chore: Split NextTurnAutomation into Religion, Trade, and Diplomacy automation files

This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2023-11-05 00:51:33 +02:00
parent 6a7d09b43a
commit fba9048156
6 changed files with 727 additions and 693 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
package com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.automation.Automation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.ThreatLevel
import com.unciv.logic.battle.BattleDamage
import com.unciv.logic.battle.CityCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.battle.MapUnitCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.AlertType
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.PopupAlert
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomacyFlags
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomaticStatus
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.RelationshipLevel
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Building
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Victory
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unit.BaseUnit
import com.unciv.ui.screens.victoryscreen.RankingType
object DiplomacyAutomation {
internal fun offerDeclarationOfFriendship(civInfo: Civilization) {
val civsThatWeCanDeclareFriendshipWith = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter { civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canSignDeclarationOfFriendshipWith(it)
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedDeclarationOfFriendship)}
.sortedByDescending { it.getDiplomacyManager(civInfo).relationshipLevel() }.toList()
for (otherCiv in civsThatWeCanDeclareFriendshipWith) {
// Default setting is 2, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() <= 2 && wantsToSignDeclarationOfFrienship(civInfo, otherCiv)) {
otherCiv.popupAlerts.add(PopupAlert(AlertType.DeclarationOfFriendship, civInfo.civName))
internal fun wantsToSignDeclarationOfFrienship(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Boolean {
val diploManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
// Shortcut, if it is below favorable then don't consider it
if (diploManager.isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Favorable)) return false
val numOfFriends = civInfo.diplomacy.count { it.value.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclarationOfFriendship) }
val knownCivs = civInfo.getKnownCivs().count { it.isMajorCiv() && it.isAlive() }
val allCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() } - 1 // Don't include us
val deadCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() && !it.isAlive() }
val allAliveCivs = allCivs - deadCivs
// Motivation should be constant as the number of civs changes
var motivation = diploManager.opinionOfOtherCiv().toInt() - 40
// If the other civ is stronger than we are compelled to be nice to them
// If they are too weak, then thier friendship doesn't mean much to us
motivation += when (Automation.threatAssessment(civInfo,otherCiv)) {
ThreatLevel.VeryHigh -> 10
ThreatLevel.High -> 5
ThreatLevel.VeryLow -> -5
else -> 0
// Try to ally with a fourth of the civs in play
val civsToAllyWith = 0.25f * allAliveCivs
if (numOfFriends < civsToAllyWith) {
// Goes from 10 to 0 once the civ gets 1/4 of all alive civs as friends
motivation += (10 - 10 * (numOfFriends / civsToAllyWith)).toInt()
} else {
// Goes form 0 to -120 as the civ gets more friends, offset by civsToAllyWith
motivation -= (120f * (numOfFriends - civsToAllyWith) / (knownCivs - civsToAllyWith)).toInt()
// Goes from 0 to -50 as more civs die
// this is meant to prevent the game from stalemating when a group of friends
// conquers all oposition
motivation -= deadCivs / allCivs * 50
// Wait to declare frienships until more civs
// Goes from -30 to 0 when we know 75% of allCivs
val civsToKnow = 0.75f * allAliveCivs
motivation -= ((civsToKnow - knownCivs) / civsToKnow * 30f).toInt().coerceAtLeast(0)
motivation -= hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, otherCiv, motivation / 2) * 2
return motivation > 0
internal fun offerOpenBorders(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.hasUnique(UniqueType.EnablesOpenBorders)) return
val civsThatWeCanOpenBordersWith = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter { it.isMajorCiv() && !civInfo.isAtWarWith(it)
&& it.hasUnique(UniqueType.EnablesOpenBorders)
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasOpenBorders
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedOpenBorders) }
.sortedByDescending { it.getDiplomacyManager(civInfo).relationshipLevel() }.toList()
for (otherCiv in civsThatWeCanOpenBordersWith) {
// Default setting is 3, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() <= 3 && wantsToOpenBorders(civInfo, otherCiv)) {
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.openBorders, TradeType.Agreement))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.openBorders, TradeType.Agreement))
otherCiv.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))
fun wantsToOpenBorders(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Boolean {
if (civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Favorable)) return false
// Don't accept if they are at war with our friends, they might use our land to attack them
if (civInfo.diplomacy.values.any { it.isRelationshipLevelGE(RelationshipLevel.Friend) && it.otherCiv().isAtWarWith(otherCiv)})
return false
if (hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, otherCiv, (civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).opinionOfOtherCiv()/ 2 - 10).toInt()) >= 0)
return false
return true
internal fun offerResearchAgreement(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canSignResearchAgreement()) return // don't waste your time
val canSignResearchAgreementCiv = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter {
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedResearchAgreement)
.sortedByDescending { }
for (otherCiv in canSignResearchAgreementCiv) {
// Default setting is 5, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() > 5) continue
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
val cost = civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.getResearchAgreementCost(otherCiv)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.researchAgreement, TradeType.Treaty, cost))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.researchAgreement, TradeType.Treaty, cost))
otherCiv.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))
internal fun offerDefensivePact(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canSignDefensivePact()) return // don't waste your time
val canSignDefensivePactCiv = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter {
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedDefensivePact)
&& civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).relationshipIgnoreAfraid() == RelationshipLevel.Ally
for (otherCiv in canSignDefensivePactCiv) {
// Default setting is 3, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() <= 3 && wantsToSignDefensivePact(civInfo, otherCiv)) {
//todo: Add more in depth evaluation here
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.defensivePact, TradeType.Treaty))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.defensivePact, TradeType.Treaty))
otherCiv.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))
fun wantsToSignDefensivePact(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Boolean {
val diploManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
if (diploManager.isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Ally)) return false
val commonknownCivs = diploManager.getCommonKnownCivs()
// If they have bad relations with any of our friends, don't consider it
for(thirdCiv in commonknownCivs) {
if (civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(thirdCiv).isRelationshipLevelGE(RelationshipLevel.Friend)
&& thirdCiv.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Favorable))
return false
val defensivePacts = civInfo.diplomacy.count { it.value.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact) }
val otherCivNonOverlappingDefensivePacts = otherCiv.diplomacy.values.count { it.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact)
&& (!it.otherCiv().knows(civInfo) || !it.otherCiv().getDiplomacyManager(civInfo).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact)) }
val allCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() } - 1 // Don't include us
val deadCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() && !it.isAlive() }
val allAliveCivs = allCivs - deadCivs
// We have to already be at RelationshipLevel.Ally, so we must have 80 oppinion of them
var motivation = diploManager.opinionOfOtherCiv().toInt() - 80
// If they are stronger than us, then we value it a lot more
// If they are weaker than us, then we don't value it
motivation += when (Automation.threatAssessment(civInfo,otherCiv)) {
ThreatLevel.VeryHigh -> 10
ThreatLevel.High -> 5
ThreatLevel.Low -> -15
ThreatLevel.VeryLow -> -30
else -> 0
// If they have a defensive pact with another civ then we would get drawn into thier battles as well
motivation -= 10 * otherCivNonOverlappingDefensivePacts
// Try to have a defensive pact with 1/5 of all civs
val civsToAllyWith = 0.20f * allAliveCivs
// Goes form 0 to -50 as the civ gets more allies, offset by civsToAllyWith
motivation -= (50f * (defensivePacts - civsToAllyWith) / (allAliveCivs - civsToAllyWith)).coerceAtMost(0f).toInt()
return motivation > 0
internal fun declareWar(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (civInfo.wantsToFocusOn(Victory.Focus.Culture)) return
if (civInfo.cities.isEmpty() || civInfo.diplomacy.isEmpty()) return
if (civInfo.isAtWar() || civInfo.getHappiness() <= 0) return
val ourMilitaryUnits = civInfo.units.getCivUnits().filter { !it.isCivilian() }.count()
if (ourMilitaryUnits < civInfo.cities.size) return
if (ourMilitaryUnits < 4) return // to stop AI declaring war at the beginning of games when everyone isn't set up well enough\
if (civInfo.cities.size < 3) return // FAR too early for that what are you thinking!
