SomeTroglodyte 652b3c9159
Potpourri of RekMod-inspired little updates (#10390)
* RekMod-inspired: StatPercentFromReligionFollowers does work on FounderBelief target

* RekMod-inspired: Make StatPercentFromReligionFollowers check correct Religion

* RekMod-inspired: Prep: flags on ImprovementBuildingProblem

* RekMod-inspired: Don't offer e.g. Kampong Ayer to non-Brunei Workboats

* Update "filtering Uniques" documentation
2023-11-03 00:09:34 +02:00

28 KiB

Miscellaneous JSON files


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This file defines the difficulty levels a player can choose when starting a new game.

Each difficulty level can have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Optional Notes
name String Required Name of the difficulty level
baseHappiness Integer Default 0
extraHappinessPerLuxury Float Default 0
researchCostModifier Float Default 1
unitCostModifier Float Default 1
buildingCostModifier Float Default 1
policyCostModifier Float Default 1
unhappinessModifier Float Default 1
barbarianBonus Float Default 0
playerBonusStartingUnits List of Units Default empty Can also be 'Era Starting Unit', maps to startingMilitaryUnit of the Eras file. All other units must be in Units.json]. Applies only to human player civs
aiCityGrowthModifier Float Default 1
aiUnitCostModifier Float Default 1
aiBuildingCostModifier Float Default 1
aiWonderCostModifier Float Default 1
aiBuildingMaintenanceModifier Float Default 1
aiUnitMaintenanceModifier Float Default 1
aiFreeTechs List of Techs Default empty
aiMajorCivBonusStartingUnits List of Units Default empty Same rules as playerBonusStartingUnits, See above. Applies only to AI major civs
aiCityStateBonusStartingUnits List of Units Default empty Same rules as playerBonusStartingUnits, See above. Applies only to city-state civs
aiUnhappinessModifier Float Default 1
aisExchangeTechs Boolean Unimplemented
turnBarbariansCanEnterPlayerTiles Integer Default 0
clearBarbarianCampReward Integer Default 25


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This file should contain all the era's you want to use in your mod.

Each era can have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Optional Notes
name String required Name of the era
researchAgreementCost Integer (≥0) defaults to 300 Cost of research agreements were the most technologically advanced civ is in this era
iconRGB List of 3 Integers defaults to [255, 255, 255] RGB color that icons for technologies of this era should have in the Tech screen
unitBaseBuyCost Integer (≥0) defaults to 200 Base cost of buying units with Faith, Food, Science or Culture when no other cost is provided
startingSettlerCount Integer (≥0) defaults to 1 Amount of settler units that should be spawned when starting a game in this era (setting this to zero is discouraged 1)
startingSettlerUnit String defaults to "Settler" Name of the unit that should be used for the previous field. Must be in Units.json, or a unit with the "Founds a new city" unique must exist
startingWorkerCount Integer (≥0) defaults to 0 Amount of worker units that should be spawned when starting a game in this era
startingWorkerUnit String defaults to "Worker" Name of the unit that should be used for the previous field. If startingWorkerCount>0, then it must exist in Units.json, or a unit with the "Can build [filter] improvements on tiles" unique must exist
startingMilitaryUnitCount Integer (≥0) defaults to 1 Amount of military units that should be spawned when starting a game in this era
startingMilitaryUnit String defaults to "Warrior" Name of the unit that should be used for the previous field. Must be in Units.json
startingGold Integer (≥0) defaults to 0 Amount of gold each civ should receive when starting a game in this era
startingCulture Integer (≥0) defaults to 0 Amount of culture each civ should receive when starting a game in this era
settlerPopulation Integer (>0) defaults to 1 Default amount of population each city should have when settled when starting a game in this era
settlerBuildings List of Strings defaults to none Buildings that should automatically be built whenever a city is settled when starting a game in this era
startingObsoleteWonders List of Strings defaults to none Wonders (and technically buildings) that should be impossible to built when starting a game in this era. Used in the base game to remove all wonders older than 2 era's


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This file should contain all the speeds you want to use in your mod.

