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synced 2025-03-13 19:39:04 +07:00
update zh_CN translations (#342)
* Update bundle_zh_CN.properties Add descriptions translate for zh_CN * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
text.credits.text = Created by [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[]\n\n[GRAY](In case you can't tell, this text is currently unfinished.\nTranslators, don't edit it yet!)
text.credits = 致谢
text.discord = 加入 Mindustry 的 Discord!
text.discord = 加入 Mindustry 的 Discord!
text.link.discord.description = 官方 Mindustry discord 聊天室
text.link.github.description = 游戏源码
text.link.dev-builds.description = 不稳定开发版
text.link.trello.description = Trello board 上的官方计划表
text.link.itch.io.description = itch.io 桌面版下载和网页版
text.link.itch.io.description = PC版下载和网页版(itch.io)
text.link.google-play.description = 从谷歌商店获取安卓版
text.link.wiki.description = 官方 Mindustry 维基
text.linkfail = 打开链接失败!\n连结已经复制到剪贴板。
text.linkfail = 打开链接失败!\nURL 已经复制到剪贴板。
text.editor.web = 网页版不支持地图编辑器!\n下载以使用编辑器。
text.web.unsupported = 网页版不支持此功能!请下载以使用此功能。
text.web.unsupported = 网页版不支持此功能,请下载以使用此功能。
text.gameover = 你的核心被摧毁了!
text.gameover.pvp = [accent]{0}[]队得到胜利!
text.sector.gameover = 这个区域失守了,重新部署?
text.gameover.pvp = accent] {0}[] 队获胜!
text.sector.gameover = 这个区域失守了,要重新部署吗?
text.sector.retry = 重试
text.highscore = [accent]新纪录!
text.wave.lasted = 你坚持到第[accent]{0}[]波。
text.level.highscore = 最高分:[accent]{0}
text.wave.lasted = 你坚持到了第 [accent]{0}[] 波。
text.level.highscore = 最高分: [accent]{0}
text.level.delete.title = 确认删除
text.map.delete = 确定要删除「[accent]{0}[]」地图吗?
text.map.delete = 确定要删除 "[accent]{0}[]" 地图吗?
text.level.select = 选择关卡
text.level.mode = 游戏模式:
text.construction.desktop = 桌面控制已更改。\n要取消选择或停止建设,[accent]按空格键[]。
text.construction.title = 方块建设指导
text.construction = 你选择了[accent]方块建设模式[]。\n\n如要放置方块,点击你的船附近的有效位置。\n选择了方块以后,点击复选框就会开始建设。\n\n- 点击方块以从选择区[accent]移除方块[]。\n- 按住并拖动以[accent]直线放置方块[]。\n- 点击左下角的「X」以[accent]取消建设或取消选择[]。
text.deconstruction.title = 方块移除指导
text.deconstruction = 你选择了[accent]方块移除模式[]。\n\n如要移除方块,点击你的船附近的方块。\n选择了方块以后,点击复选框就会开始删除。\n\n- 点击方块以从选择区[accent]移除方块[]。\n- 按住一个空点向任何方向拖动以[accent]移除选中区域的方块[]。\n- 点击左下角的「X」以[accent]取消移除或取消选择[]。
text.showagain = 下次不再显示
text.coreattack = 〈核心正在受到攻击!〉
text.unlocks = 解锁
text.construction.desktop = 桌面控制已更改.\n取消选择快活停止构建, [accent]使用空间[].
text.construction.title = 方块建造指导
text.construction = 你选择了 [accent]建造模式[].\n\n点击你附近的有效位置以放置\n选择了方块以后, 点击复选框就会开始建造。\n\n- [accent]移除方块-[] 点击想要删除的方块。\n- [accent]直线放置方块-[] 按住一个空点然后拖到目的地。\n- [accent]取消建造或选择-[] 按左下角的X。
text.deconstruction.title = 方块删除指导
text.deconstruction = 你选择了 [accent]删除模式[]。\n\n点击你附近的有效位置以删除\n选择了方块以后,点击复选框就会开始删除。\n\n- [accent]移除方块-[] 点击想要删除的方块。\n- [accent]移除选中部分-[] 按住并拖动以选中一个区域。\n- [accent]取消删除或选择-[] 按左下角的X.
text.showagain = 不再显示
text.coreattack = < 核心正在受到攻击! >
text.unlocks = 已解锁
text.savegame = 保存游戏
text.loadgame = 载入游戏
text.joingame = 加入游戏
text.addplayers = 增加/删除玩家
text.customgame = 自定义游戏
text.sectors = 区域
text.sector = 区域︰[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.sector.time = 时间︰[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.sector = 区域: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.sector.time = 时间: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.sector.deploy = 部署
text.sector.abandon = 放弃
text.sector.abandon.confirm = 确认要放弃这区域所有进度吗?\n此操作不可撤销!
text.sector.abandon.confirm = 你确定要放弃这个区域的所有进展吗?\n此操作不可撤销!
text.sector.resume = 继续
text.sector.locked = [scarlet][[Incomplete]
text.sector.unexplored = [accent][[Unexplored]
text.missions = 任务︰[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.mission = 任务︰[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.mission.main = 主要任务︰[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.mission.info = 任务详情
text.missions = 任务:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0}
text.mission = 任务[LIGHT_GRAY] {0}
text.mission.main = 主要任务:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0}
text.mission.info = 任务信息
text.mission.complete = 任务完成!
text.mission.complete.body = 区域{0},{1}已被攻占。
text.mission.wave = 存活[accent]{0}/{1}[]波\n下一波于{2}开始
text.mission.wave.enemies = 存活[accent]{0}/{1}[]波\n{2}个敌人
text.mission.wave.enemy = 存活[accent]{0}/{1}[]波\n{2}个敌人
text.mission.wave.menu = 存活[accent]{0}[]波
text.mission.complete.body = 区域 {0},攻占了 {1} 个
text.mission.wave = 存活了 [accent]{0}/{1}[] 波。\n下一波 {2}
text.mission.wave.enemies = 存活[accent] {0}/{1} []波\n{2} 敌人
text.mission.wave.enemy = 存活[accent] {0}/{1} []波\n{2} 敌人
text.mission.wave.menu = 存活[accent] {0} []波
text.mission.battle = 摧毁敌方基地。
text.mission.resource.menu = 获取{0}x{1}
text.mission.resource = 获取{0}︰\n[accent]{1}/{2}[]
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ text.mission.command = 发送{0}指令至机组
text.mission.linknode = 连接能源节点
text.mission.display = [accent]任务︰\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
text.mission.mech = 转换至[accent]{0}[]机甲
text.mission.create = 制造[accent]{0}[]
text.none = <没有>
text.mission.create = 制造[accent] {0}[]
text.none = <无>
text.close = 关闭
text.quit = 退出
text.maps = 地图
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ text.continue = 继续
text.nextmission = 下一个任务
text.maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]未发现地图!
