Tech tree filled out
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 139 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 193 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 192 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 115 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 155 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 94 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 239 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 156 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 969 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 966 KiB |
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
core, vault, container, unloader, launchPad,
duo, scorch, hail, wave, lancer, arc, swarmer, salvo, fuse, ripple, cyclone, spectre, meltdown,
duo, hail, arc, wave, lancer, swarmer, salvo, fuse, ripple, cyclone, spectre, meltdown,
spiritFactory, phantomFactory, wraithFactory, ghoulFactory, revenantFactory, daggerFactory, titanFactory,
@ -787,15 +787,6 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
health = 120;
scorch = new LiquidTurret("scorch"){{
ammo(Liquids.oil, Bullets.basicFlame);
recoil = 0f;
reload = 4f;
shootCone = 50f;
ammoUseEffect = Fx.shellEjectSmall;
health = 160;
wave = new LiquidTurret("wave"){{
Liquids.water, Bullets.waterShot,
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.content;
import io.anuke.arc.collection.Array;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.ItemStack;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Recipe;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.type.ItemStack.with;
@ -11,43 +13,273 @@ public class TechTree implements ContentList{
public void load(){
root = new TechNode(null, with(),
new TechNode(Blocks.copperWall, with(Items.copper, 100),
new TechNode(Blocks.copperWallLarge, with(Items.copper, 100))
root = node(null, with(), () -> {
new TechNode(Blocks.conveyor, with(Items.copper, 10),
new TechNode(Blocks.router, with(Items.copper, 10),
new TechNode(Blocks.distributor, with(Items.copper, 10)),
new TechNode(Blocks.overflowGate, with(Items.copper, 10)),
new TechNode(Blocks.sorter, with(Items.copper, 10))
new TechNode(Blocks.junction, with(Items.copper, 10)),
new TechNode(Blocks.itemBridge, with(Items.copper, 10))
node(Blocks.conveyor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.launchPad, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
new TechNode(Blocks.conduit, with(Items.metaglass, 10),
new TechNode(Blocks.liquidJunction, with(Items.metaglass, 10)),
new TechNode(Blocks.liquidRouter, with(Items.metaglass, 10),
new TechNode(Blocks.liquidTank, with(Items.metaglass, 10))
node(Blocks.junction, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.itemBridge, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.router, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.distributor, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.overflowGate, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.sorter, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.container, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.unloader, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.vault, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.titaniumConveyor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.phaseConveyor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.massDriver, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.duo, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.hail, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.salvo, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.swarmer, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.cyclone, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.spectre, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.ripple, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.fuse, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.arc, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.wave, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.lancer, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.meltdown, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.shockMine, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.copperWall, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.copperWallLarge, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.titaniumWall, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.door, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.doorLarge, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.titaniumWallLarge, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.thoriumWall, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.thoriumWallLarge, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.surgeWall, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.surgeWallLarge, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.phaseWall, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.phaseWallLarge, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.mechanicalDrill, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.pneumaticDrill, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.cultivator, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.laserDrill, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.blastDrill, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.waterExtractor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.oilExtractor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.siliconSmelter, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.pyratiteMixer, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.blastMixer, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.biomatterCompressor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.plastaniumCompressor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.phaseWeaver, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.incinerator, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.melter, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.surgeSmelter, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.separator, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.pulverizer, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.cryofluidMixer, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.mechanicalPump, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.conduit, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.liquidJunction, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.liquidRouter, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.liquidTank, with(Items.metaglass, 100));
node(Blocks.pulseConduit, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.phaseConduit, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.rotaryPump, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.thermalPump, with(Items.metaglass, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.bridgeConduit, with(Items.metaglass, 100));
