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synced 2025-03-11 18:39:43 +07:00
Ruleset check finds errors in uniques of all kinds!
This commit is contained in:
@ -299,11 +299,29 @@ class Ruleset {
fun isNotOK() = status != CheckModLinksStatus.OK
fun checkUniques(uniqueContainer:IHasUniques, lines:ArrayList<String>,
severityToReport: UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity) {
val name = if (uniqueContainer is INamed) uniqueContainer.name else ""
for (unique in uniqueContainer.uniqueObjects) {
if (unique.type == null) continue
val complianceErrors = unique.type.getComplianceErrors(unique, this)
for (complianceError in complianceErrors) {
if (complianceError.errorSeverity == severityToReport)
lines += "$name's unique \"${unique.text}\" contains parameter ${complianceError.parameterName}," +
" which does not fit parameter type" +
" ${complianceError.acceptableParameterTypes.joinToString(" or ") { it.parameterName }} !"
fun checkModLinks(): CheckModLinksResult {
val lines = ArrayList<String>()
var warningCount = 0
// Checks for all mods - only those that can succeed without loading a base ruleset
// When not checking the entire ruleset, we can only really detect ruleset-invariant errors in uniques
for (unit in units.values) {
if (unit.upgradesTo == unit.name)
lines += "${unit.name} upgrades to itself!"
@ -311,6 +329,8 @@ class Ruleset {
lines += "${unit.name} is a military unit but has no assigned strength!"
if (unit.isRanged() && unit.rangedStrength == 0 && "Cannot attack" !in unit.uniques)
lines += "${unit.name} is a ranged unit but has no assigned rangedStrength!"
checkUniques(unit, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetInvariant)
for (tech in technologies.values) {
@ -318,23 +338,15 @@ class Ruleset {
if (tech != otherTech && otherTech.column == tech.column && otherTech.row == tech.row)
lines += "${tech.name} is in the same row as ${otherTech.name}!"
checkUniques(tech, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetInvariant)
for (building in buildings.values) {
if (building.requiredTech == null && building.cost == 0 && !building.uniques.contains("Unbuildable"))
lines += "${building.name} is buildable and therefore must either have an explicit cost or reference an existing tech!"
for (unique in building.uniqueObjects) {
if (unique.type == null) continue
val complianceErrors = unique.type.getComplianceErrors(unique, this)
for (complianceError in complianceErrors) {
// When not checking the entire ruleset, we can only really detect ruleset-invariant errors
if (complianceError.errorSeverity == UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetInvariant)
lines += "${building.name}'s unique \"${unique.text}\" contains parameter ${complianceError.parameterName}," +
" which does not fit parameter type" +
" ${complianceError.acceptableParameterTypes.joinToString(" or ") { it.parameterName }} !"
checkUniques(building, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetInvariant)
@ -342,6 +354,8 @@ class Ruleset {
if (nation.cities.isEmpty() && !nation.isSpectator() && !nation.isBarbarian()) {
lines += "${nation.name} can settle cities, but has no city names!"
checkUniques(nation, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetInvariant)
// Quit here when no base ruleset is loaded - references cannot be checked
@ -377,6 +391,8 @@ class Ruleset {
checkUniques(unit, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetSpecific)
for (building in buildings.values) {
@ -394,6 +410,7 @@ class Ruleset {
for (unique in building.uniqueObjects)
if (unique.placeholderText == "Creates a [] improvement on a specific tile" && !tileImprovements.containsKey(unique.params[0]))
lines += "${building.name} creates a ${unique.params[0]} improvement which does not exist!"
checkUniques(building, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetSpecific)
for (resource in tileResources.values) {
@ -404,6 +421,7 @@ class Ruleset {
for (terrain in resource.terrainsCanBeFoundOn)
if (!terrains.containsKey(terrain))
lines += "${resource.name} can be found on terrain $terrain which does not exist!"
checkUniques(resource, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetSpecific)
for (improvement in tileImprovements.values) {
@ -412,12 +430,14 @@ class Ruleset {
for (terrain in improvement.terrainsCanBeBuiltOn)
if (!terrains.containsKey(terrain))
lines += "${improvement.name} can be built on terrain $terrain which does not exist!"
checkUniques(improvement, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetSpecific)
for (terrain in terrains.values) {
for (baseTerrain in terrain.occursOn)
if (!terrains.containsKey(baseTerrain))
lines += "${terrain.name} occurs on terrain $baseTerrain which does not exist!"
