Collin Smith 76643ef2a9 Changed SpellsPanel to support event-based updating
SpellsPanel is now a CharData.SkillListener and is event based
SpellsPanel no longer statically generates it's data when created
Created SpellsPanel.SpellButton impl which wraps each class-specific spell
SpellsPanel.SpellButton has an update method to be called whenever the wrapped spell changes
Label for spell button level moved to child of button and relative to button location
Added Label(LabelStyle) constructor for labels that are defaulted to empty
2020-07-03 15:40:04 -07:00
gen/com/riiablo/net/packet Created experimental Netty impl of a TCP D2GS server 2020-06-27 00:30:15 -07:00
src/com/riiablo Changed SpellsPanel to support event-based updating 2020-07-03 15:40:04 -07:00
build.gradle Removed eclipse stuff from gradle (was giving warnings and completely unused) 2019-06-24 03:25:43 -07:00