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synced 2025-03-13 11:30:31 +07:00
Update Notifications.json (Russian translation)
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"A [greatPerson] has been born!":{ //Smashfanful sayd: "You should add WHERE the Great Person is born, so it should be "A [greatPerson] is born in [cityName]""
Italian:"È nato un [greatPerson]!"
Russian:"[greatPerson] родился!!"
Russian:"[greatPerson] родился!"
French:"Un [greatPerson] est né!"
Romanian:"S-a născut un [greatPerson]!"
Spanish:"¡Un [greatPerson] ha nacido!"
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
"[wonder] has been built in a faraway land":{
Italian:"La Meraviglia [wonder] è stata costruita in una terra lontana"
French:"[wonder] a été construit(e) dans un lointain pays"
Russian:"[wonder] был построен в далёких землях"
"Work has started on [construction]":{
@ -155,6 +156,7 @@
"[cityName] cannot continue work on [construction]":{
Italian:"[cityName] non può più costruire [construction]"
French:"[cityName] ne peut plus travailler sur [construction]"
Russian:"[cityName] не может продолжать работу над [construction]"
@ -214,7 +216,7 @@
"An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha attaccato [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] атаковал нашего [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Наш [ourUnit] был атакован вражеским [unit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a attaqué [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic ne-a atacat un [ourUnit]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat unsere(n) [ourUnit] angegriffen" // Gender sensitive
@ -228,11 +230,12 @@
"Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"La città nemica [cityName] ha attaccato [ourUnit]"
French:"La cité ennemie [cityName] a attaqué notre [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Наш [ourUnit] был атакован вражеским городом [cityName]"
"An enemy [unit] has captured [cityname]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha conquistato [cityname]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] захватил [cityname]"
Russian:"Наш город [cityname] был захвачен вражеским [unit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a capturé [cityname]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic a capturat [cityname]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat [cityname] eingenommen" // Gender sensitive
@ -245,7 +248,7 @@
"An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha catturato [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] захватил нашего [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Наш [ourUnit] был захвачен вражеским [unit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a capturé [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic ne-a capturat un [ourUnit]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat unsere(n) [ourUnit] gefangen genommen" // Gender sensitive
@ -258,7 +261,7 @@
"An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha distrutto [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] уничтожил нашего [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Наш [ourUnit] был уничтожен вражеским [unit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a détruit [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic ne-a distrus un [ourUnit]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat unsere(n) [ourUnit] zerstört" // Gender sensitive
@ -272,6 +275,7 @@
"Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"La città nemica [cityName] ha distrutto [ourUnit]"
French:"La cité ennemie [cityName] a détruit notre [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Наш [ourUnit] был уничтожен вражеским городом [cityName]"
"An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityname]":{
@ -303,21 +307,25 @@
"Our [attackerName] was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName]":{
Italian:"La nostra unità [attackerName] è stata distrutta dall'intercettante [interceptorName]"
French:"Notre [attackerName] a été intercepté et détruit par un(e) [interceptorName] ennemie"
Russian:"Наш [attackerName], был перехвачен и уничтожен вражеским [interceptorName]"
"Our [interceptorName] intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName]":{
Italian:"La nostra unità [interceptorName] ha intercettato e distrutto l'unità nemica [attackerName]"
French:"Notre [interceptorName] a intercepté et détruit un(e) [attackerName] ennemie"
Russian:"Наш [interceptorName] перехватил и уничтожил вражеский [attackerName]"
"Our [$attackerName] was attacked by an intercepting [$interceptorName]":{
Italian:"La nostra unità [$attackerName] è stata attaccata dall'intercettante [$interceptorName]"
French:"Notre [$attackerName] a été intercepté par un(e) [$interceptorName] ennemie"
Russian:"Наш [$attackerName], был перехвачен и атакован вражеским [$interceptorName]"
"Our [$interceptorName] intercepted and attacked an enemy [$attackerName]":{
Italian:"La nostra unità [$interceptorName] ha intercettato e attaccato l'unità nemica [$attackerName]"
French:"Notre [$interceptorName] a intercepté un(e) [$attackerName] ennemie"
Russian:"Наш [$interceptorName] перехватил и атаковал вражеский [$attackerName]"
"An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory":{
@ -351,6 +359,7 @@
German:"[amount] feindliche Einheiten wurden nahe unserer Grenzen entdeckt"
French:"[amount] unités ennemies ont été repérées proche de notre territoire"
Russian:"[amount] вражеских юнитов было замечено у нашей территории"
"[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory": {
@ -358,6 +367,7 @@
German:"[amount] feindliche Einheiten wurden in unseren Grenzen entdeckt"
French:"[amount] unités ennemies ont été repérées sur notre territoire"
Russian:"[amount] вражеских юнитов было замечено на нашей территории"
"The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed!":{
@ -376,16 +386,19 @@
"The City-State of [name] has been destroyed!":{
Italian:"La Città-Stato di [name] è stata distrutta!"
