mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 06:33:32 +07:00
Removed double icons
This commit is contained in:
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ class Civilization : IsPartOfGameInfoSerialization {
fun getLeaderDisplayName(): String {
val severalHumans = gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.playerType == PlayerType.Human } > 1
val online = gameInfo.gameParameters.isOnlineMultiplayer
return nation.getLeaderDisplayName().tr() +
return nation.getLeaderDisplayName().tr(hideIcons = true) +
when {
!online && !severalHumans -> "" // offline single player will know everybody else is AI
playerType == PlayerType.AI -> " (${"AI".tr()})"
@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ class Building : RulesetStatsObject(), INonPerpetualConstruction {
/** used in CityScreen (CityInfoTable and ConstructionInfoTable) */
fun getDescription(city: City, showAdditionalInfo: Boolean): String {
val stats = getStats(city)
val lines = ArrayList<String>()
val translatedLines = ArrayList<String>() // Some translations require special handling
val isFree = name in city.civ.civConstructions.getFreeBuildings(city.id)
if (uniqueTo != null) lines += if (replaces == null) "Unique to [$uniqueTo]"
else "Unique to [$uniqueTo], replaces [$replaces]"
if (uniqueTo != null) translatedLines += if (replaces == null) "Unique to [$uniqueTo]".tr()
else "Unique to [$uniqueTo], replaces [$replaces]".tr()
val missingUnique = getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.RequiresBuildingInAllCities).firstOrNull()
if (isWonder) lines += "Wonder"
if (isNationalWonder) lines += "National Wonder"
if (isWonder) translatedLines += "Wonder".tr()
if (isNationalWonder) translatedLines += "National Wonder".tr()
if (!isFree) {
val availableResources = if (!showAdditionalInfo) emptyMap()
else city.civ.getCivResourcesByName()
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ class Building : RulesetStatsObject(), INonPerpetualConstruction {
val resource = city.getRuleset().tileResources[resourceName] ?: continue
val consumesString = resourceName.getConsumesAmountString(amount, resource.isStockpiled())
lines += if (showAdditionalInfo) "$consumesString ({[$available] available})"
else consumesString
translatedLines += if (showAdditionalInfo) "$consumesString ({[$available] available})".tr()
else consumesString.tr()
@ -142,39 +142,39 @@ class Building : RulesetStatsObject(), INonPerpetualConstruction {
else listOf()
if (uniques.isNotEmpty()) {
if (replacementTextForUniques != "") lines += replacementTextForUniques
else lines += getUniquesStringsWithoutDisablers(
if (replacementTextForUniques != "") translatedLines += replacementTextForUniques.tr()
else translatedLines += getUniquesStringsWithoutDisablers(
filterUniques = if (missingCities.isEmpty()) null
else { unique -> !unique.isOfType(UniqueType.RequiresBuildingInAllCities) }
// Filter out the "Requires a [] in all cities" unique if any cities are still missing the required building, since in that case the list of cities will be appended at the end.
).map { it.tr() }
if (!stats.isEmpty())
lines += stats.toString()
translatedLines += stats.toString()
for ((stat, value) in getStatPercentageBonuses(city))
if (value != 0f) lines += "+${value.toInt()}% {${stat.name}}"
if (value != 0f) translatedLines += "+${value.toInt()}% {${stat.name}}".tr()
for ((greatPersonName, value) in greatPersonPoints)
lines += "+$value " + "[$greatPersonName] points".tr()
translatedLines += "+$value " + "[$greatPersonName] points".tr()
for ((specialistName, amount) in newSpecialists())
lines += "+$amount " + "[$specialistName] slots".tr()
translatedLines += "+$amount " + "[$specialistName] slots".tr()
if (requiredNearbyImprovedResources != null)
lines += "Requires worked [" + requiredNearbyImprovedResources!!.joinToString("/") { it.tr() } + "] near city"
translatedLines += "Requires worked [${requiredNearbyImprovedResources!!.joinToString("/") { it.tr() }}] near city".tr()
if (cityStrength != 0) lines += "{City strength} +$cityStrength"
if (cityHealth != 0) lines += "{City health} +$cityHealth"
if (maintenance != 0 && !isFree) lines += "{Maintenance cost}: $maintenance {Gold}"
if (cityStrength != 0) translatedLines += "{City strength} +$cityStrength".tr()
if (cityHealth != 0) translatedLines += "{City health} +$cityHealth".tr()
if (maintenance != 0 && !isFree) translatedLines += "{Maintenance cost}: $maintenance {Gold}".tr()
if (showAdditionalInfo && missingCities.isNotEmpty()) {
// Could be red. But IMO that should be done by enabling GDX's ColorMarkupLanguage globally instead of adding a separate label.
