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synced 2025-01-07 14:02:48 +07:00
Nation picker gets an Icon View, keyboard selection, and fixed sort (#9553)
* Nation picker gets an Icon View, keyboard selection, and fixed sort * Minor linting * Proper centering in the selection circle * Fix merge mistakes * Nation picker Icon View - reviews and layout tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ class GameSettings {
/** If on, selected notifications are drawn enlarged with wider padding */
var enlargeSelectedNotification = true
/** Whether the Nation Picker shows icons only or the horizontal "civBlocks" with leader/nation name */
enum class NationPickerListMode { Icons, List }
var nationPickerListMode = NationPickerListMode.List
/** used to migrate from older versions of the settings */
var version: Int? = null
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ open class KeyShortcutDispatcher {
private data class ShortcutAction(val shortcut: KeyShortcut, val action: () -> Unit)
private val shortcuts: MutableList<ShortcutAction> = mutableListOf()
fun clear() = shortcuts.clear()
fun add(shortcut: KeyShortcut?, action: (() -> Unit)?) {
if (action == null || shortcut == null) return
shortcuts.removeIf { it.shortcut == shortcut }
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ object ImageGetter {
fun getRandomNationPortrait(size: Float): Portrait {
return PortraitNation("Random", size)
return PortraitNation(Constants.random, size)
fun getUnitIcon(unitName: String, color: Color = Color.BLACK): Image {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
package com.unciv.ui.screens.newgamescreen
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Touchable
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.TemporalAction
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Container
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.WidgetGroup
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.GUI
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.PlayerType
import com.unciv.models.metadata.GameSettings.NationPickerListMode
import com.unciv.models.metadata.Player
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.nation.Nation
import com.unciv.models.translations.tr
import com.unciv.ui.audio.MusicMood
import com.unciv.ui.audio.MusicTrackChooserFlags
import com.unciv.ui.components.AutoScrollPane
import com.unciv.ui.components.UncivTooltip.Companion.addTooltip
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.isNarrowerThan4to3
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.toImageButton
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.KeyCharAndCode
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.keyShortcuts
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.onActivation
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.onClick
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.onDoubleClick
import com.unciv.ui.images.ImageGetter
import com.unciv.ui.images.Portrait
import com.unciv.ui.popups.Popup
import com.unciv.ui.screens.basescreen.BaseScreen
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.cos
internal class NationPickerPopup(
private val playerPicker: PlayerPickerTable,
private val player: Player,
private val noRandom: Boolean
) : Popup(playerPicker.previousScreen as BaseScreen, Scrollability.None) {
companion object {
// Note - innerTable has pad(20f) and defaults().pad(5f), so content bottomLeft is at x=25/y=25
// These are used for the Close/OK buttons in the lower left/right corners:
const val buttonsCircleSize = 70f
const val buttonsIconSize = 50f
const val buttonsOffsetFromEdge = 5f
val buttonsBackColor: Color = Color.BLACK.cpy().apply { a = 0.67f }
// Icon view sizing
const val iconViewIconSize = 50f // Portrait lies and will be bigger than asked for (55f)
const val iconViewCellSize = 60f // Difference to the above is used for selection highlight
const val iconViewSpacing = 5f // Extra spacing between icons
const val iconViewPadTop = 18f // align top row with nation icon in detail pane - empiric
// Allow scrolling the bottom left icons _out_ from under the close/toggle view buttons
const val iconViewPadBottom = buttonsCircleSize + buttonsOffsetFromEdge - 25f + iconViewSpacing
const val iconViewPadHorz = iconViewSpacing / 2 // a little empiric
private val previousScreen = playerPicker.previousScreen
private val ruleset = previousScreen.ruleset
private val settings = GUI.getSettings()
// This Popup's body has two halves of same size, either side by side or arranged vertically
// depending on screen proportions - determine height for one of those
private val partHeight = stageToShowOn.height * (if (stageToShowOn.isNarrowerThan4to3()) 0.45f else 0.8f)
private val civBlocksWidth = playerPicker.civBlocksWidth
private val nationListTable = Table()
private val nationListScroll = AutoScrollPane(nationListTable)
private val nationDetailsTable = Table()
private val nationDetailsScroll = AutoScrollPane(nationDetailsTable)
private class SelectInfo(
val nation: Nation,
val scrollY: Float,
val widget: Container<Portrait>? = null // null = unused in List mode
private var listMode: NationPickerListMode = settings.nationPickerListMode
private var selection: SelectInfo? = null
private val keySelectMap = mutableMapOf<Char, MutableList<SelectInfo>>()
private var lastKeyPressed = Char.MIN_VALUE
private var keyRoundRobin = 0
init {
nationListScroll.setOverscroll(false, false)
add(nationListScroll).size( civBlocksWidth + 10f, partHeight )
// +10, because the nation table has a 5f pad, for a total of +10f
if (stageToShowOn.isNarrowerThan4to3()) row()
nationDetailsScroll.setOverscroll(false, false)
add(nationDetailsScroll).size(civBlocksWidth + 10f, partHeight) // Same here, see above
clickBehindToClose = true
nationDetailsTable.touchable = Touchable.enabled
nationDetailsTable.onClick { returnSelected() }
/** Note - [newMode]==null toggles, but this is prepared for key shortcuts _setting_ a mode.
