mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 04:14:15 +07:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ Longhouse = Dlouhý dům
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile = +1 Produkce za každého dělníka na políčku s lesem
Forge = Kovárna
# Requires translation!
+15% production of land units = +15% produkce pozemních jednotek
Harbor = Přístav
@ -303,21 +302,13 @@ Requires a [buildingName] in this city = Vyžaduje: [buildingName] v tomto měst
Requires [resource] = Vyžaduje surovinu [resource]
Required tech: [requiredTech] = Vyžaduje technologii: [requiredTech]
# Requires translation!
Current construction = Současná produkce
# Requires translation!
Construction queue = Fronta produkce
# Requires translation!
Pick a construction = Zvolit produkci
# Requires translation!
Queue empty = Fronta je prázdná
# Requires translation!
Add to queue = Přidat do fronty
# Requires translation!
Remove from queue = Odebrat z fronty
# Requires translation!
Show stats drilldown = Zobrazit statistiky
# Requires translation!
Show construction queue = Zobrazit produkci
Diplomacy = Diplomacie
@ -329,7 +320,6 @@ Declare war on [civName]? = Vyhlásit válku civilizaci [civName]?
[leaderName] of [nation] = [leaderName], [nation]
You'll pay for this! = Za tohle zaplatite!
Negotiate Peace = Mírové jednání
# Requires translation!
Peace with [civName]? = Mír s civilizací [civName]?
Very well. = Výborně.
Farewell. = Sbohem.
@ -346,13 +336,9 @@ Indeed! = Vskutku!
Denounce ([numberOfTurns] turns) = Odsoudit ([numberOfTurns] kol)
We will remember this. = To vám nikdy nezapomeneme.
# Requires translation!
[civName] has declared war on [targetCivName]! = Civilizace [civName] vyhlásila válku civilizaci [targetCivName]!
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Peace Treaty! = Civilizace [civName] and [targetCivName] podepsaly Mírovou Dohodu!
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Declaration of Friendship! = Civilizace [civName] and [targetCivName] podepsaly Deklaraci Přátelství!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has denounced [targetCivName]! = Civilizace [civName] odsoudila civilizaci [targetCivName]!
Unforgivable = Nenávist
@ -573,11 +559,8 @@ Songhai = Songhajská říše
Askia = Askia
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities. Embarked units can defend themselves. = Získává trojnásobek zlata z Barbarských táborů a drancování měst. Jednotky při naloďování se můžou bránit.
# Requires translation!
Spain = Španělsko
# Requires translation!
Isabella = Izabela
# Requires translation!
100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled. = 100 Zlata za objev Přírodního Divu (500 Zlata jde-li o prvního objevitele). Kultura, Spokojenost a zisky z políček Přírodních Divů jsou dvojnásobné.
# New game screen
@ -686,7 +669,6 @@ Are you sure you want to delete this map? = Jste si jistý(á), že chcete smaza
Upload map = Nahrát mapu
Could not upload map! = Nelze nahrát mapu!
Map uploaded successfully! = Mapa úspěšně nahrána!
# Requires translation!
Saving... = Ukládám...
# Options
@ -784,19 +766,12 @@ One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = Jedna z našich obchodních
[nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = Národ [nation] vypověděl dohodu o nebudování měst poblíž našich hranic!
We have allied with [nation]. = Uzavřeli jsme alianci s civilizací [nation].
We have lost alliance with [nation]. = Ztratili jsme alianci s civilizací [nation].
# Requires translation!
We have discovered [naturalWonder]! = Objevili jsme [naturalWonder]!
# Requires translation!
We have received [goldAmount] Gold for discovering [naturalWonder] = Získali jsme [goldAmount] Zlata za objevení [naturalWonder]
# Requires translation!
Your relationship with [cityStateName] is about to degrade = Vaše vztahy s [cityStateName] se zhoršují
# Requires translation!
Your relationship with [cityStateName] degraded = Vaše vztahy s [cityStateName] se zhoršily
# Requires translation!
A new barbarian encampment has spawned! = Objeven nový tábor barbarů!