node(Blocks.powerNode, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.combustionGenerator, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.powerNodeLarge, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.battery, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.batteryLarge, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.mendProjector, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.forceProjector, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.overdriveProjector, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.repairPoint, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.turbineGenerator, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.thermalGenerator, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.rtgGenerator, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.thoriumReactor, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.solarPanel, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.largeSolarPanel, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.alphaPad, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.dartPad, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.deltaPad, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.javelinPad, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.tauPad, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.tridentPad, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.omegaPad, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.glaivePad, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.spiritFactory, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.daggerFactory, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.daggerFactory, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.titanFactory, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.fortressFactory, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.wraithFactory, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.phantomFactory, with(Items.copper, 100));
node(Blocks.ghoulFactory, with(Items.copper, 100), () -> {
node(Blocks.revenantFactory, with(Items.copper, 100));
private TechNode node(Block block, ItemStack[] requirements, Runnable children){
return new TechNode(block, requirements, children);
private TechNode node(Block block, ItemStack[] requirements){
return new TechNode(block, requirements, () -> {});
private TechNode node(Block block){
return new TechNode(block, with(), () -> {});
public static class TechNode{
static TechNode context;
public final Block block;
public final ItemStack[] requirements;
public final TechNode[] children;
public TechNode parent;
public final Array<TechNode> children = new Array<>();
TechNode(Block block, ItemStack[] requirements, Runnable children){
if(block != null && Recipe.getByResult(block) == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Block " + block + " does not have a recipe.");
if(context != null){
TechNode(Block block, ItemStack[] requirements, TechNode... children){
this.block = block;
this.requirements = requirements;
this.children = children;
for(TechNode node : children){
node.parent = this;
TechNode last = context;
context = this;
context = last;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class TreeLayout{
public Rectangle getBounds(){
return new Rectangle(0, 0, boundsRight - boundsLeft, boundsBottom - boundsTop);
return new Rectangle(boundsLeft, boundsBottom, boundsRight - boundsLeft, boundsTop - boundsBottom);
private void calcSizeOfLevels(TreeNode node, int level){
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.ui.dialogs;
import io.anuke.arc.Core;
import io.anuke.arc.collection.Array;
import io.anuke.arc.collection.ObjectSet;
@ -12,31 +12,46 @@ import io.anuke.arc.scene.Element;
import io.anuke.arc.scene.event.InputEvent;
import io.anuke.arc.scene.event.InputListener;
import io.anuke.arc.util.Log;
import io.anuke.mindustry.Vars;
import io.anuke.arc.util.Structs;
import io.anuke.mindustry.content.Blocks;
import io.anuke.mindustry.content.TechTree;
import io.anuke.mindustry.content.TechTree.TechNode;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Recipe;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Recipe.RecipeVisibility;
import io.anuke.mindustry.ui.TreeLayout;
import io.anuke.mindustry.ui.TreeLayout.TreeNode;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.content;
public class TechTreeDialog extends FloatingDialog{
private TreeLayout layout;
private ObjectSet<TechTreeNode> nodes = new ObjectSet<>();
private static final float nodeSize = 60f;
public TechTreeDialog(){
layout = new TreeLayout();
TreeLayout layout = new TreeLayout();
layout.gapBetweenLevels = 60f;
layout.gapBetweenNodes = 40f;
layout.layout(new TechTreeNode(TechTree.root, null));
cont.add(new View()).grow();
double total = -> r.visibility == RecipeVisibility.all);
if(total > nodes.size) Log.err("Recipe tree coverage: {0}%", (int)(nodes.size / total * 100));
{ //debug code
ObjectSet<Recipe> used = new ObjectSet<>();
for(TechTreeNode node : nodes){
if(node.node.block != null) used.add(Recipe.getByResult(node.node.block));
Array<Recipe> recipes = -> r.visibility == RecipeVisibility.all && !used.contains(r));
recipes.sort(Structs.comparing(r -> r.cost));
if(recipes.size > 0){
||||"Recipe tree coverage: {0}%", (int)((float)nodes.size / -> r.visibility == RecipeVisibility.all).size * 100));
||||"Missing items: ");
recipes.forEach(r ->" {0}", r));
@ -47,12 +62,12 @@ public class TechTreeDialog extends FloatingDialog{
public TechTreeNode(TechNode node, TreeNode parent){
this.node = node;
this.parent = parent;
this.width = this.height = 60f;
this.width = this.height = nodeSize;
if(node.children != null){
children = new TechTreeNode[node.children.length];
children = new TechTreeNode[node.children.size];
for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
children[i] = new TechTreeNode(node.children[i], this);
children[i] = new TechTreeNode(node.children.get(i), this);
@ -64,15 +79,19 @@ public class TechTreeDialog extends FloatingDialog{
addListener(new InputListener(){
float lastX, lastY;
public void touchDragged(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer){
super.touchDragged(event, x, y, pointer);
panX += Core.input.deltaX(pointer);
panY += Core.input.deltaY(pointer);
public void touchDragged(InputEvent event, float mx, float my, int pointer){
panX -= lastX - mx;
panY -= lastY - my;
lastX = mx;
lastY = my;
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, KeyCode button){
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
return true;
@ -97,7 +116,7 @@ public class TechTreeDialog extends FloatingDialog{
for(TechTreeNode node : nodes){
Draw.drawable("content-background", node.x + offsetX - node.width/2f, node.y + offsetY - node.height/2f, node.width, node.height);
Draw.drawable("content-background", node.x + offsetX - nodeSize/2f, node.y + offsetY - nodeSize/2f, nodeSize, nodeSize);
TextureRegion region = node.node.block == null ? Blocks.core.icon(Icon.medium) : node.node.block.icon(Icon.medium);
Draw.rect(region, node.x + offsetX, node.y + offsetY - 0.5f, region.getWidth(), region.getHeight());
@ -19,6 +19,18 @@ public class MenuFragment extends Fragment{
public void build(Group parent){
parent.fill(t -> {
t.add("do not play the bleeding edge").get().setFontScale(2f);
t.add("none of it is playable yet");
t.add("something usable will be released 'soon' (TM)").get().setFontScale(0.5f);
parent.fill(c -> {
container = c;
container.visible(() ->;