* Unused due to our key input stack not supporting Ctrl-Numbers yet, postponed.
private fun toggleListMode(newMode: NationPickerListMode? = null) {
fun NationPickerListMode.toggle() = when (this) {
NationPickerListMode.Icons -> NationPickerListMode.List
NationPickerListMode.List -> NationPickerListMode.Icons
listMode = newMode ?: listMode.toggle()
settings.nationPickerListMode = listMode
private fun String.toImageButton(overColor: Color) =
toImageButton(buttonsIconSize, buttonsCircleSize, buttonsBackColor, overColor)
private fun addActionIcons() {
// Despite being a Popup we use our own buttons - floating circular ones
val closeButton = "OtherIcons/Close".toImageButton(Color.FIREBRICK)
closeButton.onActivation { close() }
closeButton.setPosition(buttonsOffsetFromEdge, buttonsOffsetFromEdge, Align.bottomLeft)
val okButton = "OtherIcons/Checkmark".toImageButton(Color.LIME)
okButton.onActivation { returnSelected() }
okButton.setPosition(innerTable.width - buttonsOffsetFromEdge, buttonsOffsetFromEdge, Align.bottomRight)
val switchViewButton = "OtherIcons/NationSwap".toImageButton(Color.ROYAL)
switchViewButton.onActivation { toggleListMode() }
// No keyboard support yet - file manager conventions: Ctrl-1 Icons, Ctrl-2 List
switchViewButton.setPosition(2 * buttonsOffsetFromEdge + buttonsCircleSize, buttonsOffsetFromEdge, Align.bottomLeft)
private fun returnSelected() {
val selectedNation = selection?.nation?.name
?: return
UncivGame.Current.musicController.chooseTrack(selectedNation, MusicMood.themeOrPeace, MusicTrackChooserFlags.setSelectNation)
player.chosenCiv = selectedNation
private data class NationIterationElement(
val nation: Nation,
val translatedName: String = nation.name.tr(hideIcons = true)
private fun updateNationListTable() {
// As for background... In List mode, the NationTable blocks come with a 5f horizontal padding,
// so the Icon mode background "jumps" to 5f wider - haven't found a fix!
if (listMode == NationPickerListMode.List) {
nationListTable.background = null
} else {
nationListTable.background = BaseScreen.skinStrings.getUiBackground(
tintColor = Color.DARK_GRAY.cpy().apply { a = 0.75f }
nationListTable.pad(iconViewPadTop, iconViewPadHorz, iconViewPadBottom, iconViewPadHorz)
// These are available as closures to the factories below
var currentX = 0f
var currentY = 0f
// Decide by listMode how each block is built -
// for each a factory producing an Actor and info on how to select it
fun getListModeNationActor(element: NationIterationElement): Pair<WidgetGroup, SelectInfo> {
val currentSelectInfo = SelectInfo(element.nation, currentY)
val nationTable = NationTable(element.nation, civBlocksWidth, 0f) // no need for min height
val cell = nationListTable.add(nationTable)
currentY += cell.padBottom + cell.prefHeight + cell.padTop
return nationTable to currentSelectInfo
fun getIconsModeNationActor(element: NationIterationElement): Pair<WidgetGroup, SelectInfo> {
val nationIcon = ImageGetter.getNationPortrait(element.nation, iconViewIconSize)
nationIcon.addTooltip(element.translatedName, tipAlign = Align.center, hideIcons = true)
val nationGroup = Container(nationIcon).apply {
isTransform = false
touchable = Touchable.enabled
val currentSelectInfo = SelectInfo(element.nation, currentY, nationGroup)
if (currentX + iconViewCellSize > civBlocksWidth) {
currentX = 0f
currentY += iconViewCellSize
currentX += iconViewCellSize + iconViewSpacing
return nationGroup to currentSelectInfo
val nationActorFactory = when (listMode) {
NationPickerListMode.Icons -> ::getIconsModeNationActor
NationPickerListMode.List -> ::getListModeNationActor
selection = null
var selectInfo: SelectInfo? = null
for (element in getSortedNations()) {
val (nationActor, currentSelectInfo) = nationActorFactory(element)
nationActor.onClick {
nationActor.onDoubleClick {
selection = currentSelectInfo
if (player.chosenCiv == element.nation.name) {
selectInfo = currentSelectInfo
// Keyboard: Fist letter of each "word" - "The Ottomans" get T _and_ O
val keys = element.translatedName.split(' ').map { it.first() }.toSet()
for (key in keys) {
if (key in keySelectMap) {
keySelectMap[key]!! += currentSelectInfo
} else {
keySelectMap[key] = mutableListOf(currentSelectInfo)
nationListTable.keyShortcuts.add(key) { onKeyPress(key) }
