#!/bin/bash ## Copyright (C) 2022 - 2022 ENCRYPTED SUPPORT LP <adrelanos@whonix.org> ## See the file COPYING for copying conditions. if ! command -v "/usr/sbin/faillock" &>/dev/null; then true "$0: ERROR: The faillock program is unavailable, exiting." exit 2 fi who_ami="$(whoami)" if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then faillock_program="/usr/sbin/faillock" else ## as user "user" ## /usr/sbin/faillock -u user ## faillock: Error opening /var/log/tallylog for update: Permission denied ## /usr/sbin/faillock: Authentication error ## ## xscreensaver runs as user "user", therefore pam_faillock cannot function. ## xscreensaver has its own failed login counter. ## ## https://askubuntu.com/questions/983183/how-lock-the-unlock-screen-after-wrong-password-attempts ## ## https://www.whonix.org/pipermail/whonix-devel/2019-September/001439.html #true "$0: not started as root, exiting." #exit 0 faillock_program="sudo --non-interactive /usr/sbin/faillock" fi $faillock_program --user "$who_ami" exit $?