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synced 2025-02-11 11:17:11 +07:00
Update swedish translation (#853)
* add new strings from bundle.properties * Use the correct locale code for swedish * update translations * update swedish translations * make sure translation keys are up to date, update swedish translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,91 +1,134 @@
credits.text = Skapad av [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[]
credits = Credits
contributors = Translators and Contributors
discord = Join the Mindustry Discord!
link.discord.description = The official Mindustry Discord chatroom
link.github.description = Game source code
link.changelog.description = List of update changes
contributors = Översättare och bidragsgivare
discord = Gå med Mindustry:s Discord server!
link.discord.description = Officiella chattrummet för Mindustry
link.github.description = Spelets källkod
link.changelog.description = Lista av uppdateringar
link.dev-builds.description = Unstable development builds
link.trello.description = Official Trello board for planned features
link.itch.io.description = itch.io page with PC downloads
link.google-play.description = Google Play store listing
link.wiki.description = Official Mindustry wiki
linkfail = Failed to open link!\nThe URL has been copied to your clipboard.
screenshot = Screenshot saved to {0}
screenshot.invalid = Map too large, potentially not enough memory for screenshot.
link.trello.description = Officiell Trello tavla för plannerade funktioner
link.itch.io.description = itch.io sida med nedladdningar
link.google-play.description = Mindustry på Google Play
link.wiki.description = Officiell wiki-sida för Mindustry
linkfail = Kunde inte öppna länken!\nURL:en har kopierats till ditt urklipp.
screenshot = Skärmdump har sparats till {0}
screenshot.invalid = Karta för stor, potentiellt inte tillräckligt minne för .
gameover = Game Over
gameover.pvp = The[accent] {0}[] team is victorious!
highscore = [accent]Nytt rekord!
load.sound = Sounds
load.map = Maps
load.image = Images
load.content = Content
copied = Kopierad.
load.sound = Ljud
load.map = Kartor
load.image = Bilder
load.content = Innehåll
load.system = System
stat.wave = Waves Defeated:[accent] {0}
stat.enemiesDestroyed = Enemies Destroyed:[accent] {0}
load.mod = Mods
schematic = Schematic
schematic.add = Save Schematic...
schematics = Schematics
schematic.import = Import Schematic...
schematic.exportfile = Export File
schematic.importfile = Import File
schematic.browseworkshop = Browse Workshop
schematic.copy = Copy to Clipboard
schematic.copy.import = Import from Clipboard
schematic.shareworkshop = Share on Workshop
schematic.flip = [accent][[{0}][]/[accent][[{1}][]: Flip Schematic
schematic.saved = Schematic saved.
schematic.delete.confirm = This schematic will be utterly eradicated.
schematic.rename = Rename Schematic
schematic.info = {0}x{1}, {2} blocks
stat.wave = Besegrade vågor:[accent] {0}
stat.enemiesDestroyed = Besegrade fiender:[accent] {0}
stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
launcheditems = [accent]Launched Items
launchinfo = [unlaunched][[LAUNCH] your core to obtain the items indicated in blue.
map.delete = Are you sure you want to delete the map "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = High Score: [accent]{0}
level.select = Level Select
level.select = Nivåval
level.mode = Spelläge:
showagain = Visa inte igen nästa session
coreattack = < Kärnan är under attack! >
nearpoint = [[ [scarlet]LÄMNA SLÄPPZONEN OMEDELBART[] ]\ndu dör snart
database = Core Database
nearpoint = [[ [scarlet]LÄMNA DROPPZONEN OMEDELBART[] ]\ndu dör snart
database = Kärndatabas
savegame = Spara Spel
loadgame = Importera Spel
joingame = Join Game
addplayers = Add/Remove Players
joingame = Gå med spel
addplayers = Lägg till/Ta bort spelare
customgame = Anpassat Spel
newgame = Nytt Spel
none = <ingen>
minimap = Minikarta
close = Stäng
website = Website
quit = Avsulta
save.quit = Save & Quit
website = Webbsida
quit = Avsluta
save.quit = Spara & lämna
maps = Kartor
maps.browse = Browse Maps
maps.browse = Bläddra bland kartor
continue = Fortsätt
maps.none = [lightgray]No maps found!