if (selectInfo != null) highlightNation(selectInfo)
private fun getSortedNations(): Sequence<NationIterationElement> {
// Random and Spectator come first, both optional
val part1 = sequence {
if (!noRandom) {
val random = Nation().apply {
name = Constants.random
innerColor = listOf(255, 255, 255)
outerColor = listOf(0, 0, 0)
val spectator = previousScreen.ruleset.nations[Constants.spectator]
if (spectator != null && player.playerType != PlayerType.AI) // only humans can spectate, sorry robots
// Then what PlayerPickerTable says we should display - see its doc
val part2 = playerPicker.getAvailablePlayerCivs(player.chosenCiv)
.map { NationIterationElement(it) }
// Combine and Sort
return part1 +
compareBy(UncivGame.Current.settings.getCollatorFromLocale()) { it.translatedName }
private fun onKeyPress(key: Char) {
// Keyboard is handled for the entire Table, not per Nation Actor to allow round-robin
// That is, "Germany, Greece, Gremlins" -> press "G" repeatedly to cycle through them.
val entries = keySelectMap[key] ?: return
keyRoundRobin = if (key != lastKeyPressed) 0 else (keyRoundRobin + 1) % entries.size
lastKeyPressed = key
private fun highlightNation(selectInfo: SelectInfo) {
selection?.widget?.run {
background = null
nationDetailsTable.clearChildren() // .clear() also clears listeners!
nationDetailsTable.add(NationTable(selectInfo.nation, civBlocksWidth, partHeight, ruleset))
selection = selectInfo
nationListScroll.scrollY = selectInfo.scrollY -
(nationListScroll.height - nationListTable.getRowHeight(0)) / 2
// Because in Icons mode it's much less clear _where_ the selected Nation is in the Grid -
// the scrollY centering is enough in List mode - the selection gets a thin border
// oscillating between the Nation's colours:
@Suppress("UsePropertyAccessSyntax") // setColor _is_ a field-by-field copy not a reference set
private class HighlightAction(selectInfo: SelectInfo) : TemporalAction(1.5f) {
private val innerColor = selectInfo.nation.getInnerColor()
private val outerColor = selectInfo.nation.getOuterColor()
private val widget = selectInfo.widget!!
private val tempColor = Color()
override fun begin() {
widget.background = ImageGetter.getDrawable("OtherIcons/Circle")
.apply { setMinSize(iconViewCellSize, iconViewCellSize) }
override fun update(percent: Float) {
val t = (1.0 - cos(percent * PI * 2)) / 2
tempColor.set(outerColor).lerp(innerColor, t.toFloat())
widget.setColor(tempColor) // Luckily only affects background
override fun end() {
@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ class NationTable(val nation: Nation, width: Float, minHeight: Float, ruleset: R
titleTable.background = BaseScreen.skinStrings.getUiBackground(
"NewGameScreen/NationTable/Title", tintColor = outerColor
val nationIndicator: Actor =
if (nation.name == Constants.random) ImageGetter.getRandomNationPortrait(50f)
else ImageGetter.getNationPortrait(nation, 50f)
val nationIndicator = ImageGetter.getNationPortrait(nation, 50f) // Works for Random too
titleTable.add(nationIndicator).pad(10f).padLeft(0f) // left 0 for centering _with_ label
val titleText = if (ruleset == null || nation.name == Constants.random || nation.name == Constants.spectator)
@ -16,21 +16,16 @@ import com.unciv.models.metadata.Player
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Ruleset
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.nation.Nation
import com.unciv.models.translations.tr
import com.unciv.ui.audio.MusicMood
import com.unciv.ui.audio.MusicTrackChooserFlags
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.KeyCharAndCode
import com.unciv.ui.components.UncivTextField
import com.unciv.ui.components.WrappableLabel
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.darken
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.isEnabled
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.isNarrowerThan4to3
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.keyShortcuts
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.onActivation
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.onClick
import com.unciv.ui.components.input.onDoubleClick
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.setFontColor
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.surroundWithCircle
