Removed uses of UncivGame.Current.gameInfo when unnecessary
Some checks failed
Conflict marking / main (push) Failing after 8s
Detekt / detekt (ubuntu-latest) (push) Failing after 1m3s
Docker / build (push) Failing after 1m3s
Generate mkdocs from docs folder / deploy (push) Failing after 27s
Build and test / Check code and run unit tests (push) Failing after 1h3m30s

This commit is contained in:
yairm210 2024-12-09 10:45:10 +02:00
parent c2b6205208
commit 7187554adb
3 changed files with 11 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.unciv.logic.battle
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.LocationAction
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationCategory
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ object AirInterception {
// Make giant sequence of all potential Interceptors from all Civs isAtWarWith()
var potentialInterceptors = sequence<MapUnit> { }
for (interceptingCiv in UncivGame.Current.gameInfo!!.civilizations
for (interceptingCiv in attacker.getCivInfo().gameInfo.civilizations
.filter {attacker.getCivInfo().isAtWarWith(it)}) {
potentialInterceptors += interceptingCiv.units.getCivUnits()
.filter { it.canIntercept(attackedTile) }

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class OffersListScroll(
Luxury_Resource, Strategic_Resource ->
ImageGetter.getResourcePortrait(, 30f)
WarDeclaration ->
ImageGetter.getNationPortrait(UncivGame.Current.gameInfo!!.ruleset.nations[]!!, 30f)
ImageGetter.getNationPortrait(ourCiv.gameInfo.ruleset.nations[]!!, 30f)
else -> null
val tradeButton = IconTextButton(tradeLabel, tradeIcon).apply {

View File

@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ class WonderOverviewTab(
class WonderInfo {
val gameInfo = UncivGame.Current.gameInfo!!
val ruleSet = gameInfo.ruleset
enum class WonderStatus(val label: String) {
@ -150,7 +148,7 @@ class WonderInfo {
/** Do we know about a natural wonder despite not having found it yet? */
private fun knownFromQuest(viewingPlayer: Civilization, name: String): Boolean {
// No, *your* civInfo's QuestManager has no idea about your quests
for (civ in gameInfo.civilizations) {
for (civ in viewingPlayer.gameInfo.civilizations) {
for (quest in civ.questManager.getAssignedQuestsFor(viewingPlayer.civName)) {
if (quest.questName == QuestName.FindNaturalWonder.value && quest.data1 == name)
return true
@ -161,16 +159,17 @@ class WonderInfo {
fun collectInfo(viewingPlayer: Civilization): Array<WonderInfo> {
val collator = UncivGame.Current.settings.getCollatorFromLocale()
val ruleset = viewingPlayer.gameInfo.ruleset
// Maps all World Wonders by name to their era for grouping
val wonderEraMap: Map<String, Era?> =
.filter { it.isWonder }
.associate { to it.era(ruleSet) }
.associate { to it.era(ruleset) }
// Maps all World Wonders by their position in sort order to their name
val allWonderMap: Map<Int, String> =
.filter { it.isWonder }
// 100 is so wonders with no era get displayed after all eras, not before
.sortedWith(compareBy<Building> { wonderEraMap[]?.eraNumber ?: 100 }.thenBy(collator) { = true) })
@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ class WonderInfo {
// Maps all Natural Wonders on the map by name to their tile
val allNaturalsMap: Map<String, Tile> =
.filter { it.isNaturalWonder() }
.associateBy { it.naturalWonder!! }
val naturalsCount = allNaturalsMap.size
@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ class WonderInfo {
// Pre-populate result with "Unknown" entries
val wonders = Array(wonderCount + naturalsCount) { index ->
if (index < wonderCount) {
val wonder = ruleSet.buildings[allWonderMap[index]!!]!!
val wonder = ruleset.buildings[allWonderMap[index]!!]!!
val era = wonderEraMap[]
val status = if (shouldBeDisplayed(viewingPlayer, wonder, era?.eraNumber)) WonderStatus.Unbuilt else WonderStatus.Hidden
@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ class WonderInfo {
for (city in gameInfo.getCities()) {
for (city in viewingPlayer.gameInfo.getCities()) {
for (wonderName in city.cityConstructions.getBuiltBuildings().map { }.toList().intersect(wonderIndexMap.keys)) {
val index = wonderIndexMap[wonderName]!!
val status = when {
@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ class WonderInfo {
if (status == WonderStatus.NotFound && !knownFromQuest(viewingPlayer, name)) continue
val city = if (status == WonderStatus.NotFound) null
else gameInfo.getCities()
else viewingPlayer.gameInfo.getCities()
.filter { it.getCenterTile().aerialDistanceTo(tile) <= 5
&& viewingPlayer.knows(it.civ)
&& viewingPlayer.hasExplored(it.getCenterTile()) }