invalid = Invalid
preparingconfig = Preparing Config
preparingcontent = Preparing Content
uploadingcontent = Uploading Content
uploadingpreviewfile = Uploading Preview File
maps.none = [lightgray]Inga kartor hittade!
invalid = Ogiltig
preparingconfig = Förbereder konfiguration
preparingcontent = Förbereder innehåll
uploadingcontent = Laddar upp innehåll
uploadingpreviewfile = Laddar upp förhandsgranskningsfil
committingchanges = Comitting Changes
done = Done
done = Klar
mods.alphainfo = Keep in mind that mods are in alpha, and[scarlet] may be very buggy[].\nReport any issues you find to the Mindustry Github or Discord.
mods.alpha = [accent](Alpha)
mods = Mods
mods.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]No mods found!
mods.guide = Modding Guide
mods.report = Report Bug
mod.enabled = [lightgray]Enabled
mod.disabled = [scarlet]Disabled
mod.disable = Disable
mod.enable = Enable
mod.requiresrestart = The game will now close to apply the mod changes.
mod.reloadrequired = [scarlet]Reload Required
mod.import = Import Mod
mod.import.github = Import Github Mod
mod.remove.confirm = This mod will be deleted.
mod.author = [LIGHT_GRAY]Author:[] {0}
mod.missing = This save contains mods that you have recently updated or no longer have installed. Save corruption may occur. Are you sure you want to load it?\n[lightgray]Mods:\n{0}
mod.preview.missing = Before publishing this mod in the workshop, you must add an image preview.\nPlace an image named[accent] preview.png[] into the mod's folder and try again.
mod.folder.missing = Only mods in folder form can be published on the workshop.\nTo convert any mod into a folder, simply unzip its file into a folder and delete the old zip, then restart your game or reload your mods.
about.button = Om
name = Namn:
noname = Välj ett[accent] namn[] först.
filename = Filnamn:
unlocked = New content unlocked!
unlocked = Nytt innehåll upplåst!
completed = [accent]Avklarad
techtree = Tech Tree
research.list = [lightgray]Research:
research = Research
researched = [lightgray]{0} researched.
techtree = Teknologiträd
research.list = [lightgray]Forskning:
research = Forskning
researched = [lightgray]{0} framforskat.
players = {0} spelare online
players.single = {0} spelare online
server.closing = [accent]Stänger server...
server.kicked.kick = You have been kicked from the server!
server.kicked.whitelist = You are not whitelisted here.
server.kicked.kick = Du har blivit kickad från servern!
server.kicked.whitelist = Du är inte vitlistad här.
server.kicked.serverClose = Server stängd.
server.kicked.vote = You have been vote-kicked. Goodbye.
server.kicked.clientOutdated = Outdated client! Uppdatera ditt spel!
server.kicked.serverOutdated = Outdated server! Ask the host to update!
server.kicked.vote = Du har blivit utröstad. Hejdå.
server.kicked.clientOutdated = Utdaterad klient! Uppdatera ditt spel!
server.kicked.serverOutdated = Utdaterad server! Be värden att uppdatera!
server.kicked.banned = Du är bannad från servern.
server.kicked.typeMismatch = This server is not compatible with your build type.
server.kicked.playerLimit = This server is full. Wait for an empty slot.
server.kicked.recentKick = You have been kicked recently.\nWait before connecting again.
server.kicked.playerLimit = Den här servern är full. Var god vänta på en öppning.
server.kicked.recentKick = Du har blivit kickad nyligen.\nVänta innan du kopplar igen.
server.kicked.nameInUse = Någon med det namnet finns redan\npå servern.
server.kicked.nameEmpty = Ditt namn är ogiltigt.
server.kicked.idInUse = You are already on this server! Connecting with two accounts is not permitted.
server.kicked.idInUse = Du är redan på den här servern! Det är inte tillåtet att koppla med två konton.
