mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 22:18:50 +07:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ Game Options = Opções de jogo
Civilizations = Civilizações
Map Type = Tipo de mapa
Map file = Arquivo do mapa
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Gerado
Existing = Existente
Custom = Customizado
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Опции на Игра
Civilizations = Цивилизации
Map Type = Вид Карта
Map file = Файл на Карта
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Създадена
Existing = Генерирана
Custom = Персонализирана
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Nastavení hry
Civilizations = Civilizace
Map Type = Typ mapy
Map file = Soubor mapy
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Generováno
Existing = Existující
Custom = Vlastní
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Spelopties
Civilizations = Civilisaties
Map Type = Kaarttype
Map file = Kaartbestand
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Gegenereerd
Existing = Bestaand
Custom = Custom
@ -363,6 +363,8 @@ Map Type =
# Requires translation!
Map file =
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
# Requires translation!
Generated =
# Requires translation!
Existing =
@ -210,6 +210,8 @@ Civilizations = Sivilisaatiot
Map Type = Maailman Tyyppi
# Requires translation!
Map file =
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Generoitu
Existing = Olemassaoleva
Custom = Räätälöity
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Options de partie
Civilizations = Civilisations
Map Type = Type de carte
Map file = Fichier de carte
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Générée
Existing = Existante
Custom = Personnalisée
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Spieloptionen
Civilizations = Zivilisationen
Map Type = Kartentyp
Map file = Karten-Datei
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Generiert
Existing = Bestehende
Custom = Benutzerdefiniert
@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ Game Options = Játék beállítások
Civilizations = Civilizációk
Map Type = Térkép típusa
Map file = Térkép fájl
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Generált
Existing = Létező
Custom = Egyedi
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Opsi permainan
Civilizations = Peradaban
Map Type = Tipe Peta
Map file = File peta
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Dihasilkan Game
Existing = Telah Tersedia
Custom = Kustom
@ -267,13 +269,9 @@ Mods: = Mod:
Base ruleset mods: = Mod aturan dasar:
Extension mods: = Mod ekstensi:
# Requires translation!
World Wrap = Dunia Gabungan
# Requires translation!
World wrap maps are very memory intensive - creating large world wrap maps on Android can lead to crashes! = Peta dengan mode Dunia Gabungan sangat memakan memori - membuat peta dunia gabungan di Android dapat menghentikan fungsi sistem operasi!
# Requires translation!
Anything above 80 by 50 may work very slowly on Android! = Peta di atas ukuran 80 kali 50 dapat bekerja dengan lambat di Andorid!
# Requires translation!
Anything above 40 may work very slowly on Android! = Peta di atas ukuran 40 dapat bekerja dengan sangat lambat di Android!
# Multiplayer
@ -518,7 +516,6 @@ Culture = Budaya
Food = Makanan
Crop Yield = Hasil Panen
# Requires translation!
Territory = Teritori
Force = Kekuatan Militer
@ -728,7 +725,6 @@ Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost, but their citizens gen
You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. = Anda tidak punya kontrol atas produksi kota boneka.
Puppeted cities also generate 25% less Gold and Science. = Kota boneka menghasilkan 25% lebih sedikit Emas dan Ilmu Pengetahuan.
A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. = Kota boneka dapat dicaplok kapan saja.
# Requires translation!
Liberate (city returns to [originalOwner]) = Merdekakan (kota dikembalikan ke [originalOwner])
Liberating a city returns it to its original owner, giving you a massive relationship boost with them! = Memerdekakan kota mengembalikannya kepada pemilik yang semula dan memberikan Anda dorongan yang besar dalam relasi dengan mereka!
Raze = Meruntuhkan
@ -937,25 +933,15 @@ Download = Unduh
Done! = Selesai!
Delete [modName] = Hapus [modName]
Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = Apakah kamu YAKIN untuk menghapus mod ini?
# Requires translation!
Updated = Diperbarui
# Requires translation!
Current mods = Mod yang dimiliki
# Requires translation!
Downloadable mods = Mod yang dapat diunduh
# Requires translation!
Next page = Halaman selanjutnya
# Requires translation!
Open Github page = Buka laman Github
# Requires translation!
Enable as permanent visual mod = Aktifkan sebagai mod visual permanen
# Requires translation!
Disable as permanent visual mod = Nonaktifkan sebagai mod visual permanen
# Requires translation!
Installed = Terpasang
# Requires translation!
Downloaded! = Berhasil diunduh!