text.about.button = 关于
text.name = 名字︰
text.filename = 档案名字︰
text.name = 名字:
text.filename = 文件名:
text.unlocked = 新方块已解锁!
text.unlocked.plural = 新方块已解锁!
text.players = {0}玩家在线
text.players.single = {0}玩家在线
text.players = {0} 玩家在线
text.players.single = {0} 玩家在线
text.server.closing = [accent]正在关闭服务器……
text.server.kicked.kick = 你被踢出服务器了!
text.server.kicked.serverClose = 服务器已关闭。
@ -103,16 +103,16 @@ text.server.refreshing = 正在刷新服务器
text.hosts.none = [lightgray]未发现局域网游戏!
text.host.invalid = [scarlet]无法连接服务器。
text.trace = 跟踪玩家
text.trace.playername = 玩家名字:[accent]{0}
text.trace.ip = IP地址:[accent]{0}
text.trace.playername = 玩家名字: [accent]{0}
text.trace.ip = IP地址: [accent]{0}
text.trace.id = ID︰[accent]{0}
text.trace.android = 安卓客户端:[accent]{0}
text.trace.android = 安卓客户端: [accent]{0}
text.trace.modclient = 修改版客户端: [accent]{0}
text.trace.totalblocksbroken = 总共破坏了[accent]{0}个方块。
text.trace.totalblocksbroken = 总共破坏了 [accent]{0} 个方块。
text.trace.structureblocksbroken = 总共破坏了[accent]{0}个方块。
text.trace.lastblockbroken = 最后破坏的方块:[accent]{0}
text.trace.totalblocksplaced = 总共放置了[accent]{0}个方块。
text.trace.lastblockplaced = 最后放置的方块:[accent]{0}
text.trace.lastblockbroken = 最后破坏的方块: [accent]{0}
text.trace.totalblocksplaced = 总共放置了 [accent]{0} 个方块。
text.trace.lastblockplaced = 最后放置的方块: [accent]{0}
text.invalidid = 无效的客户端ID!请提交错误报告。
text.server.bans = 黑名单
text.server.bans.none = 没有被拉黑的玩家!
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ text.server.hostname = 主机︰{0}
text.server.edit = 编辑服务器
text.server.outdated = [crimson]服务器过旧![]
text.server.outdated.client = [crimson]客户端过旧![]
text.server.version = [lightgray]版本:{0}
text.server.version = [lightgray]版本: {0}
text.server.custombuild = [yellow]修改版
text.confirmban = 确认拉黑这个玩家吗?
text.confirmkick = 您确定要踢出这个玩家吗?
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ text.server.port = 端口︰
text.server.addressinuse = 地址已经使用!
text.server.invalidport = 无效的端口!
text.server.error = [crimson]创建服务器错误:[accent]{0}
text.save.old = 这个存档属于旧版本游戏,无法继续使用了。\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]旧存档兼容将在完全4.0版本中实现。
text.save.old = 这个存档属于旧版本游戏,无法继续使用了。\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]存档向下兼容将在 4.0 版本中实现。
text.save.new = 新存档
text.save.overwrite = 确认要覆盖这个存档吗?
text.overwrite = 覆盖
@ -159,16 +159,16 @@ text.save.newslot = 保存游戏:
text.save.rename = 重命名
text.save.rename.text = 新名字:
text.selectslot = 选择一个存档。
text.slot = [accent]存档{0}
text.save.corrupted = [accent]存档损坏或无效!\n如果你刚刚升级了游戏,那么这可能是因为存档格式改变了而[scarlet]不是[]臭虫。
text.sector.corrupted = [accent]发现了此区域的保存文件,但是加载失败。\n已经创建了一个新的保存文件。
text.empty = <空白>
text.slot = [accent]存档 {0}
text.save.corrupted = [accent]存档损坏或无效!\n如果你刚刚升级了游戏,那么这可能是因为存档格式改变了而[scarlet]不是[] bug 。
text.sector.corrupted = [accent]发现了一个此区域的保存文件,但是加载失败。\n已经创建了一个新的。
text.empty = <空>
text.on = 开
text.off = 关
text.save.autosave = 自动保存:{0}
text.save.map = 地图:{0}
text.save.wave = 第{0}波
text.save.difficulty = 难度:{0}
text.save.wave = 第 {0} 波
text.save.difficulty = 难度: {0}
text.save.date = 最后保存日期:{0}
text.save.playtime = 游戏时间:{0}
text.confirm = 确认
@ -181,30 +181,30 @@ text.copylink = 删除链接
text.back = 返回
text.quit.confirm = 确认要退出?
text.changelog.title = 更新日志
text.changelog.loading = 正在获取更新日志……
text.changelog.error.android = [accent]请注意更新日志有时在安卓4.4以下不工作。\n这是因为安卓系统的一个臭虫。
text.changelog.loading = 正在获取更新日志...
text.changelog.error.android = [accent]请注意更新日志有时在安卓 4.4 以下不工作。\n这是因为安卓系统的一个 bug 。
text.changelog.error.ios = [accent]iOS还不支持更新日志。
text.changelog.error = [scarlet]获取更新日志失败!请检查你的网络。
text.changelog.error = [scarlet]获取更新日志失败!\n请检查你的网络。
text.changelog.current = [yellow][[Current version]
text.changelog.latest = [accent][[Latest version]
text.loading = [accent]加载中……
text.saving = [accent]保存中……
text.wave = [accent]第{0}波
text.wave.waiting = 下一波将在{0}秒后到来
text.wave = [accent]第 {0} 波
text.wave.waiting = 下一波将在 {0} 秒后到来
text.waiting = 等待中……
text.waiting.players = 等待玩家中……
text.wave.enemies = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0}敌人剩下
text.wave.enemy = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0}敌人剩下
text.wave.enemies = 剩下 [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} 敌人
text.wave.enemy = 剩下 [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} 敌人
text.loadimage = 加载图片
text.saveimage = 保存图片
text.unknown = 未知
text.custom = 自定义
text.builtin = 内建
text.builtin = 内建的
text.map.delete.confirm = 确认要删除地图吗?这个操作无法撤销!
