UI Upgrade (#3149)

* UI Update

* Replace ScrollPane with Table in Minimap
This commit is contained in:
lishaoxia1985 2020-09-18 15:59:18 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent a0d18889e0
commit 9f4607635b
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 67 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -521,8 +521,7 @@ Raze city = 摧毁城市
Stop razing city = 停止摧毁城市
Buy for [amount] gold = 花费[amount]金钱购买
Buy = 购买
You have [amount] gold = 你有[amount]金钱
Currently you have [amount] gold. = 目前你有[amount]金钱
Currently you have [amount] gold. = 目前你有[amount]金钱。
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] gold? = 你想花费[buildingGoldCost]金钱购买[constructionName]吗?
No space available to place [unit] near [city] = [city]附近没有位置部署[unit]
Maintenance cost = 建筑维护费
@ -655,9 +654,9 @@ Closest city = 最近的城市
Action = 行动
Defeated = 战败
[numberOfCivs] Civilizations in the game = 游戏中共有[numberOfCivs]个文明
Our Civilization: = 我们的文明
Known and alive ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的幸存文明([numberOfCivs])
Known and defeated ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的陨落文明([numberOfCivs])
Our Civilization: = 我们的文明:
Known and alive ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的幸存文明 ([numberOfCivs])
Known and defeated ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的陨落文明 ([numberOfCivs])
Tiles = 地块
Natural Wonders = 自然奇观
Treasury deficit = 财政赤字
@ -811,6 +810,7 @@ Adopt policy = 推行政策
Adopt free policy = 推行免费的政策
Unlocked at = 解锁时代:
Gain 2 free technologies = 获得2项免费科技
All policies adopted = 所有政策皆已推行
# Technologies
@ -819,8 +819,7 @@ Mass Media = 大众传媒
# Terrains
Impassable = 不能通行
# Requires translation!
Rare feature =
Rare feature = 稀有地貌
# Resources
@ -905,9 +904,8 @@ Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = 你确定要删除这个模组吗?
[stats] from every [param] = 每个[param][stats]
[stats] from [param] tiles in this city = 所在城市的[param]地块[stats]
[stats] for each adjacent [param] = 每个相邻的[param][stats]
Must be next to [terrain] = 必须紧邻[terrain]
# Requires translation!
Must be on [terrain] =
Must be next to [terrain] = 城市必须毗邻[terrain]
Must be on [terrain] = 城市必须位于[terrain]之上
+[amount]% vs [unitType] = 对战[unitType]时+[amount]%
# City filters
@ -928,8 +926,7 @@ Monument = 纪念碑
Granary = 粮仓
# Requires translation!
Must not be on [terrain] =
Must not be on [terrain] = 城市不能位于[terrain]
Stone Works = 石工坊
'Time crumbles things; everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time' - Aristotle = “时间能粉碎一切;所有事物终将在时流中衰老并被遗忘。”——亚里士多德
@ -961,7 +958,7 @@ Walls of Babylon = 巴比伦城墙
