mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 10:59:55 +07:00
Separated Landmass and Natural Wonder generation from the MapGenerator class - now it's much easier to understand what's going on where.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align
import com.unciv.logic.GameSaver
import com.unciv.logic.GameStarter
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapGenerator
import com.unciv.logic.map.mapgenerator.MapGenerator
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapParameters
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapSize
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapType
import com.unciv.models.metadata.GameParameters
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.RulesetCache
import com.unciv.ui.MultiplayerScreen
import com.unciv.ui.mapeditor.EditorMapHolder
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.CivilizationInfo
import com.unciv.logic.map.*
import com.unciv.logic.map.mapgenerator.MapGenerator
import com.unciv.models.metadata.GameParameters
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Ruleset
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.RulesetCache
@ -1,768 +0,0 @@
package com.unciv.logic.map
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.HexMath
import com.unciv.models.Counter
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Ruleset
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.ResourceType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.Terrain
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.TerrainType
import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.random.Random
class MapGenerator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
fun generateMap(mapParameters: MapParameters, seed: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()): TileMap {
val mapRadius = mapParameters.size.radius
val mapType = mapParameters.type
val map: TileMap
if (mapParameters.shape == MapShape.rectangular) {
val size = HexMath.getEquivalentRectangularSize(mapRadius)
map = TileMap(size.x.toInt(), size.y.toInt(), ruleset)
map = TileMap(mapRadius, ruleset)
map.mapParameters = mapParameters
map.mapParameters.seed = seed
if (mapType == MapType.empty)
return map
return map
private fun seedRNG(seed: Long) {
RNG = Random(seed)
println("RNG seeded with $seed")
private fun spawnLakesAndCoasts(map: TileMap) {
//define lakes
var waterTiles = map.values.filter { it.isWater }
val tilesInArea = ArrayList<TileInfo>()
val tilesToCheck = ArrayList<TileInfo>()
while (waterTiles.isNotEmpty()) {
val initialWaterTile = waterTiles.random(RNG)
tilesInArea += initialWaterTile
tilesToCheck += initialWaterTile
waterTiles -= initialWaterTile
// Floodfill to cluster water tiles
while (tilesToCheck.isNotEmpty()) {
val tileWeAreChecking = tilesToCheck.random(RNG)
for (vector in tileWeAreChecking.neighbors
.filter { !tilesInArea.contains(it) and waterTiles.contains(it) }) {
tilesInArea += vector
tilesToCheck += vector
waterTiles -= vector
tilesToCheck -= tileWeAreChecking
if (tilesInArea.size <= 10) {
for (tile in tilesInArea) {
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.lakes
for (tile in map.values.filter { it.baseTerrain == Constants.ocean }) {
val coastLength = max(1, RNG.nextInt(max(1, map.mapParameters.maxCoastExtension)))
if (tile.getTilesInDistance(coastLength).any { it.isLand }) {
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.coast
private fun spreadAncientRuins(map: TileMap) {
val suitableTiles = map.values.filter { it.isLand && !it.getBaseTerrain().impassable }
val locations = chooseSpreadOutLocations(suitableTiles.size/100,
suitableTiles, 10)
for(tile in locations)
tile.improvement = Constants.ancientRuins
private fun spreadResources(tileMap: TileMap) {
val distance = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
for (tile in tileMap.values)
if (tile.resource != null)
tile.resource = null
spreadStrategicResources(tileMap, distance)
spreadResources(tileMap, distance, ResourceType.Luxury)
spreadResources(tileMap, distance, ResourceType.Bonus)
//region natural-wonders
private fun spawnNaturalWonders(tileMap: TileMap) {
if (tileMap.mapParameters.noNaturalWonders)
val mapRadius = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
// number of Natural Wonders scales linearly with mapRadius as #wonders = mapRadius * 0.13133208 - 0.56128831
val numberToSpawn = round(mapRadius * 0.13133208f - 0.56128831f).toInt()
val toBeSpawned = ArrayList<Terrain>()
val allNaturalWonders = ruleset.terrains.values
.filter { it.type == TerrainType.NaturalWonder }.toMutableList()
while (allNaturalWonders.isNotEmpty() && toBeSpawned.size < numberToSpawn) {
val totalWeight = allNaturalWonders.map { it.weight }.sum().toFloat()
val random = RNG.nextDouble()
var sum = 0f
for (wonder in allNaturalWonders) {
sum += wonder.weight/totalWeight
if (random <= sum) {
println("Natural Wonders for this game: $toBeSpawned")
for (wonder in toBeSpawned) {
when (wonder.name) {
Constants.barringerCrater -> spawnBarringerCrater(tileMap)
Constants.mountFuji -> spawnMountFuji(tileMap)
Constants.grandMesa -> spawnGrandMesa(tileMap)
Constants.greatBarrierReef -> spawnGreatBarrierReef(tileMap)
Constants.krakatoa -> spawnKrakatoa(tileMap)
Constants.rockOfGibraltar -> spawnRockOfGibraltar(tileMap)
Constants.oldFaithful -> spawnOldFaithful(tileMap)
Constants.cerroDePotosi -> spawnCerroDePotosi(tileMap)
Constants.elDorado -> spawnElDorado(tileMap)
Constants.fountainOfYouth -> spawnFountainOfYouth(tileMap)
private fun trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations: List<TileInfo>, wonder: Terrain): TileInfo? {
if (suitableLocations.isNotEmpty()) {
val location = suitableLocations.random()
location.naturalWonder = wonder.name
location.baseTerrain = wonder.turnsInto!!
