Mod TranslationFileWriter re-work (#5219)

* Mod TranslationFileWriter re-work

* Mod TranslationFileWriter re-work - style and existing in base treatment

* Mod TranslationFileWriter re-work - style and existing in base treatment
This commit is contained in:
SomeTroglodyte 2021-09-16 19:59:50 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent a61efa65c9
commit 3d9c5bcc34
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 96 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -24,31 +24,49 @@ object TranslationFileWriter {
const val templateFileLocation = "jsons/translations/"
private const val languageFileLocation = "jsons/translations/"
fun writeNewTranslationFiles(translations: Translations) {
fun writeNewTranslationFiles(): String {
try {
val translations = Translations()
val percentages = generateTranslationFiles(translations)
val percentages = generateTranslationFiles(translations)
// try to do the same for the mods
for (modFolder in Gdx.files.local("mods").list().filter { it.isDirectory })
generateTranslationFiles(translations, modFolder)
// write percentages is not needed: for an individual mod it makes no sense
// See #5168 for some background on this
for ((modName, modTranslations) in translations.modsWithTranslations) {
val modFolder = Gdx.files.local("mods").child(modName)
val modPercentages = generateTranslationFiles(modTranslations, modFolder, translations)
writeLanguagePercentages(modPercentages, modFolder) // unused by the game but maybe helpful for the mod developer
return "Translation files are generated successfully."
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
return ex.localizedMessage
private fun getFileHandle(modFolder: FileHandle?, fileLocation: String) =
if (modFolder != null) modFolder.child(fileLocation)
else Gdx.files.local(fileLocation)
private fun generateTranslationFiles(translations: Translations, modFolder: FileHandle? = null): HashMap<String, Int> {
* Writes new language files per Mod or for BaseRuleset - only each language that exists in [translations].
* @param baseTranslations For a mod, pass the base translations here so strings already existing there can be seen
* @return a map with the percentages of translated lines per language
private fun generateTranslationFiles(
translations: Translations,
modFolder: FileHandle? = null,
baseTranslations: Translations? = null
): HashMap<String, Int> {
val fileNameToGeneratedStrings = LinkedHashMap<String, MutableSet<String>>()
val linesFromTemplates = mutableListOf<String>()
val linesToTranslate = mutableListOf<String>()
if (modFolder == null) { // base game
val templateFile = getFileHandle(modFolder, templateFileLocation) // read the template
if (templateFile.exists())
for (baseRuleset in BaseRuleset.values()) {
val generatedStringsFromBaseRuleset =
@ -58,28 +76,27 @@ object TranslationFileWriter {
fileNameToGeneratedStrings["Tutorials"] = generateTutorialsStrings()
} else fileNameToGeneratedStrings.putAll(generateStringsFromJSONs(modFolder))
} else {
// Tutorials are a bit special
if (modFolder == null) // this is for base only, not mods
for (key in fileNameToGeneratedStrings.keys) {
linesFromTemplates.add("\n#################### Lines from $key ####################\n")
for (key in fileNameToGeneratedStrings.keys) {
linesToTranslate.add("\n#################### Lines from $key ####################\n")
var countOfTranslatableLines = 0
val countOfTranslatedLines = HashMap<String, Int>()
// iterate through all available languages
for (language in translations.getLanguages()) {
for ((languageIndex, language) in translations.getLanguages().withIndex()) {
var translationsOfThisLanguage = 0
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
// This is so we don't add the same keys twice if we have the same value in both Vanilla and G&K
val existingTranslationKeys = HashSet<String>()
for (line in linesFromTemplates) {
for (line in linesToTranslate) {
if (!line.contains(" = ")) {
// small hack to insert empty lines
if (line.startsWith(specialNewLineCode)) {
@ -99,16 +116,21 @@ object TranslationFileWriter {
if (existingTranslationKeys.contains(hashMapKey)) continue // don't add it twice
// count translatable lines only once (e.g. for English)
if (language == "English") countOfTranslatableLines++
// count translatable lines only once
if (languageIndex == 0) countOfTranslatableLines++
var translationValue = ""
val translationEntry = translations[hashMapKey]
if (translationEntry != null && translationEntry.containsKey(language)) {
translationValue = translationEntry[language]!!
val existingTranslation = translations[hashMapKey]
var translationValue = if (existingTranslation != null && language in existingTranslation){
} else stringBuilder.appendLine(" # Requires translation!")
} else if (baseTranslations?.get(hashMapKey)?.containsKey(language) == true) {
// String is used in the mod but also exists in base - ignore
} else {
// String is not translated either here or in base
stringBuilder.appendLine(" # Requires translation!")
// When we come to change params written in the TranslationFileWriter,
@ -141,22 +163,19 @@ object TranslationFileWriter {
// Calculate the percentages of translations
// It should be done after the loop of languages, since the countOfTranslatableLines is not known in the 1st iteration
for (key in countOfTranslatedLines.keys)
countOfTranslatedLines[key] = if (countOfTranslatableLines > 0) countOfTranslatedLines.getValue(key) * 100 / countOfTranslatableLines
else 100
for (entry in countOfTranslatedLines)
entry.setValue(if (countOfTranslatableLines <= 0) 100 else entry.value * 100 / countOfTranslatableLines)
return countOfTranslatedLines
private fun writeLanguagePercentages(percentages: HashMap<String, Int>) {
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
for (entry in percentages) {
stringBuilder.appendLine(entry.key + " = " + entry.value)
Gdx.files.local(TranslationFileReader.percentagesFileLocation).writeString(stringBuilder.toString(), false)
private fun writeLanguagePercentages(percentages: HashMap<String, Int>, modFolder: FileHandle? = null) {
val output = percentages.asSequence()
.joinToString("\n", postfix = "\n") { "${it.key} = ${it.value}" }
getFileHandle(modFolder, TranslationFileReader.percentagesFileLocation)
.writeString(output, false)
private fun generateTutorialsStrings(): MutableSet<String> {
val tutorialsStrings = mutableSetOf<String>()