# Requires translation!
Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] = Získali jsme [goldAmount] Zlata při obsazení [cityName]
# Requires translation!
Our proposed trade request is no longer relevant! = Naše obchodní nabídka již není relevantni!
# World Screen UI
@ -859,7 +834,6 @@ Victory status = Cesta k vítězství
Social policies = Sociální politika
Community = Komunita
Close = Zavřít
# Requires translation!
Do you want to exit the game? = Chcete ukončit hru?
# City screen
@ -884,6 +858,16 @@ Annex city = Anektovat město
Specialist Buildings = Specializované budovy
Specialist Allocation = Přidělit specialistu
Specialists = Specialisté
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Spotřeba jídla
Growth bonus = Spotřeba jídla
Unassigned population = Nezaměstnaní obyvatelé
@ -943,7 +927,6 @@ Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceA
Hurry Wonder = Uspíšit stavbu Divu
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = Naši občané jsou spokojeni s vaší vládou po dlouhou dobu díky čemuž říše vstoupila do Zlatého věku!
You have entered the [newEra]! = Vstoupili jsme do éry [newEra]!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has entered the [eraName]! = Civilizace [civName] vstoupila do éry [eraName]!
[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! = Zpřístupněna větev sociální politiky: [policyBranch]
Overview = Přehled
@ -972,7 +955,6 @@ Closest city = Nejbližší město
Action = Činnost
Defeated = Poražený(á)
Tiles = Políčka
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders = Přírodní Divy
# Requires translation!
Treasury deficit =
@ -1109,7 +1091,6 @@ Victory Types =
Workers =
# Other civilopedia things
# Requires translation!
Nations = Národy
Promotions = Povýšení
# Requires translation!
@ -1443,12 +1424,10 @@ Grand Mesa = Velká náhorní plošina
Great Barrier Reef = Velký bariérový útes
Krakatoa = Krakatoa
Mount Fuji = Hora Fuji
# Requires translation!
Old Faithful = Old Faithful gejzír
Rock of Gibraltar = Gibraltarské skály
# Requires translation!
Cerro de Potosi =
# Requires translation!
El Dorado = El Dorado
Fountain of Youth = Fontána mládí
@ -1592,7 +1571,6 @@ Pikeman = Pikenýr
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Knight = Rytíř
Camel Archer = Lučištník na velbloudu
# Requires translation!
Conquistador = Konkistador
# Requires translation!
Mandekalu Cavalry =
@ -1604,7 +1582,6 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Má velkou šanci získat Velkého