server.kicked.customClient = This server does not support custom builds. Ladda ned en officiell verision.
server.kicked.gameover = Game over!
server.versions = Your version:[accent] {0}[]\nServer version:[accent] {1}[]
@ -103,7 +146,7 @@ server.refreshing = Refreshing server
hosts.none = [lightgray]No local games found!
host.invalid = [scarlet]Can't connect to host.
trace = Trace Player
trace.playername = Player name: [accent]{0}
trace.playername = Spelarnamn: [accent]{0}
trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0}
trace.id = Unique ID: [accent]{0}
trace.mobile = Mobile Client: [accent]{0}
@ -128,9 +171,9 @@ confirmadmin = Are you sure you want to make this player an admin?
confirmunadmin = Are you sure you want to remove admin status from this player?
joingame.title = Join Game
joingame.ip = Adress:
disconnect = Disconnected.
disconnect.error = Connection error.
disconnect.closed = Connection closed.
disconnect = Frånkopplad.
disconnect.error = Kopplingsfel.
disconnect.closed = Koppling stängd.
disconnect.timeout = Timed out.
disconnect.data = Failed to load world data!
cantconnect = Unable to join game ([accent]{0}[]).
@ -140,14 +183,13 @@ server.port = Port:
server.addressinuse = Address already in use!
server.invalidport = Ogiltigt portnummer!
server.error = [crimson]Error hosting server: [accent]{0}
save.old = This save is for an older version of the game, and can no longer be used.\n\n[lightgray]Save backwards compatibility will be implemented in the full 4.0 release.
save.new = New Save
save.new = Ny sparfil
save.overwrite = Are you sure you want to overwrite\nthis save slot?
overwrite = Skriv över
save.none = No saves found!
save.none = Inga sparfiler hittade!
saveload = [accent]Sparar...
savefail = Failed to save game!
save.delete.confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this save?
savefail = Kunde inte spara spelet!
save.delete.confirm = Är du säker att du vill radera den här sparfilen?
save.delete = Radera
save.export = Exportera
save.import.invalid = [accent]This save is invalid!
@ -157,9 +199,9 @@ save.import = Importera
save.newslot = Namn:
save.rename = Byt namn
save.rename.text = Nytt namn:
selectslot = Select a save.
selectslot = Välj sparfil.
slot = [accent]Slot {0}
editmessage = Edit Message
editmessage = Redigera meddelande
save.corrupted = [accent]Save file corrupted or invalid!\nIf you have just updated your game, this is probably a change in the save format and [scarlet]not[] a bug.
empty = <tom>
on = På
@ -174,6 +216,7 @@ warning = Varning.
confirm = Confirm
delete = Radera
view.workshop = View In Workshop
workshop.listing = Edit Workshop Listing
ok = OK
open = Öppna
customize = Customize Rules
@ -181,9 +224,9 @@ cancel = Avbryt
openlink = Öppna Länk
copylink = Kopiera Länk
back = Tillbaka
data.export = Export Data
data.import = Import Data
data.exported = Data exported.
data.export = Exportera data
data.import = Importera data
data.exported = Data exporterad.
data.invalid = This isn't valid game data.
data.import.confirm = Importing external data will erase[scarlet] all[] your current game data.\n[accent]This cannot be undone![]\n\nOnce the data is imported, your game will exit immediately.
classic.export = Exportera Classic-Data
@ -191,16 +234,21 @@ classic.export.text = Sparad data från Classic (v3.5 build 40) har hittats. Vil
quit.confirm = Är du säker på att du vill avsluta?
quit.confirm.tutorial = Are you sure you know what you're doing?\nThe tutorial can be re-taken in[accent] Settings->Game->Re-Take Tutorial.[]
loading = [accent]Läser in...
reloading = [accent]Reloading Mods...
saving = [accent]Sparar...