'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge = “哦,别让你所受的死亡痛苦进入我的身体。我是创世神泰姆,我处在天界的最高层,神力护佑着我和所有其他神灵直到永远。”——“死者之书”译文,欧内斯特·阿尔弗雷德·沃利斯·巴吉爵士(英国考古学家)
Worker construction increased 25% = 设施建造速度+25%
Provides 2 free workers = 提供2个免费工人
[amount] free [unit] units appear = [amount]个免费的[unit]出现
The Pyramids = 大金字塔
Barracks = 军营
@ -1048,8 +1045,7 @@ Chichen Itza = 奇琴伊察
'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham = “很少有能超越这座建立在马丘比丘顶峰峭壁上的石头城塞的浪漫,它是印加的皇冠。”——海勒姆·宾厄姆(美国探险家)
Gold from all trade routes +25% = 所有贸易路线的金币收益+25%
# Requires translation!
Must have an owned [terrain] within [amount] tiles =
Must have an owned [terrain] within [amount] tiles = 城市[amount]格内的己方地块必须有[terrain]
Machu Picchu = 马丘比丘
Workshop = 工坊
@ -1121,7 +1117,6 @@ Museum = 博物馆
Hermitage = 冬宫
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = “每一件伟大的艺术品都应如日月般长存。”——拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生
2 free Great Artists appear = 2个免费的伟大艺术家出现
The Louvre = 卢浮宫
Seaport = 海运码头
@ -1201,7 +1196,6 @@ Enables construction of Spaceship parts = 允许建造太空飞船的部件
Apollo Program = 阿波罗计划
'The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it.' - Anatole France = “奇迹的不是那片星域如此辽阔,而是人类竟然成功测量了它。”——阿纳托尔·法郎士(法国小说家)
2 free great scientists appear = 2个免费的大科学家出现
Hubble Space Telescope = 哈勃太空望远镜
SS Cockpit = 飞船驾驶舱
@ -1931,8 +1925,7 @@ Ruin! Ruin! Istanbul becomes Iram of the Pillars, remembered only by the melanch
From the magnificence of Topkapi, the Ottoman nation greets you, stranger! I'm Suleiman, Kayser-I Rum, and I bestow upon you my welcome! = 在托普卡利的壮丽之下,奥斯曼帝国向您致敬,陌生人!我是苏莱曼一世,在这里,我表示对您的欢迎!
Let us do business! Would you be interested? = 让我们做些威尼斯商人要做的事吧,你对这个交易怎么看?
Barbary Corsairs = 巴巴里海盗
# Requires translation!
50% chance of capturing defeated Barbarian naval units and earning 25 Gold =
50% chance of capturing defeated Barbarian naval units and earning 25 Gold = 50%几率俘获战败的蛮族海军单位同时获得25金钱
Pay only one third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance = 海上单位维护费为正常值的1/3
Istanbul = 伊斯坦布尔
Edirne = 埃迪尔内
@ -3009,6 +3002,7 @@ Fort = 堡垒
Road = 道路
Remove Forest = 砍伐森林
Remove Jungle = 砍伐丛林
@ -3035,8 +3029,7 @@ Customs house = 海关
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units = 任何在军事要塞旁结束回合的敌方单位将遭受30点损伤
Citadel = 军事要塞
# Requires translation!
Can only be built on Coastal tiles =
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 只能建造在海滨地块
Moai = 摩艾石像群
Cannot be built on bonus resource = 无法建造在拥有奖励资源的地块
@ -3282,6 +3275,7 @@ Founds a new city = 建立一座城市,组建此单位时城市的食物积累
Ignores terrain cost = 所有地形都只消耗1移动力
Maori Warrior = 毛利勇士
Jaguar = 美洲虎战士

