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synced 2025-03-03 14:15:15 +07:00
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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Language settings
# Language settings
# Equivalent of a space in your language
# If your language doesn't use spaces, just add "" as a translation, otherwise " "
@ -5964,7 +5964,6 @@ Research Agreements = Accords de recherche
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Les Accords de recherche permettent de joindre vos efforts de recherche à ceux d'une autre civilisation.\nAu terme de l'accord, les deux civilisations recevront un 'bonus forfaitaire' de Science, attribué à l'une de vos technologies non-recherchées.
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La quantité de ⍾Science attribuée dépendra de votre propre génération de ⍾Science durant le temps de l'accord, ainsi que de celle de votre partenaire.
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Toutes les nations ne sont pas en compétition pour la victoire finale.\nLes Cités-États ne peuvent pas gagner, ni effectuer d'échanges, mais offrent divers bonus aux civilisations amies ou alliées.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = À cet effet, vos relations diplomatiques avec les Cités-États seront déterminées par votre Influence - un indicateur de 'combien vous apprécie une Cité-État'.\nL'Influence peut être augmentée en attaquant les ennemis de la Cité-État, en la libérant ou en lui versant de l'or.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Vous recevrez un bonus, dépendant du type de Cité-État, en dépassant les 30 Influence.\nPassé 60 Influence, la civilisation avec le plus d'Influence deviendra alliée de la Cité-État, profitant de ses ressources de luxe et stratégiques ainsi que d'autres bonus.
@ -1328,7 +1328,6 @@ for = untuk
Missing translations: = Terjemahan belum ada:
Resolution = Resolusi
Tileset = Set medan
# Requires translation!
Unitset = Set unit
UI Skin = Skin UI
Create = Buat
@ -5965,7 +5964,6 @@ Research Agreements = Perjanjian Riset
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Dalam persetujuan riset, kamu dan peradaban lain bertekad untuk meriset teknologi bersama-sama.\nDi akhir proses, kalian akan menerima 'pembayaran sekaligus' Ilmu Pengetahuan yang akan menuju satu teknologi yang belum diriset.
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Jumlah Ilmu Pengetahuan yang diterima di akhir tergantung ilmu pengetahuan yang dihasilkan kota-kotamu dan kota-kota peradaban lain ketika masa persetujuan masih berlaku - semakin banyak, semakin baik!
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Tidak semua bangsa bersaing denganmu untuk mencapai kemenangan.\nNegara-Kota adalah bangsa-bangsa yang tidak bisa menang dan tidak bisa berdagang denganmu. Sebagai gantinya, mereka bisa memberikan bonus-bonus tertentu kepada peradaban-peradaban yang bersahabat.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Akan tetapi, relasi diplomatik dengan negara kota ditentukan dengan Pengaruh - sebuah meteran yang menunjukkan sejauh apa negara kota itu menyukai kamu.\nPengaruh dapat ditingkatkan dengan menyerang musuh mereka, memerdekakan kota mereka, dan memberikan mereka sejumlah emas.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Bonus tertentu diberikan ketika kamu memiliki pengaruh di atas 30.\nKetika kamu memiliki 60 Pengaruh dan kamu punya pengaruh terbesar dengan mereka di atas peradaban lain, kamu dianggap sebagai 'Sekutu' dan mendapat bonus lebih lanjut serta akses ke barang-barang Mewah dan sumber daya Strategis yang berada di tanah mereka.
@ -6129,9 +6127,7 @@ Cannot move = Tidak bisa bergerak
[amount] Movement point cost to embark = [amount] biaya poin Pergerakan untuk melaut
Can speed up the construction of a wonder = Dapat mempercepat pembangunan Keajaiban Dunia
by consuming this unit = dengan mengonsumsi unit ini
# Requires translation!
before [amount] turns = sebelum [amount] giliran
# Requires translation!
after [amount] turns = setelah [amount] giliran
when at war = saat sedang berperang
during We Love The King Day = saat Hari Kami Mencintai Raja
@ -6141,9 +6137,7 @@ during the [era] = selama [era]
if no other Civilization has researched this = jika tidak ada Peradaban lain yang telah meriset ini
upon discovering [tech] = saat menemukan [tech]
after adopting [policy] = setelah menerapkan [policy]