cancelbuilding = [accent][[{0}][] to clear plan
selectschematic = [accent][[{0}][] to select+copy
pausebuilding = [accent][[{0}][] to pause building
resumebuilding = [scarlet][[{0}][] to resume building
wave = [accent]Våg {0}
wave.waiting = [lightgray]Våg om {0}
wave.waveInProgress = [lightgray]Våg pågår
wave.waveInProgress = [lightgray]Wave in progress
waiting = [lightgray]Väntar...
waiting.players = Väntar på spelare...
wave.enemies = [lightgray]{0} Fiender Återstår
wave.enemy = [lightgray]{0} Fiende Återstår
loadimage = Load Image
saveimage = Save Image
wave.enemies = [lightgray]{0} Fiender kvarvarande
wave.enemy = [lightgray]{0} Fiende kvar
loadimage = Ladda bild
saveimage = Spara bild
unknown = Okänd
custom = Anpassad
builtin = Inbyggd
@ -211,7 +259,10 @@ map.nospawn.pvp = This map does not have any enemy cores for player to spawn int
map.nospawn.attack = This map does not have any enemy cores for player to attack! Add[SCARLET] red[] cores to this map in the editor.
map.invalid = Error loading map: corrupted or invalid map file.
map.publish.error = Error publishing map: {0}
workshop.error = Error fetching workshop details: {0}
map.publish.confirm = Are you sure you want to publish this map?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your maps will not show up!
map.menu = Select what you would like to do with this map.
changelog = Changelog (optional):
eula = Steam EULA
map.publish = Map published.
map.publishing = [accent]Publishing map...
@ -219,6 +270,9 @@ editor.brush = Pensel
editor.openin = Öppna I Redigeraren
editor.oregen = Malmgenerering
editor.oregen.info = Malmgenerering:
editor.openin = Open In Editor
editor.oregen = Ore Generation
editor.oregen.info = Ore Generation:
editor.mapinfo = Map Info
editor.author = Skapare:
editor.description = Beskrivning:
@ -291,6 +345,7 @@ editor.overwrite = [accent]Warning!\nThis overwrites an existing map.
editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]Warning![] A map with this name already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?
editor.exists = A map with this name already exists.
editor.selectmap = Select a map to load:
toolmode.replace = Byt ut
toolmode.replace.description = Draws only on solid blocks.
toolmode.replaceall = Byt ut alla
@ -305,6 +360,7 @@ toolmode.fillteams = Fyll Lag
toolmode.fillteams.description = Fill teams instead of blocks.
toolmode.drawteams = Rita Lag
toolmode.drawteams.description = Draw teams instead of blocks.
filters.empty = [lightgray]No filters! Add one with the button below.
filter.distort = Distort
filter.noise = Brus
@ -336,6 +392,7 @@ filter.option.floor2 = Secondary Floor
filter.option.threshold2 = Secondary Threshold
filter.option.radius = Radie
filter.option.percentile = Percentile
width = Bredd:
height = Höjd:
menu = Meny
@ -344,7 +401,6 @@ campaign = Campaign
load = Load
save = Spara
fps = FPS: {0}
tps = TPS: {0}
ping = Ping: {0}ms
language.restart = Starta om spelet för att språkinställningarna ska ta effekt.
settings = Inställningar
@ -360,6 +416,9 @@ complete = [lightgray]Nå:
zone.requirement = Våg {0} i zon {1}
resume = Fortsätt Zon:\n[lightgray]{0}
bestwave = [lightgray]Bästa Våg: {0}
requirement.unlock = Unlock {0}
resume = Resume Zone:\n[lightgray]{0}
bestwave = [lightgray]Best Wave: {0}
launch = < LAUNCH >
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [lightgray]next opportunity at wave {0}
@ -369,6 +428,8 @@ launch.skip.confirm = If you skip now, you will not be able to launch until late
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [lightgray]Unlock configuring loadout: Wave {0}.
addall = Add All
configure.locked = [lightgray]Unlock configuring loadout: {0}.
configure.invalid = Amount must be a number between 0 and {0}.
zone.unlocked = [lightgray]{0} unlocked.
zone.requirement.complete = Wave {0} reached:\n{1} zone requirements met.