Each speed can have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Optional Notes
name String required Name of the speed
modifier Float (≥0) defaults to 1.0 Overall game speed modifier
productionCostModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales production cost of units and buildings
goldCostModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales gold costs
scienceCostModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales science costs
cultureCostModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales culture costs
faithCostModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales faith costs
improvementBuildLengthModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales the time it takes for a worker to build tile improvements
barbarianModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales the time between barbarian spawns
goldGiftModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales the influence gained from gifting gold to city-states
cityStateTributeScalingInterval Float (≥0) defaults to 6.5 The number of turns it takes for the amount of gold a player demands from city-states to increase by 5 gold
goldenAgeLengthModifier Float (≥0) defaults to the value of modifier Scales the length of golden ages
religiousPressureAdjacentCity Integer (≥0) defaults to 6 Defines how much religious pressure a city exerts on nearby cities
peaceDealDuration Integer (≥0) defaults to 10 The number of turns a peace deal lasts
dealDuration Integer (≥0) defaults to 30 The number of turns a non-peace deal (research agreement, open borders, etc.) lasts
startYear Float defaults to -4000 The start year of the game (negative is BC/BCE)
turns List of HashMaps required The amount of time passed between turns ("yearsPerTurn") and the range of turn numbers ("untilTurn") that this duration applies to

The below code is an example of a valid "turns" definition and it specifies that the first 50 turns of a game last for 60 years each, then the next 30 turns (and any played after the 80th) last for 40 years each.

"turns": [
{"yearsPerTurn": 60, "untilTurn":  50},
{"yearsPerTurn": 40, "untilTurn":  80}


This file is a little different:

  • Does not exist in Vanilla ruleset
  • Is entirely optional but will be created after downloading a mod

Note that this file controls declarative mod compatibility (Work in progress) - e.g. there's uniques to say your Mod should only or never be used as 'Permanent audiovisual mod'. Incompatibility filtering works so far between extension and base mods, but feel free to document known extension-to-extension incompatibilities using the same Unique now. Stay tuned!

The file can have the following attributes, including the values Unciv sets (no point in a mod author setting those):

Attribute Type Optional Notes
isBaseRuleset Boolean false Differentiates mods that change the vanilla ruleset or replace it
maxXPfromBarbarians Integer 30 Deprecated, see constants
uniques List empty Mod-wide specials, see here
techsToRemove List empty List of Technologies or -filters to remove (isBaseRuleset=false only)
buildingsToRemove List empty List of Buildings or Wonders or -filters to remove (isBaseRuleset=false only)
unitsToRemove List empty List of Units or -filters to remove (isBaseRuleset=false only)
nationsToRemove List empty List of Nations or -filters to remove (isBaseRuleset=false only)
lastUpdated String empty Set automatically after download - Last repository update, not necessarily last content change
modUrl String empty Set automatically after download - URL of repository
author String empty Set automatically after download - Owner of repository
modSize Integer empty Set automatically after download - kB in entire repository, not sum of default branch files
constants Object empty see ModConstants


Stored in ModOptions.constants, this is a collection of constants used internally in Unciv. This is the only structure that is merged field by field from mods, not overwritten, so you can change XP from Barbarians in one mod and city distance in another. In case of conflicts, there is no guarantee which mod wins, only that default values are ignored.

Attribute Type Default Notes
maxXPfromBarbarians Int 30 2
cityStrengthBase Float 8.0 3
cityStrengthPerPop Float 0.4 3
cityStrengthFromTechsMultiplier Float 5.5 3
cityStrengthFromTechsExponent Float 2.8 3
cityStrengthFromTechsFullMultiplier Float 1.0 3
cityStrengthFromGarrison Float 0.2 3
unitSupplyPerPopulation Float 0.5 4
minimalCityDistance Int 3 5
minimalCityDistanceOnDifferentContinents Int 2 5
unitUpgradeCost Object see below 6
naturalWonderCountMultiplier Float 0.124 7
naturalWonderCountAddedConstant Float 0.1 7
ancientRuinCountMultiplier Float 0.02 8
maxLakeSize Int 10 9
riverCountMultiplier Float 0.01 10
minRiverLength Int 5 10
maxRiverLength Int 666 10
religionLimitBase Int 1 11
religionLimitMultiplier Float 0.5 11
pantheonBase Int 10 12
pantheonGrowth Int 5 12



These values are not merged individually, only the entire sub-structure is.