checkUniques(terrain, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetSpecific)
val prereqsHashMap = HashMap<String,HashSet<String>>()
@ -446,6 +466,7 @@ class Ruleset {
if (tech.era() !in eras)
lines += "Unknown era ${tech.era()} referenced in column of tech ${tech.name}"
checkUniques(tech, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetSpecific)
if (eras.isEmpty()) {
@ -453,19 +474,20 @@ class Ruleset {
for (era in eras) {
for (wonder in era.value.startingObsoleteWonders)
for (era in eras.values) {
for (wonder in era.startingObsoleteWonders)
if (wonder !in buildings)
lines += "Nonexistent wonder $wonder obsoleted when starting in ${era.key}!"
for (building in era.value.settlerBuildings)
lines += "Nonexistent wonder $wonder obsoleted when starting in ${era.name}!"
for (building in era.settlerBuildings)
if (building !in buildings)
lines += "Nonexistent building $building built by settlers when starting in ${era.key}"
if (era.value.startingMilitaryUnit !in units)
lines += "Nonexistent unit ${era.value.startingMilitaryUnit} marked as starting unit when starting in ${era.key}"
if (era.value.researchAgreementCost < 0 || era.value.startingSettlerCount < 0 || era.value.startingWorkerCount < 0 || era.value.startingMilitaryUnitCount < 0 || era.value.startingGold < 0 || era.value.startingCulture < 0)
lines += "Unexpected negative number found while parsing era ${era.key}"
if (era.value.settlerPopulation <= 0)
lines += "Population in cities from settlers must be strictly positive! Found value ${era.value.settlerPopulation} for era ${era.key}"
lines += "Nonexistent building $building built by settlers when starting in ${era.name}"
if (era.startingMilitaryUnit !in units)
lines += "Nonexistent unit ${era.startingMilitaryUnit} marked as starting unit when starting in ${era.name}"
if (era.researchAgreementCost < 0 || era.startingSettlerCount < 0 || era.startingWorkerCount < 0 || era.startingMilitaryUnitCount < 0 || era.startingGold < 0 || era.startingCulture < 0)
lines += "Unexpected negative number found while parsing era ${era.name}"
if (era.settlerPopulation <= 0)
lines += "Population in cities from settlers must be strictly positive! Found value ${era.settlerPopulation} for era ${era.name}"
checkUniques(era, lines, UniqueType.UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity.RulesetSpecific)
return CheckModLinksResult(warningCount, lines)
@ -31,17 +31,19 @@ enum class UniqueType(val text:String, val replacedBy: UniqueType? = null) {
val placeholderText = text.getPlaceholderText()
/** Ordinal determines severity - ordered from most severe at 0 */
/** Ordinal determines severity - ordered from least to most severe, so we can use Severity >= */
enum class UniqueComplianceErrorSeverity {
/** This is a problem like "numbers don't parse", "stat isn't stat", "city filter not applicable" */
/** This is for filters that can also potentially accept free text, like UnitFilter and TileFilter */
/** This is a problem like "unit/resource/tech name doesn't exist in ruleset" - definite bug */
/** This is for filters that can also potentially accept free text, like UnitFilter and TileFilter */
/** This is a problem like "numbers don't parse", "stat isn't stat", "city filter not applicable" */
/** Maps uncompliant parameters to their required types */
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ enum class UniqueType(val text:String, val replacedBy: UniqueType? = null) {
acceptableParamTypes.map { it.getErrorSeverity(param, ruleset) }
if (errorTypesForAcceptableParameters.any { it == null }) continue // This matches one of the types!
val leastSevereWarning =
errorTypesForAcceptableParameters.maxByOrNull { it!!.ordinal }!!
errorTypesForAcceptableParameters.minByOrNull { it!!.ordinal }!!
errorList += UniqueComplianceError(param, acceptableParamTypes, leastSevereWarning)
return errorList
@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
package com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Belief
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.IHasUniques
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Ruleset
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Unique
import com.unciv.models.stats.NamedStats
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stats
import com.unciv.ui.civilopedia.FormattedLine
import com.unciv.ui.civilopedia.ICivilopediaText
import java.util.*
class TileResource : NamedStats(), ICivilopediaText {
class TileResource : NamedStats(), ICivilopediaText, IHasUniques {
var resourceType: ResourceType = ResourceType.Bonus
var terrainsCanBeFoundOn: List<String> = listOf()
var improvement: String? = null
var improvementStats: Stats? = null
var revealedBy: String? = null
@Deprecated("As of 3.16.16 - replaced by uniques")
var unique: String? = null
override var uniques: ArrayList<String> = arrayListOf()
override val uniqueObjects: List<Unique> by lazy { uniques.map { Unique(it) } }
override var civilopediaText = listOf<FormattedLine>()
@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ class TileResource : NamedStats(), ICivilopediaText {
return textList
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