Caravel = Karavela
Turtle Ship = Želví loď
+1 Visibility Range = +1 dohled
# Requires translation!
+2 Visibility Range = +2 dohled
Cannon = Dělo
Musketman = Střelec s mušketou
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Longhouse =
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile =
# Requires translation!
Forge =
Forge =
# Requires translation!
+15% production of land units =
@ -1324,6 +1324,16 @@ Specialist Allocation = Specialistische toewijzing
# Requires translation!
Specialists =
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Food eaten =
# Requires translation!
Growth bonus =
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Longhouse =
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile =
# Requires translation!
Forge =
Forge =
# Requires translation!
+15% production of land units =
@ -1498,7 +1498,7 @@ Specialist Buildings =
# Requires translation!
Specialist Allocation =
# Requires translation!
Specialists =
Specialists =
[specialist] slots = [specialist] slots
Engineer specialist = Engineer specialist
Merchant specialist = Merchant specialist
@ -824,6 +824,16 @@ Annex city = Cité annexée
Specialist Buildings = Batiments spéciaux
Specialist Allocation = Affectation Spécialiste
Specialists = Spécialiste
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Nourriture consommée
Growth bonus = Bonus de Croissance
Unassigned population = Population libre
@ -878,6 +878,16 @@ Annex city = Stadt annektieren
Specialist Buildings = Gebäude der SpezialistInnen
Specialist Allocation = Zuordnung von SpezialistInnen
Specialists = SpezialistInnen
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Nahrung verbraucht
Growth bonus = Wachstumsbonus
Unassigned population = Freie Bevölkerung
@ -885,6 +885,16 @@ Annex city = Mencaplok kota
Specialist Buildings = Spesialis Bangunan
Specialist Allocation = Spesialis Alokasi
Specialists = Spesialis
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Makanan termakan
Growth bonus = Bonus pertumbuhan
Unassigned population = populasi tak terkelola
@ -821,6 +821,16 @@ Annex city = Annetti città
Specialist Buildings = Edifici specialisti
Specialist Allocation = Assegna specialisti
Specialists = Specialisti
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Cibo consumato
Growth bonus = Bonus crescita
Unassigned population = Popolazione libera
@ -1490,7 +1500,6 @@ Logistics = Logistica
Trebuchet = Trabocco
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Limited Visibility = Visibilità limitata
Keshik = Keshik
Longswordsman = Guerriero con spada lunga
Pikeman = Picchiere
Landsknecht = Lanzichenecco
@ -1578,7 +1587,6 @@ Can speed up construction of a wonder = Può accelerare la costruzione di una Me
Can build improvement: Manufactory = Può costruire il miglioramento: Manifattura
Great General = Grande Generale
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% Bonus per le unità nel raggio di 2 caselle
Khan = Khan
# Promotions
@ -906,6 +906,16 @@ Annex city = 도시 합병
Specialist Buildings = 전문가 건물
Specialist Allocation = 전문가 할당
Specialists = 전문가
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = 식량 소모
Growth bonus = 성장률
Unassigned population = 실업자 수
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Longhouse =
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile =
# Requires translation!
Forge =
Forge =
# Requires translation!
+15% production of land units =
@ -1389,6 +1389,16 @@ Specialist Allocation =
# Requires translation!
Specialists =
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Food eaten =
# Requires translation!
Growth bonus =
@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ Mint = Mennica
Machu Picchu = Machu Picchu
'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham = 'Niewiele romansów może się równać ze związkiem granitowej cytadeli stojącej na strzelistych urwiskach Machu Picchu, korony Kraju Inków.' – Hiram Bingham
Gold from all trade routes +25% = +25% złota ze wszystkich szlaków handlowych
# Requires translation!
Must have an owned mountain within 2 tiles = Wymagana jest góra w odległości do 2 pól
Aqueduct = Akwedukt
@ -134,7 +133,6 @@ Longhouse = Długi dom
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile = +1 do produkcji za każde pracujące pole lasu
Forge = Kuźnia
# Requires translation!
+15% production of land units = +15% do produkcji jednostek lądowych
Harbor = Port
@ -160,7 +158,6 @@ Cost of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% = Koszt zakupu nowych pól obniżony
Porcelain Tower = Porcelanowa Wieża
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = 'Kiedy patrzymy w przeszłość, wszystko wydaje się piękniejsze i właśnie w tej niedostępnej wieży przeszłości rodzi się Tęsknota.' - James Russell Lowell
Free great scientist appears = Pojawia się darmowy Wielki Naukowiec
# Requires translation!
Science gained from research agreements +50% = +50% nauki za umowy naukowe
Ironworks = Huta
@ -636,7 +633,6 @@ Are you sure you want to delete this map? = Czy na pewno chcesz usunąc tą map
Upload map = Prześlij mapę
Could not upload map! = Nie udało się przesłać mapy
Map uploaded successfully! = Mapa została przesłana pomyślnie
# Requires translation!
Saving... = Zapisywanie...
# Options
@ -712,7 +708,6 @@ We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins! = Odkryliśmy
A [unitName] has joined us! = [unitName] włączyła się w nasze szeregi!
An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat! = Starożytne plemie nauczyło jednostkę [unitName] ich sztuk walki!
We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins! = Znaleźliśmy w ruinach [amount] złota!
# Requires translation!
We have found a crudely-drawn map in the ruins! = Znaleźliśmy mapę nieodkrytych terenów w ruinach!
[unit] finished exploring. = Jednostka [unit] zakończyła eksplorację.
[unit] has no work to do. = Jednostka [unit] jest bez zajęcia.
