mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 07:16:54 +07:00
Fix deprecated conditionals, caught by new mod checker
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"innerColor": [213,249,255],
"favoredReligion": "Islam",
"uniqueName": "Ingenuity",
"uniques": ["Free [Great Scientist] appears <upon discovering [Writing]>", "[Great Scientist] is earned [50]% faster"],
"uniques": ["Free [Great Scientist] appears <upon discovering [Writing] technology>", "[Great Scientist] is earned [50]% faster"],
"cities": ["Babylon","Akkad","Dur-Kurigalzu","Nippur","Borsippa","Sippar","Opis","Mari","Shushan","Eshnunna",
"Arrapkha","Tutub","Shaduppum","Rapiqum","Mashkan Shapir","Tuttul","Ramad","Ana","Haradum","Agrab",
@ -954,8 +954,8 @@
"favoredReligion": "Christianity",
"uniqueName": "Druidic Lore",
"uniques": ["[+1 Faith] [in all cities] <with [1] to [2] neighboring [unimproved] [Forest] tiles>",
"[+2 Faith] [in all cities] <with [3] to [6] neighboring [unimproved] [Forest] tiles>"],
"uniques": ["[+1 Faith] [in all cities] <with [1] to [2] neighboring [{unimproved} {Forest}] tiles>",
"[+2 Faith] [in all cities] <with [3] to [6] neighboring [{unimproved} {Forest}] tiles>"],
"cities": ["Edinburgh","Dublin","Cardiff","Truro","Nantes","Douglas","Glasgow","Cork","Aberystwyth",
"Penzance","Rennes","Ramsey","Inverness","Limerick","Swansea","St. Ives","Brest","Peel","Aberdeen",
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Pasture",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [18] tiles <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles>",
"Generated on every [22] tiles <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [18] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [22] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"name": "Sheep",
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Camp",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [8] tiles <in [Tundra] [Forest] tiles>",
"Generated on every [12] tiles <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [Plains] [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [Grassland] [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [16] tiles <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"uniques": ["Generated on every [8] tiles <in [{Tundra} {Forest}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [12] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [{Plains} {Forest}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [{Grassland} {Forest}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [16] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"Generated on every [28] tiles <in [Forest] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
"terrainsCanBeFoundOn": ["Plains","Flood plains","Desert"], // Desert only if fresh water
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Farm",
"uniques": ["Generated on every [27] tiles <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>",
"Generated on every [10] tiles <in [Desert] [Fresh Water] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [Fresh Water] [Desert] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [27] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [10] tiles <in [{Desert} {Fresh Water}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [{Fresh Water} {Desert}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"name": "Stone",
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
"production": 1,
"improvement": "Quarry",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [20] tiles <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Generated on every [15] tiles <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated on every [19] tiles <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [20] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Generated on every [15] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [19] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>"]
"name": "Fish",
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"terrainsCanBeFoundOn": ["Coast"],
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Fishing Boats",
"uniques": ["Generated on every [10] tiles <in [Featureless] [Coast] tiles>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [10] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Coast}] tiles>"]
@ -95,13 +95,13 @@
"improvement": "Pasture",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Guaranteed with Strategic Balance resource option",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Grassland] [Hill] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Plains] [Hill] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in [Fresh Water] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>"],
"Generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Grassland} {Hill}] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Plains} {Hill}] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in [Fresh Water] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 4, "default": 4, "abundant": 6},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 1, "default": 2, "abundant": 3}
@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
"production": 1,
"improvement": "Mine",
"uniques": ["Guaranteed with Strategic Balance resource option",
"Generated with weight [45] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [25] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [35] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [45] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [25] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [35] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [26] <in [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Jungle] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Jungle} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Forest] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Hill] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 4, "default": 6, "abundant": 9},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 1, "default": 2, "abundant": 3}
@ -143,11 +143,11 @@
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Jungle] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Forest] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Grassland] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Plains] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Desert] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Tundra] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Snow] [Hill] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Grassland} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Plains} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Desert} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Tundra} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Snow} {Hill}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 5, "default": 7, "abundant": 10},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 3, "abundant": 3}
@ -162,15 +162,15 @@
"uniques": ["Deposits in [Coast] tiles always provide [4] resources",
"Guaranteed with Strategic Balance resource option",
"Generated with weight [65] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated with weight [40] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [60] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [65] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Coast] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [40] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [60] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [65] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Coast}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Jungle] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 5, "default": 7, "abundant": 9},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 3, "abundant": 3}