location.terrainFeature = null
return location
println("No suitable location for ${wonder.name}")
return null
Must be in tundra or desert; cannot be adjacent to grassland; can be adjacent to a maximum
of 2 mountains and a maximum of 4 hills and mountains; avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnBarringerCrater(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.barringerCrater]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.grassland }
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } <= 2
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain || neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill} <= 4
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Mt. Fuji: Must be in grass or plains; cannot be adjacent to tundra, desert, marsh, or mountains;
can be adjacent to a maximum of 2 hills; becomes mountain
private fun spawnMountFuji(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.mountFuji]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.tundra }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.desert }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getLastTerrain().name == Constants.marsh }
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill } <= 2
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Grand Mesa: Must be in plains, desert, or tundra, and must be adjacent to at least 2 hills;
cannot be adjacent to grass; can be adjacent to a maximum of 2 mountains; avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnGrandMesa(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.grandMesa]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill } >= 2
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.grassland }
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } <= 2
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Great Barrier Reef: Specifics currently unknown;
Assumption: at least 1 neighbour not water; no tundra; at least 1 neighbour coast; becomes coast
private fun spawnGreatBarrierReef(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.greatBarrierReef]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& abs(it.latitude) > tileMap.maxLatitude * 0.1
&& abs(it.latitude) < tileMap.maxLatitude * 0.7
&& it.neighbors.all {neighbor -> neighbor.isWater}
&& it.neighbors.any {neighbor ->
neighbor.resource == null && neighbor.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(neighbor.getLastTerrain().name)
&& neighbor.neighbors.all{ it.isWater } }
val location = trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
if (location != null) {
val location2 = location.neighbors
.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.all{ it.isWater } }
location2.naturalWonder = wonder.name
location2.baseTerrain = wonder.turnsInto!!
location2.terrainFeature = null
Krakatoa: Must spawn in the ocean next to at least 1 shallow water tile; cannot be adjacent
to ice; changes tiles around it to shallow water; mountain
private fun spawnKrakatoa(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.krakatoa]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.coast }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getLastTerrain().name == Constants.ice}
val location = trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
if (location != null) {
for (tile in location.neighbors) {
if (tile.baseTerrain == Constants.coast) continue
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.coast
tile.terrainFeature = null
tile.resource = null
tile.improvement = null
Rock of Gibraltar: Specifics currently unknown
Assumption: spawn on grassland, at least 1 coast and 1 mountain adjacent;
turn neighbours into coast)
private fun spawnRockOfGibraltar(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.rockOfGibraltar]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.coast }
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } == 1
val location = trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
if (location != null) {
for (tile in location.neighbors) {
if (tile.baseTerrain == Constants.coast) continue
if (tile.baseTerrain == Constants.mountain) continue
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.coast
tile.terrainFeature = null
tile.resource = null
tile.improvement = null
Old Faithful: Must be adjacent to at least 3 hills and mountains; cannot be adjacent to
more than 4 mountains, and cannot be adjacent to more than 3 desert or 3 tundra tiles;
avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnOldFaithful(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.oldFaithful]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } <= 4
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain ||
neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill} >= 3
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.desert } <= 3
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.tundra } <= 3
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Cerro de Potosi: Must be adjacent to at least 1 hill; avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnCerroDePotosi(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.cerroDePotosi]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill }
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
El Dorado: Must be next to at least 1 jungle tile; avoids oceans; becomes flatland plains
private fun spawnElDorado(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.elDorado]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getLastTerrain().name == Constants.jungle }
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Fountain of Youth: Avoids oceans; becomes flatland plains
private fun spawnFountainOfYouth(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.fountainOfYouth]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name) }
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
// Here, we need each specific resource to be spread over the map - it matters less if specific resources are near each other
private fun spreadStrategicResources(tileMap: TileMap, distance: Int) {
val strategicResources = ruleset.tileResources.values.filter { it.resourceType == ResourceType.Strategic }
// passable land tiles (no mountains, no wonders) without resources yet
val candidateTiles = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.isLand && !it.getLastTerrain().impassable }
val totalNumberOfResources = candidateTiles.size * tileMap.mapParameters.resourceRichness
val resourcesPerType = (totalNumberOfResources/strategicResources.size).toInt()
for (resource in strategicResources) {
// remove the tiles where previous resources have been placed
val suitableTiles = candidateTiles
.filter { it.resource == null
&& resource.terrainsCanBeFoundOn.contains(it.getBaseTerrain().name)
&& (it.terrainFeature==null || ruleset.tileImprovements.containsKey("Remove "+it.terrainFeature)) }
val locations = chooseSpreadOutLocations(resourcesPerType, suitableTiles, distance)
for (location in locations) location.resource = resource.name
* Spreads resources of type [resourceType] picking locations at [distance] from each other.
* [MapParameters.resourceRichness] used to control how many resources to spawn.
private fun spreadResources(tileMap: TileMap, distance: Int, resourceType: ResourceType) {
val resourcesOfType = ruleset.tileResources.values.filter { it.resourceType == resourceType }
val suitableTiles = tileMap.values
.filter { it.resource == null && resourcesOfType.any { r -> r.terrainsCanBeFoundOn.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name) } }
val numberOfResources = tileMap.values.count { it.isLand && !it.getBaseTerrain().impassable } *
val locations = chooseSpreadOutLocations(numberOfResources.toInt(), suitableTiles, distance)
val resourceToNumber = Counter<String>()
for (tile in locations) {
val possibleResources = resourcesOfType
.filter { it.terrainsCanBeFoundOn.contains(tile.getLastTerrain().name) }
.map { it.name }
if (possibleResources.isEmpty()) continue
val resourceWithLeastAssignments = possibleResources.minBy { resourceToNumber[it]!! }!!
