Automatic bundle update

This commit is contained in:
Github Actions 2024-03-14 18:25:49 +00:00
parent 60c6e03d32
commit 824c6eedb3
34 changed files with 68 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -2264,6 +2264,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2278,6 +2278,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2288,6 +2288,8 @@ lst.getblock = Obtén les dades dun bloc en qualsevol posició.
lst.setblock = Estableix les dades dun bloc en qualsevol posició.
lst.spawnunit = Fes aparèixer una unitat en una posició.
lst.applystatus = Aplica o esborra un efecte destat duna unitat.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simula laparició duna onada enemiga en una posició arbitrària.\nEl comptador donades no sincrementarà.
lst.explosion = Crea una explosió en una posició.
lst.setrate = Estableix la velocitat dexecució del processador en instruccions/tic.

View File

@ -2283,6 +2283,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2264,6 +2264,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2313,6 +2313,8 @@ lst.getblock = Lese Tile-Daten von jedem Standort.
lst.setblock = Setze Tile-Daten an jedem Standort.
lst.spawnunit = Einheit an einem Standort erstellen.
lst.applystatus = Füge einer Einheit einen Effekt hinzu oder entferne ihn.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Schickt die nächste Welle.
lst.explosion = Erstellt an einer beliebigen Stelle eine Explosion.
lst.setrate = Setzt die Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit von Prozessoren in Anweisungen/tick.

View File

@ -2306,6 +2306,8 @@ lst.getblock = Obtiene los datos de un bloque en cualquier lugar.
lst.setblock = Cambia los datos de un bloque en cualquier lugar.
lst.spawnunit = Crea una unidad en una localización.
lst.applystatus = Aplica o elimina un efecto de alteración de estado a una unidad.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simula la aparición de una oleada de enemigos en una localización arbitraria.\nNo incrementará el contador de oleadas.
lst.explosion = Crea una explosión en una localización.
lst.setrate = Establece la velocidad de ejecución de los procesadores lógicos en formato instrucción/tick.

View File

@ -2266,6 +2266,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2268,6 +2268,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2269,6 +2269,8 @@ lst.getblock = Selvitä laattadata missä tahansa sijainnissa.
lst.setblock = Aseta laattadata missä tahansa sijainnissa.
lst.spawnunit = Luo joukko tietyssä sijainnissa.
lst.applystatus = Lisää tai poista statusefekti yksiköltä.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simuloi tason syntymistä mielivaltaisessa sijainnissa.\nEi vaikuta tasolaskuriin.
lst.explosion = Luo räjähdys tietyssä sijainnissa.
lst.setrate = Aseta prosessorin suoritusnopeus ohjeessa/sekunti.

View File

@ -2265,6 +2265,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2314,6 +2314,8 @@ lst.getblock = Obtient les données d'une tuile à n'importe quel emplacement.
lst.setblock = Définit les données d'une tuile à n'importe quel emplacement.
lst.spawnunit = Fait apparaître une unité à un emplacement.
lst.applystatus = Ajoute ou enlève un effet de statut d'une unité.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simule un déclenchement de vague à n'importe quel emplacement.\nCela n'incrémente pas le compteur de vaugues.
lst.explosion = Crée une explosion à un emplacement.
lst.setrate = Définit la vitesse d'exécution d'un processeur en instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2315,6 +2315,8 @@ lst.getblock = Csempeadatok lekérdezése tetszőleges helyen.
lst.setblock = Csempeadatok beállítása tetszőleges helyen.
lst.spawnunit = Egység lerakása egy helyen.
lst.applystatus = Állapothatás alkalmazása, vagy törlése egy egységről.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Egy tetszőleges helyen keletkező hullám szimulálása.\nNem növeli a hullámszámlálót.
lst.explosion = Robbanás létrehozása egy helyen.
lst.setrate = A processzor végrehajtási sebességének beállítása utasítás/ütemben.

View File

@ -2304,6 +2304,8 @@ lst.getblock = Mendapatkan data petak di lokasi manapun.
lst.setblock = Menentukan data petak di lokasi manapun.
lst.spawnunit = Munculkan unit pada tempat yang ditentukan.
lst.applystatus = Menerapkan atau menghapus status efek dari sebuah unit.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulasikan adanya gelombang pada lokasi acak.\nTidak akan ditambahkan pada jumlah gelombang keseluruhan.
lst.explosion = Membuat sebuah ledakan pada lokasi yang ditentukan.
lst.setrate = Menentukan kecepatan eksekusi prosesor dalam instruksi per tick.

View File

@ -2278,6 +2278,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2282,6 +2282,8 @@ lst.getblock = 任意の座標のタイルの情報を取得します。
lst.setblock = 任意の座標のタイルの情報を変更します。
lst.spawnunit = 任意の座標にユニットをスポーンさせます。
lst.applystatus = ユニットからステータス効果を適用または削除する。
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = 任意の座標で発生するウェーブをシミュレーションします。\nウェーブを進めません。
lst.explosion = ある場所で爆発を起こします。
lst.setrate = プロセッサーの実行速度を1命令/tickで設定します。

View File

@ -2281,6 +2281,8 @@ lst.getblock = 특정 위치의 타일 정보를 불러옴
lst.setblock = 특정 위치의 타일 정보 설정
lst.spawnunit = 특정 위치에 기체 소환
lst.applystatus = 기체에게 상태이상을 적용하거나 삭제
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = 특정 위치에 이전 단계를 실행\n실제 단계가 넘어가지 않습니다
lst.explosion = 특정 위치에 폭발 생성
lst.setrate = 프로세서 실행 속도를 틱당 연산량으로 설정

View File

@ -2266,6 +2266,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2279,6 +2279,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2266,6 +2266,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2300,6 +2300,8 @@ lst.getblock = Uzyskaj dane dla dowolnej lokalizacji.
lst.setblock = Ustaw dane dla dowolnej lokalizacji.
lst.spawnunit = Odródź jednostkę w lokalizacji.
lst.applystatus = Zastosuj lub wyczyść efekty statusu jednostki.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Symuluj falę odradzającą się w dowolnym miejscu.\nNie zwiększy licznika fali.
lst.explosion = Stwórz eksplozję w lokalizacji.
lst.setrate = Ustaw szybkość wykonywania procesora w instrukcjach/tick.