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@
"production": 1,
"improvement": "Mine",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated with weight [15] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [15] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>",
"uniques": ["Generated with weight [15] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [15] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [39] <in [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Jungle] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 5, "default": 8, "abundant": 10},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 3, "abundant": 3}
@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"Generated with weight [70] <in [Jungle] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated with weight [70] <in [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Forest] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 4, "abundant": 4},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 1, "default": 2, "abundant": 3}
@ -285,9 +285,9 @@
"Generated near City States with weight [10]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Jungle] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Tundra] [Hill] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Fresh Water] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Hill] tiles>"
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Tundra} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Fresh Water}] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Hill}] tiles>"
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
"uniques": ["Generated with weight [35] <in [Plains] Regions>",
"Generated with weight [15] <in [Hybrid] Regions>",
"Generated near City States with weight [10]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Fresh Water] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Fresh Water}] tiles>"]
"name": "Silk",
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
"Generated with weight [5] <in [Hybrid] Regions>",
"Generated near City States with weight [15]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Hill] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Tundra] [Forest] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Tundra} {Forest}] tiles>"]
"name": "Wine",
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["[+15]% Production when constructing [All] wonders [in this city]",
"Special placement during map generation",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Fresh Water] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Fresh Water}] tiles>"]
"name": "Whales",
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
"Generated with weight [20] <in [Grassland] Regions>",
"Generated with weight [20] <in [Hybrid] Regions>",
"Generated near City States with weight [10]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Fresh Water] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Fresh Water}] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Jungle] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]> <in tiles without [Tundra]>"]
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
"Generated with weight [25] <in [Plains] Regions>",
"Generated with weight [15] <in [Hybrid] Regions>",
"Generated near City States with weight [10]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Forest] [Hill] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Forest} {Hill}] tiles>"]
"name": "Truffles",
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
"Generated with weight [5] <in [Grassland] Regions>",
"Generated with weight [10] <in [Hybrid] Regions>",
"Generated near City States with weight [15]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Forest] [Hill] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Tundra] [Forest] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Forest} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Tundra} {Forest}] tiles>"]
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"outerColor": [43,81,98],
"innerColor": [201,248,255],
"uniqueName": "Ingenuity",
"uniques": ["Free [Great Scientist] appears <upon discovering [Writing]>", "[Great Scientist] is earned [50]% faster"],
"uniques": ["Free [Great Scientist] appears <upon discovering [Writing] technology>", "[Great Scientist] is earned [50]% faster"],
"cities": ["Babylon","Akkad","Dur-Kurigalzu","Nippur","Borsippa","Sippar","Opis","Mari","Shushan","Eshnunna",
"Arrapkha","Tutub","Shaduppum","Rapiqum","Mashkan Shapir","Tuttul","Ramad","Ana","Haradum","Agrab",
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Pasture",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [18] tiles <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles>",
"Generated on every [22] tiles <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [18] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [22] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"name": "Sheep",
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Camp",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [8] tiles <in [Tundra] [Forest] tiles>",
"Generated on every [12] tiles <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [Plains] [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [Grassland] [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [16] tiles <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"uniques": ["Generated on every [8] tiles <in [{Tundra} {Forest}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [12] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [{Plains} {Forest}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [25] tiles <in [{Grassland} {Forest}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [16] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"Generated on every [28] tiles <in [Forest] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Farm",
"improvementStats": {"food": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [27] tiles <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>",
"Generated on every [10] tiles <in [Desert] [Fresh Water] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [Fresh Water] [Desert] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [27] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [10] tiles <in [{Desert} {Fresh Water}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles> <in [Hill] Regions>",
"Generated on every [20] tiles <in [{Fresh Water} {Desert}] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]> <in [Hill] Regions>"]
"name": "Stone",
@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
"production": 1,
"improvement": "Quarry",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [20] tiles <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Generated on every [15] tiles <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated on every [19] tiles <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [20] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Generated on every [15] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated on every [19] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>"]
"name": "Fish",
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"food": 1,
"improvement": "Fishing Boats",
"improvementStats": {"food": 1},
"uniques": ["Generated on every [10] tiles <in [Featureless] [Coast] tiles>"]
"uniques": ["Generated on every [10] tiles <in [{Featureless} {Coast}] tiles>"]
@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