text.map.random = [accent]随机地图
text.map.nospawn = 这个地图没有核心!请在编辑器中添加一个[ROYAL]蓝色[]的核心。
text.map.nospawn.pvp = 这个地图没有核心让敌人生成!请在编辑器中添加一个[SCARLET]红色[]的核心。
text.map.invalid = 地图载入错误:地图可能已经损坏。
text.map.nospawn.pvp = 这个地图没有敌人的核心!请在编辑器中添加一个[ROYAL]红色[]的核心。
text.map.invalid = 地图载入错误:地图文件可能已经损坏。
text.editor.brush = 笔刷
text.editor.slope = \\
text.editor.openin = 在编辑器中打开
@ -214,37 +214,37 @@ text.editor.mapinfo = 地图详情
text.editor.author = 作者:
text.editor.description = 描述:
text.editor.name = 名字:
text.editor.teams = 团队:
text.editor.teams = 团队
text.editor.elevation = 高度
text.editor.errorimageload = 载入图像出错:\n[accent]{0}
text.editor.errorimagesave = 保存图像出错:\n[accent]{0}
text.editor.errorimageload = 载入文件出错:\n[accent]{0}
text.editor.errorimagesave = 保存文件出错:\n[accent]{0}
text.editor.generate = 生成
text.editor.resize = 调整
text.editor.loadmap = 载入地图
text.editor.savemap = 保存地图
text.editor.saved = 已保存!
text.editor.save.noname = 你的地图还没有名字!在「地图信息」菜单里设置一个名字。
text.editor.save.overwrite = 你的地图覆盖了一个内建的地图!在「地图信息」菜单里设置一个不同的名字。
text.editor.import.exists = [scarlet]无法导入:[]一个叫「{0}」的内建地图已经存在!
text.editor.save.noname = 你的地图还没有名字!在“地图信息”菜单里设置一个名字。
text.editor.save.overwrite = 你的地图覆盖了一个内建的地图!在“地图信息”菜单里重新设置一个。
text.editor.import.exists = [scarlet]无法导入:[] 一个叫 '{0}' 的内建地图已经存在。
text.editor.import = 导入……
text.editor.importmap = 导入地图
text.editor.importmap.description = 导入一个已经存在的地图
text.editor.importfile = 导入文件
text.editor.importfile.description = 导入一个外置的地图文件
text.editor.importimage = 导入地形图像
text.editor.importimage.description = 导入一个外置地图图像文件
text.editor.importimage.description = 导入外置地图图像文件
text.editor.export = 导出……
text.editor.exportfile = 导出文件
text.editor.exportfile.description = 导出一个地图文件
text.editor.exportimage = 导出地形图像
text.editor.exportimage = 导出一个地形文件
text.editor.exportimage.description = 导出一个地图图像文件
text.editor.loadimage = 导入图像
text.editor.saveimage = 导出图像
text.editor.loadimage = 导入地形
text.editor.saveimage = 导出地形
text.editor.unsaved = [scarlet]你有未保存的更改![]\n确定要退出?
text.editor.resizemap = 调整地图
text.editor.mapname = 地图名字:
text.editor.overwrite = [accent]警告!\n这将会覆盖一个已经存在的地图。
text.editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]警告![]存在同名地图,确定要覆盖?
text.editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]警告![] 存在同名地图,确定要覆盖?
text.editor.selectmap = 选择一个地图加载:
text.width = 宽度:
text.height = 高度:
@ -252,23 +252,23 @@ text.menu = 菜单
text.play = 开始游戏
text.load = 载入游戏
text.save = 保存
text.fps = 萤幕刷新率:{0}
text.tps = TPS:{0}
text.ping = 延遲:{0}ms
text.fps = FPS: {0}
text.tps = TPS: {0}
text.ping = Ping: {0}ms
text.language.restart = 为了使语言设置生效请重启游戏。
text.settings = 设置
text.tutorial = 教程
text.editor = 编辑器
text.mapeditor = 地图编辑器
text.donate = 捐赠
text.connectfail = [crimson]服务器连接失败:[accent]{0}
text.connectfail = [crimson]服务器连接失败: [accent]{0}
text.error.unreachable = 服务器无法访问。
text.error.invalidaddress = 地址无效。
text.error.timedout = 连接超时!\n确保服务器设置了端口转发,并且地址正确!
text.error.mismatch = 包裹错误:\n可能的客户端/服务器版本不匹配。\n确保客户端和服务器有新版的Mindustry!
text.error.alreadyconnected = 已经连接。
text.error.mapnotfound = 地图不存在!
text.error.any = 网络错误未知。
text.error.mismatch = 包错误:\n可能是客户端/服务器版本不匹配.\n请确保客户端和服务器都是最新的版本!
text.error.alreadyconnected = 已连接。
text.error.mapnotfound = 找不到地图文件!
text.error.any = 未知网络错误.
text.settings.language = 语言
text.settings.reset = 恢复默认
text.settings.rebind = 重新绑定
@ -299,11 +299,11 @@ text.blocks.liquidcapacity = 液体容量
text.blocks.maxitemssecond = 最大物品数量
text.blocks.powerrange = 能量范围
text.blocks.poweruse = 能量使用
text.blocks.powerdamage = 能量/损伤
text.blocks.powerdamage = 功率/损伤
text.blocks.inputitemcapacity = 最大输入
text.blocks.outputitemcapacity = 最大输出
text.blocks.itemcapacity = 物品容量
text.blocks.basepowergeneration = 基础能量生产
text.blocks.basepowergeneration = 基础能源输出
text.blocks.powertransferspeed = 能量传输
text.blocks.craftspeed = 生产速度
text.blocks.inputliquid = 液体输入
@ -339,17 +339,17 @@ text.unit.powerunits = 能量单位
text.unit.degrees = 度
text.unit.seconds = 秒
text.unit.items = 物品
text.category.general = 一般
text.category.general = 普通
text.category.power = 能量
text.category.liquids = 液体
text.category.items = 物品
text.category.crafting = 制造
text.category.shooting = 发射
setting.autotarget.name = 自动发射
setting.fpscap.name = 最高萤幕刷新率
setting.fpscap.none = 没有
setting.fpscap.text = {0}萤幕刷新率
setting.difficulty.training = 培训
setting.fpscap.name = 最高 FPS
setting.fpscap.none = 无
setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS
setting.difficulty.training = 训练
setting.difficulty.easy = 简单
setting.difficulty.normal = 普通
setting.difficulty.hard = 困难
@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ setting.screenshake.name = 屏幕抖动
setting.effects.name = 显示效果
setting.sensitivity.name = 控制器灵敏度
setting.saveinterval.name = 自动保存间隔
setting.seconds = {0}秒
setting.seconds = {0} 秒
setting.fullscreen.name = 全屏
setting.multithread.name = 多线程
setting.fps.name = 显示萤幕刷新率
setting.fps.name = 显示 FPS
setting.vsync.name = 帧同步
setting.lasers.name = 显示能量射线
setting.minimap.name = 显示小地图
@ -370,9 +370,9 @@ setting.musicvol.name = 音乐音量
setting.mutemusic.name = 静音
setting.sfxvol.name = 音效音量
setting.mutesound.name = 静音
setting.crashreport.name = Send Anonymous Crash Reports
setting.crashreport.name = 发送匿名崩溃报告
text.keybind.title = 重新绑定按键
category.general.name = 一般
category.general.name = 普通
category.view.name = 查看
category.multiplayer.name = 多人
command.attack = 攻击
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = 水平移动
keybind.move_y.name = 垂直移动
keybind.select.name = 选择
keybind.break.name = 破坏
keybind.deselect.name = 取消选取
keybind.deselect.name = 取消
keybind.shoot.name = 射击
keybind.zoom_hold.name = 保持缩放
keybind.zoom.name = 缩放
@ -410,11 +410,11 @@ mode.custom.warning = 请注意,方块在区域内解锁之前,不能用于
mode.custom.warning.read = 确保你已经阅读过它:\n[scarlet]自定义游戏的解锁不带至区域或其他模式!\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY](我希望这不是必要的,但显然是必要的)
mode.freebuild.name = 自由建造
mode.freebuild.description = 有限的资源,不会自动生成敌人。
mode.pvp.name = 对战
mode.pvp.description = 和其他玩家斗争。
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = 和本地玩家对战.