@ -395,4 +414,4 @@ object TranslationFileWriter {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stats
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.HashMap
import kotlin.collections.LinkedHashSet
* This collection holds all translations for the game.
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
var percentCompleteOfLanguages = HashMap<String,Int>()
.apply { put("English",100) } // So even if we don't manage to load the percentages, we can still pass the language screen
private var modsWithTranslations: HashMap<String, Translations> = hashMapOf() // key == mod name
internal var modsWithTranslations: HashMap<String, Translations> = hashMapOf() // key == mod name
// used by tr() whenever GameInfo not initialized (allowing new game screen to use mod translations)
var translationActiveMods = LinkedHashSet<String>()
@ -64,17 +65,16 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
return get(text, language, activeMods)?.get(language) ?: text
fun getLanguages(): List<String> {
val toReturn = mutableListOf<String>()
for(entry in values)
for(languageName in entry.keys)
if(!toReturn.contains(languageName)) toReturn.add(languageName)
return toReturn
/** Get all languages present in `this`, used for [TranslationFileWriter] and `TranslationTests` */
fun getLanguages() = linkedSetOf<String>().apply {
for (entry in values)
for (languageName in entry.keys)
/** This reads all translations for a specific language, including _all_ installed mods.
* Vanilla translations go into `this` instance, mod translations into [modsWithTranslations].
private fun tryReadTranslationForLanguage(language: String, printOutput: Boolean) {
val translationStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
// which is super odd because everyone should support UTF-8
languageTranslations =
} catch (ex: Exception) {
println("Exception reading translations for $language: ${ex.message}")
@ -93,33 +94,36 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
for (modFolder in Gdx.files.local("mods").list()) {
val modTranslationFile = modFolder.child(translationFileName)
if (modTranslationFile.exists()) {
val translationsForMod = Translations()
createTranslations(language,, translationsForMod)
modsWithTranslations[] = translationsForMod
var translationsForMod = modsWithTranslations[]
if (translationsForMod == null) {
translationsForMod = Translations()
modsWithTranslations[] = translationsForMod
try {
} catch (ex: Exception) {
println("Exception reading translations for ${} $language: ${ex.message}")
createTranslations(language, languageTranslations)
val translationFilesTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - translationStart
if(printOutput) println("Loading translation file for $language - " + translationFilesTime + "ms")
if (printOutput) println("Loading translation file for $language - " + translationFilesTime + "ms")
private fun createTranslations(language: String,
languageTranslations: HashMap<String,String>,
targetTranslations: Translations = this) {
private fun createTranslations(language: String, languageTranslations: HashMap<String,String>) {
for (translation in languageTranslations) {
val hashKey = if (translation.key.contains('['))
else translation.key
if (!containsKey(hashKey))
targetTranslations[hashKey] = TranslationEntry(translation.key)
// why not in one line, Because there were actual crashes.
// I'm pretty sure I solved this already, but hey double-checking doesn't cost anything.
val entry = targetTranslations[hashKey]
if (entry != null) entry[language] = translation.value
var entry = this[hashKey]
if (entry == null) {
entry = TranslationEntry(translation.key)
this[hashKey] = entry
entry[language] = translation.value
@ -127,6 +131,7 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
tryReadTranslationForLanguage(UncivGame.Current.settings.language, false)
/** Get a list of supported languages for [readAllLanguagesTranslation] */
// This function is too strange for me, however, let's keep it "as is" for now. - JackRainy
private fun getLanguagesWithTranslationFile(): List<String> {
@ -134,10 +139,10 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
// So apparently the Locales don't work for everyone, which is horrendous
// So for those players, which seem to be Android-y, we try to see what files exist directly...yeah =/
for(file in Gdx.files.internal("jsons/translations").list())
for (file in Gdx.files.internal("jsons/translations").list())
catch (ex:Exception){} // Iterating on internal files will not work when running from a .jar
catch (ex:Exception) {} // Iterating on internal files will not work when running from a .jar
languages.addAll(Locale.getAvailableLocales() // And this should work for Desktop, meaning from a .jar
.map { it.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH) }) // Maybe THIS is the problem, that the DISPLAY locale wasn't english
@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
.filter { Gdx.files.internal("jsons/translations/$").exists() }
/** Ensure _all_ languages are loaded, used by [TranslationFileWriter] and `TranslationTests` */
fun readAllLanguagesTranslation(printOutput:Boolean=false) {
// Apparently you can't iterate over the files in a directory when running out of a .jar...
@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
val translationFilesTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - translationStart
if(printOutput) println("Loading translation files - "+translationFilesTime+"ms")
if(printOutput) println("Loading translation files - ${translationFilesTime}ms")
fun loadPercentageCompleteOfLanguages(){
@ -177,7 +183,7 @@ class Translations : LinkedHashMap<String, TranslationEntry>(){
percentCompleteOfLanguages = TranslationFileReader.readLanguagePercentages()
val translationFilesTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
println("Loading percent complete of languages - "+translationFilesTime+"ms")
println("Loading percent complete of languages - ${translationFilesTime}ms")

View File

@ -512,11 +512,9 @@ class OptionsPopup(val previousScreen: CameraStageBaseScreen) : Popup(previousSc
if ( == Application.ApplicationType.Desktop) {
val generateTranslationsButton = "Generate translation files".toTextButton()
val generateAction = {
val translations = Translations()
val result = TranslationFileWriter.writeNewTranslationFiles()
// notify about completion
generateTranslationsButton.setText("Translation files are generated successfully.".tr())