@ -826,6 +821,16 @@ Annex city = Zaanektuj miasto
Specialist Buildings = Budowle specjalistów
Specialist Allocation = Przydział specjalistów
Specialists = Specjaliści
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Żywność zjedzona
Growth bonus = Bonus do rośnięcia
Unassigned population = Nieprzydzieleni obywatele
@ -986,11 +991,8 @@ Version = Wersja
Resolution = Rozdzielczość
Tileset = Pola
Map editor = Edytor Map
# Requires translation!
Create = Stwórz
# Requires translation!
New map = Nowa mapa
# Requires translation!
Empty = Pusta
Language = Język
Terrains & Resources = Teren i Zasoby
@ -1315,7 +1317,6 @@ Who knows what the future holds? = Kto wie, co kryje przyszłość?
+10% science and production in all cities = +10% nauki i produkcji we wszystkich miastach
Improves movement speed on roads = Zwiększa prędkość poruszania się na drogach
Enables conversion of city production to science = Umożliwia konwersję produkcji miejskiej na naukę
# Requires translation!
Enables Research agreements = Odblokowuje umowy naukowe
Enables conversion of city production to gold = Umożliwia konwersję produkcji miejskiej na złoto
Enables embarkation for land units = Umożliwia jednostkom naziemnym zaokrętować
@ -1674,21 +1675,13 @@ Reduces damage taken from interception by 50% = Redukuje obrażenia otrzymane po
Bonus when intercepting [amount]% = Bonus podczas przechwytywania o [amount]%
Ambush I = Zasadzka I (lotnictwo)
Ambush II = Zasadzka II (lotnictwo)
# Requires translation!
Armor Plating I = Opancerzenie I
# Requires translation!
Armor Plating II = Opancerzenie II
# Requires translation!
Armor Plating III = Opancerzenie III
# Requires translation!
+25% Combat Bonus when defending = +25% siły bojowej podczas obrony
# Requires translation!
Flight Deck I = Pokład lotniczy I
# Requires translation!
Flight Deck II = Pokład lotniczy II
# Requires translation!
Flight Deck III = Pokład lotniczy III
# Requires translation!
Can carry 1 extra air unit = Może przenieść 1 dodatkową jednostkę
Can carry 2 aircraft = Może przenieść dwa samoloty
Haka War Dance = Haka - taniec wojenny
@ -927,6 +927,16 @@ Annex city = Anexar cidade
Specialist Buildings = Construções especializadas
Specialist Allocation = Alocação de Especialistas
Specialists = Especialistas
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Comida consumida
Growth bonus = Bônus de crescimento
Unassigned population = População livre
@ -976,6 +976,16 @@ Specialist Buildings = Clădiri specializate
Specialist Allocation = Alocarea specialiștilor
Specialists = Specialiști
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Food eaten =
Growth bonus = Bonus de creștere
Unassigned population = Populație liberă
@ -825,6 +825,16 @@ Annex city = Захватить город
Specialist Buildings = Специальные здания
Specialist Allocation = Распределение специалистов
Specialists = Специалисты
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Потребление еды
Growth bonus = Бонус к росту
Unassigned population = Свободное население
@ -828,6 +828,16 @@ Annex city = 吞并城市
Specialist Buildings = 专业建筑
Specialist Allocation = 专业人员分配
Specialists = 专业人员
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = 人口消耗
Growth bonus = 积累速率
Unassigned population = 闲置人口
@ -855,6 +855,16 @@ Annex city = Anexionar ciudad
Specialist Buildings = Edificios Ocupables
Specialist Allocation = Asignación de especialistas
Specialists = Especialistas
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Comida consumida
Growth bonus = Bonus de crecimiento
Unassigned population = Población libre
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup =
Found a city!\nSelect the Settler (flag unit) > Click on 'Found city' (bottom-left corner) = 建立城市!\n選擇移民(旗幟圖標) > 點擊"建立城市"(左下角)
Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice = 進入城市介面!\n點擊城市按鈕兩次
Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n select technology > click 'Research' (bottom right) = 研究科技!\n點擊科技按鈕(左上方淺綠色圖標) > \n選擇一個科技 > 點擊"研究"(右下角)
# Requires translation!
Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (bottom left side) > \n click 'add to queue' =
Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' = 跳過回合!\n連續點擊"下個閒置單位"按鈕跳過所有閒置單位 > 點擊"下一回合"
Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n click an unassigned tile to assign population = 重新調整工作地塊!\n進入城市介面 > 點擊已分配市民的地塊取消分配 > \n 點擊未被分配市民的地塊分配市民
@ -373,53 +374,29 @@ We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have.