content.item.name = 物品
content.liquid.name = 液体
content.unit.name = 机组
content.unit.name = 部队
content.recipe.name = 方块
content.mech.name = 机甲
item.stone.name = 石头
@ -433,14 +433,14 @@ item.thorium.name = 钍
item.thorium.description = 一种致密的放射性金属,用作结构支撑和核燃料。
item.silicon.name = 硅
item.silicon.description = 一种非常有用的半导体,被用于太阳能电池板和很多复杂的电子设备。
item.plastanium.name = 塑料
item.plastanium.description = 一种轻量、可延展的材料,用于高级的飞机和碎弹药。
item.phase-fabric.name = 相织布
item.phase-fabric.description = 一种近乎无重量的物质,用于先进的电子设备和自修复技术。
item.surge-alloy.name = 波动合金
item.surge-alloy.description = 一种具有独特电子特性的高级合金。
item.plastanium.name = 塑钢
item.plastanium.description = 一种轻质,可延展的材料,用于高级的飞机和碎片弹药。
item.phase-fabric.name = 相织物
item.phase-fabric.description = 一种接近0重量的物质,用于先进的电子技术和自我修复技术。
item.surge-alloy.name = 巨浪合金
item.surge-alloy.description = 一种具有独特电气性能的高级合金。
item.biomatter.name = 生物质
item.biomatter.description = 一丛有机糊;用于转化为油或作为基本燃料。
item.biomatter.description = 一种有机物;用于转化为油或作为基本燃料。
item.sand.name = 沙
item.sand.description = 一种常见的材料,广泛用于冶炼,包括制作合金和助熔剂。
item.blast-compound.name = 爆炸混合物
@ -451,34 +451,34 @@ liquid.water.name = 水
liquid.lava.name = 岩浆
liquid.oil.name = 石油
liquid.cryofluid.name = 冷冻液
mech.alpha-mech.name = 阿尔法
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
mech.alpha-mech.weapon = 重型机枪
mech.alpha-mech.ability = 无人机群
mech.alpha-mech.description = 标准的机甲。具有不错的速度和伤害输出;可以制造多达3架无人机以提高进攻能力。
mech.delta-mech.name = 德尔塔
mech.delta-mech.weapon = 电弧生成机
mech.alpha-mech.description = 标准的机甲。具有不错的速度和伤害输出;,可以制造多达 3 架无人机以提高进攻能力。
mech.delta-mech.name = Delta
mech.delta-mech.weapon = 电弧发电机
mech.delta-mech.ability = 放电
mech.delta-mech.description = 一种快速、轻铠的机甲,是用於打了就跑攻击。对结构造成的伤害很小,但可以用弧形闪电武器很快杀死大量敌方机组。
mech.tau-mech.name = Tau机甲
mech.delta-mech.description = 一种快速,轻便的机甲,一击即退。对结构造成的伤害很小,但可以用弧形闪电武器很快杀死大量敌方单位。
mech.tau-mech.name = Tau
mech.tau-mech.weapon = 重构激光
mech.tau-mech.ability = 修复阵
mech.tau-mech.description = 一种支援机甲。射击友好方块以治疗它们。可以使用它的修复能力熄灭火焰并治疗一定范围内的友军。
mech.omega-mech.name = 奥米伽
mech.tau-mech.ability = 修复
mech.tau-mech.description = 后勤机甲。治疗友军。可以熄灭火焰并治疗一定范围内的友军。
mech.omega-mech.name = Omega
mech.omega-mech.weapon = 导弹群
mech.omega-mech.ability = 配置装甲
mech.omega-mech.description = 一种笨重、装甲重的机甲,用于在前线突击。它的装甲能力可以阻挡高达90%的伤害。
mech.dart-ship.name = 镖船
mech.omega-mech.description = 一种装甲厚重的机甲,用于在前线攻击。它的护甲可以阻挡高达 90% 的伤害。
mech.dart-ship.name = Dart
mech.dart-ship.weapon = 机枪
mech.dart-ship.description = 标准飞船。快速、轻便,但攻击能力低和采矿速度慢。
mech.dart-ship.description = 标准飞船。快速轻便,但攻击能力低,采矿速度快。
mech.javelin-ship.name = 标枪
mech.javelin-ship.description = 一种打了就跑的侵袭船。虽然最初很慢,但它可以加速到很快的速度,并飞过敌人的前哨站,利用其闪电能力和导弹造成大量伤害。
mech.javelin-ship.description = 一艘一击即退的攻击船。虽然最初很慢,但它可以加速到很快的速度,并飞过敌人的前哨,利用其闪电能力和导弹造成大量伤害。
mech.javelin-ship.weapon = 爆裂导弹
mech.javelin-ship.ability = 放电助推器
mech.trident-ship.name = 三叉
mech.trident-ship.description = 一种重型轰炸机。装甲比较厚。
mech.trident-ship.name = 三叉戟
mech.trident-ship.description = 一种重型轰炸机。有厚装甲。
mech.trident-ship.weapon = 炸弹
mech.glaive-ship.name = 长柄
mech.glaive-ship.description = 一种大型、装甲厚的武装直升机。配备燃烧机枪。加速能力优秀和速度最快。
mech.glaive-ship.name = Glaive
mech.glaive-ship.description = 一种大型,装甲厚重的武装直升机。配备燃烧机枪。有优秀的加速能力和最快的速度。
mech.glaive-ship.weapon = 火焰机枪
text.item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]爆炸性:{0}
text.item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]易燃性:{0}
@ -495,18 +495,17 @@ text.mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]能力:{0}
text.liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]热容量:{0}
text.liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]粘度:{0}
text.liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]温度:{0}
block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](Constructing)
block.spawn.name = 敌人生成
block.spawn.name = 敌人出生点
block.core.name = 核心
block.metalfloor.name = 金属地板
block.deepwater.name = 深水
block.water.name = 水
block.lava.name = 岩浆
block.tar.name = 焦油
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = 黑石
block.stone.name = 石头
block.dirt.name = 泥土
block.sand.name = 沙
block.sand.name = 沙子
block.ice.name = 冰
block.snow.name = 雪
block.grass.name = 草
@ -524,19 +523,19 @@ block.thorium-wall.name = 钍墙
block.thorium-wall-large.name = 大型钍墙
block.door.name = 门
block.door-large.name = 大门
block.duo.name = 双炮
block.duo.name = 双管炮
