mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 06:32:37 +07:00
752 lines
16 KiB
752 lines
16 KiB
Act Id Description ObjectId
1 0 RogueFountain 12
1 1 Torch1 Tiki 37
1 2 RogueBonfire 39
1 3 Standard1 35
1 4 Standard2 36
1 5 LargeChestR 5
1 6 StoneAlpha 17
1 7 StoneBeta 18
1 8 StoneGamma 19
1 9 StoneDelta 20
1 10 StoneLambda 21
1 11 StoneTheta 22
1 12 inifuss tree 30
1 13 ripple 70
1 14 ripple 70
1 15 ripple 69
1 16 ripple 69
1 17 Brazier 29
1 18 Fountain 31
1 19 Candles1 33
1 20 Candles2 34
1 21 Torch1 Tiki 37
1 22 Invisible object 61
1 23 invisible river sound1 65
1 24 invisible river sound2 66
1 25 Tower Tome 8
1 26 Cain's Been Captured 26
1 27 Hole in Ground 28
1 28 bubbling pool of blood 82
1 29 Shrine 2
1 30 forest altar 81
1 31 healing well 84
1 32 horn shrine 83
1 33 invisible town sound 78
1 34 Invisible object 61
1 35 flies 103
1 36 Malus 108
1 37 waypoint portal 119
1 38 0 580
1 39 pool act 1 wilderness 130
1 40 rockb act 1 wilderness 159
1 41 cliff act 1 wilderness 163
1 42 log 169
1 43 fire small 160
1 44 fire medium 161
1 45 fire large 162
1 46 Armor Stand 1R 104
1 47 Armor Stand 2L 105
1 48 Weapon Rack 1R 106
1 49 Weapon Rack 2L 107
1 50 bookshelf1 179
1 51 bookshelf2 180
1 52 waypoint portal 119
1 53 waypoint act 1 wilderness 157
1 54 bed act 1 247
1 55 bed act 1 248
1 56 rock act 1 wilderness 155
1 57 rockc act 1 wilderness 174
1 58 rockd act 1 wilderness 175
1 59 chest-r-large act 1 139
1 60 chest-r-tallskinney act 1 140
1 61 chest-r-med act 1 141
1 62 Lchest1 act 1 144
1 63 LargeChestL 6
1 64 gchest1L general 240
1 65 gchest2R general 241
1 66 gchest3R general 242
1 67 Rogue corpse 1 54
1 68 Rogue corpse 2 55
1 69 rolling rogue corpse 56
1 70 rogue on a stick 1 57
1 71 rogue on a stick 2 58
1 72 corpseb 171
1 73 guard on a stick, desert, tomb, harom 178
1 74 burning town 239
1 75 burning town 245
1 76 exploding cow 250
1 77 Fountain 1 111
1 78 cavewell act 1 caves 138
1 79 cathedralwell act 1 inside 132
1 80 mana well1 164
1 81 mana well2 165
1 82 healthorama 77
1 83 bull shrine,health, tombs 85
1 84 stele,magic shrine, stone, desert 86
1 85 act 1 cathedral 262
1 86 act 1 jail 263
1 87 act 1 jail 264
1 88 act 1 jail 265
1 89 CasketR 50
1 90 CasketL 51
1 91 casket #3 79
1 92 Casket 53
1 93 Casket #5 1
1 94 Casket #6 3
1 95 Barrel 7
1 96 Crate 46
1 97 Torch2 Wall 38
1 98 stool for act 1 cabin 256
1 99 wood for act 1 cabin 257
1 100 more wood for act 1 cabin 258
1 101 secret door 1 129
1 102 bank 267
1 103 wirt's body 268
1 104 gold placeholder 269
1 105 0 581
1 106 helllightsource1 351
1 107 helllightsource1 352
1 108 helllightsource1 353
1 109 fog act 3 water rfga 374
1 110 cain start position 385