# City states
Manila = 馬尼拉
Kuala Lumpur = 吉隆坡
Helsinki = 赫爾辛基
Quebec City = 魁北克市
Hanoi = 河內
Kathmandu = 加德滿都
Cape Town = 開普敦
Sydney = 悉尼
Zanzibar = 尚吉巴
Singapore = 新加坡
Edinburgh = 愛丁堡
Almaty = 阿拉木圖
Sidon = 西頓
Kabul = 喀布爾
Brussels = 布魯塞爾
Venice = 威尼斯
Genoa = 熱那亞
Ur = 烏爾
Tyre = 泰爾
Dublin = 都柏林
Antwerp = 安特衛普
Rio de Janeiro = 里約熱內盧
Florence = 佛羅倫斯
Milan = 米蘭
Provides [amountOfCulture] culture at 30 Influence = 當影響力不低於30時提供[amountOfCulture]文化
@ -554,9 +531,7 @@ Askia = 阿斯基亞
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities. Embarked units can defend themselves. = 摧毀蠻族營地及劫掠城市時獲得三倍金錢,單位船運時有自衛能力
Spain = 西班牙
Isabella = 伊莎貝拉一世
100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled. = 每發現一座自然奇觀時獲得100金錢獎勵(若為第一個發現該自然奇觀的文明,獎勵則追加至500)。自然奇觀所提供的文化、快樂及地區產出雙倍。
# New game screen
@ -573,19 +548,15 @@ Map type = 地圖創建方式
Generated = 隨機生成
Existing = 文件載入
Map generation type = 生成地圖類型
Default = 預設
Pangaea = 盤古大陸
# Requires translation!
Perlin =
Continents = 大陸
Number of city-states = 城邦數量
One City Challenge = 單城市挑戰
No barbarians = 無蠻族
No ancient ruins = 無遠古遺跡
No Natural Wonders = 無自然奇觀
Victory conditions = 勝利條件
Scientific = 科技
@ -665,16 +636,13 @@ Are you sure you want to delete this map? = 你真的想刪除這張地圖嗎?
Upload map = 上傳地圖
Could not upload map! = 無法上傳地圖!
Map uploaded successfully! = 成功上傳地圖!
Saving... = 存檔中......💾
# Options
Options = 選項
Display options = 顯示選項
Gameplay options = 遊戲選項
Other options = 其他選項
Turns between autosaves = 自動存檔間隔回合
Sound effects volume = 音效音量
@ -743,7 +711,6 @@ We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins! = 我們在
A [unitName] has joined us! = [unitName]加入了我們!
An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat! = 一個古老的部落以他們的戰鬥方式訓練了我們的[unitName]!
We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins! = 我們在廢墟中找到了[amount]金錢!
We have found a crudely-drawn map in the ruins! = 我們在廢墟找到了一張粗略繪製的地圖!
[unit] finished exploring. = [unit]已完成探索
[unit] has no work to do. = [unit]處於閒置狀態
@ -765,19 +732,12 @@ One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = 我們與[nation]的一項
[nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = [nation]拒絕停止在我們附近建城!
We have allied with [nation]. = 我們已和[nation]締結同盟
We have lost alliance with [nation]. = 我們和[nation]不再是同盟關係
We have discovered [naturalWonder]! = 大發現! 我們發現了 [naturalWonder] !
We have received [goldAmount] Gold for discovering [naturalWonder] = 我們在發現 [naturalWonder] 時獲得了 [goldAmount] 金錢
Your relationship with [cityStateName] is about to degrade = 我們與 [cityStateName] 的關係正在劣化
Your relationship with [cityStateName] degraded = 我們與 [cityStateName] 的外交關係降級了
A new barbarian encampment has spawned! = 偵測到新的蠻族營地出現!
Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] = 我們在佔領 [cityName] 時獲得 [goldAmount]
Our proposed trade request is no longer relevant! = 我們的貿易項目已失效!