block.scorch.name = 灼烧炮
block.hail.name = 冰雹炮
block.lancer.name = 蓝瑟炮
block.conveyor.name = 传送带
block.titanium-conveyor.name = 钛传送带
block.junction.name = 连接点
block.router.name = 分配器
block.distributor.name = 大型分配器
block.router.name = 路由器
block.distributor.name = 分配器
block.sorter.name = 分类器
block.sorter.description = 对物品进行分类。如果物品与所选种类匹配,则允许其通过。否则,物品将从左边和右边输出。
block.overflow-gate.name = 溢流器
block.overflow-gate.description = 分离器和分配器的组合。如果前面被挡住,则向从左边和右边输出物品。
block.sorter.description = 对物品进行分类。如果物品与所选种类,则允许其通过。否则,物品将从左边和右边输出。
block.overflow-gate.name = 溢流门
block.overflow-gate.description = 分离器和路由器的组合,如果前面被挡住,则向从左和右输出。
block.smelter.name = 冶炼厂
block.arc-smelter.name = 电弧冶炼厂
block.silicon-smelter.name = 硅冶炼厂
@ -558,49 +557,49 @@ block.mechanical-drill.name = 机械钻头
block.pneumatic-drill.name = 气动钻头
block.laser-drill.name = 激光钻头
block.water-extractor.name = 抽水机
block.cultivator.name = 耕種機
block.alpha-mech-pad.name = 阿尔法机甲墊
block.dart-ship-pad.name = 镖船墊
block.delta-mech-pad.name = 德尔塔机甲墊
block.javelin-ship-pad.name = 标枪机甲墊
block.trident-ship-pad.name = 三叉船墊
block.glaive-ship-pad.name = 长柄船墊
block.omega-mech-pad.name = 奥米伽机甲墊
block.tau-mech-pad.name = Tau机甲墊
block.cultivator.name = 耕种机
block.alpha-mech-pad.name = Alpha 机甲平台
block.dart-ship-pad.name = Dart 机甲平台
block.delta-mech-pad.name = Delta 机甲平台
block.javelin-ship-pad.name = 标枪 机甲平台
block.trident-ship-pad.name = 三叉戟 机甲平台
block.glaive-ship-pad.name = Glaive 机甲平台
block.omega-mech-pad.name = Omega 机甲平台
block.tau-mech-pad.name = Tau 机甲平台
block.conduit.name = 导管
block.mechanical-pump.name = 机械泵
block.itemsource.name = 物品源
block.itemvoid.name = 物品空虚
block.itemvoid.name = 物品黑洞
block.liquidsource.name = 液体源
block.powervoid.name = 能量空虚
block.powerinfinite.name = 无限能量
block.powervoid.name = 能源黑洞
block.powerinfinite.name = 无限能源
block.unloader.name = 装卸器
block.vault.name = 存储库
block.wave.name = 波浪炮
block.swarmer.name = 群炮
block.vault.name = 仓库
block.wave.name = 波浪
block.swarmer.name = 蜂群
block.salvo.name = 齐射炮
block.ripple.name = 波纹炮
block.ripple.name = 浪涌
block.phase-conveyor.name = 相织布传送带
block.bridge-conveyor.name = 传送带桥
block.plastanium-compressor.name = 塑料压缩机
block.plastanium-compressor.name = 塑钢压缩机
block.pyratite-mixer.name = 硫混合器
block.blast-mixer.name = 爆炸混合器
block.solidifer.name = 凝固器
block.solar-panel.name = 太阳能板
block.solar-panel-large.name = 大型太阳能板
block.solar-panel.name = 太阳能电池
block.solar-panel-large.name = 大型太阳能电池
block.oil-extractor.name = 石油钻井
block.spirit-factory.name = 精神无人机工厂
block.phantom-factory.name = Phantom Drone Factory
block.wraith-factory.name = Wraith Fighter Factory
block.ghoul-factory.name = Ghoul Bomber Factory
block.dagger-factory.name = Dagger Mech Factory
block.titan-factory.name = Titan Mech Factory
block.fortress-factory.name = Fortress Mech Factory
block.revenant-factory.name = Revenant Fighter Factory
block.spirit-factory.name = 轻型无人机工厂
block.phantom-factory.name = 鬼怪无人机工厂
block.wraith-factory.name = 幻影战机工厂
block.ghoul-factory.name = 食尸鬼轰炸机工厂
block.dagger-factory.name = 尖刀机甲工厂
block.titan-factory.name = 泰坦机甲工厂
block.fortress-factory.name = 堡垒机甲工厂
block.revenant-factory.name = 亡魂战机工厂
block.repair-point.name = 维修点
block.pulse-conduit.name = 脉冲导管
block.phase-conduit.name = 相织导管
block.liquid-router.name = 液体分配器
block.phase-conduit.name = 相织布导管
block.liquid-router.name = 液体路由器
block.liquid-tank.name = 储液罐
block.liquid-junction.name = 液体连接点
block.bridge-conduit.name = 导管桥
@ -621,9 +620,9 @@ block.shock-mine.name = 休克地雷
block.overdrive-projector.name = 超速投影器
block.force-projector.name = 力墙投影器
block.arc.name = 电弧
block.rtg-generator.name = 放射性同位素热电发电机
block.spectre.name = 幽灵炮
block.meltdown.name = 熔毁炮
block.rtg-generator.name = RTG 发电机
block.spectre.name = 幽灵
block.meltdown.name = 熔毁
block.container.name = 容器
block.core.description = 游戏中最重要的建筑。
team.blue.name = 蓝
@ -632,151 +631,151 @@ team.orange.name = 橙
team.none.name = 灰
team.green.name = 绿
team.purple.name = 紫
unit.alpha-drone.name = 阿尔法无人机
unit.spirit.name = 精神无人机
unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks.
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone
unit.phantom.description = An advanced drone unit. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks. Significantly more effective than a drone.
