Yair Morgenstern
Added "user id from clipboard" button in New Game screen
Fixed other user id problems
2019-09-03 23:22:27 +03:00
Update chinese translation ( #1024 )
* systemProp
* update
* update
2019-09-03 21:10:42 +03:00
can use native font and "WenQuanYimicroHei" in andriod and desktop ( #1013 )
* Update Other.json
* Update Notifications.json
* Update Other.json
* Can Change Language With No "ttf" Font
* update
* Update AndroidLauncher.java
* repair app running slowly in using no "tff" class
* Can Change Language with No "ttf" Font (#772 )
* Update Other.json
* Update Notifications.json
* Update Other.json
* Can Change Language With No "ttf" Font
* update
* Update AndroidLauncher.java
* repair app running slowly in using no "tff" class
* update nativefont for Desktop and IOS
* Delete NativeFontIOS.java
* can choose nativefont or font downloading from internet
* update
* update
* Update Fonts.kt
* Update Fonts.kt
* update
* update
* update
* update
* Update build.gradle
* update
* update
* update
* can choose native font or "WenquanYiMicroHei"
* update
* update
* update
* update
2019-09-01 13:01:37 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
Resolved #954 - settlers can't settle cities inside other civ's territory
LibGDX, Kotlin and Gradle upgrade
2019-07-22 21:20:03 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
Gradle update
2019-05-23 22:08:38 +03:00
nations in Chinese ( #696 )
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Add files via upload
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update BasicHelp_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Tutorials_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Chinese traslation, i have test it,but app may get corruption.
* constructing buildings and wonders in the city the language shows normally according to language setting
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* change chinese font with WenQuanYiMicroHei
* Update Translations.json
* nation.json in chinese(no completed)
* Update Nations_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update Nations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Translations.json
* Update Nations_Simplified_Chinese.json
* Update WorldScreenTopBar.kt
* update
* Update Translations.json
* update
* Update Nations_Italian.json
* updated(nation.json in Chinese also cannot runs well)
* updated(nation.json in Chinese also cannot runs well)
* Update TileImprovement.kt
* Update TileResource.kt
* Update Terrain.kt
* Update Terrain.kt
* updated(nation.json in Chinese also cannot runs well)
* Update Terrain.kt
2019-05-04 21:17:18 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
Icons for units replaced by civ unique units are no longer shown in tech button
2019-04-02 21:53:36 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
Resolved #449 - added "go to unit" button in unit overview
2019-02-11 22:07:34 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Resolved #424 and upgraded gradle
2019-01-20 22:44:09 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Changes to city screen - city summary in top-left corner like original
2019-01-19 21:01:47 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Added Landship, the first Armor unit!
Added promotions for Armor units
2018-12-02 15:46:45 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Kotlin version upgraded to 1.3.10
2018-12-02 15:33:30 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Added jcenter as dependency in allprojects.repositories, should fix the 'Could not find org.jetbrains.trove4j:trove4j:20160824' error in Travis
2018-12-02 15:25:55 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Added google repo to allProjects.repositories in build.grade, SO says this should fix the build
2018-12-02 14:38:53 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Upgraded BuildTools to 28.0.3, Gradle to 3.2.1 and Kotlin to 1.2.71
2018-12-02 14:12:47 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Organized all game images and added TexturPacker to pack them all into a single image, with an atlas to find the texture regions -
MASSIVE boost in rendering performance!
2018-08-10 11:05:21 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
Added CenterX and CenterY functions for actors
2018-05-16 21:38:09 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
Added FreeType, which lets us use whatever fonts we want
2018-05-01 21:41:02 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
Multiple IDE-suggested fixes
2018-04-11 23:46:00 +03:00
Yair Morgenstern
html project erased entirely (did not allow full gradle build)
2018-03-03 23:46:02 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
html project commented out of gradle build
2018-03-03 23:41:38 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Added Kotlin!
2018-02-23 15:36:13 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Google play-able
Units with no turns left are now grayed out
Added culture pool to cities and tiles being added to cities when pool fills
Changed tile icon order and placing of resource icon
2017-11-25 21:56:04 +02:00
Yair Morgenstern
Initial commit
2017-11-22 00:09:35 +02:00