Implemented ReliableUtil and composite ByteBuf into ReliableChannelHandler
ReliableChannelHandler automatically replaces outbound message with composite
Removed size prefixing contract from Packet factory
Added ReliableUtil#createHeader to write data and set writer index passed header
Seq should increment and wrap around at 0xFFFF
Added special case for ack < 0 (init first packet)
Added netty packet creation functions to ReliableChannelHandler
Header creation is difficult because I can't mutate existing packets easily -- experimenting
Replaced implementations with ReliableChannelHandler
Removed ReliableInboundHandler and ReliableOutboundHandler
Removed propagation for caught exceptions within ReliableChannelHandler impls
Created ProfilerManager passive system to act as a manager and factory for SystemProfiler instances
Changed SystemProfiler static functions to be a ProfilerManager instance via injection
Fixed some UI bugs within SystemProfiler GUI including incorrect width
Added reference to ProfilerSystem within CursorMovementSystem to block input events when profiler GUI is open
Removed ProfilerSystem#dispose() -- ProfilerManager has it's own dispose method
Reduced visibility of SystemProfiler constructors -- instances should only be created by ProfilerManager
SystemProfiler#initialize() will no longer add the instances to a struct -- automatically added when created by ProfilerManager factory
Implemented averaging of network latency samples via NetworkProfiler
NetworkProfiler handles the interfacing between Profiler plugin and Pinger system
Created IntervalBaseSystem which is a copy of IntervalSystem without dependency on any Aspect
Added support for a PacketListener for Pinger system (receives callbacks for received ping packets)
Created actual SystemProfiler instances for sampling CPU and GPU frame times
CPU and GPU frame times are now graphed with each system (adding them should give total frame time)
Added sample field to SystemProfiler to store value of last call to SystemProfiler#sample(long)
Removed CPU and GPU profiling from ProfilerSystem
Rewrote artemis-odb-contrib/contrib-plugin-profiler
Profiler was too restrictive and privated many useful fields and had static methods, yuk
Profiler plugin will always run and the key will only hide the UI (and set it as GPU system)
Profiler plugin will maybe be modified in the future to be more extensible
Extended profiler plugin to support tagging systems as GPU systems
I'd like to know which systems are slow and track CPU/GPU bottlenecks on mobile