# World Screen UI
@ -840,7 +800,6 @@ Victory status = 勝利進度
Social policies = 社會政策
Community = 社群
Close = 關閉
Do you want to exit the game? = 確定退出 Unciv?
# City screen
@ -865,6 +824,16 @@ Annex city = 併吞城市
Specialist Buildings = 專業建築
Specialist Allocation = 專業人員分配
Specialists = 專業人員
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = 人口消耗
Growth bonus = 累積速率
Unassigned population = 閒置人口
@ -924,7 +893,6 @@ Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceA
Hurry Wonder = 加速奇觀建造
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = 人民為您英明領導下取得的豐功偉業歡欣鼓舞,您的帝國進入了黃金時代!
You have entered the [newEra]! = 您已進入了[newEra]!
[civName] has entered the [eraName]! = [civName] 已進入 [eraName] !
[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! = [policyBranch]分支解鎖!
Overview = 概覽
@ -953,9 +921,7 @@ Closest city = 最近的城市
Action = 行動
Defeated = 戰敗
Tiles = 地區
Natural Wonders = 自然奇觀
Treasury deficit = 財政赤字
@ -1014,7 +980,6 @@ May contain [listOfResources] = 可能擁有以下資源:[listOfResources]
Upgrades to [upgradedUnit] = 可升級為[upgradedUnit]
Obsolete with [obsoleteTech] = 研發下列科技後過時:[obsoleteTech]
Occurs on [listOfTerrains] = 可能出現在以下地形:[listOfTerrains]
Placed on [terrainType] = 可出現在 [terrainType]
Can be found on = 可能發現該資源的地形地貌:
Improved by [improvement] = 開發該資源所需設施:[improvement]
@ -1029,11 +994,8 @@ Version = 版本
Resolution = 解析度
Tileset = 地塊設定
Map editor = 地圖編輯器
Create = 創建
New map = 新地圖
Empty = 空白地圖
Language = 語言設定
Terrains & Resources = 地形地貌與資源
@ -1047,53 +1009,32 @@ Clear terrain features = 清除地貌
Clear improvements = 清除設施
Clear resource = 清除資源
Requires = 需要
Menu = 遊戲選單
Brush Size = 筆刷大小
# Civilopedia Tutorials names
After Conquering = 佔領城市的後事
City Range = 城市工作範圍
Contact Me = 聯絡我吧!
Culture and Policies = 文化與政策
Embarking = 陸地單位的船運
Enemy City = 敵對城市
Idle Units = 閒置單位
Injured Units = 傷兵
Introduction = 遊戲介紹
Luxury Resource = 奢侈資源
New Game = 新遊戲
Roads and Railroads = 道路與鐵路
Siege Units = 攻城單位
Strategic Resource = 策略資源
Unhappiness = 不滿與快樂值
Victory Types = 勝利條件
Workers = 工人
# Other civilopedia things
Nations = 文明
Promotions = 晉升
Available for [unitTypes] = 適用於 [unitTypes]
# Policies
@ -1379,7 +1320,6 @@ Who knows what the future holds? = 誰知道未來會怎樣?