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha 无人机
unit.spirit.name = 轻型无人机
unit.spirit.description = 初始无人机。默认情况下在内核中生成。自动开采矿石,收集物品和修理块。
unit.phantom.name = 鬼怪无人机
unit.phantom.description = 一种先进的无人机单位。自动开采矿石,收集物品和修理块。比初始无人机有效得多。
unit.dagger.name = 尖刀
unit.dagger.description = 基础的地面单位,在蜂群中很有用。
unit.titan.name = 泰坦
unit.titan.description = 高级的有武装地面单位,使用电石作为弹药.攻击地面单位和空中单位.
unit.ghoul.name = Ghoul Bomber
unit.ghoul.description = A heavy carpet bomber. Uses blast compound or pyratite as ammo.
unit.wraith.name = Wraith Fighter
unit.wraith.description = A fast, hit-and-run interceptor unit.
unit.fortress.name = Fortress
unit.fortress.description = A heavy artillery ground unit.
unit.revenant.name = Revenant
unit.revenant.description = A heavy laser platform.
tutorial.begin = Your mission here is to eradicate the[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[].\n\nBegin by[accent] mining copper[]. Tap a copper ore vein near your core to do this.
tutorial.drill = Mining manually is inefficient.\n[accent]Drills []can mine automatically.\nPlace one on a copper vein.
tutorial.conveyor = [accent]Conveyors[] are used to transport items to the core.\nMake a line of conveyors from the drill to the core.
tutorial.morecopper = More copper is required.\n\nEither mine it manually, or place more drills.
tutorial.turret = Defensive structures must be built to repel the[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[].\nBuild a duo turret near your base.
tutorial.drillturret = Duo turrets require[accent] copper ammo []to shoot.\nPlace a drill next to the turret to supply it with mined copper.
tutorial.waves = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend your core for 2 waves. Build more turrets.
tutorial.lead = More ores are available. Explore and mine[accent] lead[].\n\nDrag from your unit to the core to transfer resources.
tutorial.smelter = Copper and lead are weak metals.\nSuperior[accent] Dense Alloy[] can be created in a smelter.\n\nBuild one.
tutorial.densealloy = The smelter will now produce alloy.\nGet some.\nImprove the production if necessary.
tutorial.siliconsmelter = The core will now create a[accent] spirit drone[] for mining and repairing blocks.\n\nFactories for other units can be created with [accent] silicon.\nMake a silicon smelter.
tutorial.silicondrill = Silicon requires[accent] coal[] and[accent] sand[].\nStart by making drills.
tutorial.generator = This technology requires power.\nCreate a[accent] combustion generator[] for it.
tutorial.generatordrill = Combustion generators need fuel.\nFuel it with coal from a drill.
tutorial.node = Power requires transport.\nCreate a[accent] power node[] next to your combustion generator to transfer its power.
tutorial.nodelink = Power can be transferred through contacting power blocks and generators, or by linked power nodes.\n\nLink power by tapping the node and selecting the generator and silicon smelter.
tutorial.silicon = Silicon is being produced. Get some.\n\nImproving the production system is advised.
tutorial.daggerfactory = Construct a[accent] dagger mech factory.[]\n\nThis will be used to create attack mechs.
tutorial.router = Factories need resources to function.\nCreate a router to split conveyor resources.
tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a mech will be created.\n\nCreate more drills, generators and conveyors as necessary.
tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
block.phase-wall-large.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.surge-wall.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.
block.surge-wall-large.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.door.description = A small door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.
block.door-large.description = A large door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.mend-projector.description = Periodically heals buildings in its vicinity.
block.overdrive-projector.description = Increases the speed of nearby buildings like drills and conveyors.
block.force-projector.description = Creates a hexagonal force field around itself, protecting buildings and units inside from damage through bullets.
block.shock-mine.description = Damages enemies stepping on the mine. Nearly invisible to the enemy.
block.duo.description = A small, cheap turret.
block.arc.description = A small turret which shoots electricity in a random arc towards the enemy.
block.hail.description = A small artillery turret.
block.lancer.description = A medium-sized turret which shoots charged electricity beams.
block.wave.description = A medium-sized rapid-fire turret which shoots liquid bubbles.
block.salvo.description = A medium-sized turret which fires shots in salvos.
block.swarmer.description = A medium-sized turret which shoots burst missiles.
block.ripple.description = A large artillery turret which fires several shots simultaneously.
block.cyclone.description = A large rapid fire turret.
block.fuse.description = A large turret which shoots powerful short-range beams.
block.spectre.description = A large turret which shoots two powerful bullets at once.
block.meltdown.description = A large turret which shoots powerful long-range beams.
block.conveyor.description = Basic item transport block. Moved items forward and automatically deposits them into turrets or crafters. Rotatable.
block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items faster than standard conveyors.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy.
block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
block.alloy-smelter.description = Produces surge alloy from titanium, lead, silicon and copper.
block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a lack of natural sand.
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil.
block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone.
block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
block.battery-large.description = Stores much more power than a regular battery.
block.combustion-generator.description = Generates power by burning oil or flammable materials.
block.turbine-generator.description = More efficient than a combustion generator, but requires additional water.
block.thermal-generator.description = Generates a large amount of power from lava.
block.solar-panel.description = Provides a small amount of power from the sun.
block.solar-panel-large.description = Provides much better power supply than a standard solar panel, but is also much more expensive to build.
block.thorium-reactor.description = Generates huge amounts of power from highly radioactive thorium. Requires constant cooling. Will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied.
block.rtg-generator.description = A radioisotope thermoelectric generator which does not require cooling but provides less power than a thorium reactor.
block.unloader.description = Unloads items from a container, vault or core onto a conveyor or directly into an adjacent block. The type of item to be unloaded can be changed by tapping on the unloader.
block.container.description = Stores a small amount of items. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials. An[LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] can be used to retrieve items from the container.
block.vault.description = Stores a large amount of items. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials. An[LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] can be used to retrieve items from the vault.
block.mechanical-drill.description = A cheap drill. When placed on appropriate tiles, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely.
block.pneumatic-drill.description = An improved drill which is faster and able to process harder materials by making use of air pressure.
block.laser-drill.description = Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Additionally, radioactive thorium can be retrieved with this drill.
block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power.