resourceToNumber.add(resourceWithLeastAssignments, 1)
tile.resource = resourceWithLeastAssignments
private fun chooseSpreadOutLocations(numberOfResources: Int, suitableTiles: List<TileInfo>, initialDistance: Int): ArrayList<TileInfo> {
for (distanceBetweenResources in initialDistance downTo 1) {
var availableTiles = suitableTiles.toList()
val chosenTiles = ArrayList<TileInfo>()
// If possible, we want to equalize the base terrains upon which
// the resources are found, so we save how many have been
// found for each base terrain and try to get one from the lowerst
val baseTerrainsToChosenTiles = HashMap<String, Int>()
for(tileInfo in availableTiles){
if(tileInfo.baseTerrain !in baseTerrainsToChosenTiles)
baseTerrainsToChosenTiles[tileInfo.baseTerrain] = 0
for (i in 1..numberOfResources) {
if (availableTiles.isEmpty()) break
val orderedKeys = baseTerrainsToChosenTiles.entries
.sortedBy { it.value }.map { it.key }
val firstKeyWithTilesLeft = orderedKeys
.first { availableTiles.any { tile -> tile.baseTerrain== it} }
val chosenTile = availableTiles.filter { it.baseTerrain==firstKeyWithTilesLeft }.random()
availableTiles = availableTiles.filter { it.aerialDistanceTo(chosenTile) > distanceBetweenResources }
baseTerrainsToChosenTiles[firstKeyWithTilesLeft] = baseTerrainsToChosenTiles[firstKeyWithTilesLeft]!!+1
// Either we got them all, or we're not going to get anything better
if (chosenTiles.size == numberOfResources || distanceBetweenResources == 1) return chosenTiles
throw Exception("Couldn't choose suitable tiles for $numberOfResources resources!")
* [MapParameters.elevationExponent] favors high elevation
private fun raiseMountainsAndHills(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values.filter { !it.isWater }) {
var elevation = getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed, scale = 2.0)
elevation = abs(elevation).pow(1.0 - tileMap.mapParameters.elevationExponent.toDouble()) * elevation.sign
if (elevation <= 0.5) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.plains
else if (elevation <= 0.7) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.hill
else if (elevation <= 1.0) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.mountain
* [MapParameters.tilesPerBiomeArea] to set biomes size
* [MapParameters.temperatureExtremeness] to favor very high and very low temperatures
private fun applyHumidityAndTemperature(tileMap: TileMap) {
val humiditySeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
val temperatureSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
val scale = tileMap.mapParameters.tilesPerBiomeArea.toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
if (tile.isWater || tile.baseTerrain in arrayOf(Constants.mountain, Constants.hill))
val humidity = (getPerlinNoise(tile, humiditySeed, scale = scale, nOctaves = 1) + 1.0) / 2.0
val randomTemperature = getPerlinNoise(tile, temperatureSeed, scale = scale, nOctaves = 1)
val latitudeTemperature = 1.0 - 2.0 * abs(tile.latitude) / tileMap.maxLatitude
var temperature = ((5.0 * latitudeTemperature + randomTemperature) / 6.0)
temperature = abs(temperature).pow(1.0 - tileMap.mapParameters.temperatureExtremeness) * temperature.sign
tile.baseTerrain = when {
temperature < -0.4 -> {
when {
humidity < 0.5 -> Constants.snow
else -> Constants.tundra
temperature < 0.8 -> {
when {
humidity < 0.5 -> Constants.plains
else -> Constants.grassland
temperature <= 1.0 -> {
when {
humidity < 0.7 -> Constants.desert
else -> Constants.plains
else -> {
* [MapParameters.vegetationOccurrance] is the threshold for vegetation spawn
private fun spawnVegetation(tileMap: TileMap) {
val vegetationSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
val candidateTerrains = Constants.vegetation.flatMap{ ruleset.terrains[it]!!.occursOn!! }
for (tile in tileMap.values.asSequence().filter { it.baseTerrain in candidateTerrains && it.terrainFeature == null}) {
val vegetation = (getPerlinNoise(tile, vegetationSeed, scale = 3.0, nOctaves = 1) + 1.0) / 2.0
if (vegetation <= tileMap.mapParameters.vegetationRichness)
tile.terrainFeature = Constants.vegetation.filter { ruleset.terrains[it]!!.occursOn!!.contains(tile.baseTerrain) }.random(RNG)
* [MapParameters.rareFeaturesProbability] is the probability of spawning a rare feature
private fun spawnRareFeatures(tileMap: TileMap) {
val rareFeatures = ruleset.terrains.values.filter {
it.type == TerrainType.TerrainFeature &&
it.name !in Constants.vegetation &&
it.name != Constants.ice
for (tile in tileMap.values.asSequence().filter { it.terrainFeature == null }) {
if (RNG.nextDouble() <= tileMap.mapParameters.rareFeaturesRichness) {
val possibleFeatures = rareFeatures.filter { it.occursOn != null && it.occursOn.contains(tile.baseTerrain) }
if (possibleFeatures.any())
tile.terrainFeature = possibleFeatures.random(RNG).name
* [MapParameters.temperatureExtremeness] as in [applyHumidityAndTemperature]
private fun spawnIce(tileMap: TileMap) {
val temperatureSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
if (tile.baseTerrain !in Constants.sea || tile.terrainFeature != null)
val randomTemperature = getPerlinNoise(tile, temperatureSeed, scale = tileMap.mapParameters.tilesPerBiomeArea.toDouble(), nOctaves = 1)
val latitudeTemperature = 1.0 - 2.0 * abs(tile.latitude) / tileMap.maxLatitude
var temperature = ((latitudeTemperature + randomTemperature) / 2.0)
temperature = abs(temperature).pow(1.0 - tileMap.mapParameters.temperatureExtremeness) * temperature.sign
if (temperature < -0.8)
tile.terrainFeature = Constants.ice
companion object MapLandmassGenerator {
var RNG = Random(42)
fun generateLand(tileMap: TileMap, ruleset: Ruleset) {
if(ruleset.terrains.values.none { it.type==TerrainType.Water }) {
for (tile in tileMap.values)
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
when (tileMap.mapParameters.type) {
MapType.pangaea -> createPangea(tileMap)
MapType.continents -> createTwoContinents(tileMap)
MapType.perlin -> createPerlin(tileMap)
MapType.archipelago -> createArchipelago(tileMap)
MapType.default -> generateLandCellularAutomata(tileMap)
private fun spawnLandOrWater(tile: TileInfo, elevation: Double, threshold: Double) {
when {
elevation < threshold -> tile.baseTerrain = Constants.ocean
else -> tile.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
private fun smooth(tileMap: TileMap) {
for (tileInfo in tileMap.values) {
val numberOfLandNeighbors = tileInfo.neighbors.count { it.baseTerrain == Constants.grassland }
if (RNG.nextFloat() < 0.5f)