# Requires translation!
Could not download mod = Tidak dapat mengunduh mod
# Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object
@ -2474,7 +2460,6 @@ How are you doing? = Bagaimana kabarmu?
What do you want now? = Apa maumu sekarang?
Great Andean Road = Jalan Andes Raya
Maintenance on roads & railroads reduced by [amount]% = Biaya pemeliharaan jalan & rel kereta berkurang sebesar [amount]%
# Requires translation!
No Maintenance costs for improvements in [terrain] tiles = Tidak memerlukan biaya pemeliharaan untuk improvisasi di daerah [terrain]
Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills = Unit mengabaikan biaya medan saat bergerak Ke daerah perbukitan apapun
Cuzco = Cusco
@ -3010,7 +2995,6 @@ Ocean = Samudra
Coast = Pantai
Occurs at temperature between [param] and [param2] and humidity between [param3] and [amount] = Ada saat suhu berada di antara [param] dan [param2] dan kelembapan berada di antara [param3] dan [amount]
# Requires translation!
Open terrain = Medan terbuka
Grassland = Padang Rumput
@ -3022,22 +3006,17 @@ Desert = Padang Pasir
Lakes = Danau
# Requires translation!
Has an elevation of [amount] for visibility calculations = Memiliki ketinggian [amount] sebagai perhitungan untuk jangkauan penglihatan
Mountain = Gunung
Snow = Salju
# Requires translation!
Rough terrain = Medan kasar
# Requires translation!
[amount] Strength for cities built on this terrain = [amount] Kekuatan untuk kota yang dibangun di medan ini
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for [param] units = [amount] Penglihatan untuk unit[param]
Hill = Bukit
Provides a one-time Production bonus to the closest city when cut down = Menyediakan bonus Produksi satu kali ke kota terdekat ketika ditebang
# Requires translation!
Blocks line-of-sight from tiles at same elevation = Menghalangi pandangan dari daerah dengan ketinggian yang sama
Forest = Hutan
@ -3134,7 +3113,6 @@ Manufactory = Pabrik Manufaktur
Customs house = Rumah cukai
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units = Memberi 30 kerusakan pada unit musuh yang bersebelahan
# Requires translation!
Can be built just outside your borders = Hanya bisa dibangun tepat di luar perbatasanmu
Citadel = Benteng
@ -3144,7 +3122,6 @@ Moai = Moai
Cannot be built on bonus resource = Tidak bisa dibangun di atas sumber daya bonus
Terrace farm = Sawah bersengkedan
# Requires translation!
Unpillagable = Tidak dapat dijarah
Ancient ruins = Reruntuhan kuno
@ -3235,7 +3212,6 @@ Barrage II = Rentetan II
Barrage III = Rentetan III
Volley = Voli
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength vs [unitType] = +[amount]% Kekuatan vs [unitType]
Extended Range = Perpanjangan Jarak
@ -3723,7 +3699,6 @@ Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have abo
Great People = Orang Hebat
Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per turn.\nThere are several types of Great People, and their points accumulate separately.\nThe number of points per turn and accumulated points can be viewed in the Overview screen. = Bangunan tertentu, dan spesialis-spesialis di kota, menghasilkan poin Orang Hebat tiap giliran.\nAda beberapa jenis Orang Hebat, dan poinnya dikumpulkan berdasarkan jenisnya.\nJumlah poin tiap giliran serta total poin yang terkumpul dapat dilihat dalam tampilan Selengkapnya.
# Requires translation!
Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = Saat poin yang dikumpulkan telah mencukupi, seorang Orang Hebat dengan tipe tersebut akan muncul!\nSetiap Orang Hebat dapat membangun sebuah Peningkatan Hebat tertentu yang memberikan hasil yang besar seiring berjalannya waktu, atau langsung dipakai untuk memberikan bonus tertentu saat ini juga.
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = Peningkatan Hebat juga menyediakan setiap sumber daya strategis di bawahnya, jadi kamu tidak perlu khawatir jika sumber daya ditemukan di bawah peningkatanmu!
@ -3732,16 +3707,10 @@ Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Keajaiban Alam, seperti Gn. Fuji, Batu Gibraltar, dan Karang Penghalang Besar merupakan hal istimewa, sebuah fitur yang tidak bisa dilewati, karya agung Tuhan, yang memiliki kualitas unik yang membuat mereka berbeda dari medan biasa.\nMereka memberi keuntungan dengan menghasilkan sejumlah Budaya, Ilmu Pengetahuan, Emas atau Produksi yang cukup besar jika dikerjakan oleh kota. Itulah mengapa kamu mungkin perlu untuk menguasai mereka dalam peradabanmu secepat mungkin.
