Alexander Korolyov e74f7608d1
transfer simulateUntilWin from UncivGame to GameInfo class. (#2849)
* transfer simulateUntilWin from UncivGame to GameInfo class.

* update tests

* Update description comments
2020-07-16 13:52:39 +03:00

208 lines
7.4 KiB

package com.unciv
import com.badlogic.gdx.Application
import com.badlogic.gdx.Game
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input
import com.badlogic.gdx.audio.Music
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align
import com.unciv.logic.GameInfo
import com.unciv.logic.GameSaver
import com.unciv.models.metadata.GameSettings
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.RulesetCache
import com.unciv.models.translations.Translations
import com.unciv.ui.LanguagePickerScreen
import com.unciv.ui.utils.*
import com.unciv.ui.worldscreen.WorldScreen
import java.util.*
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
class UncivGame(parameters: UncivGameParameters) : Game() {
// we need this secondary constructor because Java code for iOS can't handle Kotlin lambda parameters
constructor(version: String) : this(UncivGameParameters(version, null))
val version = parameters.version
private val crashReportSender = parameters.crashReportSender
val exitEvent = parameters.exitEvent
val cancelDiscordEvent = parameters.cancelDiscordEvent
val fontImplementation = parameters.fontImplementation
val consoleMode = parameters.consoleMode
lateinit var gameInfo: GameInfo
fun isGameInfoInitialized() = this::gameInfo.isInitialized
lateinit var settings: GameSettings
lateinit var crashController: CrashController
* This exists so that when debugging we can see the entire map.
* Remember to turn this to false before commit and upload!
var viewEntireMapForDebug = false
/** For when you need to test something in an advanced game and don't have time to faff around */
val superchargedForDebug = false
/** Simulate until this turn on the first "Next turn" button press.
* Does not update World View changes until finished.
* Set to 0 to disable.
val simulateUntilTurnForDebug: Int = 0
/** Console log battles
val alertBattle = false
lateinit var worldScreen: WorldScreen
var music: Music? = null
val musicLocation = "music/thatched-villagers.mp3"
private var isSizeRestored = false
var isInitialized = false
val translations = Translations()
override fun create() {
Gdx.input.setCatchKey(Input.Keys.BACK, true)
if (Gdx.app.type != Application.ApplicationType.Desktop) {
viewEntireMapForDebug = false
Current = this
// If this takes too long players, especially with older phones, get ANR problems.
// Whatever needs graphics needs to be done on the main thread,
// So it's basically a long set of deferred actions.
settings = GameSaver.getGeneralSettings() // needed for the screen
screen = LoadingScreen()
Gdx.graphics.isContinuousRendering = settings.continuousRendering
thread(name = "LoadJSON") {
if (settings.userId.isEmpty()) { // assign permanent user id
settings.userId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
// This stuff needs to run on the main thread because it needs the GL context
Gdx.app.postRunnable {
ImageGetter.ruleset = RulesetCache.getBaseRuleset() // so that we can enter the map editor without having to load a game first
thread(name="Music") { startMusic() }
if (settings.isFreshlyCreated) {
} else { setScreen(MainMenuScreen()) }
isInitialized = true
crashController = CrashController.Impl(crashReportSender)
fun restoreSize() {
if (!isSizeRestored && Gdx.app.type == Application.ApplicationType.Desktop && settings.windowState.height>39 && settings.windowState.width>39) {
isSizeRestored = true
Gdx.graphics.setWindowedMode(settings.windowState.width, settings.windowState.height)
fun loadGame(gameInfo: GameInfo) {
this.gameInfo = gameInfo
ImageGetter.ruleset = gameInfo.ruleSet
Gdx.input.inputProcessor = null // Since we will set the world screen when we're ready,
// This is to avoid ANRs when loading.
worldScreen = WorldScreen(gameInfo.getPlayerToViewAs())
fun loadGame(gameName: String) {
fun startMusic() {
if (settings.musicVolume < 0.01) return
val musicFile = Gdx.files.local(musicLocation)
if (musicFile.exists()) {
music = Gdx.audio.newMusic(musicFile)
music!!.isLooping = true
music!!.volume = 0.4f * settings.musicVolume
fun setScreen(screen: CameraStageBaseScreen) {
Gdx.input.inputProcessor = screen.stage
fun setWorldScreen() {
if (screen != null && screen != worldScreen) screen.dispose()
worldScreen.shouldUpdate = true // This can set the screen to the policy picker or tech picker screen, so the input processor must come before
// This is ALWAYS called after create() on Android - google "Android life cycle"
override fun resume() {
if (!isInitialized) return // The stuff from Create() is still happening, so the main screen will load eventually
override fun pause() {
if (this::gameInfo.isInitialized) GameSaver.autoSave(this.gameInfo)
override fun resize(width: Int, height: Int) {
screen.resize(width, height)
override fun dispose() {
// Log still running threads (should be only this one and "DestroyJavaVM")
val numThreads = Thread.activeCount()
val threadList = Array(numThreads) { _ -> Thread() }
if (::gameInfo.isInitialized){
val autoSaveThread = threadList.firstOrNull { it.name == "Autosave" }
if (autoSaveThread != null && autoSaveThread.isAlive) {
// auto save is already in progress (e.g. started by onPause() event)
// let's allow it to finish and do not try to autosave second time
} else
GameSaver.autoSaveSingleThreaded(gameInfo) // NO new thread
threadList.filter { it !== Thread.currentThread() && it.name != "DestroyJavaVM"}.forEach {
println (" Thread ${it.name} still running in UncivGame.dispose().")
companion object {
lateinit var Current: UncivGame
fun isCurrentInitialized() = this::Current.isInitialized
class LoadingScreen:CameraStageBaseScreen() {
init {
val happinessImage = ImageGetter.getImage("StatIcons/Happiness")
Actions.rotateBy(360f, 0.5f)))