@ -379,6 +440,7 @@ zone.objective.survival = Survive
zone.objective.attack = Destroy Enemy Core
add = Lägg till...
boss.health = Boss Health
connectfail = [crimson]Connection error:\n\n[accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server unreachable.\nIs the address spelled correctly?
error.invalidaddress = Ogiltig adress.
@ -389,6 +451,7 @@ error.mapnotfound = Map file not found!
error.io = Network I/O error.
error.any = Okänt nätverksfel.
error.bloom = Failed to initialize bloom.\nYour device may not support it.
zone.groundZero.name = Ground Zero
zone.desertWastes.name = Desert Wastes
zone.craters.name = Kratrar
@ -403,6 +466,7 @@ zone.saltFlats.name = Salt Flats
zone.impact0078.name = Impact 0078
zone.crags.name = Crags
zone.fungalPass.name = Fungal Pass
zone.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
zone.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The fridgid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
zone.desertWastes.description = These wastes are vast, unpredictable, and criss-crossed with derelict sector structures.\nCoal is present in the region. Burn it for power, or synthesize graphite.\n\n[lightgray]This landing location cannot be guaranteed.
@ -417,6 +481,7 @@ zone.nuclearComplex.description = A former facility for the production and proce
zone.fungalPass.description = A transition area between high mountains and lower, spore-ridden lands. A small enemy reconnaissance base is located here.\nDestroy it.\nUse Dagger and Crawler units. Take out the two cores.
zone.impact0078.description = <insert description here>
zone.crags.description = <insert description here>
settings.language = Språk
settings.data = Game Data
settings.reset = Återställ till Standardvärden
@ -436,7 +501,6 @@ no = Nej
info.title = Info
error.title = [crimson]An error has occured
error.crashtitle = An error has occured
attackpvponly = [scarlet]Only available in Attack/PvP modes
blocks.input = Inmatning
blocks.output = Utmatning
blocks.booster = Booster
@ -471,6 +535,7 @@ blocks.inaccuracy = Inaccuracy
blocks.shots = Skott
blocks.reload = Shots/Second
blocks.ammo = Ammunition
bar.drilltierreq = Bättre Borr Krävs
bar.drillspeed = Drill Speed: {0}/s
bar.efficiency = Effektivitet: {0}%
@ -485,6 +550,7 @@ bar.heat = Hetta
bar.power = Power
bar.progress = Build Progress
bar.spawned = Units: {0}/{1}
bullet.damage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] skada
bullet.splashdamage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] area dmg ~[stat] {1}[lightgray] tiles
bullet.incendiary = [stat]incendiary
@ -496,6 +562,7 @@ bullet.freezing = [stat]freezing
bullet.tarred = [stat]tarred
bullet.multiplier = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x ammo multiplier
bullet.reload = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x fire rate
unit.blocks = block
unit.powersecond = power units/second
unit.liquidsecond = liquid units/second
@ -518,6 +585,7 @@ category.optional = Optional Enhancements
setting.landscape.name = Lock Landscape
setting.shadows.name = Skuggor
setting.linear.name = Linear Filtering
setting.hints.name = Hints
setting.animatedwater.name = Animerat Vatten
setting.animatedshields.name = Animerade Sköldar
setting.antialias.name = Antialias[lightgray] (requires restart)[]
@ -547,6 +615,7 @@ setting.fps.name = Show FPS
setting.vsync.name = VSync
setting.pixelate.name = Pixellera[lightgray] (disables animations)
setting.minimap.name = Visa Minikarta
setting.position.name = Show Player Position
setting.musicvol.name = Musikvolym
setting.ambientvol.name = Ambient Volume
setting.mutemusic.name = Stäng Av Musik
@ -557,7 +626,9 @@ setting.savecreate.name = Auto-Create Saves
setting.publichost.name = Public Game Visibility
setting.chatopacity.name = Chattgenomskinlighet
setting.lasersopacity.name = Power Laser Opacity
setting.playerchat.name = Visa Chatt
setting.playerchat.name = Visa
public.confirm = Do you want to make your game public?\n[accent]Anyone will be able to join your games.\n[lightgray]This can be changed later in Settings->Game->Public Game Visibility.
