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synced 2025-03-13 11:30:31 +07:00
Generified more building uniques and merged functionality of global and city uniques when alculating tile stats
This commit is contained in:
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"gold": 5,
"greatPersonPoints": {"gold": 1},
"isWonder": true,
"uniques": ["Can only be built in coastal cities", "+1 gold from worked water tiles in city"],
"uniques": ["Can only be built in coastal cities", "[+1 Gold] from [Water] tiles in this city"],
"requiredTech": "Iron Working",
"quote": "'Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves.' - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar"
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
"name": "Harbor",
"maintenance": 2,
"hurryCostModifier": 25,
"uniques": ["+1 production from all sea resources worked by the city",
"uniques": ["[+1 Production] from [Water resource] tiles in this city",
"Connects trade routes over water","Can only be built in coastal cities"],
"requiredTech": "Compass"
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@
"hurryCostModifier": 25,
"maintenance": 2,
"requiredBuilding": "Harbor",
"uniques": ["+1 production and gold from all sea resources worked by the city",
"uniques": ["[+1 Production, +1 Gold] from [Water resource] tiles in this city",
"Can only be built in coastal cities", "+[15]% production when building [naval units] in this city"],
"requiredTech": "Navigation"
@ -195,7 +195,6 @@ Sun Never Sets =
Ancien Régime =
Strategic Resources provide +1 Production, and Horses, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity =
Strategic resources =
Siberian Riches =
+25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital =
@ -682,6 +681,7 @@ Policies =
Base happiness =
Occupied City =
Buildings =
# For the "when constructing [military units]" translation
military units =
melee units =
@ -689,6 +689,11 @@ mounted units =
naval units =
# For the All "newly-trained [relevant] units in this city receive the [] promotion" translation. Relevant as in 'units that can receive'
relevant =
# For '[stats] from [Water] tiles in this city'
Water =
# For [stats] from [Water resource] tiles in this city
Water resource =
Wonders =
Base values =
Bonuses =
@ -177,20 +177,19 @@ open class TileInfo {
// City-specific bonuses
if(city!=null) for(unique in city.cityConstructions.builtBuildingUniqueMap.getUniques("[] from [] tiles in this city")) {
val tileType = unique.params[1]
if (baseTerrain == tileType || terrainFeature == tileType
|| resource == tileType || improvement == tileType)
// Civ-wide bonuses
if(city!=null) for(unique in city.civInfo.getMatchingUniques("[] from every []")) {
val tileType = unique.params[1]
if (baseTerrain == tileType || terrainFeature == tileType
|| (tileType == "Strategic resource" && hasViewableResource(observingCiv) && getTileResource().resourceType == ResourceType.Strategic))
if (city != null) {
val cityWideUniques = city.cityConstructions.builtBuildingUniqueMap.getUniques("[] from [] tiles in this city")
val civWideUniques = city.civInfo.getMatchingUniques("[] from every []")
for (unique in cityWideUniques + civWideUniques) {
val tileType = unique.params[1]
if (baseTerrain == tileType || terrainFeature == tileType
|| resource == tileType
|| (tileType == "Water" && isWater)
|| (tileType == "Strategic resource" && hasViewableResource(observingCiv) && getTileResource().resourceType == ResourceType.Strategic)
|| (tileType == "Water resource" && isWater && hasViewableResource(observingCiv))
if (naturalWonder != null) {
@ -210,23 +209,12 @@ open class TileInfo {
val resourceBuilding = tileMap.gameInfo.ruleSet.buildings[resource.building!!]!!
stats.add(resourceBuilding.resourceBonusStats!!) // resource-specific building (eg forge, stable) bonus
if (city != null && isWater) {
if (city.containsBuildingUnique("+1 production from all sea resources worked by the city"))
stats.production += 1
if (city.containsBuildingUnique("+1 production and gold from all sea resources worked by the city")) {
stats.production += 1
stats.gold += 1
val improvement = getTileImprovement()
if (improvement != null)
stats.add(getImprovementStats(improvement, observingCiv, city))
if (city != null && isWater && city.containsBuildingUnique("+1 gold from worked water tiles in city"))
stats.gold += 1
if (isCityCenter()) {
if (stats.food < 2) stats.food = 2f
if (stats.production < 1) stats.production = 1f
@ -250,11 +238,16 @@ open class TileInfo {
if (improvement.improvingTech != null && observingCiv.tech.isResearched(improvement.improvingTech!!))
stats.add(improvement.improvingTechStats!!) // eg Chemistry for mines
for(unique in city.civInfo.getMatchingUniques("[] from every []")) {
if (improvement.name == unique.params[1] || (unique.params[1]=="Great Improvement" && improvement.isGreatImprovement()))
if(city!=null) {
val cityWideUniques = city.cityConstructions.builtBuildingUniqueMap.getUniques("[] from [] tiles in this city")
val civWideUniques = city.civInfo.getMatchingUniques("[] from every []")
for (unique in cityWideUniques + civWideUniques) {
if (improvement.name == unique.params[1]
|| (unique.params[1] == "Great Improvement" && improvement.isGreatImprovement()))
if (containsGreatImprovement()
&& observingCiv.hasUnique("Tile yield from Great Improvements +100%"))
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class UniqueMap:HashMap<String, ArrayList<Unique>>() {
fun getUniques(placeholderText: String): List<Unique> {
val result = this.get(placeholderText)
val result = this[placeholderText]
if (result == null) return listOf()
else return result
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