Removed gdx-ai dependency and replaced GraphPath with my own implementation
Refactored Entity.updatePath to Entity.setPath
Removed src position from path (first element is now first target)
MapPather works in real-time -- improvements to be made
Disabled updateTask in client to use update(float) entity method instead
Added floating point position support to MapRenderer camera
Rewrote MapRenderer with optimizations for 60%+ FPS improvement!
Fixed numerous performance hogs and made optimizations (more to come)
Fixed issue where render bounds was calculated before zoom applied
Frame time on Android (GN5) down from 25ms to 10ms
Frame time on PC seeing similar results (now 0.17ms from about 0.45)
Implemented gdx-ai path finder for testing
Repo cleanup
Added support for path finding metrics for debugging purposes
Disabled some Entity debug messages
Implemented path smoothing on generated paths
Created MapGraph.MapGraphPath
MapRenderer will now render path as lines between points
Entity will clear path once final target reached
Added angle and animation support to Entity pathing
Entities will now change to run animation and set direction to target angle
Implemented basic touchpad support with new movement system
Replaced MapRenderer and MapViewer and removed any existing dependencies
Removed code comments from older revisions
MapRenderer.drawDebug changes projection matrix automatically
Added debug support for path smoothing
Added back networking to player movements
Removed old MapPather and references
Deleted Entity.move() as it's now irrelevant
Added basic entity cursor focusing using backing animation bounds and MapRenderer
Added background drawable support to Label widget
Improved ColorDrawable padding calculations such that min width/height is a sum of respective padding
Disabled some mouse debugging features in MapRenderer