//evaluate war
val enemyCivs = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filterNot {
it == civInfo || it.cities.isEmpty() || !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).canDeclareWar()
|| it.cities.none { city -> civInfo.hasExplored(city.getCenterTile()) }
// If the AI declares war on a civ without knowing the location of any cities, it'll just keep amassing an army and not sending it anywhere,
// and end up at a massive disadvantage
if (enemyCivs.none()) return
val minMotivationToAttack = 20
val civWithBestMotivationToAttack = enemyCivs
.map { Pair(it, hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, it, minMotivationToAttack)) }
.maxByOrNull { it.second }!!
if (civWithBestMotivationToAttack.second >= minMotivationToAttack)
/** Will return the motivation to attack, but might short circuit if the value is guaranteed to
* be lower than `atLeast`. So any values below `atLeast` should not be used for comparison. */
private fun hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization, atLeast: Int): Int {
val closestCities = NextTurnAutomation.getClosestCities(civInfo, otherCiv) ?: return 0
val baseForce = 30f
var ourCombatStrength = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if (civInfo.getCapital() != null) ourCombatStrength += CityCombatant(civInfo.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
var theirCombatStrength = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if(otherCiv.getCapital() != null) theirCombatStrength += CityCombatant(otherCiv.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
//for city-states, also consider their protectors
if (otherCiv.isCityState() and otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().isNotEmpty()) {
theirCombatStrength += otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().filterNot { it == civInfo }
.sumOf { it.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force) }
if (theirCombatStrength > ourCombatStrength) return 0
val ourCity = closestCities.city1
val theirCity = closestCities.city2
if (civInfo.units.getCivUnits().filter { it.isMilitary() }.none {
val damageReceivedWhenAttacking =
damageReceivedWhenAttacking < 100
return 0 // You don't have any units that can attack this city without dying, don't declare war.
fun isTileCanMoveThrough(tile: Tile): Boolean {
val owner = tile.getOwner()
return !tile.isImpassible()
&& (owner == otherCiv || owner == null || civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canPassThroughTiles(owner))
val modifierMap = HashMap<String, Int>()
val combatStrengthRatio = ourCombatStrength / theirCombatStrength
val combatStrengthModifier = when {
combatStrengthRatio > 3f -> 30
combatStrengthRatio > 2.5f -> 25
combatStrengthRatio > 2f -> 20
combatStrengthRatio > 1.5f -> 10
else -> 0
modifierMap["Relative combat strength"] = combatStrengthModifier
if (closestCities.aerialDistance > 7)
modifierMap["Far away cities"] = -10
val diplomacyManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.ResearchAgreement))
modifierMap["Research Agreement"] = -5
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclarationOfFriendship))
modifierMap["Declaration of Friendship"] = -10
val relationshipModifier = when (diplomacyManager.relationshipIgnoreAfraid()) {
RelationshipLevel.Unforgivable -> 10
RelationshipLevel.Enemy -> 5
RelationshipLevel.Ally -> -5 // this is so that ally + DoF is not too unbalanced -
// still possible for AI to declare war for isolated city
else -> 0
modifierMap["Relationship"] = relationshipModifier
if (diplomacyManager.resourcesFromTrade().any { it.amount > 0 })
modifierMap["Receiving trade resources"] = -5
if (theirCity.getTiles().none { tile -> tile.neighbors.any { it.getOwner() == theirCity.civ && it.getCity() != theirCity } })
modifierMap["Isolated city"] = 15
if (otherCiv.isCityState()) {
modifierMap["City-state"] = -20
if (otherCiv.getAllyCiv() == civInfo.civName)
modifierMap["Allied City-state"] = -20 // There had better be a DAMN good reason
for (city in otherCiv.cities) {
val construction = city.cityConstructions.getCurrentConstruction()
if (construction is Building && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.TriggersCulturalVictory))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
if (construction is BaseUnit && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.AddInCapital))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
var motivationSoFar = modifierMap.values.sum()
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val landPathBFS = BFS(ourCity.getCenterTile()) {
it.isLand && isTileCanMoveThrough(it)
if (!landPathBFS.hasReachedTile(theirCity.getCenterTile()))
motivationSoFar -= -10
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val reachableEnemyCitiesBfs = BFS(civInfo.getCapital(true)!!.getCenterTile()) { isTileCanMoveThrough(it) }
val reachableEnemyCities = otherCiv.cities.filter { reachableEnemyCitiesBfs.hasReachedTile(it.getCenterTile()) }
if (reachableEnemyCities.isEmpty()) return 0 // Can't even reach the enemy city, no point in war.
return motivationSoFar
internal fun offerPeaceTreaty(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.isAtWar() || civInfo.cities.isEmpty() || civInfo.diplomacy.isEmpty()) return
val enemiesCiv = civInfo.diplomacy.filter { it.value.diplomaticStatus == DiplomaticStatus.War }
.map { it.value.otherCiv() }
.filterNot { it == civInfo || it.isBarbarian() || it.cities.isEmpty() }
.filter { !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedPeace) }
// Don't allow AIs to offer peace to city states allied with their enemies
.filterNot { it.isCityState() && it.getAllyCiv() != null && civInfo.isAtWarWith(civInfo.gameInfo.getCivilization(it.getAllyCiv()!!)) }
// ignore civs that we have already offered peace this turn as a counteroffer to another civ's peace offer
.filter { it.tradeRequests.none { tradeRequest -> tradeRequest.requestingCiv == civInfo.civName && } }
for (enemy in enemiesCiv) {
if(hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, enemy, 10) >= 10) {
// We can still fight. Refuse peace.
