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synced 2025-03-09 20:29:50 +07:00
Resolved #8200 - get correct civ-wide stats from City-States with the correct unique
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class CivInfoStats(val civInfo: CivilizationInfo) {
return statMap
fun getGlobalStatsFromUniques():StatMap{
fun getGlobalStatsFromUniques():StatMap {
val statMap = StatMap()
if (civInfo.religionManager.religion != null) {
for (unique in civInfo.religionManager.religion!!.getFounderUniques()) {
@ -269,13 +269,16 @@ class CivInfoStats(val civInfo: CivilizationInfo) {
if (unique.isOfType(UniqueType.StatsFromGlobalFollowers))
unique.stats * civInfo.religionManager.numberOfFollowersFollowingThisReligion(unique.params[2]).toFloat() / unique.params[1].toFloat()
unique.stats * civInfo.religionManager.numberOfFollowersFollowingThisReligion(
).toFloat() / unique.params[1].toFloat()
for (unique in civInfo.getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.StatsPerPolicies)) {
val amount = civInfo.policies.getAdoptedPolicies().count { !Policy.isBranchCompleteByName(it) } / unique.params[1].toInt()
val amount = civInfo.policies.getAdoptedPolicies()
.count { !Policy.isBranchCompleteByName(it) } / unique.params[1].toInt()
statMap.add("Policies", unique.stats.times(amount))
@ -292,6 +295,14 @@ class CivInfoStats(val civInfo: CivilizationInfo) {
statMap.add("Natural Wonders", statsPerNaturalWonder.times(civInfo.naturalWonders.size))
if (statMap.contains(UniqueTarget.CityState.name)) {
for (unique in civInfo.getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.BonusStatsFromCityStates)) {
val bonusPercent = unique.params[0].toPercent()
val bonusStat = Stat.valueOf(unique.params[1])
statMap[UniqueTarget.CityState.name]!![bonusStat] *= bonusPercent
return statMap
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ open class Stats(
/** Adds each value of another [Stats] instance to this one in place */
fun add(other: Stats) {
fun add(other: Stats): Stats {
production += other.production
food += other.food
gold += other.gold
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ open class Stats(
culture += other.culture
happiness += other.happiness
faith += other.faith
return this
/** @return a new [Stats] instance containing the sum of its operands value by value */
@ -239,9 +240,8 @@ open class Stats(
class StatMap:LinkedHashMap<String,Stats>() {
fun add(source: String, stats: Stats) {
if (!containsKey(source)) put(source, stats)
else put(source, get(source)!! + stats)
// This CAN'T be get(source)!!.add() because the initial stats we get are sometimes from other places -
// for instance the Cities is from the currentCityStats and if we add to that we change the value in the cities themselves!
// We always clone to avoid touching the mutable stats of uniques
if (!containsKey(source)) put(source, stats.clone())
else get(source)!!.add(stats)
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Quest
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tile.ResourceType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.Unique
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stat
import com.unciv.models.translations.fillPlaceholders
import com.unciv.models.translations.tr
import com.unciv.ui.audio.MusicMood
@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ import com.unciv.ui.utils.extensions.onClick
import com.unciv.ui.utils.extensions.setFontSize
import com.unciv.ui.utils.extensions.surroundWithCircle
import com.unciv.ui.utils.extensions.toLabel
import com.unciv.ui.utils.extensions.toPercent
import com.unciv.ui.utils.extensions.toTextButton
import kotlin.math.floor
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
@ -246,15 +244,13 @@ class DiplomacyScreen(
var friendBonusText = "{When Friends:}\n".tr()
var friendBonusText = "When Friends:".tr()+"\n"
val friendBonusObjects = viewingCiv.cityStateFunctions.getCityStateBonuses(otherCiv.cityStateType, RelationshipLevel.Friend)
val friendBonusStrings = getAdjustedBonuses(friendBonusObjects)
friendBonusText += friendBonusStrings.joinToString(separator = "\n") { it.tr() }
friendBonusText += friendBonusObjects.joinToString(separator = "\n") { it.text.tr() }
var allyBonusText = "{When Allies:}\n".tr()
var allyBonusText = "When Allies:".tr()+"\n"
val allyBonusObjects = viewingCiv.cityStateFunctions.getCityStateBonuses(otherCiv.cityStateType, RelationshipLevel.Ally)
val allyBonusStrings = getAdjustedBonuses(allyBonusObjects)
allyBonusText += allyBonusStrings.joinToString(separator = "\n") { it.tr() }
allyBonusText += allyBonusObjects.joinToString(separator = "\n") { it.text.tr() }
val relationLevel = otherCivDiplomacyManager.relationshipLevel()
if (relationLevel >= RelationshipLevel.Friend) {
@ -284,40 +280,9 @@ class DiplomacyScreen(
return diplomacyTable
/** Given a list of [bonuses], returns a list of pretty strings with updated values for Siam-like uniques
* Assumes that each bonus contains only one stat type */
private fun getAdjustedBonuses(bonuses: Sequence<Unique>): List<String> {
val bonusStrings = ArrayList<String>()
for (bonus in bonuses) {
var improved = false
for (unique in viewingCiv.getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.StatBonusPercentFromCityStates)) {
val boostAmount = unique.params[0].toPercent()
val boostedStat = Stat.valueOf(unique.params[1])
when (bonus.type) {
UniqueType.Stats -> { // "[+3 Faith]"
if (bonus.stats[boostedStat] > 0) {
(bonus.stats * boostAmount).toStringWithDecimals()))
improved = true
UniqueType.StatsPerCity -> { // "[+1 Food] [in every city]"
if (bonus.stats[boostedStat] > 0) {
(bonus.stats * boostAmount).toStringWithDecimals(), bonus.params[1]))
improved = true
else -> Unit // To silence "exhaustive when" warning
// No matching unique, add it unmodified
if (!improved)
return bonusStrings
fun fillUniquePlaceholders(unique:Unique, vararg strings: String):String {
return unique.placeholderText.fillPlaceholders(*strings) + unique.conditionals.map { " <${it.text}>" }
private fun getCityStateDiplomacyTable(otherCiv: CivilizationInfo): Table {
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