public.beta = Note that beta versions of the game cannot make public lobbies.
uiscale.reset = UI-skalan har ändrats.\nTryck "OK" för att använda den här skalan.\n[scarlet]Avslutar och återställer om[accent] {0}[] sekunder...
uiscale.cancel = Avbryt och Avsluta
setting.bloom.name = Bloom
@ -571,11 +642,16 @@ command.rally = Rally
command.retreat = Retreat
keybind.gridMode.name = Block Select
keybind.gridModeShift.name = Category Select
keybind.clear_building.name = Clear Building
keybind.press = Press a key...
keybind.press.axis = Press an axis or key...
keybind.screenshot.name = Map Screenshot
keybind.move_x.name = Move x
keybind.move_y.name = Move y
keybind.schematic_select.name = Select Region
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Schematic Menu
keybind.schematic_flip_x.name = Flip Schematic X
keybind.schematic_flip_y.name = Flip Schematic Y
keybind.fullscreen.name = Toggle Fullscreen
keybind.select.name = Select/Shoot
keybind.diagonal_placement.name = Diagonal Placement
@ -587,12 +663,14 @@ keybind.zoom_hold.name = Zoom Hold
keybind.zoom.name = Zoom
keybind.menu.name = Menu
keybind.pause.name = Pause
keybind.pause_building.name = Pause/Resume Building
keybind.minimap.name = Minimap
keybind.dash.name = Dash
keybind.chat.name = Chat
keybind.player_list.name = Player list
keybind.console.name = Console
keybind.rotate.name = Rotate
keybind.rotateplaced.name = Rotate Existing (Hold)
keybind.toggle_menus.name = Toggle menus
keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Chat history prev
keybind.chat_history_next.name = Chat history next
@ -602,13 +680,15 @@ keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Zoom minimap
mode.help.title = Description of modes
mode.survival.name = Överlevnad
mode.survival.description = The normal mode. Limited resources and automatic incoming waves.\n[gray]Requires enemy spawns in the map to play.
mode.sandbox.name = Sandbox
mode.sandbox.name = Sandlåda
mode.sandbox.description = Infinite resources and no timer for waves.
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.editor.name = Redigerare
mode.pvp.name = Spelare mot spelare
mode.pvp.description = Fight against other players locally.\n[gray]Requires at least 2 differently-colored cores in the map to play.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.description = Destroy the enemy's base. No waves.\n[gray]Requires a red core in the map to play.
mode.custom = Custom Rules
rules.infiniteresources = Infinite Resources
rules.wavetimer = Vågtimer
rules.waves = Vågor
@ -635,6 +715,7 @@ rules.title.resourcesbuilding = Resources & Building
rules.title.player = Spelare
rules.title.enemy = Fiender
rules.title.unit = Units
content.item.name = Föremål
content.liquid.name = Vätskor
content.unit.name = Units
@ -696,6 +777,7 @@ mech.buildspeed = [lightgray]Building Speed: {0}%
liquid.heatcapacity = [lightgray]Heat Capacity: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [lightgray]Viskositet: {0}
liquid.temperature = [lightgray]Temperatur: {0}
block.sand-boulder.name = Sandbumling
block.grass.name = Gräs
block.salt.name = Salt
@ -780,7 +862,7 @@ block.door-large.name = Stor Dörr
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.scatter.name = Scatter
block.hail.name = Hail
block.hail.name = Hagel
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = Conveyor
block.titanium-conveyor.name = Titanium Conveyor
@ -790,14 +872,15 @@ block.junction.name = Korsning
block.router.name = Router
block.distributor.name = Distributor
block.sorter.name = Sorterare
block.message.name = Message
block.overflow-gate.name = Overflow Gate
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicon Smelter
block.inverted-sorter.name = Inverted Sorter
block.message.name = Meddelande
block.overflow-gate.name = Överflödesgrind
block.silicon-smelter.name = Kiselsmältare
block.phase-weaver.name = Phase Weaver
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizer
block.pulverizer.name = Pulveriserare
block.cryofluidmixer.name = Cryofluid Mixer
block.melter.name = Smältare
block.incinerator.name = Incinerator
block.incinerator.name = Förbrännare
block.spore-press.name = Spore Press
block.separator.name = Separerare
