTION_FOOTER) {
header = BufferUtils.readBytes(buffer, SECTION_HEADER.length);
size = buffer.getShort();
@ -656,7 +676,7 @@ public class D2S {
equipped = new EnumMap<>(BodyLoc.class);
inventory = new Array<>();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ByteBuffer slice = BufferUtils.slice(buffer, SECTION_HEADER, true);
ByteBuffer slice = BufferUtils.slice(buffer, SECTION_HEADER, true, SECTION_FOOTER, false);
if (slice.remaining() <= 0) break;
//else System.out.println(i + " = " + slice.remaining());
byte[] bytes = BufferUtils.readRemaining(slice);
@ -671,7 +691,7 @@ public class D2S {
for (int j = 0; j < item.socketsFilled; j++) {
slice = BufferUtils.slice(buffer, SECTION_HEADER, true);
slice = BufferUtils.slice(buffer, SECTION_HEADER, true, SECTION_FOOTER, false);
if (slice.remaining() <= 0) break;
//else System.out.println(i + " = " + slice.remaining());
bytes = BufferUtils.readRemaining(slice);
@ -681,10 +701,6 @@ public class D2S {
assert socket.location == Location.SOCKET;
//if (BufferUtils.lookahead(buffer, SECTION_FOOTER)) {
// break;
assert BufferUtils.lookahead(buffer, SECTION_FOOTER);
//assert !buffer.hasRemaining();
@ -702,338 +718,5 @@ public class D2S {
return builder.build();
public static class Item {
static final byte[] SECTION_HEADER = ItemData.SECTION_HEADER;
public static final int RARE_AFFIXES = 3;
private static final int AFFIX_FOOTER = 0x1FF;
static final int NUM_PROPS = 7;
static final int NUM_SET_PROPS = 5;
static final int PROP_MAGIC = 1 << 0;
static final int PROP_SET[] = { 1 << 1, 1 << 2, 1 << 3, 1 << 4, 1 << 5 };
static final int PROP_RUNE = 1 << 6;
static String getPropListName(int prop) {
switch (prop) {
case 0: return "PROP_MAGIC";
case 1: return "PROP_SET[0]";
case 2: return "PROP_SET[1]";
case 3: return "PROP_SET[2]";
case 4: return "PROP_SET[3]";
case 5: return "PROP_SET[4]";
case 6: return "PROP_RUNE";
default: return Integer.toString(prop);
public byte header[];
public boolean quest;
public boolean identified;
public boolean socketed;
public boolean unsaved;
public boolean ear;
public boolean starting;
public boolean compact;
public boolean ethereal;
public boolean personalized;
public boolean runeword;
public short version;
public byte location;
public byte equipped;
public byte x;
public byte y;
public byte stored;
public String type;
public byte socketsUsed;
public byte earClass;
public byte earLevel;
public String earName;
public int id;
public byte ilvl;
public byte quality;
public boolean usePictureId;
public byte pictureId;
public boolean classSpecific;
public short classSpecificFlags;
public byte lowQuality;
public byte highQuality;
public short magicPrefix;
public short magicSuffix;
public short setId;
public short uniqueId;
public RareItemData rareData;
public RareItemData craftedData;
public short runeId;
public byte runeUnk;
public String personalization;
public short armorRating;
public short maxDurability;
public short curDurability;
public byte sockets;
public byte tomes;
public short quantity;
public byte setAffixes;
public IntMap<Stat> affixes;
static Item obtain(BitStream bitStream) {
return new Item().read(bitStream);
Item read(BitStream bitStream) {
header = bitStream.readFully(SECTION_HEADER.length);
if (true) {
return this;
quest = bitStream.readBoolean();
identified = bitStream.readBoolean();
socketed = bitStream.readBoolean();
unsaved = bitStream.readBoolean();
ear = bitStream.readBoolean();
starting = bitStream.readBoolean();
compact = bitStream.readBoolean();
ethereal = bitStream.readBoolean();
personalized = bitStream.readBoolean();
runeword = bitStream.readBoolean();
version = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(8);
location = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3);
equipped = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(4);
x = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(4);
y = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3);
stored = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3);
if (ear) {
type = "ear";
socketsUsed = 0;
earClass = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3);
earLevel = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(7);
earName = bitStream.readString(16, 7);
} else {
type = bitStream.readString(4).trim();
socketsUsed = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3);
if (compact) {
return this;
id = (int) bitStream.readUnsigned(32);
ilvl = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(7);
quality = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(4);
usePictureId = bitStream.readBoolean();
if (usePictureId) pictureId = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3);
classSpecific = bitStream.readBoolean();
if (classSpecific) classSpecificFlags = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(11);
int props = PROP_MAGIC;
switch (quality) {
case Quality.LOW: lowQuality = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3); break;
case Quality.HIGH: highQuality = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(3); break;
case Quality.MAGIC:
magicPrefix = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(11);
magicSuffix = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(11);
case Quality.SET:
setId = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(12);
case Quality.RARE:
rareData = new RareItemData(bitStream);
case Quality.UNIQUE:
uniqueId = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(12);
case Quality.CRAFTED:
craftedData = new RareItemData(bitStream);
if (runeword) {
runeId = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(12);
runeUnk = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(4);
