We could almost dedicate a whole section of 7 days to bash scripting much like the programming languages, bash gives us the capability of working alongside other automation tools to get things done.
I still speak to a lot of people where they have set up some complex shell scripts to make something happen and they rely on this script for some of the most important things in the business, I am not saying we need to understand shell/bash scripting for this purpose, this is not the way. But we should learn shell/bash scripting to work alongside our automation tools and for ad-hoc tasks.
An example of this that we have used in this section could be the VAGRANTFILE we used to create our VM, we could wrap this into a simple bash script that deleted and renewed this every Monday morning so that we have a fresh copy of our Linux VM every week, we could also add all the software stack that we need on said Linux machine and so on all through this one bash script.
As with a lot of things we are covering in this whole 90 days, the only real way to learn is through doing. Hands-on experience is going to help soak all of this into your muscle memory.
First of all, we are going to need a text editor. On [Day 17](Day17.md) we covered probably the two most common text editors and a little on how to use them.
You should however check this in the terminal by running `which bash` if you are not using Ubuntu then you might also try `whereis bash` from the terminal.
In the next line in our script, I like to add a comment and add the purpose of the script or at least some information about me. You can do this by using the `#` This allows us to comment out particular lines in our code and provide descriptions for what the upcoming commands will be doing. I find the more notes the better for the user experience especially if you are sharing this.
You can then save this and exit your text editor, if we run our script with `./90DaysOfDevOps.sh` you should get a permission denied message. You can check the permissions of this file using the `ls -al` command and you can see highlighted we do not have executable rights on this file.
Now we can run our script again using `./90DaysOfDevOps.sh` after running the script has now created a new directory, changed into that directory and then created a new file.
Pretty basic stuff but you can start to see hopefully how this could be used to call on other tools as part of ways to make your life easier and automate things.
Maybe we want to find out who we have on our challenge and how many days they have completed, we can define this using `if``if-else``else-if` conditionals, this is what we have defined below in our script.
echo "How Many Days of the $ChallengeName challenge have you completed?"
read DaysCompleted
if [ $DaysCompleted -eq 90 ]
echo "You have finished, well done"
elif [ $DaysCompleted -lt 90 ]
echo "Keep going you are doing great"
echo "You have entered the wrong amount of days"
You can also see from the above that we are running some comparisons or checking values against each other to move on to the next stage. We have different options here worth noting.
-`eq` - if the two values are equal will return TRUE
-`ne` - if the two values are not equal will return TRUE
-`gt` - if the first value is greater than the second value will return TRUE
-`ge` - if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value will return TRUE
-`lt` - if the first value is less than the second value will return TRUE
-`le` - if the first value is less than or equal to the second value will return TRUE
Providing we have that file still in our directory we should get the first echo command back. But if we remove that file then we should get the second echo command.
You can hopefully see how this can be used to save you time when searching through a system for specific items.
I found this amazing repository on GitHub that has what seems to be an endless amount of scripts [DevOps Bash Tools](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools/blob/master/README.md)
Think about any repeatable tasks that you do every day or week or month and how could you better automate that, first option is likely going to be using a bash script before moving into more complex territory.
I don't feel like I have maybe shown the power of bash scripting here in particular from a DevOps point of view so I am going to be looking for examples that will allow us to better create a script that does something or automates something for us.