if (numberOfLandNeighbors > 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
else if (numberOfLandNeighbors < 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = Constants.ocean
private fun createPerlin(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun createArchipelago(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = getRidgedPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, 0.25 + tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun createPangea(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
elevation = (elevation + getCircularNoise(tile, tileMap) ) / 2.0
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun createTwoContinents(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
elevation = (elevation + getTwoContinentsTransform(tile, tileMap)) / 2.0
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun getCircularNoise(tileInfo: TileInfo, tileMap: TileMap): Double {
val randomScale = RNG.nextDouble()
val distanceFactor = percentualDistanceToCenter(tileInfo, tileMap)
return min(0.3, 1.0 - (5.0 * distanceFactor * distanceFactor + randomScale) / 3.0)
private fun getTwoContinentsTransform(tileInfo: TileInfo, tileMap: TileMap): Double {
val randomScale = RNG.nextDouble()
val longitudeFactor = abs(tileInfo.longitude) / tileMap.maxLongitude
return min(0.2,-1.0 + (5.0 * longitudeFactor.pow(0.6f) + randomScale) / 3.0)
private fun percentualDistanceToCenter(tileInfo: TileInfo, tileMap: TileMap): Double {
val mapRadius = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
if (tileMap.mapParameters.shape == MapShape.hexagonal)
return HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position).toDouble()/mapRadius
else {
val size = HexMath.getEquivalentRectangularSize(mapRadius)
return HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position).toDouble() / HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, Vector2(size.x/2, size.y/2))
* Generates a perlin noise channel combining multiple octaves
* [nOctaves] is the number of octaves
* [persistence] is the scaling factor of octave amplitudes
* [lacunarity] is the scaling factor of octave frequencies
* [scale] is the distance the noise is observed from
private fun getPerlinNoise(tile: TileInfo, seed: Double,
nOctaves: Int = 6,
persistence: Double = 0.5,
lacunarity: Double = 2.0,
scale: Double = 10.0): Double {
val worldCoords = HexMath.hex2WorldCoords(tile.position)
return Perlin.noise3d(worldCoords.x.toDouble(), worldCoords.y.toDouble(), seed, nOctaves, persistence, lacunarity, scale)
* Generates ridged perlin noise. As for parameters see [getPerlinNoise]
private fun getRidgedPerlinNoise(tile: TileInfo, seed: Double,
nOctaves: Int = 10,
persistence: Double = 0.5,
lacunarity: Double = 2.0,
scale: Double = 15.0): Double {
val worldCoords = HexMath.hex2WorldCoords(tile.position)
return Perlin.ridgedNoise3d(worldCoords.x.toDouble(), worldCoords.y.toDouble(), seed, nOctaves, persistence, lacunarity, scale)
// region Cellular automata
private fun generateLandCellularAutomata(tileMap: TileMap) {
val mapRadius = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
val mapType = tileMap.mapParameters.type
val numSmooth = 4
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
val terrainType = getInitialTerrainCellularAutomata(tile, tileMap.mapParameters)
if (terrainType == TerrainType.Land) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
else tile.baseTerrain = Constants.ocean
val grassland = Constants.grassland
val ocean = Constants.ocean
for (loop in 0..numSmooth) {
for (tileInfo in tileMap.values) {
//if (HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position) < mapRadius) {
val numberOfLandNeighbors = tileInfo.neighbors.count { it.baseTerrain == grassland }
if (tileInfo.baseTerrain == grassland) { // land tile
if (numberOfLandNeighbors < 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = ocean
} else { // water tile
if (numberOfLandNeighbors > 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = grassland
/*} else {
tileInfo.baseTerrain = ocean
private fun getInitialTerrainCellularAutomata(tileInfo: TileInfo, mapParameters: MapParameters): TerrainType {
val mapRadius = mapParameters.size.radius
// default
if (HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position) > 0.9f * mapRadius) {
if (RNG.nextDouble() < 0.1) return TerrainType.Land else return TerrainType.Water
if (HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position) > 0.85f * mapRadius) {
if (RNG.nextDouble() < 0.2) return TerrainType.Land else return TerrainType.Water
if (RNG.nextDouble() < 0.55) return TerrainType.Land else return TerrainType.Water
// endregion
class RiverGenerator(){
public class RiverCoordinate(val position: Vector2, val bottomRightOrLeft:BottomRightOrLeft){
enum class BottomRightOrLeft{
BottomLeft, BottomRight
fun getAdjacentPositions(): Sequence<RiverCoordinate> {
// What's nice is that adjacents are always the OPPOSITE in terms of right-left - rights are adjacent to only lefts, and vice-versa
// This means that a lot of obviously-wrong assignments are simple to spot
if (bottomRightOrLeft == BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft) {
return sequenceOf(RiverCoordinate(position, BottomRightOrLeft.BottomRight), // same tile, other side
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(1f,0f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomRight), // tile to MY top-left, take its bottom right corner
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(0f,-1f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomRight) // Tile to MY bottom-left, take its bottom right
} else {
return sequenceOf(RiverCoordinate(position, BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft), // same tile, other side
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(0f,1f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft), // tile to MY top-right, take its bottom left
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(-1f,0f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft) // tile to MY bottom-right, take its bottom left
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
package com.unciv.logic.map.mapgenerator
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.HexMath
import com.unciv.logic.map.*
import com.unciv.models.Counter
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Ruleset
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.ResourceType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.TerrainType
