#!/bin/bash #NB: due to time constraint, only the DNS and WebServer analogs # have code ported from the Unikernel application. # Additionally the container ports are bound to the host's # IP address for benchmarking. SRC_DIR=$HOME/unikernels CONTAINERS=$SRC_DIR/SOURCE/CONTAINER # exposes the interface with internet connectivity for benchmarking # if your benchmarking device is on another network, adjust accordingly IP=$(ip -4 route get | awk {'print $7'} | tr -d '\n') DNS_PORT=53 WEB_PORT=80 # build Docker containers # 1 - compiler docker pushd $CONTAINERS && docker build -t cetic/compiler . && popd && # 2 - individual dockers pushd $CONTAINERS/DNS && docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":/usr/src/build -w /usr/src/build cetic/compiler g++ -std=c++11 -static -o runnableService *.cpp && docker build -t cetic/dns . && popd && pushd $CONTAINERS/WebServer && docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":/usr/src/build -w /usr/src/build cetic/compiler g++ -std=c++11 -static -o runnableService *.cpp && docker build -t cetic/webserver . && popd && # launch docker containers docker run --rm --cpuset-cpus 1 -m 128m -d -p $IP:$DNS_PORT:$DNS_PORT/udp --name DNS cetic/dns docker run --rm --cpuset-cpus 1 -m 128m -d -p $IP:$WEB_PORT:$WEB_PORT --name WebServer cetic/webserver echo "#############################################################################" echo "### ###" echo "### Containers successfully launched. ###" echo "### Web server accessible on port $WEB_PORT. ###" echo "### DNS server accessible on port $DNS_PORT. ###" echo "### ###" echo "#############################################################################"