// pay for peace
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, enemy)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.peaceTreaty, TradeType.Treaty))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.peaceTreaty, TradeType.Treaty))
var moneyWeNeedToPay = -TradeEvaluation().evaluatePeaceCostForThem(civInfo, enemy)
if ( > 0 && moneyWeNeedToPay > 0) {
if (moneyWeNeedToPay > {
moneyWeNeedToPay = // As much as possible
TradeOffer("Gold".tr(), TradeType.Gold, moneyWeNeedToPay)
enemy.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))

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@ -1,37 +1,19 @@
package com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.automation.Automation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.ThreatLevel
import com.unciv.logic.automation.unit.UnitAutomation
import com.unciv.logic.battle.BattleDamage
import com.unciv.logic.battle.CityCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.battle.MapUnitCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.AlertType
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationCategory
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationIcon
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.PlayerType
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.PopupAlert
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomacyFlags
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomaticModifiers
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomaticStatus
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.RelationshipLevel
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.managers.ReligionState
import com.unciv.models.Counter
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Belief
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.BeliefType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Building
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.MilestoneType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.ModOptionsConstants
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Policy
@ -43,9 +25,7 @@ import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.StateForConditionals
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unit.BaseUnit
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stat
import com.unciv.ui.screens.victoryscreen.RankingType
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.random.Random
object NextTurnAutomation {
@ -55,21 +35,21 @@ object NextTurnAutomation {
if (civInfo.isBarbarian()) return BarbarianAutomation(civInfo).automate()
if (civInfo.isMajorCiv()) {
if (!civInfo.gameInfo.ruleset.modOptions.hasUnique(ModOptionsConstants.diplomaticRelationshipsCannotChange)) {
if (civInfo.gameInfo.isReligionEnabled()) {
adoptPolicy(civInfo) // todo can take a second - why?
@ -87,9 +67,9 @@ object NextTurnAutomation {
automateUnits(civInfo) // this is the most expensive part
if (civInfo.isMajorCiv()) {
if (civInfo.isMajorCiv() && civInfo.gameInfo.isReligionEnabled()) {
// Can only be done now, as the prophet first has to decide to found/enhance a religion
automateCities(civInfo) // second most expensive
@ -111,155 +91,6 @@ object NextTurnAutomation {
else -> ((projectedGold - pissPoor) * maxPercent / stinkingRich).coerceAtMost(maxPercent)
private fun respondToTradeRequests(civInfo: Civilization) {
for (tradeRequest in civInfo.tradeRequests.toList()) {
val otherCiv = civInfo.gameInfo.getCivilization(tradeRequest.requestingCiv)
if (!TradeEvaluation().isTradeValid(, civInfo, otherCiv))
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
/** We need to remove this here, so that if the trade is accepted, the updateDetailedCivResources()
* in tradeLogic.acceptTrade() will not consider *both* the trade *and the trade offer as decreasing the
* amount of available resources, since that will lead to "Our proposed trade is no longer valid" if we try to offer
* the same resource to ANOTHER civ in this turn. Complicated!
if (TradeEvaluation().isTradeAcceptable(tradeLogic.currentTrade, civInfo, otherCiv)) {
otherCiv.addNotification("[${civInfo.civName}] has accepted your trade request", NotificationCategory.Trade, NotificationIcon.Trade, civInfo.civName)
} else {
val counteroffer = getCounteroffer(civInfo, tradeRequest)
if (counteroffer != null) {
otherCiv.addNotification("[${civInfo.civName}] has made a counteroffer to your trade request", NotificationCategory.Trade, NotificationIcon.Trade, civInfo.civName)
} else
/** @return a TradeRequest with the same ourOffers as [tradeRequest] but with enough theirOffers
* added to make the deal acceptable. Will find a valid counteroffer if any exist, but is not
* guaranteed to find the best or closest one. */
private fun getCounteroffer(civInfo: Civilization, tradeRequest: TradeRequest): TradeRequest? {
val otherCiv = civInfo.gameInfo.getCivilization(tradeRequest.requestingCiv)
// AIs counteroffering each other is problematic as they tend to ping-pong back and forth forever
if (otherCiv.playerType == PlayerType.AI)
return null
val evaluation = TradeEvaluation()
var deltaInOurFavor = evaluation.getTradeAcceptability(, civInfo, otherCiv)
if (deltaInOurFavor > 0) deltaInOurFavor = (deltaInOurFavor / 1.1f).toInt() // They seem very interested in this deal, let's push it a bit.
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
// What do they have that we would want?
val potentialAsks = HashMap<TradeOffer, Int>()
val counterofferAsks = HashMap<TradeOffer, Int>()
val counterofferGifts = ArrayList<TradeOffer>()
for (offer in tradeLogic.theirAvailableOffers) {
if ((offer.type == TradeType.Gold || offer.type == TradeType.Gold_Per_Turn)
&& { it.type == offer.type })
continue // Don't want to counteroffer straight gold for gold, that's silly
if (!offer.isTradable())
continue // For example resources gained by trade or CS
if (offer.type == TradeType.City)
continue // Players generally don't want to give up their cities, and they might misclick
if (tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.any { it.type == offer.type && == })
continue // So you don't get double offers of open borders declarations of war etc.
if (offer.type == TradeType.Treaty)
continue // Don't try to counter with a defensive pact or research pact
val value = evaluation.evaluateBuyCostWithInflation(offer, civInfo, otherCiv)
if (value > 0)
potentialAsks[offer] = value
while (potentialAsks.isNotEmpty() && deltaInOurFavor < 0) {
// Keep adding their worst offer until we get above the threshold
val offerToAdd = potentialAsks.minByOrNull { it.value }!!
deltaInOurFavor += offerToAdd.value
counterofferAsks[offerToAdd.key] = offerToAdd.value
if (deltaInOurFavor < 0)
return null // We couldn't get a good enough deal
// At this point we are sure to find a good counteroffer
while (deltaInOurFavor > 0) {
// Now remove the best offer valued below delta until the deal is barely acceptable
val offerToRemove = counterofferAsks.filter { it.value <= deltaInOurFavor }.maxByOrNull { it.value }
?: break // Nothing more can be removed, at least en bloc
deltaInOurFavor -= offerToRemove.value
// Only ask for enough of each resource to get maximum price
for (ask in counterofferAsks.keys.filter { it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource || it.type == TradeType.Strategic_Resource }) {
// Remove 1 amount as long as doing so does not change the price
val originalValue = counterofferAsks[ask]!!
while (ask.amount > 1
&& originalValue == evaluation.evaluateBuyCostWithInflation(
TradeOffer(, ask.type, ask.amount - 1, ask.duration),
civInfo, otherCiv) ) {
// Adjust any gold asked for
val toRemove = ArrayList<TradeOffer>()
for (goldAsk in counterofferAsks.keys
.filter { it.type == TradeType.Gold_Per_Turn || it.type == TradeType.Gold }
.sortedByDescending { it.type.ordinal }) { // Do GPT first
val valueOfOne = evaluation.evaluateBuyCostWithInflation(TradeOffer(, goldAsk.type, 1, goldAsk.duration), civInfo, otherCiv)
val amountCanBeRemoved = deltaInOurFavor / valueOfOne
if (amountCanBeRemoved >= goldAsk.amount) {
deltaInOurFavor -= counterofferAsks[goldAsk]!!
