* Split off unitTypes to its own json, only containing the domain it can travel in for now
* Updated translationFileWriter to handle this file correctly
* Updated promotions file
* Implemented requested changes
* Units without a sprite use the sprite of a first unit with the same type
* Implemented proposed changes
* wonder splash screens
* wonder splash screens atlas
* reset to master
* Add Sweden
* add translations
* translations
* implement first part of UP
* add icons to atlas
* implement second part of swedens up
* implement first hakkapeliitta unique
* implement second hakkapeliitta unique
* gifted GPs are removed
* update sweden symbol
* translations
* review Hakkapeliitta unique
* removed unneccesary parameters
* hakka UP review
* Hakka UP part 2
* yairm's reviews
* translations for fixes
* removed [great person generation] parameter as it's hardcoded anyway
* Moved check for stacking unit bonus outside great general logic
* Fixed crashes on loading save games with religion
* Added missing credit
* Religious cities now show religion icons in the city button
* Add icons for religions
* You can now found beliefs, with snazzy icons!
* Fixed bug which made prophets impossible to generate
* Added missing translatable strings
* Fixed translation tests properly
* Implemented requested changes
* Implemented part of the requested changes
* Removed SplitPane in favor of Table
* Removed unused code
* Capped the amount of foundable religions to the amount of religions
* Add a very simple display for the religion in a city
* Added missing credits for shrine
* Added Great Prophet unit
* Great prophets can now be generated using faith
* Great Prophets can now construct holy sites
* Great Prophets can now spread their religion to friendly cities
* Holy site can only be constructed if the great prophet hasn't spread religion yet
* Added missing translation string
* Fixed more translation problems
* Implemented requested changes
* Added the nation of the Netherlands
* Added Sea Beggar, Dutch unique unit
* Added polder improvement, Dutch unique improvement
* Added national ability
* Fixed Air Targetting not having icon
* Fixed the huns not having battering ram unique unit
* Plundering with multiple levels of coastal raider no longer creates multiple notifications
* Implemented requested changes
* Added privateer unit
* Privateers can now capture other naval units
* Updated Coastal Raider promotion to include the gold gained from damaging cities
* Added missing translatable notification
* Implemented requested changes
* Implemented requested changes _but better_
* Forgot to update a variable name
* Added the nation of The Huns
* Added unique units of The Huns
* Removed MountedRanged unitType
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed some typo's, split up a very long function for redability
Co-authored-by: Yair Morgenstern <yairm210@hotmail.com>
* Fixed bugs where nukes don't work due to capitilzation issues
* Renamed existing translations
* Fixed crash happening when nuking tiles without an owner
* Added notifications to attacker for civs that have declared war as a result of the nuke dropping
* Changed some interception-related uniques
- "Can not be intercepted" -> "Cannot be intercepted"
This really irked me, and the new version is also how it is written
in the wiki.
- "Reduces damage taken from interception by 50%" ->
"Damage taken from interception reduced by [50]%"
* Added "Cannot be carried by [unitFilter] units" unique
* Added an icon for Stealth
* Added Stealth technology and the Stealth Bomber
* Possibly fixed incorrect rounding for interception damage bonus
* Various code style changes
* Made Stealth Bomber interceptable, but with 100% damage reduction
* Implemented Nuclear Submarine and Missile Cruiser units
* Information Era -> Atomic Era; Future Era -> Information Era, conform G&K
* Fixed deprecated uniques still working
* Implemented requested changes
* Generalized building of improvements
* Readded support for the deprecated unique "Can build improvements on tiles"
* Small code quality changes
* Implemented requested chagnes
* Improved nukes
* Fixed build error (probably)
* Implemented reocmmended changes, fixed some other stuff, the usual
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed Tech connections
* Fixed nuclear missiles and guided missiles being interceptable
* Missiles are no longer air units. This is, as they cannot be stationed on carriers and cannot be intercepted.
* Reordered units
Consistently ordered units based on, in decreasing priority:
- Tech tree column
- Height in tech tree column
* Added Nuclear Fusion technology and GDR
* Updated some unit obsoletions
* Added a missing unit upgrade
* Added some missing commas in units.json
* Replaced Military Base icon with a simpler one
The original had a bit too much detail for the size at which it is
* Enabled Arsenal and added a new Armory icon
The old icon for Armory was much more appropriate for Arsenal, so I
added a new icon for Armory instead.
