Removed double icons

This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2023-04-17 08:58:14 +03:00
parent 0bf5cae401
commit 699a6bf12a
9 changed files with 33 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ class Civilization : IsPartOfGameInfoSerialization {
fun getLeaderDisplayName(): String {
val severalHumans = gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.playerType == PlayerType.Human } > 1
val online = gameInfo.gameParameters.isOnlineMultiplayer
return nation.getLeaderDisplayName().tr() +
return nation.getLeaderDisplayName().tr(hideIcons = true) +
when {
!online && !severalHumans -> "" // offline single player will know everybody else is AI
playerType == PlayerType.AI -> " (${"AI".tr()})"

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@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ class Building : RulesetStatsObject(), INonPerpetualConstruction {
/** used in CityScreen (CityInfoTable and ConstructionInfoTable) */
fun getDescription(city: City, showAdditionalInfo: Boolean): String {
val stats = getStats(city)
val lines = ArrayList<String>()
val translatedLines = ArrayList<String>() // Some translations require special handling
val isFree = name in city.civ.civConstructions.getFreeBuildings(
if (uniqueTo != null) lines += if (replaces == null) "Unique to [$uniqueTo]"
else "Unique to [$uniqueTo], replaces [$replaces]"
if (uniqueTo != null) translatedLines += if (replaces == null) "Unique to [$uniqueTo]".tr()
else "Unique to [$uniqueTo], replaces [$replaces]".tr()
val missingUnique = getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.RequiresBuildingInAllCities).firstOrNull()
if (isWonder) lines += "Wonder"
if (isNationalWonder) lines += "National Wonder"
if (isWonder) translatedLines += "Wonder".tr()
if (isNationalWonder) translatedLines += "National Wonder".tr()
if (!isFree) {
val availableResources = if (!showAdditionalInfo) emptyMap()
else city.civ.getCivResourcesByName()
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ class Building : RulesetStatsObject(), INonPerpetualConstruction {
val resource = city.getRuleset().tileResources[resourceName] ?: continue
val consumesString = resourceName.getConsumesAmountString(amount, resource.isStockpiled())
lines += if (showAdditionalInfo) "$consumesString ({[$available] available})"
else consumesString
translatedLines += if (showAdditionalInfo) "$consumesString ({[$available] available})".tr()
@ -142,39 +142,39 @@ class Building : RulesetStatsObject(), INonPerpetualConstruction {
else listOf()
if (uniques.isNotEmpty()) {
if (replacementTextForUniques != "") lines += replacementTextForUniques
else lines += getUniquesStringsWithoutDisablers(
if (replacementTextForUniques != "") translatedLines +=
else translatedLines += getUniquesStringsWithoutDisablers(
filterUniques = if (missingCities.isEmpty()) null
else { unique -> !unique.isOfType(UniqueType.RequiresBuildingInAllCities) }
// Filter out the "Requires a [] in all cities" unique if any cities are still missing the required building, since in that case the list of cities will be appended at the end.
).map { }
if (!stats.isEmpty())
lines += stats.toString()
translatedLines += stats.toString()
for ((stat, value) in getStatPercentageBonuses(city))
if (value != 0f) lines += "+${value.toInt()}% {${}}"
if (value != 0f) translatedLines += "+${value.toInt()}% {${}}".tr()
for ((greatPersonName, value) in greatPersonPoints)
lines += "+$value " + "[$greatPersonName] points".tr()
translatedLines += "+$value " + "[$greatPersonName] points".tr()
for ((specialistName, amount) in newSpecialists())
lines += "+$amount " + "[$specialistName] slots".tr()
translatedLines += "+$amount " + "[$specialistName] slots".tr()
if (requiredNearbyImprovedResources != null)
lines += "Requires worked [" + requiredNearbyImprovedResources!!.joinToString("/") { } + "] near city"
translatedLines += "Requires worked [${requiredNearbyImprovedResources!!.joinToString("/") { }}] near city".tr()
if (cityStrength != 0) lines += "{City strength} +$cityStrength"
if (cityHealth != 0) lines += "{City health} +$cityHealth"
if (maintenance != 0 && !isFree) lines += "{Maintenance cost}: $maintenance {Gold}"
if (cityStrength != 0) translatedLines += "{City strength} +$cityStrength".tr()
if (cityHealth != 0) translatedLines += "{City health} +$cityHealth".tr()
if (maintenance != 0 && !isFree) translatedLines += "{Maintenance cost}: $maintenance {Gold}".tr()
if (showAdditionalInfo && missingCities.isNotEmpty()) {
// Could be red. But IMO that should be done by enabling GDX's ColorMarkupLanguage globally instead of adding a separate label.
lines += "\n" +
translatedLines += "\n" +
"[${city.civ.getEquivalentBuilding(missingUnique!!.params[0])}] required:".tr() +
" " + missingCities.joinToString(", ") { "{${}}" }
" " + missingCities.joinToString(", ") { = true) }
// Can't nest square bracket placeholders inside curlies, and don't see any way to define wildcard placeholders. So run translation explicitly on base text.
return lines.joinToString("\n") { }.trim()
return translatedLines.joinToString("\n").trim()
fun getStats(city: City,