View File

@ -534,8 +534,7 @@ Raze city = 摧毀城市
Stop razing city = 停止摧毀城市
Buy for [amount] gold = 花費[amount]金錢購買
Buy = 購買
You have [amount] gold = 你有[amount]金錢
Currently you have [amount] gold. = 目前你有[amount]金錢
Currently you have [amount] gold. = 目前你有[amount]金錢。
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] gold? = 你想花費[buildingGoldCost]金錢購買[constructionName]嗎?
No space available to place [unit] near [city] = [city]附近沒有位置部署[unit]
Maintenance cost = 建築維護費
@ -638,8 +637,7 @@ military units = 軍事單位
melee units = 近戰單位
mounted units = 騎乘單位
naval units = 海軍單位
# Requires translation!
ranged units =
ranged units = 遠程單位
# For the All "newly-trained [relevant] units in this city receive the [] promotion" translation. Relevant as in 'units that can receive'
relevant = 相應的
# For '[stats] from [Water] tiles in this city'
@ -647,8 +645,7 @@ Water = 水上
# For [stats] from [Water resource] tiles in this city
Water resource = 水上資源
River = 河流
# Requires translation!
Fresh water =
Fresh water = 淡水
non-fresh water = 非淡水
Wonders = 奇觀
@ -670,9 +667,9 @@ Closest city = 最近的城市
Action = 行動
Defeated = 戰敗
[numberOfCivs] Civilizations in the game = 遊戲中共有[numberOfCivs]個文明
Our Civilization: = 我們的文明
Known and alive ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的倖存文明([numberOfCivs])
Known and defeated ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的殞落文明([numberOfCivs])
Our Civilization: = 我們的文明:
Known and alive ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的倖存文明 ([numberOfCivs])
Known and defeated ([numberOfCivs]) = 已知的殞落文明 ([numberOfCivs])
Tiles = 地區
Natural Wonders = 自然奇觀
Treasury deficit = 財政赤字
@ -836,6 +833,7 @@ Adopt policy = 推行政策
Adopt free policy = 推行免費的政策
Unlocked at = 解鎖時代:
Gain 2 free technologies = 獲得2項免費科技
All policies adopted = 所有政策皆已推行
# Technologies
@ -844,8 +842,7 @@ Mass Media = 大眾傳媒
# Terrains
Impassable = 不能通行
# Requires translation!
Rare feature =
Rare feature = 稀有地貌
# Resources
@ -855,12 +852,9 @@ Cocoa = 可可
Crab = 螃蟹
Citrus = 柑橘
Truffles = 松露
# Requires translation!
Strategic =
# Requires translation!
Bonus =
# Requires translation!
Luxury =
Strategic = 戰略資源
Bonus = 獎勵資源
Luxury = 奢侈資源
# Unit types
@ -941,11 +935,9 @@ Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? =
[stats] from every [param] = 每個[param][stats]
[stats] from [param] tiles in this city = 所在城市的[param]地塊[stats]
[stats] for each adjacent [param] = 每個相鄰的[param][stats]
Must be next to [terrain] = 必須緊鄰[terrain]
# Requires translation!
Must be on [terrain] =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% vs [unitType] =
Must be next to [terrain] = 城市必須毗鄰[terrain]
Must be on [terrain] = 城市必須位於[terrain]之上
+[amount]% vs [unitType] = 對戰[unitType]時+[amount]%
# City filters
# Requires translation!
@ -965,8 +957,7 @@ Monument = 紀念碑
Granary = 糧倉
# Requires translation!
Must not be on [terrain] =
Must not be on [terrain] = 城市不能位於[terrain]
Stone Works = 石工坊
'Time crumbles things; everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time' - Aristotle = “時間能粉碎一切;所有事物中將在時流中衰老並被遺忘。”——亞里士多德
@ -1003,7 +994,8 @@ Walls of Babylon = 巴比倫城牆
'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge = “哦,別讓你所受的死亡痛苦進入我的身體。我是創世神泰姆,我處在天界的最高層,神力護佑著我和所有其他神靈直到永遠。”——“死者之書”譯文,歐內斯特·阿爾弗雷德·沃利斯·巴吉爵士(英國考古學家)
Worker construction increased 25% = 設施建造速度+25%
Provides 2 free workers = 提供2個免費工人
# Requires translation!
[amount] free [unit] units appear =
The Pyramids = 大金字塔
Barracks = 軍營
@ -1166,7 +1158,6 @@ Museum = 博物館
Hermitage = 冬宮
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = “每一件偉大的藝術品都應如日月般長存。”——拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生
2 free Great Artists appear = 2名免費的大藝術家出現
The Louvre = 羅浮宮
Seaport = 海運碼頭
@ -1246,7 +1237,6 @@ Enables construction of Spaceship parts = 允許建造太空飛船的零件
Apollo Program = 阿波羅計畫
'The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it.' - Anatole France = “奇跡的不是那片星域如此遼闊,而是人類竟然成功測量了它。”——阿納托爾·法郎士(法國小說家)
2 free great scientists appear = 2個免費的大科學家出現
Hubble Space Telescope = 哈柏太空望遠鏡
SS Cockpit = 飛船駕駛艙
@ -1976,8 +1966,7 @@ Ruin! Ruin! Istanbul becomes Iram of the Pillars, remembered only by the melanch
From the magnificence of Topkapi, the Ottoman nation greets you, stranger! I'm Suleiman, Kayser-I Rum, and I bestow upon you my welcome! = 在托普卡利的壯麗之下,奧斯曼帝國向您致敬,陌生人!我是蘇萊曼一世,在這裡,我表示對您的歡迎!
Let us do business! Would you be interested? = 讓我們做些威尼斯商人要做的事吧,你對這個交易怎麼看?
Barbary Corsairs = 巴巴里海盜
# Requires translation!
50% chance of capturing defeated Barbarian naval units and earning 25 Gold =
50% chance of capturing defeated Barbarian naval units and earning 25 Gold = 50%幾率俘獲戰敗的蠻族海軍單位同時獲得25金錢
Pay only one third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance = 海上單位維護費為正常值的1/3
Istanbul = 伊斯坦布爾
Edirne = 埃迪爾內
@ -3103,6 +3092,7 @@ Fort = 堡壘
Road = 道路
Remove Forest = 砍伐森林
Remove Jungle = 砍伐叢林
@ -3377,6 +3367,7 @@ Founds a new city = 建立一座城市,組建此單位時城市的食物積累
Ignores terrain cost = 所有地形都只消耗1移動力
Maori Warrior = 毛利勇士
# Requires translation!