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sign
import kotlin.random.Random
class MapGenerator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
var randomness = MapGenerationRandomness()
fun generateMap(mapParameters: MapParameters, seed: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()): TileMap {
val mapRadius = mapParameters.size.radius
val mapType = mapParameters.type
val map: TileMap
if (mapParameters.shape == MapShape.rectangular) {
val size = HexMath.getEquivalentRectangularSize(mapRadius)
map = TileMap(size.x.toInt(), size.y.toInt(), ruleset)
map = TileMap(mapRadius, ruleset)
map.mapParameters = mapParameters
map.mapParameters.seed = seed
if (mapType == MapType.empty)
return map
NaturalWonderGenerator(ruleset).spawnNaturalWonders(map, randomness)
return map
private fun seedRNG(seed: Long) {
randomness.RNG = Random(seed)
println("RNG seeded with $seed")
private fun spawnLakesAndCoasts(map: TileMap) {
//define lakes
var waterTiles = map.values.filter { it.isWater }
val tilesInArea = ArrayList<TileInfo>()
val tilesToCheck = ArrayList<TileInfo>()
while (waterTiles.isNotEmpty()) {
val initialWaterTile = waterTiles.random(randomness.RNG)
tilesInArea += initialWaterTile
tilesToCheck += initialWaterTile
waterTiles -= initialWaterTile
// Floodfill to cluster water tiles
while (tilesToCheck.isNotEmpty()) {
val tileWeAreChecking = tilesToCheck.random(randomness.RNG)
for (vector in tileWeAreChecking.neighbors
.filter { !tilesInArea.contains(it) and waterTiles.contains(it) }) {
tilesInArea += vector
tilesToCheck += vector
waterTiles -= vector
tilesToCheck -= tileWeAreChecking
if (tilesInArea.size <= 10) {
for (tile in tilesInArea) {
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.lakes
for (tile in map.values.filter { it.baseTerrain == Constants.ocean }) {
val coastLength = max(1, randomness.RNG.nextInt(max(1, map.mapParameters.maxCoastExtension)))
if (tile.getTilesInDistance(coastLength).any { it.isLand }) {
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.coast
private fun spreadAncientRuins(map: TileMap) {
val suitableTiles = map.values.filter { it.isLand && !it.getBaseTerrain().impassable }
val locations = chooseSpreadOutLocations(suitableTiles.size/100,
suitableTiles, 10)
for(tile in locations)
tile.improvement = Constants.ancientRuins
private fun spreadResources(tileMap: TileMap) {
val distance = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
for (tile in tileMap.values)
if (tile.resource != null)
tile.resource = null
spreadStrategicResources(tileMap, distance)
spreadResources(tileMap, distance, ResourceType.Luxury)
spreadResources(tileMap, distance, ResourceType.Bonus)
// Here, we need each specific resource to be spread over the map - it matters less if specific resources are near each other
private fun spreadStrategicResources(tileMap: TileMap, distance: Int) {
val strategicResources = ruleset.tileResources.values.filter { it.resourceType == ResourceType.Strategic }
// passable land tiles (no mountains, no wonders) without resources yet
val candidateTiles = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.isLand && !it.getLastTerrain().impassable }
val totalNumberOfResources = candidateTiles.size * tileMap.mapParameters.resourceRichness
val resourcesPerType = (totalNumberOfResources/strategicResources.size).toInt()
for (resource in strategicResources) {
// remove the tiles where previous resources have been placed
val suitableTiles = candidateTiles
.filter { it.resource == null
&& resource.terrainsCanBeFoundOn.contains(it.getBaseTerrain().name)
&& (it.terrainFeature==null || ruleset.tileImprovements.containsKey("Remove "+it.terrainFeature)) }
val locations = chooseSpreadOutLocations(resourcesPerType, suitableTiles, distance)
for (location in locations) location.resource = resource.name
* Spreads resources of type [resourceType] picking locations at [distance] from each other.
* [MapParameters.resourceRichness] used to control how many resources to spawn.
private fun spreadResources(tileMap: TileMap, distance: Int, resourceType: ResourceType) {
val resourcesOfType = ruleset.tileResources.values.filter { it.resourceType == resourceType }
val suitableTiles = tileMap.values
.filter { it.resource == null && resourcesOfType.any { r -> r.terrainsCanBeFoundOn.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name) } }
val numberOfResources = tileMap.values.count { it.isLand && !it.getBaseTerrain().impassable } *
val locations = chooseSpreadOutLocations(numberOfResources.toInt(), suitableTiles, distance)
val resourceToNumber = Counter<String>()
for (tile in locations) {
val possibleResources = resourcesOfType
.filter { it.terrainsCanBeFoundOn.contains(tile.getLastTerrain().name) }
.map { it.name }
if (possibleResources.isEmpty()) continue
val resourceWithLeastAssignments = possibleResources.minBy { resourceToNumber[it]!! }!!
resourceToNumber.add(resourceWithLeastAssignments, 1)
tile.resource = resourceWithLeastAssignments
private fun chooseSpreadOutLocations(numberOfResources: Int, suitableTiles: List<TileInfo>, initialDistance: Int): ArrayList<TileInfo> {
for (distanceBetweenResources in initialDistance downTo 1) {
var availableTiles = suitableTiles.toList()
val chosenTiles = ArrayList<TileInfo>()
// If possible, we want to equalize the base terrains upon which
// the resources are found, so we save how many have been
// found for each base terrain and try to get one from the lowerst
val baseTerrainsToChosenTiles = HashMap<String, Int>()
for(tileInfo in availableTiles){
if(tileInfo.baseTerrain !in baseTerrainsToChosenTiles)
baseTerrainsToChosenTiles[tileInfo.baseTerrain] = 0
for (i in 1..numberOfResources) {
if (availableTiles.isEmpty()) break
val orderedKeys = baseTerrainsToChosenTiles.entries
.sortedBy { it.value }.map { it.key }
val firstKeyWithTilesLeft = orderedKeys
.first { availableTiles.any { tile -> tile.baseTerrain== it} }
val chosenTile = availableTiles.filter { it.baseTerrain==firstKeyWithTilesLeft }.random()
availableTiles = availableTiles.filter { it.aerialDistanceTo(chosenTile) > distanceBetweenResources }
baseTerrainsToChosenTiles[firstKeyWithTilesLeft] = baseTerrainsToChosenTiles[firstKeyWithTilesLeft]!!+1
// Either we got them all, or we're not going to get anything better
if (chosenTiles.size == numberOfResources || distanceBetweenResources == 1) return chosenTiles
throw Exception("Couldn't choose suitable tiles for $numberOfResources resources!")