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@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ open class IconTextButton(
text: String,
val icon: Actor? = null,
fontSize: Int = Constants.defaultFontSize,
fontColor: Color = Color.WHITE,
hideIcons: Boolean = false
fontColor: Color = Color.WHITE
): Button( {
/** [Label] instance produced by and with content and formatting as specified to [String.toLabel]. */
val label = text.toLabel(fontColor, fontSize, hideIcons = hideIcons)
val label = text.toLabel(fontColor, fontSize, hideIcons = true) // Since by definition we already have an icon
/** Table cell containing the [icon] if any, or `null`. */
val iconCell: Cell<Actor> =
if (icon != null) {

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Building
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stat
import com.unciv.ui.components.ColorMarkupLabel
import com.unciv.ui.components.ExpanderTab
import com.unciv.ui.components.Fonts
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.addSeparator
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ class CityStatsTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
"We Love The King Day for another [${cityInfo.getFlag(CityFlags.WeLoveTheKing)}] turns".toLabel(Color.LIME)
cityInfo.demandedResource.isNotEmpty() ->
ImageGetter.getResourcePortrait(cityInfo.demandedResource, 20f) to
ColorMarkupLabel("Demanding [${cityInfo.demandedResource}]",Color.CORAL)
"Demanding [${cityInfo.demandedResource}]".toLabel(Color.CORAL, hideIcons = true)
else -> null to null
if (wltkLabel != null) {
@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ class CityStatsTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
val isFree = in
val displayName = if (isFree) "{${}} ({Free})" else
info.add(displayName.toLabel(fontSize = Constants.defaultFontSize)).padBottom(5f).right().row()
info.add(displayName.toLabel(fontSize = Constants.defaultFontSize, hideIcons = true)).padBottom(5f).right().row()
val stats = building.getStats(cityInfo).joinToString(separator = " ") {
"" + it.value.toInt() + it.key.character

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ConstructionInfoTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
var buildingText =
var buildingText = = true)
val specialConstruction = PerpetualConstruction.perpetualConstructionsMap[]
buildingText += specialConstruction?.getProductionTooltip(city)

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@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class DiplomacyScreen(
questIcon.x = floor(civIndicator.width - questIcon.width)
val civNameLabel = civ.civName.toLabel()
val civNameLabel = civ.civName.toLabel(hideIcons = true)

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@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ import
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.ResourceSupplyList
import com.unciv.ui.images.IconTextButton
import com.unciv.ui.images.ImageGetter
import com.unciv.ui.screens.basescreen.BaseScreen
import com.unciv.ui.components.ExpanderTab
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.disable
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.onClick
import com.unciv.ui.images.IconTextButton
import com.unciv.ui.images.ImageGetter
import com.unciv.ui.screens.basescreen.BaseScreen
import kotlin.math.min
import com.unciv.ui.components.AutoScrollPane as ScrollPane

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@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class GlobalPoliticsOverviewTable (
val civInfoTable = Table(skin)
val leaderName = civ.nation.leaderName
civInfoTable.add(leaderName.toLabel(fontSize = 30)).row()
civInfoTable.add(civ.civName.toLabel(hideIcons = true)).row()
return civInfoTable

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@ -184,8 +184,7 @@ class UnitOverviewTab(
val button = IconTextButton(
UnitGroup(unit, 20f),
fontColor = if (unit.due && unit.isIdle()) Color.WHITE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY,
hideIcons = true
fontColor = if (unit.due && unit.isIdle()) Color.WHITE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY
) = getUnitIdentifier(unit) // Marker to find a unit in select()
button.onClick {