1 111 sparklychest 397
1 112 Red Portal 321
1 113 0 0
1 114 Myhrginoc's Book of Lore 8
1 115 0 0
1 116 0 0
1 117 0 0
1 118 0 0
1 119 0 0
1 120 0 0
1 121 0 0
1 122 0 0
1 123 0 0
1 124 0 0
1 125 0 0
1 126 0 0
1 127 0 0
1 128 0 0
1 129 0 0
1 130 0 0
1 131 0 0
1 132 0 0
1 133 0 0
1 134 0 0
1 135 0 0
1 136 0 0
1 137 0 0
1 138 0 0
1 139 0 0
1 140 0 0
1 141 0 0
1 142 0 0
1 143 0 0
1 144 0 0
1 145 0 0
1 146 0 0
1 147 0 0
1 148 0 0
1 149 0 0
2 0 Trap Door 74
2 1 Torch1 Tiki 37
2 2 teleportation pad 192
2 3 teleportation pad 304
2 4 teleportation pad 305
2 5 teleportation pad 306
2 6 Brazier3 101
2 7 Floor brazier 102
2 8 invisible town sound 78
2 9 flies 103
2 10 waypoint act 2 156
2 11 0 580
2 12 cathedralwell act 1 inside 132
2 13 secret door 1 129
2 14 yet another tome 357
2 15 tyrael's door 153
2 16 placeholder #1 121
2 17 placeholder #2 122
2 18 slimedoor1 229
2 19 slimedoor2 230
2 20 test data floortrap 196
2 21 bank 267
2 22 spikes for tombs floortrap 261
2 23 tainted sun altar quest 149
2 24 gold placeholder 269
2 25 Urn #1 4
2 26 Urn #2 9
2 27 Urn #3 52
2 28 Urn #4 94
2 29 Urn #5 95
2 30 jug1 act 2, desert 142
2 31 jug2 act 2, desert 143
2 32 LargeChestR 5
2 33 LargeChestL 6
2 34 tombchest 1, largechestL 87
2 35 tombchest 2 largechestR 88
2 36 dchest2R act 2, desert, tomb, chest-r-med 146
2 37 dchest2R act 2, desert, tomb, chest-r-med 146
2 38 dchestr act 2, desert, tomb, chest -r large 147
2 39 dchestL act 2, desert, tomb chest l large 148
2 40 gchest1L general 240
2 41 gchest2R general 241
2 42 gchest3R general 242
2 43 glchest3L general 243
2 44 chest-L-med 176
2 45 chest-L-large 177
2 46 chest-L-tallskinney, general chest r? 198
2 47 sewers 246
2 48 Brazier 29
2 49 fire small 160
2 50 fire medium 161
2 51 fire large 162
2 52 yet another flame, no damage 273
2 53 brazier_celler, act 2 283
2 54 bull shrine,health, tombs 85
2 55 stele,magic shrine, stone, desert 86
2 56 palace shrine, healthR, harom, arcane Sanctuary 109
2 57 snake woman, magic shrine, tomb, arcane sanctuary 116
2 58 dshrine2 act 2 shrine 134
2 59 desertshrine3 act 2 shrine 135
2 60 dshrine1 act 2 shrine 136
2 61 dshrine1 act 2 , desert 150
2 62 dshrine4 act 2, desert 151
2 63 health well, health shrine, desert 172
2 64 mana well7, mana shrine, desert 173
2 65 magic shrine, act 3 sewers. 279
2 66 healthwell, act 3, sewers 280
2 67 manawell, act 3, sewers 281
2 68 magic shrine, act 3 sewers, dungeon. 282
2 69 mana well3, act 2, tomb, 166
2 70 mana well4, act 2, harom 167
2 71 Fountain 2, well, desert, tomb 113
2 72 desertwell act 2 well, desert, tomb 137
2 73 mummy coffinL, tomb 89
2 74 Armor Stand 1R 104
2 75 Armor Stand 2L 105
2 76 Weapon Rack 1R 106
2 77 Weapon Rack 2L 107
