Open Games & Local Servers - Otwieraj Gry & Lokalne Serwery
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Banned Units-Zabronione jednostki
Repair Speed-Prędkość Napraw
Skip Core Launch/Land Animation-Pomiń Animację Wystrzału/Lądowania
Enemy Team-Drużyna Wroga
Player Team-Drużyna Gracza
Rdzeń Spala Nadmarowe Przedmioty-Rdzeń Spala Nadmiarowe Przedmioty ("i" was missing and word had mistake)
* Make closestEnemyCore find the actual closest core
this function should return the closest core of all of `team`’s enemies, but it instead returns the closest core of the first enemy team that has a core
* Glenn method
* Cease.
* Mobile players are second rate citizens
* Undo config on ratelimit, revert PowerNode for loop
* Fix being unable to drop items into core vaults when there are over 1k of the item already
* utility method
* plainName for all console outputs
* plainLastName for all console outputs
* some formats
* slightly reformat trace output
* Slightly nicer admin indicator
* A space
* Update to servers_v7 - New Domain
Updating server list to include New surrealment ip address as read other pull rq for surrealment v6 domain update
* Update servers_v7.json
* Update to servers_v6.json - Update Domain
Im stupid and did not format it correctly i've removed the screwed branches on my fork here's the fixed one im so stupid *pain*
This is to change the port of surrealment as the previous ip was redirected to v7 ill be adding it to that list shortly (it is using the same plugins everything just a version split)
* Update servers_v6.json