"improvement": "Pasture",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Guaranteed with Strategic Balance resource option",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Grassland] [Hill] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Plains] [Hill] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in [Fresh Water] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>"],
"Generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Grassland} {Hill}] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Plains} {Hill}] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in [Fresh Water] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 4, "default": 4, "abundant": 6},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 1, "default": 2, "abundant": 3}
@ -116,19 +116,19 @@
"improvement": "Mine",
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["Guaranteed with Strategic Balance resource option",
"Generated with weight [45] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [25] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [35] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [45] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [25] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [35] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [26] <in [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Jungle] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Jungle} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Forest] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Hill] tiles> <in tiles without [Forest]> <in tiles without [Jungle]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Featureless] [Grassland] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Plains] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Featureless} {Grassland}] tiles> <in tiles without [Fresh Water]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Plains}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 4, "default": 6, "abundant": 9},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 1, "default": 2, "abundant": 3}
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Jungle] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Forest] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Grassland] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Plains] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Desert] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Tundra] [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [Snow] [Hill] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Grassland} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Plains} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Desert} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Tundra} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [30] <in [{Snow} {Hill}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 5, "default": 7, "abundant": 10},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 3, "abundant": 3}
@ -165,15 +165,15 @@
"uniques": ["Deposits in [Coast] tiles always provide [4] resources",
"Guaranteed with Strategic Balance resource option",
"Generated with weight [65] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated with weight [40] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [60] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [65] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [Featureless] [Coast] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [40] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [60] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [65] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [100] <in [{Featureless} {Coast}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Marsh] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Jungle] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 5, "default": 7, "abundant": 9},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 3, "abundant": 3}
@ -185,11 +185,11 @@
"production": 1,
"improvement": "Mine",
"improvementStats": {"production": 2},
"uniques": ["Generated with weight [15] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [15] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>",
"uniques": ["Generated with weight [15] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [15] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>",
"Generated with weight [39] <in [Hill] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [20] <in [Jungle] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Desert] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Desert}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 5, "default": 8, "abundant": 10},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 3, "abundant": 3}
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@
"Generated with weight [70] <in [Jungle] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Generated with weight [70] <in [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Forest] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Tundra] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [Featureless] [Snow] tiles>"],
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Tundra}] tiles>",
"Minor deposits generated with weight [10] <in [{Featureless} {Snow}] tiles>"],
"majorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 2, "default": 4, "abundant": 4},
"minorDepositAmount": {"sparse": 1, "default": 2, "abundant": 3}
@ -293,9 +293,9 @@
"Generated near City States with weight [10]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Forest] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Jungle] tiles> <in tiles without [Hill]>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Tundra] [Hill] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Fresh Water] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Hill] tiles>"
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Tundra} {Hill}] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Fresh Water}] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Hill}] tiles>"
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
"uniques": ["Generated with weight [35] <in [Plains] Regions>",
"Generated with weight [15] <in [Hybrid] Regions>",
"Generated near City States with weight [10]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Fresh Water] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Fresh Water}] tiles>"]
"name": "Silk",
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
"Generated with weight [5] <in [Hybrid] Regions>",
"Generated near City States with weight [15]",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Hill] tiles>",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Tundra] [Forest] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Tundra} {Forest}] tiles>"]
"name": "Wine",
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
"improvementStats": {"production": 1},
"uniques": ["[+15]% Production when constructing [All] wonders [in this city]",
"Special placement during map generation",
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [Grassland] [Fresh Water] tiles>"]
"Doesn't generate naturally <in [{Grassland} {Fresh Water}] tiles>"]
"name": "Whales",
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class UniqueValidator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
/** Maps uncompliant parameters to their required types */
private fun getComplianceErrors(
private fun getComplianceErrors(
unique: Unique,
): List<UniqueComplianceError> {
if (unique.type == null) return emptyList()
Reference in New Issue
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