2 78 guard corpse 154
2 79 corpseb 171
2 80 guard on a stick, desert, tomb, harom 178
2 81 guard corpse 2 270
2 82 dead villager 1 271
2 83 dead villager 2 272
2 84 goo pile for sand maggot lair 266
2 85 tiny pixel shaped thingie 274
2 86 sewers 244
2 87 anubis coffin, act2, tomb 284
2 88 waypoint, celler 288
2 89 arcane sanctuary portal 298
2 90 bed for harum 289
2 91 wall torch left for tombs 296
2 92 wall torch right for tombs 297
2 93 brazier_small, act 2, desert, town, tombs 287
2 94 brazier_tall, act 2, desert, town, tombs 286
2 95 brazier_general, act 2, sewers, tomb, desert 285
2 96 iron grate door left 290
2 97 iron grate door right 291
2 98 wooden grate door left 292
2 99 wooden grate door right 293
2 100 wooden door left 294
2 101 wooden door right 295
2 102 shrine1_arcane sanctuary 133
2 103 magic shrine, act 3 arcane sanctuary. 303
2 104 magic shrine, act 2, haram 299
2 105 magic shrine, act 2, haram 300
2 106 maggot well health 301
2 107 maggot well mana 302
2 108 0 581
2 109 horadric cube chest 354
2 110 0 582
2 111 harem guard 1 314
2 112 harem guard 2 315
2 113 harem guard 3 316
2 114 harem guard 4 317
2 115 waypoint act2 sewer 323
2 116 tombwell act 2 well, tomb 322
2 117 drinker 110
2 118 gesturer 112
2 119 turner 114
2 120 horadric scroll chest 355
2 121 staff of kings chest 356
2 122 yet another tome 357
2 123 helllightsource1 351
2 124 helllightsource1 352
2 125 helllightsource1 353
2 126 Where you place the Horadric staff 152
2 127 fog act 3 water rfga 374
2 128 arcanesanctuarybigchestLeft 387
2 129 arcanesanctuarybigchestRight 389
2 130 arcanesanctuarychestsmallLeft 390
2 131 arcanesanctuarychestsmallRight 391
2 132 arcanesanctuarycasket 388
2 133 sparklychest 397
2 134 waypoint valleywaypoint 402
2 135 0 0
2 136 0 0
2 137 0 0
2 138 0 0
2 139 0 0
2 140 0 0
2 141 0 0
2 142 0 0
2 143 0 0
2 144 0 0
2 145 0 0
2 146 0 0
2 147 0 0
2 148 0 0
2 149 0 0
3 0 jungle torch 117
3 1 act3waypoint town 237
3 2 0 580
3 3 pool act 1 wilderness 130
3 4 Floor brazier 102
3 5 Torch1 Tiki 37
3 6 fire small 160
3 7 fire medium 161
3 8 fire large 162
3 9 Armor Stand 1R 104
3 10 Armor Stand 2L 105
3 11 Weapon Rack 1R 106
3 12 Weapon Rack 2L 107
3 13 stairsl 194
3 14 stairsr 195
3 15 Lam Esen's Tome 193
3 16 water rocks in act 3 wrok 207
3 17 water rocks girl in act 3 wrob 211
3 18 water logs in act 3 ne logw 210
3 19 Big log act 3 se blgc 234
3 20 water rocks in act 3 rokb 214
3 21 water rocks girl in act 3 watc 215
3 22 water logs in act 3 logx 213
3 23 big log act 3 sw blga 228
3 24 water rocks in act 3 waty 216
3 25 water rock girl act 3 nw blgb 227
3 26 water logs in act 3 logz 217
3 27 Big log act 3 nw blgd 235
