Specifically, IntelliJ IDEA. Download the (free) Community Edition of it [here](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/). Some people use other tools, like VS Code, but I would personally not recommend them for Java development.
Do not submit something without at least running the game to see if it compiles.
If you are submitting a new block, make sure it has a name and description, and that it works correctly in-game. If you are changing existing block mechanics, test them out first.
If you are interested in adding a large mechanic/feature or changing large amounts of code, first contact me (Anuken) via [Discord](https://discord.gg/mindustry) (preferred method) or via e-mail (*anukendev@gmail.com*).
For most changes, this should not be necessary. I just want to know if you're doing something big so I can offer advice and/or make sure you're not wasting your time on it.
### Do not include packed sprites in your pull request.
When making a pull request that changes or adds new sprites, do not add the modified atlas &`spritesX.png` files to your final pull request. These are a frequent source of conflicts.
-`camelCase`, **even for constants or enums**. Why? Because `SCREAMING_CASE` is ugly, annoying to type and does not achieve anything useful. Constants are *less* dangerous than variables, not more. Any reasonable IDE should highlight them for you anyway.
- No underscores for anything. (Yes, I know `Bindings` violates this principle, but that's for legacy reasons and really should be cleaned up some day)
- Do not use braceless `if/else` statements. `if(x) statement else statement2` should **never** be done. In very specific situations, having braceless if-statements on one line is allowed: `if(cond) return;` would be valid.
- Use wildcard imports - `import some.package.*` - for everything. This makes incorrect class usage more obvious (*e.g. arc.util.Timer vs java.util.Timer*) and leads to cleaner-looking code.
Android and RoboVM (iOS) do not support many of Java 8's features, such as the packages `java.util.function`, `java.util.stream` or `forEach` in collections. Do not use these in your code.
`java.awt` is one of these packages: do not use it, ever. It is not supported on any platform, even desktop - the entire package is removed during JRE minimization.
In general, if you are using IntelliJ, you should be warned about platform incompatiblities.
Instead of using `java.util.List`, `java.util.HashMap`, and other standard Java collections, use `Seq`, `ObjectMap` and other equivalents from `arc.struct`.
Never create variables or collections with boxed types `Seq<Integer>` or `ObjectMap<Integer, ...>`. Use the collections specialized for this task, e.g. `IntSeq` and `IntMap`.
This is situational, but in essence what it means is to avoid using any sort of getters and setters unless absolutely necessary. Public or protected fields should suffice for most things.
If something needs to be encapsulated in the future, IntelliJ can handle it with a few clicks.
Unless a block of code is very large or used in more than 1-2 places, don't split it up into a separate method. Making unnecessary methods only creates confusion, and may slightly decrease performance.
If you would like your name to appear in the game's credits, add it to the [list of contributors](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/blob/master/core/assets/contributors) as part of your PR.