* [MapParameters.elevationExponent] favors high elevation
private fun raiseMountainsAndHills(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values.filter { !it.isWater }) {
var elevation = randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed, scale = 2.0)
elevation = abs(elevation).pow(1.0 - tileMap.mapParameters.elevationExponent.toDouble()) * elevation.sign
if (elevation <= 0.5) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.plains
else if (elevation <= 0.7) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.hill
else if (elevation <= 1.0) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.mountain
* [MapParameters.tilesPerBiomeArea] to set biomes size
* [MapParameters.temperatureExtremeness] to favor very high and very low temperatures
private fun applyHumidityAndTemperature(tileMap: TileMap) {
val humiditySeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
val temperatureSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
val scale = tileMap.mapParameters.tilesPerBiomeArea.toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
if (tile.isWater || tile.baseTerrain in arrayOf(Constants.mountain, Constants.hill))
val humidity = (randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, humiditySeed, scale = scale, nOctaves = 1) + 1.0) / 2.0
val randomTemperature = randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, temperatureSeed, scale = scale, nOctaves = 1)
val latitudeTemperature = 1.0 - 2.0 * abs(tile.latitude) / tileMap.maxLatitude
var temperature = ((5.0 * latitudeTemperature + randomTemperature) / 6.0)
temperature = abs(temperature).pow(1.0 - tileMap.mapParameters.temperatureExtremeness) * temperature.sign
tile.baseTerrain = when {
temperature < -0.4 -> {
if (humidity < 0.5) Constants.snow
else Constants.tundra
temperature < 0.8 -> {
if (humidity < 0.5) Constants.plains
else Constants.grassland
temperature <= 1.0 -> {
if (humidity < 0.7) Constants.desert
else Constants.plains
else -> {
* [MapParameters.vegetationOccurrance] is the threshold for vegetation spawn
private fun spawnVegetation(tileMap: TileMap) {
val vegetationSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
val candidateTerrains = Constants.vegetation.flatMap{ ruleset.terrains[it]!!.occursOn!! }
for (tile in tileMap.values.asSequence().filter { it.baseTerrain in candidateTerrains && it.terrainFeature == null}) {
val vegetation = (randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, vegetationSeed, scale = 3.0, nOctaves = 1) + 1.0) / 2.0
if (vegetation <= tileMap.mapParameters.vegetationRichness)
tile.terrainFeature = Constants.vegetation.filter { ruleset.terrains[it]!!.occursOn!!.contains(tile.baseTerrain) }.random(randomness.RNG)
* [MapParameters.rareFeaturesProbability] is the probability of spawning a rare feature
private fun spawnRareFeatures(tileMap: TileMap) {
val rareFeatures = ruleset.terrains.values.filter {
it.type == TerrainType.TerrainFeature &&
it.name !in Constants.vegetation &&
it.name != Constants.ice
for (tile in tileMap.values.asSequence().filter { it.terrainFeature == null }) {
if (randomness.RNG.nextDouble() <= tileMap.mapParameters.rareFeaturesRichness) {
val possibleFeatures = rareFeatures.filter { it.occursOn != null && it.occursOn.contains(tile.baseTerrain) }
if (possibleFeatures.any())
tile.terrainFeature = possibleFeatures.random(randomness.RNG).name
* [MapParameters.temperatureExtremeness] as in [applyHumidityAndTemperature]
private fun spawnIce(tileMap: TileMap) {
val temperatureSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
if (tile.baseTerrain !in Constants.sea || tile.terrainFeature != null)
val randomTemperature = randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, temperatureSeed, scale = tileMap.mapParameters.tilesPerBiomeArea.toDouble(), nOctaves = 1)
val latitudeTemperature = 1.0 - 2.0 * abs(tile.latitude) / tileMap.maxLatitude
var temperature = ((latitudeTemperature + randomTemperature) / 2.0)
temperature = abs(temperature).pow(1.0 - tileMap.mapParameters.temperatureExtremeness) * temperature.sign
if (temperature < -0.8)
tile.terrainFeature = Constants.ice
class MapGenerationRandomness{
var RNG = Random(42)
* Generates a perlin noise channel combining multiple octaves
* [nOctaves] is the number of octaves
* [persistence] is the scaling factor of octave amplitudes
* [lacunarity] is the scaling factor of octave frequencies
* [scale] is the distance the noise is observed from
fun getPerlinNoise(tile: TileInfo, seed: Double,
nOctaves: Int = 6,
persistence: Double = 0.5,
lacunarity: Double = 2.0,
scale: Double = 10.0): Double {
val worldCoords = HexMath.hex2WorldCoords(tile.position)
return Perlin.noise3d(worldCoords.x.toDouble(), worldCoords.y.toDouble(), seed, nOctaves, persistence, lacunarity, scale)
class RiverGenerator(){
public class RiverCoordinate(val position: Vector2, val bottomRightOrLeft: BottomRightOrLeft){
enum class BottomRightOrLeft{
BottomLeft, BottomRight
fun getAdjacentPositions(): Sequence<RiverCoordinate> {
// What's nice is that adjacents are always the OPPOSITE in terms of right-left - rights are adjacent to only lefts, and vice-versa
// This means that a lot of obviously-wrong assignments are simple to spot
if (bottomRightOrLeft == BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft) {
return sequenceOf(RiverCoordinate(position, BottomRightOrLeft.BottomRight), // same tile, other side
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(1f, 0f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomRight), // tile to MY top-left, take its bottom right corner
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(0f, -1f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomRight) // Tile to MY bottom-left, take its bottom right
} else {
return sequenceOf(RiverCoordinate(position, BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft), // same tile, other side
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(0f, 1f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft), // tile to MY top-right, take its bottom left
RiverCoordinate(position.cpy().add(-1f, 0f), BottomRightOrLeft.BottomLeft) // tile to MY bottom-right, take its bottom left
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
package com.unciv.logic.map.mapgenerator
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.HexMath
import com.unciv.logic.map.*
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Ruleset
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.TerrainType
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.pow
class MapLandmassGenerator(val randomness: MapGenerationRandomness) {
fun generateLand(tileMap: TileMap, ruleset: Ruleset) {
if(ruleset.terrains.values.none { it.type== TerrainType.Water }) {
for (tile in tileMap.values)
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
when (tileMap.mapParameters.type) {
MapType.pangaea -> createPangea(tileMap)
MapType.continents -> createTwoContinents(tileMap)
MapType.perlin -> createPerlin(tileMap)