* Enabled Military Base and added an icon for it
* Enabled Petra and added an icon for it
* Enabled Composite Bowman and added an icon for it
* Enabled Mobile SAM and added an icon for it
* Enabled Jet Fighter
* Made Machine Gun upgrade to Mechanized Infantry
* Removed "Will be added in G&K" comments
Since we are now targeting G&K, these comments are no longer required.
* Fixed Aluminum/Aluminium inconsistencies
* Added the paratrooper unit
* Reverted accidental reordering of action table
* Fixed Github build errors
* Hopefully actually fixed the build errors
* Added a Dutch translation, finally fixing the error
* Paratroopers can no longer actually paradrop on a tile they shouldn't be able to paradrop onto
* Removed double update action
* Technology and construction bars no longer extend past their maximum
* Fixed compile errors
* actually fixed the issue
* Added the marine unit
* Moved amphibious promotion effect to unique
* Added icons for Amphibious promotion and Marine unit
* aaah
* -New unit unique "Bonus as Defender []%". "+25% Combat Bonus when defending" now deprecated, but kept for now for mods. Json promotion changed to fit new syntax.
Defender Bonus modifier "Defender Bonus" added to template.properties for translation.
-"All newly-trained [] units in this city receive the [] promotion" now uses unit category checking.
-New building unique "New [] units start with [] Experience in this city"
This can used by Poland's stable unique replacement in BNW, as it gives extra xp for mounted units.
"New [] units start with [] Experience" is the new nation wide version of this.
"New military units start with [] Experience" is now deprecated, but kept for now for mods. Json policy changed to fit new syntax.
-Unit category checking can now check for "non-air", "military", "military units" and uniques.
Added "military" to template.properties for translation.
-New unit unique "No defensive terrain penalty". Admittedly this is for a mod I'm making.
* translations must have spaces after!
* -Attacker Bonus unique changed to "+[]% Strength when attacking"
Changed Units.json and and Wolf Pack from UnitPromotions.json to this syntax
-Defender Bonus unique changed to "+[]% Strength when defending"
Armor Plating promotions were changed to this syntax
* Redid things with help from HadeanLake:
-"+[]% combat bonus in []" Unit Unique
-"+[]% combat bonus for units fighting in []" Nation Unique
-Both of these can check for terrain or Friendly Land or Foreign Land
-Function to add stacking modifiers
-Himeji Castle and Foreign Legion had uniques changed to fit this syntax
-Old way still works for now, but deprecated
* fixed comments about deprecation and the new syntax
* fixed translation of "Owned: [amountOwned] = " line
* Tweaked culture from killing
Aztecs get melee strength of the unit killed in culture and honor opener does the same thing.
They stack. So you get culture equal to 200% of the dead unit's strength (not ranged strength).
* removed hurryCostModifier from units that should not have it
Default value of HurryCostModifier is 0
List of units with non-default HurryCostModifier:
Settler (20)
SS parts (-1) (cannot be hurried)
Frigate (20)
Ship of the Line (20)
Caravel (30)
Turtle Ship (30)
Catapult (20)
Ballista (20)
Horseman (20)
Companion Cavalry (20)
Swordsman (20)
Mohawk Warrior (20)
Legion (20)
Berserker (20)
* added missing definitions from vanilla (commented out)
added missing obsolete tech tags, etc
* tweaked hurryCostModifier, added missing vanilla buildings (commented out)
* added promotions and parametrized uniques
Morale (+[15]% Combat Strength)
Great Generals I ([Great General] is earned [50]% faster)
Great Generals II ([Great General] is earned [100]% faster)
Quick Study ([50]% Bonus XP gain)
Unretired Mass Media icon
Added Heroic Epic, National Epic and National Treasury national wonders
Heroic Epic has unique "All newly-trained [non-air] units in this city receive the [Morale] promotion" - "non-air" is valid param now
[Raising The Flag on Iwo Jima silhouette, Marine Corps War Memorial Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima Battle of Iwo Jima Washington, D.C., memorial free png](https://www.pngfuel.com/free-png/opgid) for Heroic Epic and Morale promotion
[Arc de Triomphe](https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=Arc%20de%20Triomphe&i=2936011) by iconfield for National Epic
[Bank](https://thenounproject.com/term/bank/213472/) by By P Thanga Vignesh for National Treasury
reused general icon for Great Generals and Quick Study promotions
* implemented "Cost increases by [30] per owned city of cities" unique
All vanilla national wonders that require something in all cities have it
* added uniques
"Nuclear weapon" - Game option "nuclearWeaponsEnabled" enables units with this unique
"Requires [building]" - Apollo Program, Manhattan Project etc
"Requires adopted [policy]" - in expansions Statue of Zeus will require "Honor", Prora - "Autocracy", Landsknecht - "Mercenary Army".