3 28 web covered tree 1 218
3 29 web covered tree 2 219
3 30 web covered tree 3 220
3 31 web covered tree 4 221
3 32 cacoon 223
3 33 cacoon 2 224
3 34 bank 267
3 35 gold placeholder 269
3 36 0 581
3 37 jungle healwell act 3 170
3 38 magic shrine, act 3, sewer 325
3 39 jungle shrine2 184
3 40 jungle shrine3 act 3 190
3 41 jungle shrine4 act 3 191
3 42 jungleshrine act 3 197
3 43 mafistoshrine 199
3 44 mafistoshrine 200
3 45 mafistoshrine 201
3 46 mafistomana 202
3 47 mafistohealth 206
3 48 manashrine, act 3, dungeun 278
3 49 healthshrine, act 3, dungeun 120
3 50 pool act 1 wilderness 130
3 51 act3, sewer 326
3 52 corpse 158
3 53 dead villager 1 271
3 54 dead villager 2 272
3 55 torch (act 3 sewer) stra 327
3 56 torch (act 3 kurast) strb 328
3 57 mafistochestlargeLeft 329
3 58 mafistochestlargeright 330
3 59 mafistochestmedleft 331
3 60 mafistochestmedright 332
3 61 spiderlairchestlargeLeft 333
3 62 spiderlairchesttallLeft 334
3 63 spiderlairchestmedright 335
3 64 spiderlairchesttallright 336
3 65 LargeChestR 5
3 66 LargeChestL 6
3 67 chest-L-med 176
3 68 gchest1L general 240
3 69 gchest2R general 241
3 70 jungle chest act 3 181
3 71 chest-L-med, jungle 183
3 72 sewers 246
3 73 jungle object` act3 185
3 74 jungle object` act3 186
3 75 jungle object` act3 187
3 76 jungle object` act3 188
3 77 mafistolair 203
3 78 box 204
3 79 altar 205
3 80 basket 1 208
3 81 basket 2 209
3 82 log 169
3 83 waypoint act2 sewer 323
3 84 waypoint act3 travincal 324
3 85 test data floortrap 196
3 86 bubbles in act3 water 212
3 87 hobject1 225
3 88 sewers 244
3 89 helllightsource1 351
3 90 helllightsource1 352
3 91 helllightsource1 353
3 92 dungeon 360
3 93 magic shrine, act 3,dundeon 361
3 94 dungeon 362
3 95 casket for Act 3 dungeon 365
3 96 gidbinn altar 251
3 97 gidbinn decoy 252
3 98 basket 1 208
3 99 brazier_celler, act 2 283
3 100 lever for act 3 sewer quest 367
3 101 stairs for act 3 sewer quest 366
3 102 start position 368
3 103 mephisto bridge 341
3 104 hellgate 342
3 105 manawell, act 3, kurast 343
3 106 healthwell, act 3, kurast 344
3 107 fog act 3 water rfga 374
3 108 torch for act3 town 370
3 109 hratli start 378
3 110 hratli end 379
3 111 stairsr 386
3 112 sparklychest 397
3 113 khalim chest 405
3 114 khalim chest 407
3 115 khalim chest 406
3 116 0 0
3 117 0 0
3 118 0 0
3 119 0 0
3 120 0 0
3 121 0 0
3 122 0 0
3 123 0 0
3 124 0 0
3 125 0 0
3 126 0 0
3 127 0 0
3 128 0 0
3 129 0 0
3 130 0 0
3 131 0 0
3 132 0 0
3 133 0 0
3 134 0 0
3 135 0 0
3 136 0 0
3 137 0 0
3 138 0 0
3 139 0 0
3 140 0 0
3 141 0 0
3 142 0 0
3 143 0 0
3 144 0 0
3 145 0 0
3 146 0 0
3 147 0 0
3 148 0 0
3 149 0 0
4 0 waypointh 238
4 1 0 580
4 2 bank 267
4 3 gold placeholder 269
4 4 0 581