# Requires translation!
Keyboard = Papan tik
# Requires translation!
If you have a keyboard, some shortcut keys become available. Unit command or improvement picker keys, for example, are shown directly in their corresponding buttons. = Jika kamu memakai papan tik, beberapa tombol shortcut dapat digunakan. Misalnya, tombol perintah untuk unit atau pemilih peningkatan, ditunjukkan langsung melalui tombolnya yang sesuai.
# Requires translation!
On the world screen the hotkeys are as follows: = Di layar dunia, hotkeynya sebagai berikut:
# Requires translation!
Space or 'N' - Next unit or turn\n'E' - Empire overview (last viewed page)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - center on capital = Spasi atau 'N' - Unit atau giliran selanjutnya\n'E' - Gambaran kekaisaran (halaman terakhir yang dilihat)\n'+', '-' - Perbesar / Perkecil\nHome - memusatkan ke ibu kota
# Requires translation!
F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\nF4 - Empire overview Diplomacy\nF5 - Social policies\nF6 - Technologies\nF7 - Empire overview Cities\nF8 - Victory Progress\nF9 - Empire overview Stats\nF10 - Empire overview Resources\nF11 - Quicksave\nF12 - Quickload = F1 - Buka Civilopedia\nF2 - Gambaran kekaisaran Perdagangan\nF3 - Gambaran kekaisaran Unit\nF4 - Gambaran kekaisaran Diplomasi\nF5 - Kebijakan Sosial\nF6 - Teknologi\nF7 - Gambaran kekaisaran Kota\nF8 - Progres Kemenangan\nF9 - Gambaran kekaisaran Stat\nF10 - Gambaran kekaisaran Sumber Daya\nF11 - Simpan kilat\nF12 - Muat kilat
# Requires translation!
Ctrl-R - Toggle tile resource display\nCtrl-Y - Toggle tile yield display\nCtrl-O - Game options\nCtrl-S - Save game\nCtrl-L - Load game = Ctrl-R - Perlihatkan sumber daya daerah\nCtrl-Y - Perlihatkan penghasilan daerah\nCtrl-O - Opsi gim\nCtrl-S - Simpan gim\nCtrl-L - Muat gim
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Opzioni di gioco
Civilizations = Civiltà
Map Type = Tipo di mappa
Map file = File mappa
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Generato
Existing = Esistente
Custom = Personalizzata
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = ゲーム設定
Civilizations = Civilizations
Map Type = マップタイプ
Map file = マップファイル
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = 生成
Existing = 既存
Custom = カスタム
@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ Game Options = 게임 설정
Civilizations = 문명
Map Type = 지도 선택
Map file = 지도 파일
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = 새 지도
Existing = 기존 지도
Custom = 기존 지도
@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ Civilizations = Civilizacijos
Map Type = Žemėlapio tipas
# Requires translation!
Map file =
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Sukurtas
Existing = Esamos
Custom = Paprotys
@ -229,6 +229,8 @@ Game Options = option game
Civilizations = Peradaban
Map Type = Jenis Peta
Map file = Fail Peta
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = generate
Existing = yang ada
Custom = custom
@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ Civilizations = Tamaddon hā
Map Type = No’e Nağše
# Requires translation!
Map file =
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Jadid dorost kardan
Existing = Mojood
Custom = Delḵāh
@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ Civilizations = Tamaddon haa
Map Type = No’e Naghshe
# Requires translation!
Map file =
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Jadid dorost kardan
Existing = Mojood
Custom = Delkhaah
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Ustawienia gry
Civilizations = Cywilizacje
Map Type = Rodzaj mapy
Map file = Plik Mapy
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Losowa
Existing = Istniejąca
Custom = Niestandardowa
@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ Game Options = Opções de jogo