MapType.archipelago -> createArchipelago(tileMap)
MapType.default -> generateLandCellularAutomata(tileMap)
private fun spawnLandOrWater(tile: TileInfo, elevation: Double, threshold: Double) {
when {
elevation < threshold -> tile.baseTerrain = Constants.ocean
else -> tile.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
private fun smooth(tileMap: TileMap, randomness: MapGenerationRandomness) {
for (tileInfo in tileMap.values) {
val numberOfLandNeighbors = tileInfo.neighbors.count { it.baseTerrain == Constants.grassland }
if (randomness.RNG.nextFloat() < 0.5f)
if (numberOfLandNeighbors > 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
else if (numberOfLandNeighbors < 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = Constants.ocean
private fun createPerlin(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun createArchipelago(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = getRidgedPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, 0.25 + tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun createPangea(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
elevation = (elevation + getCircularNoise(tile, tileMap) ) / 2.0
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun createTwoContinents(tileMap: TileMap) {
val elevationSeed = randomness.RNG.nextInt().toDouble()
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
var elevation = randomness.getPerlinNoise(tile, elevationSeed)
elevation = (elevation + getTwoContinentsTransform(tile, tileMap)) / 2.0
spawnLandOrWater(tile, elevation, tileMap.mapParameters.waterThreshold.toDouble())
private fun getCircularNoise(tileInfo: TileInfo, tileMap: TileMap): Double {
val randomScale = randomness.RNG.nextDouble()
val distanceFactor = percentualDistanceToCenter(tileInfo, tileMap)
return min(0.3, 1.0 - (5.0 * distanceFactor * distanceFactor + randomScale) / 3.0)
private fun getTwoContinentsTransform(tileInfo: TileInfo, tileMap: TileMap): Double {
val randomScale = randomness.RNG.nextDouble()
val longitudeFactor = abs(tileInfo.longitude) / tileMap.maxLongitude
return min(0.2, -1.0 + (5.0 * longitudeFactor.pow(0.6f) + randomScale) / 3.0)
private fun percentualDistanceToCenter(tileInfo: TileInfo, tileMap: TileMap): Double {
val mapRadius = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
if (tileMap.mapParameters.shape == MapShape.hexagonal)
return HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position).toDouble()/mapRadius
else {
val size = HexMath.getEquivalentRectangularSize(mapRadius)
return HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position).toDouble() / HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, Vector2(size.x / 2, size.y / 2))
* Generates ridged perlin noise. As for parameters see [getPerlinNoise]
private fun getRidgedPerlinNoise(tile: TileInfo, seed: Double,
nOctaves: Int = 10,
persistence: Double = 0.5,
lacunarity: Double = 2.0,
scale: Double = 15.0): Double {
val worldCoords = HexMath.hex2WorldCoords(tile.position)
return Perlin.ridgedNoise3d(worldCoords.x.toDouble(), worldCoords.y.toDouble(), seed, nOctaves, persistence, lacunarity, scale)
// region Cellular automata
private fun generateLandCellularAutomata(tileMap: TileMap) {
val mapRadius = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
val mapType = tileMap.mapParameters.type
val numSmooth = 4
for (tile in tileMap.values) {
val terrainType = getInitialTerrainCellularAutomata(tile, tileMap.mapParameters)
if (terrainType == TerrainType.Land) tile.baseTerrain = Constants.grassland
else tile.baseTerrain = Constants.ocean
val grassland = Constants.grassland
val ocean = Constants.ocean
for (loop in 0..numSmooth) {
for (tileInfo in tileMap.values) {
//if (HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position) < mapRadius) {
val numberOfLandNeighbors = tileInfo.neighbors.count { it.baseTerrain == grassland }
if (tileInfo.baseTerrain == grassland) { // land tile
if (numberOfLandNeighbors < 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = ocean
} else { // water tile
if (numberOfLandNeighbors > 3)
tileInfo.baseTerrain = grassland
/*} else {
tileInfo.baseTerrain = ocean
private fun getInitialTerrainCellularAutomata(tileInfo: TileInfo, mapParameters: MapParameters): TerrainType {
val mapRadius = mapParameters.size.radius
// default
if (HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position) > 0.9f * mapRadius) {
if (randomness.RNG.nextDouble() < 0.1) return TerrainType.Land else return TerrainType.Water
if (HexMath.getDistance(Vector2.Zero, tileInfo.position) > 0.85f * mapRadius) {
if (randomness.RNG.nextDouble() < 0.2) return TerrainType.Land else return TerrainType.Water
if (randomness.RNG.nextDouble() < 0.55) return TerrainType.Land else return TerrainType.Water
// endregion
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
package com.unciv.logic.map.mapgenerator
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.map.TileInfo
import com.unciv.logic.map.TileMap
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Ruleset
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.Terrain
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.TerrainType
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.round
class NaturalWonderGenerator(val ruleset: Ruleset){
fun spawnNaturalWonders(tileMap: TileMap, randomness: MapGenerationRandomness) {
if (tileMap.mapParameters.noNaturalWonders)
val mapRadius = tileMap.mapParameters.size.radius
// number of Natural Wonders scales linearly with mapRadius as #wonders = mapRadius * 0.13133208 - 0.56128831
val numberToSpawn = round(mapRadius * 0.13133208f - 0.56128831f).toInt()
val toBeSpawned = ArrayList<Terrain>()
val allNaturalWonders = ruleset.terrains.values
.filter { it.type == TerrainType.NaturalWonder }.toMutableList()
while (allNaturalWonders.isNotEmpty() && toBeSpawned.size < numberToSpawn) {
val totalWeight = allNaturalWonders.map { it.weight }.sum().toFloat()
val random = randomness.RNG.nextDouble()
var sum = 0f
for (wonder in allNaturalWonders) {
sum += wonder.weight/totalWeight
if (random <= sum) {
println("Natural Wonders for this game: $toBeSpawned")
for (wonder in toBeSpawned) {
when (wonder.name) {
Constants.barringerCrater -> spawnBarringerCrater(tileMap)
Constants.mountFuji -> spawnMountFuji(tileMap)
Constants.grandMesa -> spawnGrandMesa(tileMap)
Constants.greatBarrierReef -> spawnGreatBarrierReef(tileMap)
Constants.krakatoa -> spawnKrakatoa(tileMap)
Constants.rockOfGibraltar -> spawnRockOfGibraltar(tileMap)
Constants.oldFaithful -> spawnOldFaithful(tileMap)
Constants.cerroDePotosi -> spawnCerroDePotosi(tileMap)
Constants.elDorado -> spawnElDorado(tileMap)
Constants.fountainOfYouth -> spawnFountainOfYouth(tileMap)
private fun trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations: List<TileInfo>, wonder: Terrain): TileInfo? {
if (suitableLocations.isNotEmpty()) {
val location = suitableLocations.random()
location.naturalWonder = wonder.name
location.baseTerrain = wonder.turnsInto!!