props |= PROP_RUNE;
if (personalized) {
personalization = bitStream.readString(16, 7);
ItemEntry itemEntry;
if ((itemEntry = Diablo.files.weapons.get(type)) != null) {
} else if ((itemEntry = Diablo.files.armor.get(type)) != null) {
} else if ((itemEntry = Diablo.files.misc.get(type)) != null) {
ItemTypes.Entry itemType = Diablo.files.ItemTypes.get(itemEntry.type);
if (itemType.is("armo")) {
ItemStatCost.Entry armorclass = Diablo.files.ItemStatCost.get("armorclass");
armorRating = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(armorclass.Save_Bits);
//System.out.println((armorRating - armorclass.Save_Add) + " defense");
if (itemType.is("armo") || itemType.is("weap")) {
ItemStatCost.Entry durability = Diablo.files.ItemStatCost.get("durability");
ItemStatCost.Entry mDurability = Diablo.files.ItemStatCost.get("maxdurability");
maxDurability = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(mDurability.Save_Bits);
if (maxDurability > 0)
curDurability = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(durability.Save_Bits);
//System.out.println("durability " + (curDurability - durability.Save_Add) + "/" + (maxDurability - mDurability.Save_Add));
if (socketed) {
ItemStatCost.Entry socket = Diablo.files.ItemStatCost.get("item_numsockets");
sockets = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(socket.Save_Bits);
//System.out.println((sockets - socket.Save_Add) + " sockets");
if (itemType.is("book")) tomes = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(5);
if (itemEntry.stackable) quantity = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(9);
if (quality == Quality.SET) {
setAffixes = bitStream.readUnsigned7OrLess(NUM_SET_PROPS);
props |= (setAffixes << 1);
//System.out.println("setAffixes " + Integer.toBinaryString(setAffixes));
affixes = new IntMap<>();
for (int i = 0, j = PROP_MAGIC; i < NUM_PROPS; i++, j <<= 1) {
if ((props & j) == j) {
for (short id; (id = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(9)) != AFFIX_FOOTER;) {
read(bitStream, affixes, id);
return this;
public void read(BitStream bitStream, IntMap<Stat> affixes, int id) {
final int len = Stat.getStatCount(id);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, id++) {
ItemStatCost.Entry statEntry = Diablo.files.ItemStatCost.get(id);
int value = bitStream.readUnsigned31OrLess(statEntry.Save_Bits);
int param = bitStream.readUnsigned31OrLess(statEntry.Save_Param_Bits);
Stat stat = new Stat(statEntry, value, param);
affixes.put(id, stat);
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this)
.append("header", DebugUtils.toByteArray(header))
.append("type", type)
.append("id", String.format("0x%08X", id))
.append("ilvl", ilvl)
.append("quality", Quality.toString(quality))
.append("version", version)
.append("quest", quest)
.append("identified", identified)
.append("socketed", socketed)
.append("unsaved", unsaved)
.append("ear", ear)
.append("starting", starting)
.append("compact", compact)
.append("ethereal", ethereal)
.append("personalized", personalized)
.append("runeword", runeword)
.append("location", Location.toString(location))
.append("equipped", getEquippedString())
.append("x", x)
.append("y", y)
.append("stored", Store.toString(stored))
.append("usePictureId", usePictureId)
.append("pictureId", pictureId)
.append("classSpecific", classSpecific)
.append("classSpecificFlags", String.format("0x%03X", classSpecificFlags))
.append("lowQuality", Quality.Low.toString(lowQuality))
.append("highQuality", highQuality)
.append("magicPrefix", magicPrefix)
.append("magicSuffix", magicSuffix)
.append("setId", setId)
.append("uniqueId", uniqueId)
.append("rareData", rareData)
.append("runeId", runeId)
.append("runeUnk", runeUnk)
.append("armorRating", armorRating)
.append("maxDurability", maxDurability)
.append("curDurability", curDurability)
.append("sockets", sockets)
.append("tomes", tomes)
.append("quantity", quantity)
.append("setAffixes", setAffixes)
public String getEquippedString() {
return Player.Slot.toString(equipped);
public static class RareItemData {
public short rarePrefix;
public short rareSuffix;
public short magicPrefix[];
public short magicSuffix[];
public RareItemData(BitStream bitStream) {
rarePrefix = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(8);
rareSuffix = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(8);
magicPrefix = new short[RARE_AFFIXES];
magicSuffix = new short[RARE_AFFIXES];
for (int i = 0; i < RARE_AFFIXES; i++) {
if (bitStream.readBoolean()) magicPrefix[i] = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(11);
if (bitStream.readBoolean()) magicSuffix[i] = bitStream.readUnsigned15OrLess(11);
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this)
.append("rarePrefix", rarePrefix)
.append("rareSuffix", rareSuffix)
.append("magicPrefix", Arrays.toString(magicPrefix))
.append("magicSuffix", Arrays.toString(magicSuffix))
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -95,6 +96,16 @@ public class BufferUtils {
return slice(buffer, MARK, false);
public static ByteBuffer slice(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] HEADER, boolean skipFirstHeader, byte[] FOOTER, boolean skipFirstFooter) {
try {
return slice(buffer, HEADER, skipFirstHeader);
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
return slice(buffer, FOOTER, skipFirstFooter);
public static ByteBuffer slice(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] MARK, boolean skipFirst) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(MARK.length == 2, "Only supports MARK length of 2");
int pos = buffer.position();
Reference in New Issue
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