Added support for pooling Animation, Animation.Builder, Animation.Layer
Animation will now use only its managed BBox -- no more returning BBox of layers
Redefined animation states into Mode enum -- they were discrete
Replaced act methods with update
Animation builder now copies layers instead of setting the animation object layers reference to builder layers reference
Added support for ds1 object paths
Added first debug system PathDebugSystem -- more features will be moved from RenderSystem
Added radius field to RenderSystem to track radius of overscan (used to clamp rendering of entities to fov)
font16 W was rendering an additional line of pixels from adjacent character -- this should prevent the character size increase if it extends into adjacent pixels
Added support for selectable entities (BoxComponent)
Added entity Flags class
Displays active flags for entities in debug mode
ObjectSystem changed to IteratingSystem setting SELECTABLE flag per mode
Added SelectableSystem to set SELECTABLE using primary Gdx.input pointer
Added RenderSystem which is essentially MapRenderer using IsometricCamera and ecs entities
Added builder method for IsometricCamera to perform aggregate operations
Improved Animation getKeyFrameIndex to return a valid result for an uninit animation
Added various components
Added support for Animation#updateBox in AnimationLoaderSystem
Added AnimationSystem to update animation frames
Added ObjectSystem to initialize Object entities
Created Engine subclass which will be used to create Riiablo-specific entities with preconfig components
Hacked Riiablo.engine2 which will eventually replace Riiablo.engine when completed
Fixed issue on android where audio doesn't play on the same frame it's loaded
SFX audio that doesn't play will remain deferred until subsequent frame
Small optimization with audio instance creation
Removed possible vector for errors by calling reset in constructor to set initial values
I do not expect issues here, but this component is complex enough to warrant it
Documented isometric camera API
Implemented pix and tile offsets instead of just offset
Made pix and tile offsets private -- pix offset set via offset and tile offset set automatically
toTile50 may be deprecated in the future if I cannot find a use for it (tile offset may have superseded it)