Upgraded riiablo:core tests from JUnit 4 -> JUnit 5
Changed source and target compatibility for riiablo:core to Java 8
Adjusted project style to organize JUnit imports more cleanly
Gradle build info is now output to a generated source RiiabloVersion.java
Renamed generatedSourceDirs to vcsGeneratedSourceDir for version controlled generated sources
Created generatedSourceDir for build generated sources
Integrated RiiabloVersion into Client and MenuScreen
Changed Client.properties diablo->riiablo=Riiablo (e.g., Riiablo)
Changed Client.properties version->V {0} (e.g., V 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT)
Disable :core:createFlatBuffers task at configuration level if building on non-Windows
Added warning messages stating that it's been disabled (should add check)
:core:generateSources calls :core:createFlatBuffers
:core:createFlatBuffers will only error out if not up-to-date on non-windows
:core:compileJava depends on :core:generateSources
Included flatc.exe within repository (v1.11.0 binary)
Added check within :core:createFlatBuffers task for Windows OS family
Added flatbuffersVersion variable within gradle.properties to 1.11.0
Changed many fields to variables and implemented flatbuffers closure
Reorganized gradle scripts into subproject directories
Reformatted gradle scripts to be more consistent
Created :server subproject group
Deleted :mpqlib subproject due to inactivity
Hopefully this is a step in the right direction
Changed to standard gradle src directory structure
Changed some working directories to work properly with gradle tasks
Changed MPQViewer asset path to empty string