} else {
deltaInOurFavor -= valueOfOne * amountCanBeRemoved
goldAsk.amount -= amountCanBeRemoved
// If the delta is still very in our favor consider sweetening the pot with some gold
if (deltaInOurFavor >= 100) {
deltaInOurFavor = (deltaInOurFavor * 2) / 3 // Only compensate some of it though, they're the ones asking us
// First give some GPT, then lump sum - but only if they're not already offering the same
for (ourGold in tradeLogic.ourAvailableOffers
.filter { it.isTradable() && (it.type == TradeType.Gold || it.type == TradeType.Gold_Per_Turn) }
.sortedByDescending { it.type.ordinal }) {
if (tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.none { it.type == ourGold.type } &&
counterofferAsks.keys.none { it.type == ourGold.type } ) {
val valueOfOne = evaluation.evaluateSellCostWithInflation(TradeOffer(, ourGold.type, 1, ourGold.duration), civInfo, otherCiv)
val amountToGive = min(deltaInOurFavor / valueOfOne, ourGold.amount)
deltaInOurFavor -= amountToGive * valueOfOne
if (amountToGive > 0) {
// Trades reversed, because when *they* get it then the 'ouroffers' become 'theiroffers'
return TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse())
private fun respondToPopupAlerts(civInfo: Civilization) {
for (popupAlert in civInfo.popupAlerts.toList()) { // toList because this can trigger other things that give alerts, like Golden Age
if (popupAlert.type == AlertType.DemandToStopSettlingCitiesNear) { // we're called upon to make a decision
@ -273,7 +104,7 @@ object NextTurnAutomation {
val requestingCiv = civInfo.gameInfo.getCivilization(popupAlert.value)
val diploManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(requestingCiv)
if (civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canSignDeclarationOfFriendshipWith(requestingCiv)
&& wantsToSignDeclarationOfFrienship(civInfo,requestingCiv)) {
&& DiplomacyAutomation.wantsToSignDeclarationOfFrienship(civInfo,requestingCiv)) {
requestingCiv.addNotification("We have signed a Declaration of Friendship with [${civInfo.civName}]!", NotificationCategory.Diplomacy, NotificationIcon.Diplomacy, civInfo.civName)
} else {
@ -501,510 +332,6 @@ object NextTurnAutomation {
private fun chooseReligiousBeliefs(civInfo: Civilization) {
private fun choosePantheon(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.religionManager.canFoundOrExpandPantheon()) return
// So looking through the source code of the base game available online,
// the functions for choosing beliefs total in at around 400 lines.
// line 4426 through 4870.
// This is way too much work for now, so I'll just choose a random pantheon instead.
// Should probably be changed later, but it works for now.
val chosenPantheon = chooseBeliefOfType(civInfo, BeliefType.Pantheon)
?: return // panic!
useFreeBeliefs = civInfo.religionManager.usingFreeBeliefs()
private fun foundReligion(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (civInfo.religionManager.religionState != ReligionState.FoundingReligion) return
val availableReligionIcons = civInfo.gameInfo.ruleset.religions
.filterNot { { religion -> }.contains(it) }
val favoredReligion = civInfo.nation.favoredReligion
val religionIcon =
if (favoredReligion != null && favoredReligion in availableReligionIcons) favoredReligion
else availableReligionIcons.randomOrNull()
?: return // Wait what? How did we pass the checking when using a great prophet but not this?
civInfo.religionManager.foundReligion(religionIcon, religionIcon)
val chosenBeliefs = chooseBeliefs(civInfo, civInfo.religionManager.getBeliefsToChooseAtFounding()).toList()
private fun enhanceReligion(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (civInfo.religionManager.religionState != ReligionState.EnhancingReligion) return
chooseBeliefs(civInfo, civInfo.religionManager.getBeliefsToChooseAtEnhancing()).toList()
private fun chooseFreeBeliefs(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.religionManager.hasFreeBeliefs()) return
chooseBeliefs(civInfo, civInfo.religionManager.freeBeliefsAsEnums()).toList(),
useFreeBeliefs = true
private fun chooseBeliefs(civInfo: Civilization, beliefsToChoose: Counter<BeliefType>): HashSet<Belief> {
val chosenBeliefs = hashSetOf<Belief>()
// The `continue`s should never be reached, but just in case I'd rather have the AI have a
// belief less than make the game crash. The `continue`s should only be reached whenever
// there are not enough beliefs to choose, but there should be, as otherwise we could
// not have used a great prophet to found/enhance our religion.
for (belief in BeliefType.values()) {
if (belief == BeliefType.None) continue
repeat(beliefsToChoose[belief]) {
chooseBeliefOfType(civInfo, belief, chosenBeliefs) ?: return@repeat
return chosenBeliefs
private fun chooseBeliefOfType(civInfo: Civilization, beliefType: BeliefType, additionalBeliefsToExclude: HashSet<Belief> = hashSetOf()): Belief? {
return civInfo.gameInfo.ruleset.beliefs.values
.filter {
(it.type == beliefType || beliefType == BeliefType.Any)
&& !additionalBeliefsToExclude.contains(it)
&& civInfo.religionManager.getReligionWithBelief(it) == null
&& it.getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.OnlyAvailableWhen, StateForConditionals.IgnoreConditionals)
.none { unique -> !unique.conditionalsApply(civInfo) }
.maxByOrNull { ReligionAutomation.rateBelief(civInfo, it) }
private fun potentialLuxuryTrades(civInfo: Civilization, otherCivInfo: Civilization): ArrayList<Trade> {
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCivInfo)
val ourTradableLuxuryResources = tradeLogic.ourAvailableOffers
.filter { it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource && it.amount > 1 }
val theirTradableLuxuryResources = tradeLogic.theirAvailableOffers
.filter { it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource && it.amount > 1 }
val weHaveTheyDont = ourTradableLuxuryResources
.filter { resource ->
.none { == && it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource }
val theyHaveWeDont = theirTradableLuxuryResources
.filter { resource ->
.none { == && it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource }
}.sortedBy { civInfo.cities.count { city -> city.demandedResource == } } // Prioritize resources that get WLTKD
val trades = ArrayList<Trade>()
for (i in 0..min(weHaveTheyDont.lastIndex, theyHaveWeDont.lastIndex)) {
val trade = Trade()
trade.ourOffers.add(weHaveTheyDont[i].copy(amount = 1))
trade.theirOffers.add(theyHaveWeDont[i].copy(amount = 1))
return trades
private fun exchangeLuxuries(civInfo: Civilization) {
val knownCivs = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
// Player trades are... more complicated.
// When the AI offers a trade, it's not immediately accepted,
// so what if it thinks that it has a spare luxury and offers it to two human players?
// What's to stop the AI "nagging" the player to accept a luxury trade?