* merged "Requires adopted [policy]" with "Requires [Wonder]"
* Separated unique.params[0] to val filter
* Changed National Epic image
Fixed Moai
Wonder overlay will remove terrain overlay in default tileset
Oasis, Marsh and Atoll now have "Rare feature" unique, rare features can be added by mods
implemented TileInfo.fitsUniqueFilter(filterText:String): Boolean
parameterized uniques:
* "Must have an owned [Mountain] within [2] tiles"
* "Must be on [River]" - not to be confused with "Must be next to [River]" - the tile city on must have river at its border, not the adjacent tile
* "Must not be on [Hill]"
* "Must not be next to []"
* "Must be on [seacoast]" - next to "Coast" tile
* "Must be on [tile adjacent to source of fresh water]"
* "Must be next to [Water]" - next to any water tile, including "Lakes"
* "Must be next to [terrainFeature]"
* "Must be next to [unique]" - e.g "Must be next to [Rare feature]" - next to terrain or terrain feature having this unique
* fixed KotlinNullPointerException crash in chooseMilitaryUnit
random() is not to be used in predicate
* GodmodeCheckbox is not lockable and unchecked by default
* no great people actions if no movement points left
* unique "Can start an []-turn golden age" now has parameter and 8-turn golden ages will last 8 turns instead of 10
golden age can be started if unit is on own territory (even embarked)
* "Golden Age length increased by [50]%" - now has parameter
* tweaked changed fort and terrain defence bonuses
fort can be built on forest and jungle (vegetation will not be removed)
any open flat land gives 10% penalty
marsh gives 15% penalty
only top terrain counts, improvement bonus will be added to that
flatland + fort = 40%
hill + fort = 75%
hill = 25%
forest/jungle on flatland = 25%
forest/jungle on hill = 25%
forest on flat + fort = 75%
forest on hill + fort = 75%
forest on hill + citadel = 125%
fixed 20% penalty for attacking over river - will be displayed if unit is standing on the other side of river
"Amphibious" unique removes this penalty
* Added icons
* [temple](https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=temple&i=28256) By Fabio Meroni for Temple of Artemis
* [Canoe](https://thenounproject.com/term/canoe/402285/) By Viktor Fedyuk (Tim P) for Floating Gardens
* [Garden](https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=garden&i=1478380) By Bharat
Aztecs by Séan https://discord.com/channels/586194543280390151/633733497277775884/727255962754351104
Jaguar by Red11
Reused slinger icon for Slinger Withdraw
* Added buildings and uniques for them
garden - bonus building of the Medieval Era. City "Must border a source of fresh water"
Temple of Artemis - World wonder of the Ancient era
Floating Gardens - Aztec unique building, replaces Water Mill
"[+1 Science] Per [2] Population in this city" - for Library and Public School
"+[]% great person generation in this city" - for garden
"Must border a source of fresh water" - "fresh water" provided by river or tiles with "Fresh water" unique. Added "Fresh water" unique to Lakes and Oasis
"+[10]% growth in all cities" - now has parameter - for Tradition Complete policy and Temple of Artemis
"+[10]% growth in capital" - now has parameter
"+[15]% Production when constructing [ranged units]" - "ranged units" now valid param
"[stats] once [tech] is discovered" - Petra and Mughal Fort have it
"[+1 Production] from [River] tiles in this city"] - now can use "River" - for Hydro plant
* Added Jaguar - Aztec unique unit
New unique - "+[]% combat bonus in [param]" unique - Norwegian Ski Infantry, Jaguars and Mohawks have it. param can be terrainFeature or baseTerrain, in case of baseTerrain it implies there are no features like vegetation her
Implemented "Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed"
tweaked honor policy - it should bring half as much culture, and same as Sacrificial Captives
Fixed penalty for terrain if unit do not have "No defensive terrain bonus" unique
* Added Aztecs
* Update template.properties
* update template.properties
* update template.properties
* update template.properties