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.tau-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a support mech which can heal friendly buildings and units.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.delta-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a fast, lightly-armored mech made for hit-and-run attacks.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.omega-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a bulky and well-armored mech, made for front-line assaults.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.spirit-factory.description = Produces light drones which mine ore and repair blocks.
block.phantom-factory.description = Produces advanced drone units which are significantly more effective than a spirit drone.
block.wraith-factory.description = Produces fast, hit-and-run interceptor units.
block.ghoul-factory.description = Produces heavy carpet bombers.
block.dagger-factory.description = Produces basic ground units.
block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
block.liquid-router.description = Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid. Useful for splitting the liquids from one source to multiple targets.
block.liquid-tank.description = Stores a large amount of liquids. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials or as a safeguard for cooling vital blocks.
block.liquid-junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits. Useful in situations with two different conduits carrying different liquids to different locations.
block.bridge-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Allows transporting liquids over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.mechanical-pump.description = A cheap pump with slow output, but no power consumption.
block.rotary-pump.description = An advanced pump which doubles up speed by using power.
block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mechanical pump and the only pump which is able to retrieve lava.
block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.
block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.itemsource.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.liquidsource.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only.
block.itemvoid.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only.
block.powerinfinite.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only.
block.powervoid.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only.
liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets.
liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant.
liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.
unit.ghoul.name = 食尸鬼轰炸机
unit.ghoul.description = 重型地毯轰炸机。用爆炸化合物或黄铁矿作为弹药。
unit.wraith.name = 幻影战机
unit.wraith.description = 一种快速,打了就跑的截击机。
unit.fortress.name = 堡垒
unit.fortress.description = 一种重炮地面部队。
unit.revenant.name = 亡魂
unit.revenant.description = 一种重型激光平台。
tutorial.begin = 你的任务是消灭[LIGHT_GRAY] 敌人 [].\n\n首先开始[accent] 采集铜矿 []。点击核心附近的铜矿开始。
tutorial.drill = 手动采矿效率低.\n[accent] 钻头 []可以自动采矿.\n放一个在铜矿上吧.
tutorial.conveyor = [accent]传送带[] 可以把物资传送到核心.\n请造一个传送线,从钻头到核心.
tutorial.morecopper = 需要更多的铜.\n\n手动采矿或者放更多的钻头吧.
tutorial.turret = 必须建造防御建筑来击退[LIGHT_GRAY] 敌人[].\n请在你核心附近造一个双人炮塔.
tutorial.drillturret = 双人炮塔需要[accent] 铜质弹药 []来射击.\n可以放一个钻头在炮塔附近供应铜.
tutorial.waves = [LIGHT_GRAY]敌人[] 来了.\n\n保护基地,防御2波攻击. 造更多的炮塔.
tutorial.lead = 有更多的矿可用. 探索和采集[accent] 铅[].\n\n按住你的采矿单位拖放到核心来传送资源.
tutorial.smelter = 铜和铅是弱金属.\n超级[accent] 致密合金[] 可以从冶炼厂生产.\n\n造一个吧.
tutorial.densealloy = 冶炼厂将生产合金.\n生产一些.\n有必要可以改进一下生产.
tutorial.siliconsmelter = 基地现在将制作一个[accent] 无人机[] 来采矿和维修方块.\n\n其他单位的工程可以用[accent] 硅 []来建造.\n造一个硅冶炼厂.
tutorial.silicondrill = 硅需要[accent] 煤[] 和[accent] 沙[].\n开始制作钻头吧.
tutorial.generator = 这项技术需要能源.\n造一个[accent] 燃烧发电机[] 来发电.
tutorial.generatordrill = 燃烧发电机需要燃料.\n用钻头采集煤来供给燃料.
tutorial.node = 能源需要传输.\n造一个[accent] 能量节点[] 靠近火力发电机来传输它的能源.
tutorial.nodelink = 使耗能方块紧靠发电机或者用能源节点连接来传输电力.\n\n点击能源节点并选择发电机和硅冶炼厂来链接能源.
tutorial.silicon = 正在生产硅. 多生产点.\n\n建议优化一下生产系统.
tutorial.daggerfactory = 建造一个[accent] 尖刀机甲工厂.[]\n\n它可以用来生产机甲
tutorial.router = 工厂需要资源来运作.\n造一个路由器来分发传送资源.
tutorial.dagger = 链接能源节点到工厂.\n一旦需求满足, 将会制作一个机甲.\n\n根据需要制作更多的钻头,发电机,传送带.
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY] 敌人[] 的核心已经暴露。\n用你的尖刀机甲摧毁它。
block.copper-wall.description = 廉价的防守区块。\n用于保护前几波中的核心和炮塔。
block.copper-wall-large.description = 廉价的防御块。\n用于保护前几个波浪中的核心和炮塔。\n跨越多个块。
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = 标准的防守区块。\n可以较好的防御敌人。
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = 标准的防守区块。\n可以较好的防御敌人。\n跨越多个块。
block.thorium-wall.description = 强大的防守区块。\n很好的防御敌人。
block.thorium-wall-large.description = 强大的防守区块。\n很好地防御敌人。\n跨越多个块。
block.phase-wall.description = 没有钍墙那样坚固,但是它可以使不太强的子弹发生偏转。
block.phase-wall-large.description = 没有钍墙那样坚固,但是它可以使不太强的子弹发生偏转。\n跨越多个块。
block.surge-wall.description = 强大的防守区块。\n有很小的机会向攻击者发射闪电。
block.surge-wall-large.description = 强大的防御区块。\n有很小的机会向攻击者发射闪电。\n跨越多个区块。
block.door.description = 一扇小门,可以通过点击打开和关闭。\n如果打开,敌人可以射击并穿过。
block.door-large.description = 一扇大门,可以通过点击打开和关闭。\n如果打开,敌人可以射击并穿过。\n扫过多个瓷砖。
block.mend-projector.description = 定期修复附近的建筑物。
block.overdrive-projector.description = 提高附近建筑物的速度,如钻机和传送带。
block.force-projector.description = 自身周围创建一个六边形力场,保护建筑物和内部单位免受子弹的伤害。
block.shock-mine.description = 伤害踩到它的敌人。敌人几乎看不到它。
block.duo.description = 小而便宜的炮塔。
block.arc.description = 小型炮塔,发射电弧。
block.hail.description = 小型炮兵炮台。
block.lancer.description = 中型炮塔,发射带电的电子束。
block.wave.description = 中型快速炮塔,射出液体泡泡。
block.salvo.description = 中型炮塔,齐射射击。