// We should A. add some sort of timer (20? 30 turns?) between luxury trade requests if they're denied - see DeclinedLuxExchange
// B. have a way for the AI to keep track of the "pending offers" - see DiplomacyManager.resourcesFromTrade
for (otherCiv in knownCivs.filter {
it.isMajorCiv() && !it.isAtWarWith(civInfo)
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedLuxExchange)
}) {
val isEnemy = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).isRelationshipLevelLE(RelationshipLevel.Enemy)
if (isEnemy || otherCiv.tradeRequests.any { it.requestingCiv == civInfo.civName })
val trades = potentialLuxuryTrades(civInfo, otherCiv)
for (trade in trades) {
val tradeRequest = TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, trade.reverse())
private fun offerDeclarationOfFriendship(civInfo: Civilization) {
val civsThatWeCanDeclareFriendshipWith = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter { civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canSignDeclarationOfFriendshipWith(it)
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedDeclarationOfFriendship)}
.sortedByDescending { it.getDiplomacyManager(civInfo).relationshipLevel() }.toList()
for (otherCiv in civsThatWeCanDeclareFriendshipWith) {
// Default setting is 2, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() <= 2 && wantsToSignDeclarationOfFrienship(civInfo, otherCiv)) {
otherCiv.popupAlerts.add(PopupAlert(AlertType.DeclarationOfFriendship, civInfo.civName))
private fun wantsToSignDeclarationOfFrienship(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Boolean {
val diploManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
// Shortcut, if it is below favorable then don't consider it
if (diploManager.isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Favorable)) return false
val numOfFriends = civInfo.diplomacy.count { it.value.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclarationOfFriendship) }
val knownCivs = civInfo.getKnownCivs().count { it.isMajorCiv() && it.isAlive() }
val allCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() } - 1 // Don't include us
val deadCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() && !it.isAlive() }
val allAliveCivs = allCivs - deadCivs
// Motivation should be constant as the number of civs changes
var motivation = diploManager.opinionOfOtherCiv().toInt() - 40
// If the other civ is stronger than we are compelled to be nice to them
// If they are too weak, then thier friendship doesn't mean much to us
motivation += when (Automation.threatAssessment(civInfo,otherCiv)) {
ThreatLevel.VeryHigh -> 10
ThreatLevel.High -> 5
ThreatLevel.VeryLow -> -5
else -> 0
// Try to ally with a fourth of the civs in play
val civsToAllyWith = 0.25f * allAliveCivs
if (numOfFriends < civsToAllyWith) {
// Goes from 10 to 0 once the civ gets 1/4 of all alive civs as friends
motivation += (10 - 10 * (numOfFriends / civsToAllyWith)).toInt()
} else {
// Goes form 0 to -120 as the civ gets more friends, offset by civsToAllyWith
motivation -= (120f * (numOfFriends - civsToAllyWith) / (knownCivs - civsToAllyWith)).toInt()
// Goes from 0 to -50 as more civs die
// this is meant to prevent the game from stalemating when a group of friends
// conquers all oposition
motivation -= deadCivs / allCivs * 50
// Wait to declare frienships until more civs
// Goes from -30 to 0 when we know 75% of allCivs
val civsToKnow = 0.75f * allAliveCivs
motivation -= ((civsToKnow - knownCivs) / civsToKnow * 30f).toInt().coerceAtLeast(0)
motivation -= hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, otherCiv, motivation / 2) * 2
return motivation > 0
private fun offerOpenBorders(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.hasUnique(UniqueType.EnablesOpenBorders)) return
val civsThatWeCanOpenBordersWith = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter { it.isMajorCiv() && !civInfo.isAtWarWith(it)
&& it.hasUnique(UniqueType.EnablesOpenBorders)
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasOpenBorders
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedOpenBorders) }
.sortedByDescending { it.getDiplomacyManager(civInfo).relationshipLevel() }.toList()
for (otherCiv in civsThatWeCanOpenBordersWith) {
// Default setting is 3, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() <= 3 && wantsToOpenBorders(civInfo, otherCiv)) {
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.openBorders, TradeType.Agreement))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.openBorders, TradeType.Agreement))
otherCiv.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))
fun wantsToOpenBorders(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Boolean {
if (civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Favorable)) return false
// Don't accept if they are at war with our friends, they might use our land to attack them
if (civInfo.diplomacy.values.any { it.isRelationshipLevelGE(RelationshipLevel.Friend) && it.otherCiv().isAtWarWith(otherCiv)})
return false
if (hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, otherCiv, (civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).opinionOfOtherCiv()/ 2 - 10).toInt()) >= 0)
return false
return true
private fun offerResearchAgreement(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canSignResearchAgreement()) return // don't waste your time
val canSignResearchAgreementCiv = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter {
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedResearchAgreement)
.sortedByDescending { }
for (otherCiv in canSignResearchAgreementCiv) {
// Default setting is 5, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() > 5) continue
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
val cost = civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.getResearchAgreementCost(otherCiv)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.researchAgreement, TradeType.Treaty, cost))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.researchAgreement, TradeType.Treaty, cost))
otherCiv.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))
private fun offerDefensivePact(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canSignDefensivePact()) return // don't waste your time
val canSignDefensivePactCiv = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filter {
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedDefensivePact)
&& civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).relationshipIgnoreAfraid() == RelationshipLevel.Ally
for (otherCiv in canSignDefensivePactCiv) {
// Default setting is 3, this will be changed according to different civ.
if ((1..10).random() <= 3 && wantsToSignDefensivePact(civInfo, otherCiv)) {
//todo: Add more in depth evaluation here
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.defensivePact, TradeType.Treaty))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.defensivePact, TradeType.Treaty))
otherCiv.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))
fun wantsToSignDefensivePact(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Boolean {
val diploManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
if (diploManager.isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Ally)) return false
val commonknownCivs = diploManager.getCommonKnownCivs()
// If they have bad relations with any of our friends, don't consider it
for(thirdCiv in commonknownCivs) {
if (civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(thirdCiv).isRelationshipLevelGE(RelationshipLevel.Friend)
&& thirdCiv.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).isRelationshipLevelLT(RelationshipLevel.Favorable))
return false
val defensivePacts = civInfo.diplomacy.count { it.value.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact) }
val otherCivNonOverlappingDefensivePacts = otherCiv.diplomacy.values.count { it.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact)
&& (!it.otherCiv().knows(civInfo) || !it.otherCiv().getDiplomacyManager(civInfo).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact)) }
val allCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() } - 1 // Don't include us
val deadCivs = civInfo.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() && !it.isAlive() }
val allAliveCivs = allCivs - deadCivs
// We have to already be at RelationshipLevel.Ally, so we must have 80 oppinion of them
var motivation = diploManager.opinionOfOtherCiv().toInt() - 80
// If they are stronger than us, then we value it a lot more
// If they are weaker than us, then we don't value it
motivation += when (Automation.threatAssessment(civInfo,otherCiv)) {
ThreatLevel.VeryHigh -> 10
ThreatLevel.High -> 5
ThreatLevel.Low -> -15
ThreatLevel.VeryLow -> -30
else -> 0
// If they have a defensive pact with another civ then we would get drawn into thier battles as well
motivation -= 10 * otherCivNonOverlappingDefensivePacts
// Try to have a defensive pact with 1/5 of all civs
val civsToAllyWith = 0.20f * allAliveCivs
// Goes form 0 to -50 as the civ gets more allies, offset by civsToAllyWith
motivation -= (50f * (defensivePacts - civsToAllyWith) / (allAliveCivs - civsToAllyWith)).coerceAtMost(0f).toInt()
return motivation > 0
private fun declareWar(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (civInfo.wantsToFocusOn(Victory.Focus.Culture)) return
if (civInfo.cities.isEmpty() || civInfo.diplomacy.isEmpty()) return
if (civInfo.isAtWar() || civInfo.getHappiness() <= 0) return
val ourMilitaryUnits = civInfo.units.getCivUnits().filter { !it.isCivilian() }.count()
if (ourMilitaryUnits < civInfo.cities.size) return
if (ourMilitaryUnits < 4) return // to stop AI declaring war at the beginning of games when everyone isn't set up well enough\
if (civInfo.cities.size < 3) return // FAR too early for that what are you thinking!