location.terrainFeature = null
return location
println("No suitable location for ${wonder.name}")
return null
Must be in tundra or desert; cannot be adjacent to grassland; can be adjacent to a maximum
of 2 mountains and a maximum of 4 hills and mountains; avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnBarringerCrater(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.barringerCrater]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.grassland }
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } <= 2
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain || neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill } <= 4
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Mt. Fuji: Must be in grass or plains; cannot be adjacent to tundra, desert, marsh, or mountains;
can be adjacent to a maximum of 2 hills; becomes mountain
private fun spawnMountFuji(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.mountFuji]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.tundra }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.desert }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getLastTerrain().name == Constants.marsh }
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill } <= 2
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Grand Mesa: Must be in plains, desert, or tundra, and must be adjacent to at least 2 hills;
cannot be adjacent to grass; can be adjacent to a maximum of 2 mountains; avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnGrandMesa(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.grandMesa]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.count{ neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill } >= 2
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.grassland }
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } <= 2
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Great Barrier Reef: Specifics currently unknown;
Assumption: at least 1 neighbour not water; no tundra; at least 1 neighbour coast; becomes coast
private fun spawnGreatBarrierReef(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.greatBarrierReef]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& abs(it.latitude) > tileMap.maxLatitude * 0.1
&& abs(it.latitude) < tileMap.maxLatitude * 0.7
&& it.neighbors.all {neighbor -> neighbor.isWater}
&& it.neighbors.any {neighbor ->
neighbor.resource == null && neighbor.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(neighbor.getLastTerrain().name)
&& neighbor.neighbors.all{ it.isWater } }
val location = trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
if (location != null) {
val location2 = location.neighbors
.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.all{ it.isWater } }
location2.naturalWonder = wonder.name
location2.baseTerrain = wonder.turnsInto!!
location2.terrainFeature = null
Krakatoa: Must spawn in the ocean next to at least 1 shallow water tile; cannot be adjacent
to ice; changes tiles around it to shallow water; mountain
private fun spawnKrakatoa(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.krakatoa]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.coast }
&& it.neighbors.none { neighbor -> neighbor.getLastTerrain().name == Constants.ice }
val location = trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
if (location != null) {
for (tile in location.neighbors) {
if (tile.baseTerrain == Constants.coast) continue
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.coast
tile.terrainFeature = null
tile.resource = null
tile.improvement = null
Rock of Gibraltar: Specifics currently unknown
Assumption: spawn on grassland, at least 1 coast and 1 mountain adjacent;
turn neighbours into coast)
private fun spawnRockOfGibraltar(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.rockOfGibraltar]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.coast }
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } == 1
val location = trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
if (location != null) {
for (tile in location.neighbors) {
if (tile.baseTerrain == Constants.coast) continue
if (tile.baseTerrain == Constants.mountain) continue
tile.baseTerrain = Constants.coast
tile.terrainFeature = null
tile.resource = null
tile.improvement = null
Old Faithful: Must be adjacent to at least 3 hills and mountains; cannot be adjacent to
more than 4 mountains, and cannot be adjacent to more than 3 desert or 3 tundra tiles;
avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnOldFaithful(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.oldFaithful]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain } <= 4
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.mountain ||
neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill
} >= 3
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.desert } <= 3
&& it.neighbors.count { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.tundra } <= 3
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Cerro de Potosi: Must be adjacent to at least 1 hill; avoids oceans; becomes mountain
private fun spawnCerroDePotosi(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.cerroDePotosi]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getBaseTerrain().name == Constants.hill }
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
El Dorado: Must be next to at least 1 jungle tile; avoids oceans; becomes flatland plains
private fun spawnElDorado(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.elDorado]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name)
&& it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getLastTerrain().name == Constants.jungle }
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
Fountain of Youth: Avoids oceans; becomes flatland plains
private fun spawnFountainOfYouth(tileMap: TileMap) {
val wonder = ruleset.terrains[Constants.fountainOfYouth]!!
val suitableLocations = tileMap.values.filter { it.resource == null && it.improvement == null
&& wonder.occursOn!!.contains(it.getLastTerrain().name) }
trySpawnOnSuitableLocation(suitableLocations, wonder)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table
import com.unciv.MainMenuScreen
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapGenerator
import com.unciv.logic.map.mapgenerator.MapGenerator
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapParameters
import com.unciv.logic.map.TileMap
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.RulesetCache
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