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# Unciv - Civ V for Android (+Desktop)

# What is this?
An open-source Android/Desktop port of Civ V,
Made with LibGDX on Android Studio
## What's the roadmap?
Is this order:
* Polish! As you may have noticed, Unciv is fully functional but rough around the edges. This means:
* UI+UX improvements (suggestions welcome!)
* Better automation, AI etc. in-game
* Development and distribution cycle - Done! (tests, f-droid/Google Play/itch.io deployment)
* Missing features from Vanilla - Natural wonders (done!), city-state quests, missing civs etc.
* G&K mechanics - religion, faith etc.
* BNW mechanics - trade routes etc.
# Contributing
## How can I help?
Programmers start [here!](https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/wiki/Getting-Started)
Translators start [here!](https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/wiki/Translating)
Modders start [here!](https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/wiki/Mods)
You can join us in any of the open issue, or work on improving anything you want - once you're finished, issue a pull request and it'll go into the next version!
If not, you can help by spreading the word - vote for Unciv where you can, mention it on Reddit or Twitter etc, and help us with new ideas of how to get the word out!
## Will you implement {feature}?
If it's in the original Civ V, then yes!
There's a lot left to implement, so it's hard to give an estimation of when exactly each feature will be added, but we're constantly improving!
If not, then the feature won't be added until we've finished all the features from the original Civ - as mentioned, this will take a while!
## Please add {Civilization}
THE most common request, hands down. Everyone wants their favorite Civ in the game, I get that. But there are so many other things to work on - automations, AI, UI, graphics, bugs, and of course other features from the original game that are currently missing. Eventually we'll have them all, but the key word is "eventually".
In the meantime, you can [mod it yourself!](https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/wiki/Mods)
## Will you implement Civ VI?
Considering how long it took to get this far, no.
## Is there a desktop version?
Yes! Windows and Linux versions are available at [itch.io](https://yairm210.itch.io/unciv), and if you're using the Itch app, your game will stay up-to-date - and we release pretty frequently so that's an issue ;)
If you have Java 8, and are familiar with the command line, there are (considerably smaller) JARs in [Releases](https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv/releases) which you can run with `java -jar Unciv.jar`. This is also (currently) the only way to run the game on MacOS.
Be aware that the game will generate files inside the folder where the Jar is located!
If you also have JDK 8 installed, you can compile Unciv on your own by cloning (or downloading and unzipping) the project, opening a terminal in the Unciv folder and run the following commands:
### Windows
Running: `gradlew desktop:run`
Building: `gradlew desktop:dist`
### Linux/Mac OS
Running: `./gradlew desktop:run`
Building: `./gradlew desktop:dist`
If the terminal returns `Permission denied` or `Command not found` on Mac/Linux, run `chmod +x ./gradlew` first. *This is a one-time procedure.*
If you get an error that Android SDK folder wasn't found, firstly install it by doing in terminal:
`sudo apt update && sudo apt install android-sdk` (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint etc.)
After that you should put its folder to the file `local.properties` by adding this line:
`sdk.dir = /path/to/android/sdk` which can be `/usr/lib/android-sdk` or something other.
If during the first launch it throws an error that the JDK version is wrong try [this JDK installation](https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-community/?package=jdk).
Gradle may take up to several minutes to download files. Be patient.
After building, the output .JAR file should be in /desktop/build/libs/Unciv.jar
For actual development, you'll probably need to download Android Studio and build it yourself - see Contributing :)
## How about IOS?
I'm not planning on it.
It means paying money to Apple, yet another release path,
and since I don't have an IOS device it means I can't test it properly.
## How come this isn't working on my Raspberry Pi?
LibGDX doesn't work on Raspberry, and so neither does Unciv.
If you're really invested, I'd be thrilled if you could make it work - this seems to be possible, see
https://github.com/chrishumphreys/LIbGDX-Pi for his detailed instructions
## How can I learn to play? Where's the wiki?
All the tutorial information is available in-game at menu > civilopedia > tutorials
All the information is included in the amazing [Civ V wiki](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/)
Since this is a Civ V clone, you can search Google for how to play Civ V and there are loads of answers =)
Alternatively, you could [join us on Discord](https://discord.gg/bjrB4Xw) and ask there =D
## Aren't you basically making a Civ V clone? Is that even legal?
This is a subject that I've heard a lot of hearsay on but no solid sources of law.
From what I gather, it is illegal:
- To use the Civilization name
- To impersonate the Civ games (so calling yourself civi|zation with a similar logo, for instance)
- To use any assets from the original game (images, sound etc) - they belong to Firaxis
From what I understand, intellectual property rights apply to names, characters and settings. They do not apply to mechanics - as I'm sure you know, there are a billion Flappy Bird knockoffs
If anyone has any real legal sources, or can shed some light on the limits of what is and is not allowed, I'd be happy to hear!
## Disclosure
Multiplayer takes advantage of Dropbox, which is *non-free software*, for syncing purposes.
Single player does not use this feature.
# [Credits and 3rd parties](docs/Credits.md)