block.coal-centrifuge.name = Kolcentrifug
@ -822,7 +905,7 @@ block.trident-ship-pad.name = Trident Ship Pad
block.glaive-ship-pad.name = Glaive Ship Pad
block.omega-mech-pad.name = Omega Mech Pad
block.tau-mech-pad.name = Tau Mech Pad
block.conduit.name = Conduit
block.conduit.name = Ledare
block.mechanical-pump.name = Mechanical Pump
block.item-source.name = Föremålskälla
block.item-void.name = Föremålsförstörare
@ -830,8 +913,8 @@ block.liquid-source.name = Vätskekälla
block.power-void.name = Energiätare
block.power-source.name = Energikälla
block.unloader.name = Urladdare
block.vault.name = Vault
block.wave.name = Wave
block.vault.name = Valv
block.wave.name = Våg
block.swarmer.name = Svärmare
block.salvo.name = Salvo
block.ripple.name = Ripple
@ -843,7 +926,7 @@ block.blast-mixer.name = Blast Mixer
block.solar-panel.name = Solpanel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Stor Solpanel
block.oil-extractor.name = Oljeextraktor
block.command-center.name = Command Center
block.command-center.name = Kommandocenter
block.draug-factory.name = Draug Miner Drone Factory
block.spirit-factory.name = Spirit Repair Drone Factory
block.phantom-factory.name = Phantom Builder Drone Factory
@ -926,6 +1009,7 @@ tutorial.deposit = Deposit items into blocks by dragging from your ship to the d
tutorial.waves = The[lightgray] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend the core for 2 waves.[accent] Click[] to shoot.\nBuild more turrets and drills. Mine more copper.
tutorial.waves.mobile = The[lightgray] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend the core for 2 waves. Your ship will automatically fire at enemies.\nBuild more turrets and drills. Mine more copper.
tutorial.launch = Once you reach a specific wave, you are able to[accent] launch the core[], leaving your defenses behind and[accent] obtaining all the resources in your core.[]\nThese resources can then be used to research new technology.\n\n[accent]Press the launch button.
item.copper.description = The most basic structural material. Used extensively in all types of blocks.
item.lead.description = A basic starter material. Used extensively in electronics and liquid transportation blocks.
item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for liquid distribution and storage.
@ -963,7 +1047,7 @@ unit.titan.description = An advanced, armored ground unit. Attacks both ground a
unit.fortress.description = A heavy artillery mech. Equipped with two modified Hail-type cannons for long-range assault on enemy structures and units.
unit.eruptor.description = A heavy mech designed to take down structures. Fires a stream of slag at enemy fortifications, melting them and setting volatiles on fire.
unit.wraith.description = A fast, hit-and-run interceptor unit. Targets power generators.
unit.ghoul.description = A heavy carpet bomber. Rips through enemy structures, targeting critital infrastructure.
unit.ghoul.description = A heavy carpet bomber. Rips through enemy structures, targeting critical infrastructure.
unit.revenant.description = A heavy, hovering missile array.
block.message.description = Stores a message. Used for communication between allies.
block.graphite-press.description = Compresses chunks of coal into pure sheets of graphite.
@ -1010,6 +1094,7 @@ block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. U
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.sorter.description = Sorts items. If an item matches the selection, it is allowed to pass. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right.
block.inverted-sorter.descriptions = Processes items like a standard sorter, but outputs selected items to the sides instead.
block.router.description = Accepts items, then outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.\n\n[scarlet]Never use next to production inputs, as they will get clogged by output.[]
block.distributor.description = An advanced router. Splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.overflow-gate.description = A combination splitter and router. Only outputs to the left and right if the front path is blocked.
Reference in New Issue
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