Attribute Type Default Notes
base Float 10
perProduction Float 2
eraMultiplier Float 0
exponent Float 1
roundTo Int 5

The formula for the gold cost of a unit upgrade is (rounded down to a multiple of roundTo): ( max((base + perProduction * (new_unit_cost - old_unit_cost)), 0) * (1 + eraNumber * eraMultiplier) * civModifier ) ^ exponent With civModifier being the multiplicative aggregate of "[relativeAmount]% Gold cost of upgrading" uniques that apply.


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Defines uniques that apply globally. e.g. Vanilla rulesets define the effects of Unhappiness here. Only the uniques field is used, but a name must still be set (the Ruleset validator might display it). When extension rulesets define GlobalUniques, all uniques are merged. At the moment there is no way to change/remove uniques set by a base mod.


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Note a Base Ruleset mod can define a "welcome page" here by adding a "Tutorial" with a name equal to the name of the mod! As an exception to the general rule, this file in a Base Ruleset mod will not replace the default, but add to it like extension mods do. Also, place it under <mod>/jsons/ normally even if the original is found one level above the vanilla jsons.

Attribute Type Optional Notes
name String Required Entry name
civilopediaText List Optional see here
steps List(String) Optional Plain text

If an entry contains both stepsand civilopediaText attributes, the civilopediaText is shown first.


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These files contain which victories this mod provides, and what milestones must be reached for someone to win a victory. Most of the file contains of strings that are shown to the user in the victory screen, with the rest being the requirements for winning.

Each victory can have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Optional Notes
name String Required Name of the victory
victoryScreenHeader String Defaults to "" Shown in the footer of the victory in the our status in the victory screen
victoryString String Defaults to "" Shown in the footer of the victory screen when you won the game with this victory
defeatString String Defaults to "" Shown in the footer of the victory screen when someone else won the game with this victory
hiddenInVictoryScreen Boolean Defaults to false Whether progress of this victory is hidden in the victory screen
requiredSpaceshipParts List of Strings Defaults to "" What spaceship parts must be added to the capital for the corresponding milestone
Milestones List of Strings Required List of milestones that must be accomplished to win, see below


Currently the following milestones are supported:

Milestone Requirement
Build [building] Build the building [building] in any city
Anyone build [building] Anyone must build the building [building] for all players to have this milestone
Add all [comment] in capital Add all units in the requiredSpaceshipParts field of this victory to the capital
Destroy all players You must be the only major civilization with any cities left
Capture all capitals Capture all the original capitals of major civilizations in the game
Complete [amount] Policy branches Fully complete at least [amount] policy branches
Win diplomatic vote At any point in the game win a diplomatic vote (UN). You may lose afterwards and still retain this milestone
Become the world religion Have your religion be the majority religion in a majority of cities of all major civs
Have highest score after max turns Basically time victory. Enables the 'max turn' slider and calculates score when that amount is reached

Civilopedia text

Any 'thing' defined in json and listed in the Civilopedia can supply extra text, specifically for the Civilopedia. This can be used to explain special considerations better when the automatically generated display is insufficient, or for 'flavour', background stories and the like. Such text can be formatted and linked to other Civilopedia entries, within limits.