block.swarmer.description = 发射爆炸导弹的中型炮塔。
block.ripple.description = 大型炮兵炮塔,可同时向多个目标开火。
block.cyclone.description = 大型快速炮塔。
block.fuse.description = 发射强大的短程光束的大型炮塔。
block.spectre.description = 大型炮塔,一次射出两颗强大的子弹。
block.meltdown.description = 发射强大的远程光束的大型炮塔。
block.conveyor.description = 初级传送带。将物品向前移动并自动将它们放入炮塔或工厂中。可旋转方向。
block.titanium-conveyor.description = 高级传送带。能比初级传送带更快地移动物品。
block.phase-conveyor.description = 高级传送带。使用电力将物品传送到距离几个块的相位传送带上。
block.junction.description = 为两条交叉传送带的桥梁。适用于两种不同传送带将不同材料运送到不同位置的情况。
block.mass-driver.description = 终极传送带。收集几件物品,然后将它们射向长距离外的另一个批量传送带。
block.smelter.description = 烧煤,用于冶炼铜和铅成致密合金。
block.arc-smelter.description = 用外部电源熔炼铜和铅成致密合金。
block.silicon-smelter.description = 用高纯度的焦炭来加工沙子以生产硅。
block.plastanium-compressor.description = 用油和钛生产塑钢。
block.phase-weaver.description = 用放射性钍和大量沙子生产相织物。
block.alloy-smelter.description = 用钛,铅,硅和铜生产浪涌合金。
block.pulverizer.description = 将石头压成沙子。当缺少天然沙子时很有用。
block.pyratite-mixer.description = 用煤,铅和沙子混合成高度易燃的硫。
block.blast-mixer.description = 用油将硫转化为不易燃但更具爆炸性的爆炸化合物。
block.cryofluidmixer.description = 水和钛结合到低温流体中,冷却效率更高。
block.solidifer.description = 快速冷却熔岩为石头。
block.melter.description = 石头加热到很高的温度以获得熔岩。
block.incinerator.description = 用于除掉任何多余的物品或液体。
block.biomattercompressor.description = 压缩生物质以获取油。
block.separator.description = 将石头暴露在水压下,以获得石头中含有的各种矿物质。
block.centrifuge.description = 比分离器更有效,但构建起来也更昂贵并且需要动力。
block.power-node.description = 连接节点传输电源。最多可连接四个电源,接收器或节点。节点将从任何相邻块接收电力或向其供电。
block.power-node-large.description = 传输径大于电源节点,最多可连接六个电源,接收器或节点。
block.battery.description = 储存电力,当储存有能量时,可在电力短缺时提供电力。
block.battery-large.description = 比普通电池容量更大。
block.combustion-generator.description = 通过燃烧油或易燃材料产生电力。
block.turbine-generator.description = 比燃烧发电机更有效,但需要额外的水。
block.thermal-generator.description = 从熔岩中产生大量的能量。
block.solar-panel.description = 标准太阳能面板,提供少量电力。
block.solar-panel-large.description = 比标准太阳能电池板提供更好的电源,但构建起来要贵得多。
block.thorium-reactor.description = 高放射性钍产生大量电力。需要持续冷却。如果供应的冷却剂量不足,会剧烈爆炸。
block.rtg-generator.description = 一种放射性同位素热电发电机,它不需要冷却,但功率低于钍反应堆。
block.unloader.description = 物品从容器,仓库或核心卸载到传送带上或直接卸载到相邻的块中。可以通过点击卸载器来更改要卸载的项目类型。
block.container.description = 存储少量物品。当存在非恒定的材料需求时,使用它来创建缓冲区。 [LIGHT_GRAY]卸载器[]可用于从容器中获取物品。
block.vault.description = 存储大量物品。当存在非恒定的材料需求时,使用它来创建缓冲区。 [LIGHT_GRAY]卸载器[]可用于从仓库中获取物品。
block.mechanical-drill.description = 便宜的钻头。放置在适当的块上时,无限期地以缓慢的速度输出物品。
block.pneumatic-drill.description = 一种改进的钻头,它更快,能够利用气压处理更硬的材料。
block.laser-drill.description = 通过激光技术更快地钻孔,但需要电源。此外,这种钻头可以回收放射性钍。
block.blast-drill.description = 终极钻头,需要大量电力。
block.water-extractor.description = 从地下提取水。当附近没有湖泊时使用它。
block.cultivator.description = 用水培育土壤以获得生物物质。
block.oil-extractor.description = 使用大量的电力从沙子中提取石油。当附近没有直接的石油来源时使用它。
block.dart-ship-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置,换成基本的战斗机。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.trident-ship-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置,换成一个装甲合理的重型轰炸机。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置,换上一个强大而快速的截击机,用闪电武器。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = 离开现有的装置,换成装甲良好的大型武装直升机。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.tau-mech-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置并换成一个可以治愈友方建筑物和单位的支撑机械。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.delta-mech-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置并换成一个快速,轻装甲的机械装置,用于快速攻击。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.omega-mech-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置并换成一个笨重且装甲良好的机甲,用于前线攻击。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.spirit-factory.description = 生产轻型无人机,用于开采矿石和修复块。
block.phantom-factory.description = 生产高级无人机单元,它比轻型无人机更有效。
block.wraith-factory.description = 生产快速截击机。
block.ghoul-factory.description = 生产重型地毯轰炸机。
block.dagger-factory.description = 生产基本地面单位。
block.titan-factory.description = 生产先进的装甲地面单位。
block.fortress-factory.description = 生产重型火炮地面部队。
block.revenant-factory.description = 生产重型激光地面单元。
block.repair-point.description = 连续治疗附近最近的受损单位。
block.command-center.description = 允许更改友方AI行为。目前支持攻击,撤退和巡逻命令。
block.conduit.description = 基本液体传输块。像输送机一样工作,但用于液体。最适用于提取器,泵或其他导管。
block.pulse-conduit.description = 高级液体传输块。比标准导管更快地输送液体并储存更多液体。
block.phase-conduit.description = 高级液体传输块。使用电力将液体传送到多个块上的连接相管道。
block.liquid-router.description = 接受来自一个方向的液体并将它们平均输出到最多3个其他方向。也可以储存一定量的液体。用于将液体从一个源分成多个目标。
block.liquid-tank.description = 存储大量液体。当存在对材料的非恒定需求或作为冷却重要块的安全措施时,将其用于创建缓冲区。
block.liquid-junction.description = 作为两个交叉管道的桥梁。适用于两种不同导管将不同液体输送到不同位置的情况。
block.bridge-conduit.description = 高级液体传输块。允许在任何地形或建筑物的最多3个块上运输液体。
block.mechanical-pump.description = 一种输出速度慢但没有功耗的廉价泵。
block.rotary-pump.description = 一种先进的泵,通过使用动力使速度加倍。
block.thermal-pump.description = 终级水泵。速度是机械泵的三倍。是唯一能够回收熔岩的泵。
block.router.description = 从一个方向接受物品,并将它们平均输出到最多3个其他方向。用于将材料从一个源分割为多个目标。
block.distributor.description = 一个高级路由器,可以将物品分成最多7个方向。
block.bridge-conveyor.description = 高级项目传输块。允许在跨越任何地形或建筑物上运输物品,最多跨越3个块。
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = 当给予足够的电力时,将你的装置重建为[accent] Alpha []机甲。
block.itemsource.description = 无限输出物品。仅限沙箱。
block.liquidsource.description = 无限输出液体。仅限沙箱。
block.itemvoid.description = 在不使用电源的情况下销毁任何进入它的物品。仅限沙箱。
block.powerinfinite.description = 无限输出功率。仅限沙箱。
block.powervoid.description = 消耗输入的所有功率。仅限沙箱。
liquid.water.description = 通常用于冷却和废物处理。
liquid.lava.description = 可以转换成[LIGHT_GRAY] 石头 [],用于发电或用作某些炮塔的弹药。
liquid.oil.description = 可以燃烧,爆炸或用作冷却液。
liquid.cryofluid.description = 用于降温的最有效液体。
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