* Mention Railroad production bonus in the Civilopedia
* Railroad production bonus mention in the Civilopedia - Vainilla
* Fix little style error
* Fix another mistake
* Brackets
* Brackets
* Add gain stat modified by speed and improvement speed by filter uniques
* Fix rulesets
* Remove nonfunctional leftover resource text
* Reword improvement unqiue as suggested
* River yields moddable and Civilopedia entry
* Improve text and better fresh water explanations
* Map editor exclusion as Unique, for River and previously hardcoded Improvements
* Map editor brush to Civilopedia link, starting locations cleaned
* Some SeventhM input applied
* Reword River/Lakes/Oasis civilopediaText and comments again
* Giant refactoring - get rid of old religion style actions!!!
* Added special promotion to replace Great Mosque of Djenne ability
* removed double promotion added my mistake
* Added AI recognition of cities with bonus spread religion charges
* Added "disallowed for pantheon" filtering to new unit actions
* merge unit action changes with religion action changes
* Use new invokeUnitAction function for simplicity
* revert inquisitor unique change used for tests
* separate modifier side effects from old-style side effects
* Use canUSe shorthand for clarity
* Defensive Pacts can now be offered.
* Signing a defensive pact now makes the Civs join all defensive wars. Any future defensive wars will force the other civ to join.
* Removed Popup Alert Defensive Pact.
* Defensive pact and Research pact now are only on the trade screen.
* AI now offers defensive pacts.
* Added AI evaluating sending and receiving Defensive Pact offers.
* Reverted some temporary changes
* Reduced the chance an AI offers a defensive pact
* Starting an offensive war now cancels all Defensive Pacts with other civilisations.
* Removed extra requirements before an AI will sign or offer a defensive pact.
* Added Defensive Pacts to the Civilopedia.
* Fixed the AI counter offering with treaties.
* Fixed a test using the old method of checking if a civ is at war.
* Fixed a previous refactor error.
* Deleted commented out Research Agreement button code.
* Fixed some spelling errors and remnant debugging code.
* Removed signing a defensive pact brings both Civ's into each others previous defensive wars.
* Refactored setFriendshipBasedModifier to look better
* Starting an offensive war now removes the defensive pact form both sides.
* Reverted changes to DiplomaticStatus
* Removed extra technology check to sign a defensive pact.
* Removed DiplomacyManager.isAtWar() completely.
* Moved setting defensivePact flags from TradeLogic.transferTrade() to DiplomacyManager.signDefensivePact.
* Changed diplomatic modifiers related to Defensive Pacts to be less extreme.
* Fixed canceling Defensive Pacts when declaring war and notifying other Civs.
* Updated the Defensive Pact entry in the Civilopedia and fixed some spelling.
* Fixed Defensive Pact behavior while attacking and defending.
* Changed a variable to a more readable name.
* Improved readability of setFriendshipBasedModifier().
* Moved the important onWarDeclared functionality to their own functions.
* Added a notification for the attacking Civ when a Civ joins war through a Defensive Pact.
* Refactored setDefensivePactBasedModifier() to be more readable.
* Increased DeclinedDefensivePact time.
* Deleted old commented code that removed the research agreement button.
* Fixed having reverting changes errors in UnitMovementTests.
* Refactored breaking treaties when declaring war.
* Removed unnecessary semicolons.
* Treat remaining untyped Uniques in default rulesets, make unit test catch them
* Change untyped filtering Uniques check to Validation by inclusion in GlobalUniques instead of UniqueType.AircraftMarker
* Wiki for untyped filtering Uniques
* Re-include the "Who knows" of Future Tech on the Tech picker
* Overhaul NUKE code to behave closer to original
* Separate garrison protection of Bomb Shelter to its own Unique
* Reduce code duplication: getNukeBlastRadius
* Disallow nuking unknown civs
* Don't show Nuke attack table when the Nuke has just been selected
* World map display of nuke blast radius and friendly fire
* Split off some UniqueType helper classes, make regions work in Android Studio and linting
* Fix wrong UniqueType.Stats target
* Fix two Pantheon uniques
* BeliefType a little nicer to read
* More linting
* Implement UniqueTarget validation
* Validation of UniqueTypes allowed as conditionals
* Slight cleanup of TileStatFunctions
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable - patch1
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable - patch1
Removes the instant faith boost upon reaching Classical era from China's Unique ability. This is to match Civ5 again and because it probably wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.