//evaluate war
val enemyCivs = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
.filterNot {
it == civInfo || it.cities.isEmpty() || !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).canDeclareWar()
|| it.cities.none { city -> civInfo.hasExplored(city.getCenterTile()) }
// If the AI declares war on a civ without knowing the location of any cities, it'll just keep amassing an army and not sending it anywhere,
// and end up at a massive disadvantage
if (enemyCivs.none()) return
val minMotivationToAttack = 20
val civWithBestMotivationToAttack = enemyCivs
.map { Pair(it, hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, it, minMotivationToAttack)) }
.maxByOrNull { it.second }!!
if (civWithBestMotivationToAttack.second >= minMotivationToAttack)
/** Will return the motivation to attack, but might short circuit if the value is guaranteed to
* be lower than `atLeast`. So any values below `atLeast` should not be used for comparison. */
private fun hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization, atLeast: Int): Int {
val closestCities = getClosestCities(civInfo, otherCiv) ?: return 0
val baseForce = 30f
var ourCombatStrength = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if (civInfo.getCapital() != null) ourCombatStrength += CityCombatant(civInfo.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
var theirCombatStrength = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if(otherCiv.getCapital() != null) theirCombatStrength += CityCombatant(otherCiv.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
//for city-states, also consider their protectors
if (otherCiv.isCityState() and otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().isNotEmpty()) {
theirCombatStrength += otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().filterNot { it == civInfo }
.sumOf { it.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force) }
if (theirCombatStrength > ourCombatStrength) return 0
val ourCity = closestCities.city1
val theirCity = closestCities.city2
if (civInfo.units.getCivUnits().filter { it.isMilitary() }.none {
val damageReceivedWhenAttacking =
damageReceivedWhenAttacking < 100
return 0 // You don't have any units that can attack this city without dying, don't declare war.
fun isTileCanMoveThrough(tile: Tile): Boolean {
val owner = tile.getOwner()
return !tile.isImpassible()
&& (owner == otherCiv || owner == null || civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canPassThroughTiles(owner))
val modifierMap = HashMap<String, Int>()
val combatStrengthRatio = ourCombatStrength / theirCombatStrength
val combatStrengthModifier = when {
combatStrengthRatio > 3f -> 30
combatStrengthRatio > 2.5f -> 25
combatStrengthRatio > 2f -> 20
combatStrengthRatio > 1.5f -> 10
else -> 0
modifierMap["Relative combat strength"] = combatStrengthModifier
if (closestCities.aerialDistance > 7)
modifierMap["Far away cities"] = -10
val diplomacyManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.ResearchAgreement))
modifierMap["Research Agreement"] = -5
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclarationOfFriendship))
modifierMap["Declaration of Friendship"] = -10
val relationshipModifier = when (diplomacyManager.relationshipIgnoreAfraid()) {
RelationshipLevel.Unforgivable -> 10
RelationshipLevel.Enemy -> 5
RelationshipLevel.Ally -> -5 // this is so that ally + DoF is not too unbalanced -
// still possible for AI to declare war for isolated city
else -> 0
modifierMap["Relationship"] = relationshipModifier
if (diplomacyManager.resourcesFromTrade().any { it.amount > 0 })
modifierMap["Receiving trade resources"] = -5
if (theirCity.getTiles().none { tile -> tile.neighbors.any { it.getOwner() == theirCity.civ && it.getCity() != theirCity } })
modifierMap["Isolated city"] = 15
if (otherCiv.isCityState()) {
modifierMap["City-state"] = -20
if (otherCiv.getAllyCiv() == civInfo.civName)
modifierMap["Allied City-state"] = -20 // There had better be a DAMN good reason
for (city in otherCiv.cities) {
val construction = city.cityConstructions.getCurrentConstruction()
if (construction is Building && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.TriggersCulturalVictory))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
if (construction is BaseUnit && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.AddInCapital))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
var motivationSoFar = modifierMap.values.sum()
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val landPathBFS = BFS(ourCity.getCenterTile()) {
it.isLand && isTileCanMoveThrough(it)
if (!landPathBFS.hasReachedTile(theirCity.getCenterTile()))
motivationSoFar -= -10
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val reachableEnemyCitiesBfs = BFS(civInfo.getCapital(true)!!.getCenterTile()) { isTileCanMoveThrough(it) }
val reachableEnemyCities = otherCiv.cities.filter { reachableEnemyCitiesBfs.hasReachedTile(it.getCenterTile()) }
if (reachableEnemyCities.isEmpty()) return 0 // Can't even reach the enemy city, no point in war.
return motivationSoFar
private fun offerPeaceTreaty(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.isAtWar() || civInfo.cities.isEmpty() || civInfo.diplomacy.isEmpty()) return
val enemiesCiv = civInfo.diplomacy.filter { it.value.diplomaticStatus == DiplomaticStatus.War }
.map { it.value.otherCiv() }
.filterNot { it == civInfo || it.isBarbarian() || it.cities.isEmpty() }
.filter { !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedPeace) }
// Don't allow AIs to offer peace to city states allied with their enemies
.filterNot { it.isCityState() && it.getAllyCiv() != null && civInfo.isAtWarWith(civInfo.gameInfo.getCivilization(it.getAllyCiv()!!)) }
// ignore civs that we have already offered peace this turn as a counteroffer to another civ's peace offer
.filter { it.tradeRequests.none { tradeRequest -> tradeRequest.requestingCiv == civInfo.civName && } }
for (enemy in enemiesCiv) {
if(hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo, enemy, 10) >= 10) {
// We can still fight. Refuse peace.