View File

@ -521,7 +521,6 @@ Raze city =
Stop razing city =
Buy for [amount] gold =
Buy =
You have [amount] gold =
Currently you have [amount] gold. =
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] gold? =
No space available to place [unit] near [city] =

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class BaseUnit : INamed, IConstruction {
fun getDescription(forPickerScreen:Boolean): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
if(requiredResource!=null) sb.appendln("{Requires} {$requiredResource}".tr())
if(requiredResource!=null) sb.appendln("Consumes 1 [{$requiredResource}]".tr())
if(!forPickerScreen) {
if(uniqueTo!=null) sb.appendln("Unique to [$uniqueTo], replaces [$replaces]".tr())
else sb.appendln("{Cost}: $cost".tr())
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class BaseUnit : INamed, IConstruction {
sb.appendln(promotions.joinToString(", ", " ") { it.tr() })
return sb.toString()
return sb.toString().trim()
fun getMapUnit(ruleset: Ruleset): MapUnit {

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class CityScreenCityPickerTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen) : Table(){
if (civInfo.cities.size > 1) {

View File

@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.map.TileInfo
import com.unciv.models.UncivSound
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stats
import com.unciv.models.translations.tr
import com.unciv.ui.utils.*
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
class CityScreenTileTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table(){
val innerTable = Table()
class CityScreenTileTable(private val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table(){
private val innerTable = Table()
val city = cityScreen.city
innerTable.background = ImageGetter.getBackground(ImageGetter.getBlue().lerp(Color.BLACK, 0.5f))
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ class CityScreenTileTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table(){
val stats = selectedTile.getTileStats(city, city.civInfo)
@ -40,8 +41,9 @@ class CityScreenTileTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table(){
val buyTileButton = "Buy for [$goldCostOfTile] gold".toTextButton()
buyTileButton.onClick(UncivSound.Coin) {
val purchasePrompt = "Currently you have [${city.civInfo.gold}] gold.".tr() + "\n" +
"Would you like to purchase [Tile] for [$goldCostOfTile] gold?".tr()
YesNoPopup(purchasePrompt, { city.expansion.buyTile(selectedTile);UncivGame.Current.setScreen(CityScreen(city)) }, cityScreen).open()
if((goldCostOfTile>city.civInfo.gold && !city.civInfo.gameInfo.gameParameters.godMode)
|| city.isPuppet
@ -49,7 +51,6 @@ class CityScreenTileTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table(){
innerTable.add("You have [${city.civInfo.gold}] gold".toLabel(Color.YELLOW, 16)).padTop(2f)
if(city.civInfo.cities.filterNot { it==city }

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class CityStatsTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
background = ImageGetter.getBackground(colorFromRGB(194,180,131))
innerTable.background = ImageGetter.getBackground(Color.BLACK.cpy().apply { a=0.8f })
@ -30,12 +30,11 @@ class CityStatsTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen): Table() {
fun update() {
val ministatsTable = Table().pad(5f)
val ministatsTable = Table()
for(stat in cityInfo.cityStats.currentCityStats.toHashMap()) {
if(stat.key == Stat.Happiness || stat.key == Stat.Faith) continue

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class ConstructionInfoTable(val city: CityInfo): Table() {
fun update(selectedConstruction: IConstruction?) {
if (selectedConstruction == null) {
isVisible = false
@ -62,21 +62,16 @@ class ConstructionInfoTable(val city: CityInfo): Table() {
val description: String
if (construction is BaseUnit)
description = construction.getDescription(true)
else if (construction is Building)
description = construction.getDescription(true, city.civInfo, city.civInfo.gameInfo.ruleSet)
else if(construction is PerpetualConstruction)
description = construction.description.replace("[rate]","[${construction.getConversionRate(city)}]") .tr()
else description="" // Should never happen
val description: String = when (construction) {
is BaseUnit -> construction.getDescription(true)
is Building -> construction.getDescription(true, city.civInfo, city.civInfo.gameInfo.ruleSet)
is PerpetualConstruction -> construction.description.replace("[rate]","[${construction.getConversionRate(city)}]") .tr()
else -> "" // Should never happen
val descriptionLabel = description.toLabel()
descriptionLabel.width = stage.width / 4
val descriptionScroll = ScrollPane(descriptionLabel)
selectedConstructionTable.add(descriptionScroll).colspan(2).width(stage.width / 4).height(stage.height / 8)
selectedConstructionTable.add(descriptionLabel).colspan(2).width(stage.width / 4)