Civilizations = Civilizações
Map Type = Tipo de mapa
Map file = Ficheiro do Mapa
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Gerado
Existing = Existente
Custom = Customizado
@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ Civilizations =
Map Type = Tipul hărții
# Requires translation!
Map file =
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Generat
Existing = Existent
Custom = Personalizat
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ Requires worked [resource] near city = Требуется добыча [resource
Wonder is being built elsewhere = Чудо света строится где-то еще
Requires a [buildingName] in all cities = Требуется [buildingName] во всех городах
Requires a [buildingName] in this city = Требуется [buildingName] в городе
Consumes 1 [resource] = Потребляет 1 [resource]
Consumes [amount] [resource] = Потребляет [amount] [resource]
Required tech: [requiredTech] = Требуемая технология: [requiredTech]
@ -198,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Настройка игры
Civilizations = Цивилизации
Map Type = Тип карты
Map file = Тип карты
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Сгенерированная
Existing = Существующая
Custom = Своя
@ -268,7 +269,6 @@ Mods: = Моды:
Base ruleset mods: = Моды базовых наборов правил:
Extension mods: = Моды расширений:
World Wrap = Обводка мира
World wrap maps are very memory intensive - creating large world wrap maps on Android can lead to crashes! = Обводка мира очень требовательна - создание огромного мира с обводкой может привести к вылетам!
Anything above 80 by 50 may work very slowly on Android! = Все, что больше 80 на 50 может работать очень медленно на Android!
@ -2720,7 +2720,6 @@ Trade Unions = Торговые союзы
Mercantilism = Меркантилизм
Entrepreneurship = Предпринимательство
Patronage = Меценатство
Patronage Complete = Меценатство завершено #Not working, idk why
Cost of purchasing [stat] buildings reduced by [amount]% = -[amount]% к стоимости покупок зданий типа [stat] в городах
Protectionism = Протекционизм
+1 happiness from each type of luxury resource = +1 Счастье от каждого редкого ресурса
@ -2996,7 +2995,6 @@ Ocean = Океан
Coast = Побережье
Occurs at temperature between [param] and [param2] and humidity between [param3] and [amount] = Возникает при температуре между: [param] и [param2] и влажности между: [param3] и [amount]
Open terrain = Открытая территория
Grassland = Луга
@ -3015,7 +3013,7 @@ Snow = Снег
Rough terrain = Территория с неровностями
[amount] Strength for cities built on this terrain = [amount] Силы для городов построенные на этой местности
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for [param] units =
Hill = Холм
@ -3201,7 +3199,6 @@ Heal Instantly = Мгновенное излечение
Heal this Unit by 50 HP; Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = Излечить юнит на 50 ОЗ. Данное действие заменяет возможность повышения.
Accuracy I = Точность I
+[amount]% Strength in [param] = +[amount]% Силы на [param]
Accuracy II = Точность II
@ -3215,7 +3212,6 @@ Barrage II = Преграда II
Barrage III = Преграда III
Volley = Залп
+[amount]% Strength vs [unitType] = +[amount]% Силы против [unitType]
Extended Range = Обзор
@ -3711,11 +3707,10 @@ Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Чудеса природы, например Гора Фудзияма, Гибралтарская скала и Большой Барьерный Риф, - это непроходимые элементы местности, шедевры Матери-природы, которые обладают особыми свойствами и отличаются от обычного ландшафта.\nОни дают городам преимущество за счет большого количества Культуры, Науки, Золота или Производства, поэтому следует как можно быстрее включить их в свою империю.
Keyboard = Клавиатура
If you have a keyboard, some shortcut keys become available. Unit command or improvement picker keys, for example, are shown directly in their corresponding buttons. = Если у вас есть клавиатура, станут доступны некоторые сочетания клавиш. Например, клавиши выбора команд или улучшений, которые отображаются на соответствующих кнопках.