// pay for peace
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, enemy)
tradeLogic.currentTrade.ourOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.peaceTreaty, TradeType.Treaty))
tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.add(TradeOffer(Constants.peaceTreaty, TradeType.Treaty))
var moneyWeNeedToPay = -TradeEvaluation().evaluatePeaceCostForThem(civInfo, enemy)
if ( > 0 && moneyWeNeedToPay > 0) {
if (moneyWeNeedToPay > {
moneyWeNeedToPay = // As much as possible
TradeOffer("Gold".tr(), TradeType.Gold, moneyWeNeedToPay)
enemy.tradeRequests.add(TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse()))
private fun automateUnits(civInfo: Civilization) {
val isAtWar = civInfo.isAtWar()

View File

@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ import
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.managers.ReligionState
import com.unciv.models.Counter
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Belief
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.BeliefType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Victory
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.StateForConditionals
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.stats.Stat
import kotlin.math.min
@ -398,5 +400,90 @@ object ReligionAutomation {
return score
internal fun chooseReligiousBeliefs(civInfo: Civilization) {
private fun choosePantheon(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.religionManager.canFoundOrExpandPantheon()) return
// So looking through the source code of the base game available online,
// the functions for choosing beliefs total in at around 400 lines.
// line 4426 through 4870.
// This is way too much work for now, so I'll just choose a random pantheon instead.
// Should probably be changed later, but it works for now.
val chosenPantheon = chooseBeliefOfType(civInfo, BeliefType.Pantheon)
?: return // panic!
useFreeBeliefs = civInfo.religionManager.usingFreeBeliefs()
private fun foundReligion(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (civInfo.religionManager.religionState != ReligionState.FoundingReligion) return
val availableReligionIcons = civInfo.gameInfo.ruleset.religions
.filterNot { { religion -> }.contains(it) }
val favoredReligion = civInfo.nation.favoredReligion
val religionIcon =
if (favoredReligion != null && favoredReligion in availableReligionIcons) favoredReligion
else availableReligionIcons.randomOrNull()
?: return // Wait what? How did we pass the checking when using a great prophet but not this?
civInfo.religionManager.foundReligion(religionIcon, religionIcon)
val chosenBeliefs = chooseBeliefs(civInfo, civInfo.religionManager.getBeliefsToChooseAtFounding()).toList()
private fun enhanceReligion(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (civInfo.religionManager.religionState != ReligionState.EnhancingReligion) return
chooseBeliefs(civInfo, civInfo.religionManager.getBeliefsToChooseAtEnhancing()).toList()
private fun chooseFreeBeliefs(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.religionManager.hasFreeBeliefs()) return
chooseBeliefs(civInfo, civInfo.religionManager.freeBeliefsAsEnums()).toList(),
useFreeBeliefs = true
private fun chooseBeliefs(civInfo: Civilization, beliefsToChoose: Counter<BeliefType>): HashSet<Belief> {
val chosenBeliefs = hashSetOf<Belief>()
// The `continue`s should never be reached, but just in case I'd rather have the AI have a
// belief less than make the game crash. The `continue`s should only be reached whenever
// there are not enough beliefs to choose, but there should be, as otherwise we could
// not have used a great prophet to found/enhance our religion.
for (belief in BeliefType.values()) {
if (belief == BeliefType.None) continue
repeat(beliefsToChoose[belief]) {
chooseBeliefOfType(civInfo, belief, chosenBeliefs) ?: return@repeat
return chosenBeliefs
private fun chooseBeliefOfType(civInfo: Civilization, beliefType: BeliefType, additionalBeliefsToExclude: HashSet<Belief> = hashSetOf()): Belief? {
return civInfo.gameInfo.ruleset.beliefs.values
.filter {
(it.type == beliefType || beliefType == BeliefType.Any)
&& !additionalBeliefsToExclude.contains(it)
&& civInfo.religionManager.getReligionWithBelief(it) == null
&& it.getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.OnlyAvailableWhen, StateForConditionals.IgnoreConditionals)
.none { unique -> !unique.conditionalsApply(civInfo) }
.maxByOrNull { ReligionAutomation.rateBelief(civInfo, it) }

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@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
package com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationCategory
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationIcon
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.PlayerType
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomacyFlags
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.RelationshipLevel
import kotlin.math.min
object TradeAutomation {
fun respondToTradeRequests(civInfo: Civilization) {
for (tradeRequest in civInfo.tradeRequests.toList()) {
val otherCiv = civInfo.gameInfo.getCivilization(tradeRequest.requestingCiv)
if (!TradeEvaluation().isTradeValid(, civInfo, otherCiv))
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
/** We need to remove this here, so that if the trade is accepted, the updateDetailedCivResources()
* in tradeLogic.acceptTrade() will not consider *both* the trade *and the trade offer as decreasing the
* amount of available resources, since that will lead to "Our proposed trade is no longer valid" if we try to offer
* the same resource to ANOTHER civ in this turn. Complicated!
if (TradeEvaluation().isTradeAcceptable(tradeLogic.currentTrade, civInfo, otherCiv)) {
otherCiv.addNotification("[${civInfo.civName}] has accepted your trade request", NotificationCategory.Trade, NotificationIcon.Trade, civInfo.civName)
} else {
val counteroffer = getCounteroffer(civInfo, tradeRequest)
if (counteroffer != null) {
otherCiv.addNotification("[${civInfo.civName}] has made a counteroffer to your trade request", NotificationCategory.Trade, NotificationIcon.Trade, civInfo.civName)
} else
/** @return a TradeRequest with the same ourOffers as [tradeRequest] but with enough theirOffers
* added to make the deal acceptable. Will find a valid counteroffer if any exist, but is not
* guaranteed to find the best or closest one. */
private fun getCounteroffer(civInfo: Civilization, tradeRequest: TradeRequest): TradeRequest? {
val otherCiv = civInfo.gameInfo.getCivilization(tradeRequest.requestingCiv)
// AIs counteroffering each other is problematic as they tend to ping-pong back and forth forever
if (otherCiv.playerType == PlayerType.AI)
return null
val evaluation = TradeEvaluation()
var deltaInOurFavor = evaluation.getTradeAcceptability(, civInfo, otherCiv)
if (deltaInOurFavor > 0) deltaInOurFavor = (deltaInOurFavor / 1.1f).toInt() // They seem very interested in this deal, let's push it a bit.