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.toImageButton
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.toLabel
import com.unciv.ui.components.extensions.toTextButton
import com.unciv.ui.images.ImageGetter
@ -391,115 +386,3 @@ class FriendSelectionPopup(
private class NationPickerPopup(
private val playerPicker: PlayerPickerTable,
private val player: Player,
noRandom: Boolean
) : Popup(playerPicker.previousScreen as BaseScreen) {
companion object {
// These are used for the Close/OK buttons in the lower left/right corners:
const val buttonsCircleSize = 70f
const val buttonsIconSize = 50f
const val buttonsOffsetFromEdge = 5f
val buttonsBackColor: Color = Color.BLACK.cpy().apply { a = 0.67f }
private val previousScreen = playerPicker.previousScreen
private val ruleset = previousScreen.ruleset
// This Popup's body has two halves of same size, either side by side or arranged vertically
// depending on screen proportions - determine height for one of those
private val partHeight = stageToShowOn.height * (if (stageToShowOn.isNarrowerThan4to3()) 0.45f else 0.8f)
private val civBlocksWidth = playerPicker.civBlocksWidth
private val nationListTable = Table()
private val nationListScroll = ScrollPane(nationListTable)
private val nationDetailsTable = Table()
private val nationDetailsScroll = ScrollPane(nationDetailsTable)
private var selectedNation: Nation? = null
init {
nationListScroll.setOverscroll(false, false)
add(nationListScroll).size( civBlocksWidth + 10f, partHeight )
// +10, because the nation table has a 5f pad, for a total of +10f
if (stageToShowOn.isNarrowerThan4to3()) row()
nationDetailsScroll.setOverscroll(false, false)
add(nationDetailsScroll).size(civBlocksWidth + 10f, partHeight) // Same here, see above
val nationSequence = sequence {
if (!noRandom) yield(Nation().apply {
name = Constants.random
innerColor = listOf(255, 255, 255)
outerColor = listOf(0, 0, 0)
val spectator = previousScreen.ruleset.nations[Constants.spectator]
if (spectator != null && player.playerType != PlayerType.AI) // only humans can spectate, sorry robots
} + playerPicker.getAvailablePlayerCivs(player.chosenCiv)
.sortedWith(compareBy(UncivGame.Current.settings.getCollatorFromLocale()) { it.name.tr() })
val nations = nationSequence.toCollection(ArrayList(previousScreen.ruleset.nations.size))
var nationListScrollY = 0f
var currentY = 0f
for (nation in nations) {
if (player.chosenCiv == nation.name)
nationListScrollY = currentY
val nationTable = NationTable(nation, civBlocksWidth, 0f) // no need for min height
val cell = nationListTable.add(nationTable)
currentY += cell.padBottom + cell.prefHeight + cell.padTop
nationTable.onClick {
nationTable.onDoubleClick {
selectedNation = nation
if (player.chosenCiv == nation.name)
if (nationListScrollY > 0f) {
// center the selected nation vertically, getRowHeight safe because nationListScrollY > 0f ensures at least 1 row
nationListScrollY -= (nationListScroll.height - nationListTable.getRowHeight(0)) / 2
nationListScroll.scrollY = nationListScrollY.coerceIn(0f, nationListScroll.maxY)
val closeButton = "OtherIcons/Close".toImageButton(Color.FIREBRICK)
closeButton.onActivation { close() }
closeButton.setPosition(buttonsOffsetFromEdge, buttonsOffsetFromEdge, Align.bottomLeft)
clickBehindToClose = true
val okButton = "OtherIcons/Checkmark".toImageButton(Color.LIME)
okButton.onClick { returnSelected() }
okButton.setPosition(innerTable.width - buttonsOffsetFromEdge, buttonsOffsetFromEdge, Align.bottomRight)
nationDetailsTable.touchable = Touchable.enabled
nationDetailsTable.onClick { returnSelected() }
private fun String.toImageButton(overColor: Color) =
toImageButton(buttonsIconSize, buttonsCircleSize, buttonsBackColor, overColor)
private fun setNationDetails(nation: Nation) {
nationDetailsTable.clearChildren() // .clear() also clears listeners!
nationDetailsTable.add(NationTable(nation, civBlocksWidth, partHeight, ruleset))
selectedNation = nation
private fun returnSelected() {
if (selectedNation == null) return
UncivGame.Current.musicController.chooseTrack(selectedNation!!.name, MusicMood.themeOrPeace, MusicTrackChooserFlags.setSelectNation)
player.chosenCiv = selectedNation!!.name
Reference in New Issue
Block a user