4 5 0 573
4 6 0 573
4 7 0 573
4 8 hellfire1 345
4 9 hellfire2 346
4 10 hellfire3 347
4 11 helllava1 348
4 12 helllava2 349
4 13 helllava3 350
4 14 helllightsource1 351
4 15 helllightsource1 352
4 16 helllightsource1 353
4 17 hell brazier 358
4 18 hell brazier 359
4 19 outerhell skeleton 363
4 20 skeleton spawn for hell facing nw 259
4 21 skeleton spawn for hell facing ne 373
4 22 innerhellbonepile 372
4 23 fog act 3 water rfga 374
4 24 health wellforhell 236
4 25 mana wellforhell 249
4 26 outershrinehell 226
4 27 outershrinehell2 231
4 28 outershrinehell3 232
4 29 mana shrineforinnerhell 93
4 30 innershrinehell 97
4 31 innershrinehell2 123
4 32 innershrinehell3 124
4 33 health shrineforinnerhell 96
4 34 hobject1 225
4 35 hobject2 233
4 36 hobject1 222
4 37 ihobject3 inner hell 125
4 38 skullpile inner hell 126
4 39 ihobject5 inner hell 127
4 40 hobject4 inner hell 128
4 41 Not used 375
4 42 Forge hell 376
4 43 diablo left light 254
4 44 diablo right light 253
4 45 hellgate 342
4 46 diablo start point 255
4 47 Diablo seal 392
4 48 Diablo seal 393
4 49 Diablo seal 394
4 50 Diablo seal 395
4 51 Diablo seal 396
4 52 waypoint pandamonia fortress 398
4 53 sparklychest 397
4 54 fissure for act 4 inner hell 399
4 55 smoke 401
4 56 brazier for act 4, hell mesa 400
4 57 Burning guy for outer hell 380
4 58 guy stuck in hell 383
4 59 guy stuck in hell 384
4 60 wall torch left for tombs 296
4 61 wall torch right for tombs 297
4 62 hell brazier 403
4 63 Floor brazier 102
4 64 fortress brazier #1 408
4 65 fortress brazier #2 409
4 66 0 0
4 67 0 0
4 68 0 0
4 69 0 0
4 70 0 0
4 71 0 0
4 72 0 0
4 73 0 0
4 74 0 0
4 75 0 0
4 76 0 0
4 77 0 0
4 78 0 0
4 79 0 0
4 80 0 0
4 81 0 0
4 82 0 0
4 83 0 0
4 84 0 0
4 85 0 0
4 86 0 0
4 87 0 0
4 88 0 0
4 89 0 0
4 90 0 0
4 91 0 0
4 92 0 0
4 93 0 0
4 94 0 0
4 95 0 0
4 96 0 0
4 97 0 0
4 98 0 0
4 99 0 0
4 100 0 0
4 101 0 0
4 102 0 0
4 103 0 0
4 104 0 0
4 105 0 0
4 106 0 0
4 107 0 0
4 108 0 0
4 109 0 0
4 110 0 0
4 111 0 0
4 112 0 0
4 113 0 0
4 114 0 0
4 115 0 0
4 116 0 0
4 117 0 0
4 118 0 0
4 119 0 0
4 120 0 0
4 121 0 0
4 122 0 0
4 123 0 0
4 124 0 0
4 125 0 0
4 126 0 0
4 127 0 0
4 128 0 0
4 129 0 0
4 130 0 0
4 131 0 0
4 132 0 0
4 133 0 0
4 134 0 0
4 135 0 0
4 136 0 0
4 137 0 0
4 138 0 0
4 139 0 0
4 140 0 0
4 141 0 0
4 142 0 0
4 143 0 0
4 144 0 0
4 145 0 0
4 146 0 0
4 147 0 0
4 148 0 0
4 149 0 0
5 0 banner 1 452
5 1 banner 2 453
5 2 Guild Vault 338
5 3 Steeg Stone 337
5 4 bank 267
5 5 fog act 3 water rfga 374
5 6 ttor 482
5 7 fire 39
5 8 Standard1 35
5 9 Standard2 36
5 10 Candles1 33
5 11 Candles2 34
5 12 Torch2 Wall 38
5 13 Floor brazier 102
5 14 ptox 411
5 15 burningbodies 438
5 16 pyox 412
5 17 ecfra 435
5 18 ettr 436