French:"La Cité état [name] a été détruite"
Russian:"Город-государство [name] был уничтожен!"
"We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold!":{ //shouldn't it be "we have destroyed ..." ?
Italian:"Abbiamo distrutto un accampamento barbaro e recuperato [goldAmount] Oro!"
French:"Nous avons capturé un campement barbare et pillé [goldAmount] ors"
Russian:"Мы разгромили лагерь варваров и нашли [goldAmount] золота!"
"A barbarian [unitType] has joined us!":{
Italian:"L'unità barbarica [unitType] si è unita a noi!"
French:"Un [unitType] barbare nous a rejoins!"
Russian:"Варварский [unitType] присоединился к нам!"
///////////////// ruins
@ -458,50 +471,60 @@
Italian:"[unit] non sta più esplorando."
German: "[unit] hat die Erkundung abgeschlossen."
French:"[unit] a fini d'explorer"
Russian:"[unit] завершил исследование местности."
"[unit] has no work to do.": {
Italian:"[unit] è ora inattivo."
German:"[unit] hat keine Arbeit mehr."
French:"[unit] n'a rien à faire"
Russian:"[unit] завершил все доступные работы."
"You're losing control of [name].":{ //When you're about to lose your friendship with a City-State
Italian:"Stai perdendo il controllo di [name]."
French:"Vous perdez le contrôle de [name]"
Russian:"Вы теряете влияние на [name]."
"You and [name] are no longer friends!":{ // When you lose friendship with a City-State (Relationship fall less than 30)
Italian:"Non sei più amico di [name]!"
French:"Vous et [name] n'êtes plus amis!"
Russian:"Вы и [name] больше не друзья!"
"Your alliance with [name] is faltering.":{ //When you're about to lose your alliance with a City-State
Italian:"L'alleanza con [name] si sta sfaldando."
French:"Votre alliance avec [name] est vacillante."
Russian:"Ваш союз с [name] заканчивается."
"You and [name] are no longer allies!":{ // When you lose alliance with a City-State (Relationship fall less than 60)
Italian:"Non sei più alleato con [name]!"
French:"Vous et [name] n'êtes plus alliés!"
Russian:"Вы и [name] больше не союзники!"
"[civName] gave us a [untiName] as gift near [cityName]!":{ // When a city state gives a unit as gift.
Italian:"[civName] ci ha dato [untiName] come regalo vicino a [cityName]!"
French:"[civName] nous offre un(e) [untiName] prêt de [cityName]!"
Russian:"[civName] передал нам в дар [untiName] около города [cityName]!"
"[civName] has denounced us!":{
Italian:"[civName] ci ha denunciati pubblicamente!"
Russian:"[civName] публично осудил нас!"
// Trade
"[civName] has accepted your trade request":{
Italian:"[civName] ha accettato la nostra offerta commerciale."
Russian:"[civName] принимает ваше торговое предложение"
"[civName] has denied your trade request":{
Italian:"[civName] ha rifiutato la nostra offerta commerciale."
Russian:"[civName] отклонил ваше торговое предложение"
@ -510,17 +533,20 @@
French:"[tradeOffer] de [otherCivName] a pris fin"
Portuguese:"[tradeOffer] de [otherCivName] terminou"
Russian:"Предложение [tradeOffer] из [otherCivName] завершилось"
"One of our trades with [nation] has ended": {
Italian:"Un nostro accordo con [nation] è terminato."
French:"Un de nos échanges avec [nation] a pris fin"
Russian:"Торговая сделка с [nation] завершилась"
"One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short": {
Italian:"Un nostro accordo con [nation] è stato interrotto."
French:"L'un de nos accord commercial avec [nation] s'est arrêté"
Russian:"Торговая сделка с [nation] была завершена досрочно"
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