View File

@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class ConstructionsTable(val cityScreen: CityScreen) : Table(CameraStageBaseScre
val purchasePrompt = "Currently you have [${city.civInfo.gold}] gold.".tr() + "\n\n" +
val purchasePrompt = "Currently you have [${city.civInfo.gold}] gold.".tr() + "\n" +
"Would you like to purchase [${construction.name}] for [$constructionGoldCost] gold?".tr()
YesNoPopup(purchasePrompt, { purchaseConstruction(construction) }, cityScreen, { cityScreen.update() }).open()

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class EmpireOverviewScreen(private var viewingPlayer:CivilizationInfo, defaultPa
civTable.background = ImageGetter.getBackground(Color.BLACK)
civTable.add("[${relevantCivs.size}] Civilizations in the game".toLabel()).pad(5f).colspan(4).row()
val titleTable = Table()
titleTable.add("Our Civilization:".toLabel()).pad(5f)
titleTable.add("Our Civilization:".toLabel())

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package com.unciv.ui.utils
import com.unciv.UncivGame
class YesNoPopup(question:String, action:()->Unit,
screen: CameraStageBaseScreen = UncivGame.Current.worldScreen, restoredefault:()->Unit = {}) : Popup(screen){
screen: CameraStageBaseScreen = UncivGame.Current.worldScreen, restoreDefault:()->Unit = {}) : Popup(screen){
add("No".toTextButton().onClick { close(); restoredefault() })
add("No".toTextButton().onClick { close(); restoreDefault() })
add("Yes".toTextButton().onClick { close(); action() })

View File

@ -2,12 +2,9 @@ package com.unciv.ui.worldscreen
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Event
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ScrollPane
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.HexMath
@ -18,21 +15,12 @@ import com.unciv.ui.utils.onClick
import com.unciv.ui.utils.surroundWithCircle
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.sqrt
class Minimap(val mapHolder: WorldMapHolder) : ScrollPane(null){
val allTiles = Group()
val tileImages = HashMap<TileInfo, Image>()
fun setScrollTomapHolder(){
scrollPercentX = mapHolder.scrollPercentX
scrollPercentY = mapHolder.scrollPercentY
class Minimap(val mapHolder: WorldMapHolder) : Table(){
private val allTiles = Group()
private val tileImages = HashMap<TileInfo, Image>()
init {
setScrollingDisabled(true, true)
var topX = 0f
var topY = 0f
var bottomX = 0f
@ -55,7 +43,6 @@ class Minimap(val mapHolder: WorldMapHolder) : ScrollPane(null){
positionalVector.y * 0.5f * groupSize)
hex.onClick {
tileImages[tileInfo] = hex
@ -74,15 +61,8 @@ class Minimap(val mapHolder: WorldMapHolder) : ScrollPane(null){
// so we zero out the starting position of the whole board so they will be displayed as well
allTiles.setSize(topX - bottomX, topY - bottomY)
actor = allTiles
mapHolder.addListener(object : InputListener() {
override fun handle(e: Event?): Boolean {
return true
fun update(cloneCivilization: CivilizationInfo) {
@ -100,7 +80,6 @@ class Minimap(val mapHolder: WorldMapHolder) : ScrollPane(null){
nationIcon.setPosition(hex.x - nationIcon.width/3,hex.y - nationIcon.height/3)
nationIcon.onClick {
@ -118,7 +97,7 @@ class MinimapHolder(mapHolder: WorldMapHolder): Table(){
fun getWrappedMinimap(): Table {
private fun getWrappedMinimap(): Table {
val internalMinimapWrapper = Table()
// // Temporarily disabled until we can make them work nicely together
// val sizePercent = worldScreen.game.settings.minimapSize
@ -141,7 +120,7 @@ class MinimapHolder(mapHolder: WorldMapHolder): Table(){
return externalMinimapWrapper
fun getToggleIcons():Table{
private fun getToggleIcons():Table{
val toggleIconTable=Table()
val settings = UncivGame.Current.settings