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCiv)
// What do they have that we would want?
val potentialAsks = HashMap<TradeOffer, Int>()
val counterofferAsks = HashMap<TradeOffer, Int>()
val counterofferGifts = ArrayList<TradeOffer>()
for (offer in tradeLogic.theirAvailableOffers) {
if ((offer.type == TradeType.Gold || offer.type == TradeType.Gold_Per_Turn)
&& { it.type == offer.type })
continue // Don't want to counteroffer straight gold for gold, that's silly
if (!offer.isTradable())
continue // For example resources gained by trade or CS
if (offer.type == TradeType.City)
continue // Players generally don't want to give up their cities, and they might misclick
if (tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.any { it.type == offer.type && == })
continue // So you don't get double offers of open borders declarations of war etc.
if (offer.type == TradeType.Treaty)
continue // Don't try to counter with a defensive pact or research pact
val value = evaluation.evaluateBuyCostWithInflation(offer, civInfo, otherCiv)
if (value > 0)
potentialAsks[offer] = value
while (potentialAsks.isNotEmpty() && deltaInOurFavor < 0) {
// Keep adding their worst offer until we get above the threshold
val offerToAdd = potentialAsks.minByOrNull { it.value }!!
deltaInOurFavor += offerToAdd.value
counterofferAsks[offerToAdd.key] = offerToAdd.value
if (deltaInOurFavor < 0)
return null // We couldn't get a good enough deal
// At this point we are sure to find a good counteroffer
while (deltaInOurFavor > 0) {
// Now remove the best offer valued below delta until the deal is barely acceptable
val offerToRemove = counterofferAsks.filter { it.value <= deltaInOurFavor }.maxByOrNull { it.value }
?: break // Nothing more can be removed, at least en bloc
deltaInOurFavor -= offerToRemove.value
// Only ask for enough of each resource to get maximum price
for (ask in counterofferAsks.keys.filter { it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource || it.type == TradeType.Strategic_Resource }) {
// Remove 1 amount as long as doing so does not change the price
val originalValue = counterofferAsks[ask]!!
while (ask.amount > 1
&& originalValue == evaluation.evaluateBuyCostWithInflation(
TradeOffer(, ask.type, ask.amount - 1, ask.duration),
civInfo, otherCiv) ) {
// Adjust any gold asked for
val toRemove = ArrayList<TradeOffer>()
for (goldAsk in counterofferAsks.keys
.filter { it.type == TradeType.Gold_Per_Turn || it.type == TradeType.Gold }
.sortedByDescending { it.type.ordinal }) { // Do GPT first
val valueOfOne = evaluation.evaluateBuyCostWithInflation(TradeOffer(, goldAsk.type, 1, goldAsk.duration), civInfo, otherCiv)
val amountCanBeRemoved = deltaInOurFavor / valueOfOne
if (amountCanBeRemoved >= goldAsk.amount) {
deltaInOurFavor -= counterofferAsks[goldAsk]!!
} else {
deltaInOurFavor -= valueOfOne * amountCanBeRemoved
goldAsk.amount -= amountCanBeRemoved
// If the delta is still very in our favor consider sweetening the pot with some gold
if (deltaInOurFavor >= 100) {
deltaInOurFavor = (deltaInOurFavor * 2) / 3 // Only compensate some of it though, they're the ones asking us
// First give some GPT, then lump sum - but only if they're not already offering the same
for (ourGold in tradeLogic.ourAvailableOffers
.filter { it.isTradable() && (it.type == TradeType.Gold || it.type == TradeType.Gold_Per_Turn) }
.sortedByDescending { it.type.ordinal }) {
if (tradeLogic.currentTrade.theirOffers.none { it.type == ourGold.type } &&
counterofferAsks.keys.none { it.type == ourGold.type } ) {
val valueOfOne = evaluation.evaluateSellCostWithInflation(TradeOffer(, ourGold.type, 1, ourGold.duration), civInfo, otherCiv)
val amountToGive = min(deltaInOurFavor / valueOfOne, ourGold.amount)
deltaInOurFavor -= amountToGive * valueOfOne
if (amountToGive > 0) {
// Trades reversed, because when *they* get it then the 'ouroffers' become 'theiroffers'
return TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, tradeLogic.currentTrade.reverse())
fun exchangeLuxuries(civInfo: Civilization) {
val knownCivs = civInfo.getKnownCivs()
// Player trades are... more complicated.
// When the AI offers a trade, it's not immediately accepted,
// so what if it thinks that it has a spare luxury and offers it to two human players?
// What's to stop the AI "nagging" the player to accept a luxury trade?
// We should A. add some sort of timer (20? 30 turns?) between luxury trade requests if they're denied - see DeclinedLuxExchange
// B. have a way for the AI to keep track of the "pending offers" - see DiplomacyManager.resourcesFromTrade
for (otherCiv in knownCivs.filter {
it.isMajorCiv() && !it.isAtWarWith(civInfo)
&& !civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(it).hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedLuxExchange)
}) {
val isEnemy = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).isRelationshipLevelLE(RelationshipLevel.Enemy)
if (isEnemy || otherCiv.tradeRequests.any { it.requestingCiv == civInfo.civName })
val trades = potentialLuxuryTrades(civInfo, otherCiv)
for (trade in trades) {
val tradeRequest = TradeRequest(civInfo.civName, trade.reverse())
private fun potentialLuxuryTrades(civInfo: Civilization, otherCivInfo: Civilization): ArrayList<Trade> {
val tradeLogic = TradeLogic(civInfo, otherCivInfo)
val ourTradableLuxuryResources = tradeLogic.ourAvailableOffers
.filter { it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource && it.amount > 1 }
val theirTradableLuxuryResources = tradeLogic.theirAvailableOffers
.filter { it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource && it.amount > 1 }
val weHaveTheyDont = ourTradableLuxuryResources
.filter { resource ->
.none { == && it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource }
val theyHaveWeDont = theirTradableLuxuryResources
.filter { resource ->
.none { == && it.type == TradeType.Luxury_Resource }
}.sortedBy { civInfo.cities.count { city -> city.demandedResource == } } // Prioritize resources that get WLTKD
val trades = ArrayList<Trade>()
for (i in 0..min(weHaveTheyDont.lastIndex, theyHaveWeDont.lastIndex)) {
val trade = Trade()
trade.ourOffers.add(weHaveTheyDont[i].copy(amount = 1))
trade.theirOffers.add(theyHaveWeDont[i].copy(amount = 1))
return trades

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.automation.Automation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.ThreatLevel
import com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization.NextTurnAutomation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization.DiplomacyAutomation
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.RelationshipLevel
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class TradeEvaluation {
return when ( {
// Since it will be evaluated twice, once when they evaluate our offer and once when they evaluate theirs
Constants.peaceTreaty -> evaluatePeaceCostForThem(civInfo, tradePartner)
Constants.defensivePact -> if (NextTurnAutomation.wantsToSignDefensivePact(civInfo, tradePartner)) 0
Constants.defensivePact -> if (DiplomacyAutomation.wantsToSignDefensivePact(civInfo, tradePartner)) 0
else 100000
Constants.researchAgreement -> -offer.amount
else -> 1000

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@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ class RulesetValidator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
/********************** **********************/
// e.g. json configs complete and parseable
// Check for mod or Civ_V_GnK to avoid running the same test twice (~200ms for the builtin assets)
if (ruleset.folderLocation != null) {
if (ruleset.folderLocation != null) checkTilesetSanity(lines)
return lines
@ -331,6 +329,7 @@ class RulesetValidator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
) {
if (ruleset.terrains.values.none { it.type == TerrainType.Land && !it.impassable })
lines += "No passable land terrains exist!"
for (terrain in ruleset.terrains.values) {
for (baseTerrainName in terrain.occursOn) {
val baseTerrain = ruleset.terrains[baseTerrainName]