lines += "\n" +
translatedLines += "\n" +
"[${city.civ.getEquivalentBuilding(missingUnique!!.params[0])}] required:".tr() +
" " + missingCities.joinToString(", ") { "{${it.name}}" }
" " + missingCities.joinToString(", ") { it.name.tr(hideIcons = true) }
// Can't nest square bracket placeholders inside curlies, and don't see any way to define wildcard placeholders. So run translation explicitly on base text.
return lines.joinToString("\n") { it.tr() }.trim()
return translatedLines.joinToString("\n").trim()
fun getStats(city: City,
@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ open class IconTextButton(
text: String,
val icon: Actor? = null,
fontSize: Int = Constants.defaultFontSize,
fontColor: Color = Color.WHITE,
hideIcons: Boolean = false
fontColor: Color = Color.WHITE
): Button(BaseScreen.skin) {
/** [Label] instance produced by and with content and formatting as specified to [String.toLabel]. */
val label = text.toLabel(fontColor, fontSize, hideIcons = hideIcons)
val label = text.toLabel(fontColor, fontSize, hideIcons = true) // Since by definition we already have an icon
/** Table cell containing the [icon] if any, or `null`. */
val iconCell: Cell<Actor> =
if (icon != null) {
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Building
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stat
import com.unciv.models.translations.tr
import com.unciv.ui.components.ColorMarkupLabel
import com.unciv.ui.components.ExpanderTab
import com.unciv.ui.components.Fonts
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.addSeparator
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ class CityStatsTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
"We Love The King Day for another [${cityInfo.getFlag(CityFlags.WeLoveTheKing)}] turns".toLabel(Color.LIME)
cityInfo.demandedResource.isNotEmpty() ->
ImageGetter.getResourcePortrait(cityInfo.demandedResource, 20f) to
ColorMarkupLabel("Demanding [${cityInfo.demandedResource}]",Color.CORAL)
"Demanding [${cityInfo.demandedResource}]".toLabel(Color.CORAL, hideIcons = true)
else -> null to null
if (wltkLabel != null) {
@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ class CityStatsTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
val isFree = building.name in cityScreen.city.civ.civConstructions.getFreeBuildings(cityScreen.city.id)
val displayName = if (isFree) "{${building.name}} ({Free})" else building.name
info.add(displayName.toLabel(fontSize = Constants.defaultFontSize)).padBottom(5f).right().row()
info.add(displayName.toLabel(fontSize = Constants.defaultFontSize, hideIcons = true)).padBottom(5f).right().row()
val stats = building.getStats(cityInfo).joinToString(separator = " ") {
"" + it.value.toInt() + it.key.character
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ConstructionInfoTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
var buildingText = construction.name.tr()
var buildingText = construction.name.tr(hideIcons = true)
val specialConstruction = PerpetualConstruction.perpetualConstructionsMap[construction.name]
buildingText += specialConstruction?.getProductionTooltip(city)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class DiplomacyScreen(
questIcon.x = floor(civIndicator.width - questIcon.width)
val civNameLabel = civ.civName.toLabel()
val civNameLabel = civ.civName.toLabel(hideIcons = true)
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ import com.unciv.logic.trade.TradeType.WarDeclaration
import com.unciv.logic.trade.TradeType.values
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.ResourceSupplyList
import com.unciv.models.translations.tr
import com.unciv.ui.images.IconTextButton
import com.unciv.ui.images.ImageGetter
import com.unciv.ui.screens.basescreen.BaseScreen
import com.unciv.ui.components.ExpanderTab
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.disable
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.onClick
import com.unciv.ui.images.IconTextButton
import com.unciv.ui.images.ImageGetter
import com.unciv.ui.screens.basescreen.BaseScreen
import kotlin.math.min
import com.unciv.ui.components.AutoScrollPane as ScrollPane
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class GlobalPoliticsOverviewTable (
val civInfoTable = Table(skin)
val leaderName = civ.nation.leaderName
civInfoTable.add(leaderName.toLabel(fontSize = 30)).row()
civInfoTable.add(civ.civName.toLabel(hideIcons = true)).row()
return civInfoTable
@ -184,8 +184,7 @@ class UnitOverviewTab(
val button = IconTextButton(
UnitGroup(unit, 20f),
fontColor = if (unit.due && unit.isIdle()) Color.WHITE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY,
hideIcons = true
fontColor = if (unit.due && unit.isIdle()) Color.WHITE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY
button.name = getUnitIdentifier(unit) // Marker to find a unit in select()
button.onClick {
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