View File

@ -2299,6 +2299,8 @@ lst.getblock = Obtenha dados de blocos em qualquer local.
lst.setblock = Defina os dados do bloco em qualquer local.
lst.spawnunit = Gere uma unidade em um local.
lst.applystatus = Aplique ou elimine um efeito de status de uma unidade.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Gerar uma onda.
lst.explosion = Crie uma explosão em um local.
lst.setrate = Defina a velocidade de execução do processador em instruções/tick.

View File

@ -2266,6 +2266,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2283,6 +2283,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2285,6 +2285,8 @@ lst.getblock = Получает данные о плитке в любом ме
lst.setblock = Устанавливает плитку в любом месте.
lst.spawnunit = Создает боевую единицу на локации.
lst.applystatus = Применяет или снимает эффект статуса с боевой единицы.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Имитация волны, создаваемой в произвольном месте.\nСчетчик волн не увеличивается.
lst.explosion = Создает взрыв на локации.
lst.setrate = Устанавливает скорость выполнения процессора в инструкциях/тиках.

View File

@ -2286,6 +2286,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Prizovi jedinicu na mestu.
lst.applystatus = Dodaj ili ukloni statusni efekat na jedinicu/e.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Izazovi eksploziju na mestu.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2266,6 +2266,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2303,6 +2303,8 @@ lst.getblock = รับข้อมูลของช่องที่ตำ
lst.setblock = ปรับแต่งข้อมูลของช่องที่ตำแหน่งใดๆ
lst.spawnunit = เสกยูนิตมาที่ตำแหน่งที่กำหนดไว้
lst.applystatus = ใส่หรือล้างเอฟเฟกต์สถานะจากยูนิต
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = จำลองคลื่นที่ตำแหน่งใดๆ
lst.explosion = เสกระเบิดที่ตำแหน่ง
lst.setrate = ตั้งค่าความเร็วการสั่งเป็นคำสั่งใน คำสั่ง/ติก

View File

@ -2266,6 +2266,8 @@ lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.

View File

@ -2283,6 +2283,8 @@ lst.getblock = Herhangi bir yerdeki blok bilgisini al.
lst.setblock = Herhangi bir yerdeki blok bilgisini değiştir.
lst.spawnunit = Herhangi bir yerde birim var et.
lst.applystatus = Bir Birime Durum Etkisi ekle.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Bellir bir noktada dalga başlat.\nDalga Zamanlayıcı Oluşturmaz!
lst.explosion = Bir Noktada Patlama oluştur.
lst.setrate = İşlemci Hızını Ayarla (işlem/tick)

View File

@ -2310,6 +2310,8 @@ lst.getblock = Отримує дані плитки в будь-якому мі
lst.setblock = Установлює дані плитки в будь-якому місці.
lst.spawnunit = Породжує одиницю на певному місці.
lst.applystatus = Застосовує або видаляє ефект стану з одиниці.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Змодельовує хвилю, що виникає у довільному місці.\nНе збільшує лічильник хвиль.
lst.explosion = Створює вибух у певному місці.
lst.setrate = Установлює швидкість виконання процесора в інструкціях за такт.

View File

@ -2284,6 +2284,8 @@ lst.getblock = Lấy dữ liệu từ ô từ vị trí bất kì.
lst.setblock = Chỉnh sửa dữ liệu từ ô từ vị trí bất kì.
lst.spawnunit = Tạo ra quân từ vị trí.
lst.applystatus = Áp dụng hoặc loại bỏ một hiệu ứng trạng thái cho một đơn vị.
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = Mô phỏng một lượt xuất hiện ở vị trí tùy ý.\nSẽ không tăng số đếm lượt.
lst.explosion = Tạo ra một vụ nổ tại vị trí đó.
lst.setrate = Đặt tốc độ thực thi khối xử lý theo chỉ thị/tíc-tắc.

View File

@ -2309,6 +2309,8 @@ lst.getblock = 获取任意位置的地块数据
lst.setblock = 设置任意位置的地块数据
lst.spawnunit = 在指定位置生成单位
lst.applystatus = 添加或清除单位的一个状态效果
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = 在任意位置生成一波敌人\n并不记录在波数计数器中
lst.explosion = 在某个位置生成爆炸
lst.setrate = 在指令/时间刻的时间下设置处理器处理速度

View File

@ -2295,6 +2295,8 @@ lst.getblock = 由位置取方塊數據
lst.setblock = 由位置設置方塊數據
lst.spawnunit = 在某一位置生成單位
lst.applystatus = 爲單位添加或移除狀態效果
lst.weathersensor = Check if a type of weather is active.
lst.weatherset = Set the current state of a type of weather.
lst.spawnwave = 在某一位置生成一波敵人\n不計入波數
lst.explosion = 在某一位置製造爆炸
lst.setrate = 以指令/每時刻設置處理器速度