On the world screen the hotkeys are as follows: = На экране игры горячие клавиши выглядят следующим образом:
Space or 'N' - Next unit or turn\n'E' - Empire overview (last viewed page)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - center on capital = Пробел или 'N' - Следующий юнит или ход\n'E '- Обзор Империи (последняя просмотренная страница)\n' + ',' - '- Приближение / Отдаление\nHome - Центр столицы
F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\nF4 - Empire overview Diplomacy\nF5 - Social policies\nF6 - Technologies\nF7 - Empire overview Cities\nF8 - Victory Progress\nF9 - Empire overview Stats\nF10 - Empire overview Resources\nF11 - Quicksave\nF12 - Quickload = F1 - Открыть Цивилопедию\nF2 - Просмотр торговли Империи\nF3 - Просмотр юнитов Империи\nF4 - Просмотр дипломатии Империи\nF5 - Социальная политика\nF6 - Технологии\nF7 - Просмотр городов Империи\nF8 - Прогресс Победы\nF9 - Обзор статистики Империи\nF10 - Просмотр ресурсов Империи\nF11 - Быстрое сохранение\nF12 - Быстрая загрузка =
F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\nF4 - Empire overview Diplomacy\nF5 - Social policies\nF6 - Technologies\nF7 - Empire overview Cities\nF8 - Victory Progress\nF9 - Empire overview Stats\nF10 - Empire overview Resources\nF11 - Quicksave\nF12 - Quickload = F1 - Открыть Цивилопедию\nF2 - Просмотр торговли Империи\nF3 - Просмотр юнитов Империи\nF4 - Просмотр дипломатии Империи\nF5 - Социальная политика\nF6 - Технологии\nF7 - Просмотр городов Империи\nF8 - Прогресс Победы\nF9 - Обзор статистики Империи\nF10 - Просмотр ресурсов Империи\nF11 - Быстрое сохранение\nF12 - Быстрая загрузка
Ctrl-R - Toggle tile resource display\nCtrl-Y - Toggle tile yield display\nCtrl-O - Game options\nCtrl-S - Save game\nCtrl-L - Load game = Ctrl-R - Переключить отображение ресурса территорий\nCtrl-Y - Переключить отображение урожая плитки\nCtrl-O - Настройки игры\nCtrl-S - Сохранить игру\nCtrl-L - Загрузить игру
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = 游戏设置
Civilizations = 文明
Map Type = 地图创建方式
Map file = 地图文件
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = 根据设置生成
Existing = 从文件载入
Custom = 自定义
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Opciones del juego
Civilizations = Civilizaciones
Map Type = Tipo de Mapa
Map file = Archivo de Mapa
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Generado
Existing = Existente
Custom = Personalizado
@ -3696,7 +3698,6 @@ Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have abo
Great People = Buena gente
Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per turn.\nThere are several types of Great People, and their points accumulate separately.\nThe number of points per turn and accumulated points can be viewed in the Overview screen. = Algunos edificios y especialistas en las ciudades generan puntos de Gran Personaje por turno.\nHay diferentes tipos de Gran Personaje y sus puntos que acumulan de forma separada.\nEl número de puntos por turno y el total se pueden ver en la pantalla de Visión General.
# Requires translation!
Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = Una vez que se hayan acumulado suficientes puntos, ¡se creará una Gran Persona!\nCada Gran Personaje puede construir una determinada Gran Mejora que otorga grandes rendimientos a lo largo del tiempo, o consumirse inmediatamente para proporcionar una cierta bonificación ahora.
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = Las Grandes Mejoras también pueden producir cualquier recurso estratégico que tengan debajo, así que no tienes que preocuparte si los son revelados bajo tus recursos.
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = 遊戲設置
Civilizations = 文明
Map Type = 地圖創建方式
Map file = 地圖檔
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = 根據設置生成
Existing = 從文件載入
Custom = 自訂
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Oyun seçenekleri
Civilizations = Medeniyetler
Map Type = Harita türü
Map file = Harita dosyası
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Oluşturuldu
Existing = Mevcut
Custom = Elle yapılmış
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Game Options = Налаштування гри
Civilizations = Цивілізації
Map Type = Тип мапи
Map file = Файл мапи
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! =
Generated = Створена
Existing = Існуюча
Custom = Користувацька
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Persian_(Pinglish-UN) = 25
Italian = 99
Russian = 98
Russian = 99
German = 99
Turkish = 78
Ukrainian = 98
French = 97
Portuguese = 48
Indonesian = 98
Indonesian = 99
Finnish = 59
Malay = 21
Spanish = 99
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package com.unciv.build
object BuildConfig {
const val kotlinVersion = "1.4.30"
const val appName = "Unciv"
const val appCodeNumber = 566
const val appVersion = "3.14.8"
const val appCodeNumber = 567
const val appVersion = "3.14.9"
const val gdxVersion = "1.10.0"
const val roboVMVersion = "2.3.1"
@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
## 3.14.9
Caught exception when map fails to load
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fix Ctrl-S going to save game screen will not stop scrolling the map
- Options screen cleanup
- Split off stuff from CameraStageBaseScreen that isn't the class itself
- Minimap resizeable and scroll position indicator redone
- Trim down custom save to export/import only
- Fix crash when a mod allows a citadel >1 tile outside borders
Technology and construction bars no longer extend past their maximum - By xlenstra
## 3.14.8
New line-of-sight rules, with new "Blocks line-of-sight from tiles at same elevation" unique!
Reference in New Issue
Block a user