+10% science and production in all cities = 所有城市+10%的科研和產能輸出
Improves movement speed on roads = 提高道路上的移動速度
Enables conversion of city production to science = 可將城市產能轉化為科研
Enables Research agreements = 允許簽訂研究協議
Enables conversion of city production to gold = 可將城市產能轉化為金錢
Enables embarkation for land units = 陸軍單位擁有船運能力
@ -1432,9 +1372,7 @@ Fountain of Youth = 青春之泉
# Natural Wonders Uniques
Grants 500 Gold to the first civilization to discover it = 第一個發現此自然奇觀的文明可獲得500金錢。
Grants Rejuvenation (all healing effects doubled) to adjacent military land units for the rest of the game = 給予周圍所有的軍事單位永久性的 返老還童(單位回復力雙倍) 增益效果。
# Resources
@ -1570,11 +1508,8 @@ Pikeman = 長槍兵
Landsknecht = 自由傭兵
Knight = 騎士
Camel Archer = 駱駝騎射手
Conquistador = 西班牙征服者
Mandekalu Cavalry = 曼德卡魯騎兵
Defense bonus when embarked = 在船運狀態時防禦力強化
Naresuan's Elephant = 納黎萱戰象
Samurai = 日本武士
@ -1582,13 +1517,11 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 戰鬥能更快的產生大軍事
Caravel = 輕帆船
Turtle Ship = 龜船
+1 Visibility Range = +1視野
+2 Visibility Range = +2 視野
Cannon = 加農砲
Musketman = 火槍手
Musketeer = 法國火槍手
Janissary = 蘇丹親兵
Tercio = 西班牙大方陣
Heals [amountHealed] damage if it kills a unit = 消滅敵方單位後回復[amountHealed]生命值
Minuteman = 快速民兵
@ -1745,26 +1678,16 @@ Reduces damage taken from interception by 50% = 遭受攔截時的損傷-50%
Bonus when intercepting [amount]% = 執行攔截任務時+[amount]%戰鬥力
Ambush I = 伏擊I級
Ambush II = 伏擊II級
Armor Plating I = 船體裝甲I級
Armor Plating II = 船體裝甲II級
Armor Plating III = 船體裝甲III級
+25% Combat Bonus when defending = 防禦時+25%戰鬥力
Flight Deck I = 甲板擴容I級
Flight Deck II = 甲板擴容II級
Flight Deck III = 甲板擴容III級
Can carry 1 extra air unit = 可搭載的空軍單位+1
Can carry 2 aircraft = 可搭載的空軍單位+2
Haka War Dance = 哈卡戰舞
-10% combat strength for adjacent enemy units = 相鄰的敵方單位-10%戰鬥力
Rejuvenation = 返老還童
All healing effects doubled = 單位回復力雙倍
@ -821,6 +821,16 @@ Annex city = Şehiri ilhak et
Specialist Buildings = Uzmanların Binaları
Specialist Allocation = Uzman Tahsisi
Specialists = Uzmanlar
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Yenen yiyecekler
Growth bonus = Büyüme bonusu
Unassigned population = Atanmamış nüfus
@ -823,6 +823,16 @@ Annex city = Анексувати місто
Specialist Buildings = Спеціалізовані будівлі
Specialist Allocation = Розподіл спеціалістів
Specialists = Спеціалісти
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
# Requires translation!
Engineer specialist =
# Requires translation!
Merchant specialist =
# Requires translation!
Scientist specialist =
# Requires translation!
Artist specialist =
Food eaten = Їжі з’їдено
Growth bonus = Бонус до зростання
Unassigned population = Незайняте населення
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Traditional_Chinese = 92
Traditional_Chinese = 99
Italian = 99
Polish = 98
Polish = 99
Russian = 98
Romanian = 73
Korean = 90
Simplified_Chinese = 98
Romanian = 72
Korean = 89
Simplified_Chinese = 97
German = 92
Turkish = 99
English = 0
Ukrainian = 99
English = 1
Ukrainian = 98
French = 98
Portuguese = 79
Indonesian = 72
Czech = 92
Indonesian = 71
Czech = 94
Malay = 13
Spanish = 96
Dutch = 24
@ -132,8 +132,7 @@ Workshop =
Longhouse =
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile =
Forge =
# Requires translation!
Forge =
+15% production of land units =
Harbor =
@ -821,7 +820,7 @@ Nothing =
Annex city =
Specialist Buildings =
Specialist Allocation =
Specialists =
Specialists =
[specialist] slots =
Engineer specialist =
Merchant specialist =
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ android {
applicationId "com.unciv.app"
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 29
versionCode 368
versionName "3.5.6"
versionCode 369
versionName "3.5.7"
archivesBaseName = "Unciv"
@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
## 3.5.7
Added Non-continuous rendering setting, to disable animations and save battery - by reversi
Add missing Forge and Seaport production bonus uniques - by Teague Lander
Fixed anti air units intercept range
Fixed aerial transportation crashing bug
Add specialist slot description for buildings that provide them - by Teague Lander
Quick access to diplomacy screen with other civilizations by tapping city buttons - by ltrcao
Translation updates
## 3.5.6
Research agreements! - by lishaoxia1985
Reference in New Issue
Block a user