An example of the format is:

        "civilopediaText": [
			{ "text": "Ancient ruins provide a one-time random bonus when explored" },
			{ "separator": true },
                "text": "This line is red and links to the Scout including icons",
                "link": "Unit/Scout",
                "color": "red"
                "text": "A big fat header sporting a golden star",
                "header": 1,
                "starred": true,
                "color": "#ffeb7f"

List of attributes - note not all combinations are valid:

Attribute Type Description
text String Text to display.
link String Create link and icon, format: Category/Name or external link ('http://','https://','mailto:').
icon String Show icon without linking, format: Category/Name.
extraImage String Display an Image instead of text. Can be a path found in a texture atlas or or the name of a png or jpg in the ExtraImages folder.
imageSize Float Size in world units of the [extraImage], the smaller coordinate is calculated preserving aspect ratio. Defaults to available width.
header Integer Header level. 1 means double text size and decreases from there.
size Integer Text size, default is 18. Use size or header but not both.
indent Integer Indent level. 0 means text will follow icons, 1 aligns to the right of all icons, each further step is 30 units.
padding Float Vertical padding between rows, defaults to 5 units.
color String Sets text color, accepts names or 6/3-digit web colors (e.g. #FFA040).
separator Boolean Renders a separator line instead of text. Can be combined only with color and size (line width, default 2).
starred Boolean Decorates text with a star icon - if set, it receives the color instead of the text.
centered Boolean Centers the line (and turns off automatic wrap). For an extraImage, turns on crop-to-content to equalize transparent borders.

The lines from json will 'surround' the automatically generated lines such that the latter are inserted just above the first json line carrying a link, if any. If no json lines have links, they will be inserted between the automatic title and the automatic info. This method may, however, change in the future.

Note: text now also supports inline color markup. Insert «color» to start coloring text, «» to stop. color can be a name or 6/8-digit hex notation like #ffa040 (different from the color attribute notation only by not allowing 3-digit codes, but allowing the alpha channel). Effectively, the «» markers are replaced with [] after translation and then passed to Gdx markup language.

  1. Successfully setting startingSettlerCount to zero in a mod (idea: conquer or die) is not easy. Some player-controlled settings require at least one Settler, through any source (see difficulties for other possible settler sources), or you won't be able to start a game: Once City Challenge requires one for all players, and allowing any city-states requires one for those. Would also affect defeat rules. ↩︎

  2. Max amount of experience that can be gained from combat with barbarians ↩︎

  3. Formula for city Strength: Strength = baseStrength + strengthPerPop + strengthFromTiles + ((%techs * multiplier) ^ exponent) * fullMultiplier + (garrisonBonus * garrisonUnitStrength * garrisonUnitHealth/100) + defensiveBuildingStrength where %techs is the percentage of techs in the tech tree that are complete If no techs exist in this ruleset, %techs = 0.5 (=50%) ↩︎

  4. Formula for Unit Supply: Supply = unitSupplyBase (difficulties.json) unitSupplyPerCity * amountOfCities + (difficulties.json) unitSupplyPerPopulation * amountOfPopulationInAllCities unitSupplyBase and unitSupplyPerCity can be found in difficulties.json unitSupplyBase, unitSupplyPerCity and unitSupplyPerPopulation can also be increased through uniques ↩︎

  5. The minimal distance that must be between any two cities, not counting the tiles cities are on The number is the amount of tiles between two cities, not counting the tiles the cities are on. e.g. "C__C", where "C" is a tile with a city and "_" is a tile without a city, has a distance of 2. First constant is for cities on the same landmass, the second is for cities on different continents. ↩︎

  6. A UnitUpgradeCost sub-structure. ↩︎

  7. NaturalWonderGenerator uses these to determine the number of Natural Wonders to spawn for a given map size. The number scales linearly with map radius: #wonders = radius * naturalWonderCountMultiplier + naturalWonderCountAddedConstant. The defaults effectively mean Tiny - 1, Small - 2, Medium - 3, Large - 4, Huge - 5, Custom radius >=109 - all G&K wonders. ↩︎

  8. MapGenerator.spreadAncientRuins: number of ruins = suitable tile count * this ↩︎

  9. MapGenerator.spawnLakesAndCoasts: Water bodies up to this tile count become Lakes ↩︎

  10. RiverGenerator: river frequency and length bounds ↩︎

  11. Maximum foundable Religions = religionLimitBase + floor(MajorCivCount * religionLimitMultiplier) ↩︎

  12. Cost of pantheon = pantheonBase + CivsWithReligion * pantheonGrowth ↩︎