# Requires translation!
before founding a Pantheon = sebelum menemukan kepercayaan
# Requires translation!
after founding a Pantheon = setelah menemukan kepercayaan
with [resource] = dengan [resource]
without [resource] = tanpa [resource]
@ -5964,7 +5964,6 @@ Research Agreements = Acuerdo de Investigación
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = En los acuerdos tecnológicos, tu y otra civilización deciden investigar tecnologías juntos.\nAl final del acuerdo ambos recibiran una "suma total" de ⍾ciencia que irá a una de las tecnologías que no hayas investigado.
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La suma de ⍾ciencia que recibes al final depende de la ⍾ciencia generada por tus ciudades y por las ciudades de la otra civilización durante el acuerdo.
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = No todas las naciones pueden alcanzar una victoria.\nLas Ciudades-Estado (CE) son naciones con las cuales no se puede comerciar y que tampoco pueden ganar. En cambio, las CEs confieren ciertos atributos a las Civilizaciones amigas.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = En vez de eso las relaciones diplomáticas con las ciudades estado se ven determinadas por la Influencia (un medidor de cuando le "gustas" a la ciudad-estado).\nLa influencia puede aumentarse atacando a sus enemigos, liberando su ciudad y dándoles oro.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Algunos bonus se te proporcionan cuando tienes más de 30 de influencia.\nCuando tienes más de 60 y es más alta que la que tienen el resto de civilizaciones, se te considerará su "Aliado" y ganarás más bonus y acceso a recursos de lujo y estratégicos en sus tierras.
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
Persian_(Pinglish-UN) = 15
Italian = 99
Russian = 99
German = 99
German = 100
Swedish = 91
Turkish = 70
Ukrainian = 98
Filipino = 94
French = 99
French = 100
Portuguese = 52
Indonesian = 99
Catalan = 99
Indonesian = 100
Catalan = 100
Finnish = 38
Spanish = 99
Spanish = 100
Malay = 24
Brazilian_Portuguese = 99
Brazilian_Portuguese = 100
Traditional_Chinese = 98
Polish = 99
Lithuanian = 99
Romanian = 76
Simplified_Chinese = 97
Simplified_Chinese = 100
Bulgarian = 18
Korean = 99
Persian_(Pinglish-DIN) = 14
@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
## 4.3.1
City-state overhaul, part 1!
- Allowed adding arbitrary global uniques to city state bonuses
- Moddable quest weighting for city-states
- Moved city state icons to separate folder
- Removed backwards compatibility (pre-3.19.4) for missing city-state uniques
- Added conditional support to 'CS gift military units' unique
Removed single-pixel gap in top bar
Added conditional support to 'CS gift military units' unique
Moved city state icons to separate folder
Fixed tests failing due to removing "crutches"
Removed backwards compatibility for missing city-state uniques
Moddable quest weighting for city-states
Allowed adding arbitrary global uniques to city state bonuses
Fixed 'friendly territory' using correct open borders - see 4dca183
AbsoluteUnits - Unique Spearmen - By letstalkaboutdune
AbsoluteUnits - Unique Spearmen - By letstalkaboutdune
## 4.3.0
Units now recieve correct healing in friendly territory
Units now receive correct healing in friendly territory
Tile info table no longer reveals hidden units
@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
City-state overhaul, part 1!
- Allowed adding arbitrary global uniques to city state bonuses
- Moddable quest weighting for city-states
- Moved city state icons to separate folder
- Removed backwards compatibility (pre-3.19.4) for missing city-state uniques
- Added conditional support to 'CS gift military units' unique
Removed single-pixel gap in top bar
Added conditional support to 'CS gift military units' unique
Moved city state icons to separate folder
Fixed tests failing due to removing "crutches"
Removed backwards compatibility for missing city-state uniques
Moddable quest weighting for city-states
Allowed adding arbitrary global uniques to city state bonuses
Fixed 'friendly territory' using correct open borders - see 4dca183
AbsoluteUnits - Unique Spearmen - By letstalkaboutdune
AbsoluteUnits - Unique Spearmen - By letstalkaboutdune
Reference in New Issue
Block a user