5 19 tribal flag 440
5 20 eflg 441
5 21 eflg 441
5 22 chan 442
5 23 Waypoint 429
5 24 woodchestL 420
5 25 woodchestR 431
5 26 ChestL 430
5 27 chestR 413
5 28 ChestSL 432
5 29 ChestSR 433
5 30 barrel wilderness 418
5 31 barrel wilderness 419
5 32 burialchestL 424
5 33 burialchestR 425
5 34 hiddenstash 416
5 35 Shrine3wilderness 414
5 36 Shrine2wilderness 415
5 37 Shrine2wilderness 427
5 38 Shrine2wilderness 428
5 39 Shrine3wilderness 421
5 40 manashrine 422
5 41 healthshrine 423
5 42 well 426
5 43 hellgate 451
5 44 bank 267
5 45 jar1 443
5 46 jar2 444
5 47 jar3 445
5 48 swingingheads 446
5 49 pole 447
5 50 animated skulland rockpile 448
5 51 pileofskullsandrocks 450
5 52 hellgate 451
5 53 Drehya Start In Town 459
5 54 Drehya Start Outside Town 460
5 55 Nihlathak Start In Town 461
5 56 Nihlathak Start Outside Town 462
5 57 ttor 482
5 58 cagedwussie1 473
5 59 chest 455
5 60 deathpole 456
5 61 Ldeathpole 457
5 62 Altar 458
5 63 hidden stash 463
5 64 healthshrine 464
5 65 manashrine 465
5 66 evilurn 466
5 67 icecavejar1 467
5 68 icecavejar2 468
5 69 icecavejar3 469
5 70 icecavejar4 470
5 71 icecavejar4 471
5 72 icecaveshrine2 472
5 73 deadbarbarian 477
5 74 icecaveshrine2 479
5 75 icecave_torch1 480
5 76 icecave_torch2 481
5 77 manashrine 483
5 78 healthshrine 484
5 79 tomb1 485
5 80 tomb2 486
5 81 tomb3 487
5 82 explodingchest 454
5 83 etorch2 437
5 84 pene 508
5 85 magic shrine 488
5 86 well 493
5 87 well 493
5 88 magic shrine 495
5 89 magic shrine 497
5 90 magic shrine2 499
5 91 magic shrine 503
5 92 magic shrine 509
5 93 magic shrine 512
5 94 torch1 489
5 95 torch2 490
5 96 torch1 514
5 97 torch1 515
5 98 well 493
5 99 well 498
5 100 well 513
5 101 Waypoint 494
5 102 Waypoint 496
5 103 Waypoint 511
5 104 object1 500
5 105 woodchestL 501
5 106 woodchestR 502
5 107 woodchest2L 504
5 108 woodchest2R 505
5 109 swingingheads 506
5 110 debris 507
5 111 mrpole 510
5 112 fire 160
5 113 fire 161
5 114 fire 162
5 115 gold placeholder 269
5 116 red light 523
5 117 etorch1 434
5 118 Waypoint 496
5 119 Waypoint 496
5 120 Waypoint 496
5 121 ubub 527
5 122 sbub 528
5 123 candles 538
5 124 Waypoint 539
5 125 Larzuk Greeting 542
5 126 Larzuk Standard 543
5 127 ancientsaltar 546
5 128 To The Worldstone Keep Level 1 547
5 129 eweaponrackR 548
5 130 eweaponrackL 549
5 131 earmorstandR 550
5 132 earmorstandL 551
5 133 torch2 552
5 134 stma 555
5 135 funeralpire 553
5 136 burninglogs 554
5 137 Baal's lair 557
5 138 groundtomb 541
5 139 groundtombL 544
5 140 BBQB 559
5 141 btor 560
5 142 Glacial Caves Level 1 564
5 143 Zoo 567
5 144 Keeper 568
5 145 torch1 536
5 146 torch2 537
5 147 The Worldstone Chamber 563
5 148 door blocker 570
5 149 chest 397