* Fixed the links in the docs * Fixed broken tables Tables without a line break above are not treated as valid tables * Removed redundant table of contents and formatted some bulleted lists * The image in Regions.md is now properly displayed * Standardized list indentation, line spacing, table header rows, and JSON code blocks * Standardized headers * Fixed remaining broken links, edited pseudo-footnotes
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Force rating calculation
Since the question has come up several times, here is a summary of how Force ratings are calculated.
Base Unit Force Evaluation
First the base unit gets a force evaluation. If the unit has a ranged attack, the starting force is the ranged strength ^ 1.45. Otherwise the starting force is strength ^ 1.5. This is multiplied by the unit's movement ^ 0.3. Nukes get +4000.
Then this is multiplied by a bunch of modifiers:
- 0.5 if ranged naval
- 0.5 if self-destructs when attacking
- Half the city attack bonus (So +25% if the unit has +50% when attacking cities)
- A Quarter of attack bonuses vs things other than cities
- Half the bonus "when attacking"
- Half the bonus "when defending"
- +25% if paradrop able
- -20% if needs to set up to attack
- Half the bonus from certain terrain
- +20% bonus per extra attack per turn
Individual Unit Force Evaluation
Each individual unit has a Force equal to the Base Unit Force,
- multiplied by (number of times promoted +1) ^ 0.3.
- multiplied by current health as a percentage.
Civ Force Ranking
The civs Force Ranking is based on the sum of all their units' Force Evaluation (cities are not counted). Only half the Force of naval units is counted. This is multiplied by a gold modifier equal to the square root of current gold, as a percentage. The gold multiplier is constrained to be between 1 and 2, so the max multiplier is 2 which is reached at 10000 gold.
Show Me Some Numbers
Scout 13
Archer 19
Slinger 19
Dromon 23
Warrior 27
Maori Warrior 27
Brute 27
Bowman 29
Jaguar 36
Catapult 39
Composite Bowman 39
Galleass 41
Chariot Archer 42
War Elephant 44
War Chariot 45
Horse Archer 45
Trireme 46
Spearman 49
Ballista 55
Persian Immortal 56
Horseman 62
Hoplite 63
Swordsman 64
Chu-Ko-Nu 66
Quinquereme 69
African Forest Elephant 72
Battering Ram 80
Cataphract 80
Crossbowman 81
Longbowman 81
Companion Cavalry 84
Legion 86
Mohawk Warrior 86
Pikeman 87
Landsknecht 87
Trebuchet 88
Keshik 89
Frigate 100
Hwach'a 110
Longswordsman 118
Camel Archer 124
Samurai 126
Berserker 133
Knight 134
Conquistador 134
Mandekalu Cavalry 134
Caravel 134
Ship of the Line 139
Musketman 144
Cannon 151
Minuteman 154
Janissary 162
Gatling Gun 169
Musketeer 182
Tercio 182
Naresuan's Elephant 194
Lancer 204
Hakkapeliitta 204
Sipahi 218
Privateer 222
Rifleman 243
Carolean 243
Sea Beggar 244
Artillery 245
Battleship 269
Great War Bomber 290
Cavalry 300
Hussar 320
Triplane 325
Turtle Ship 327
Cossack 337
Norwegian Ski Infantry 345
Guided Missile 378
Carrier 408
Submarine 420
Bomber 425
Great War Infantry 434
Machine Gun 465
Fighter 470
Foreign Legion 477
Ironclad 486
Zero 508
Anti-Tank Gun 542
B17 551
Marine 645
Landship 703
Infantry 720
Nuclear Submarine 735
Stealth Bomber 771
Paratrooper 806
Anti-Aircraft Gun 819
Destroyer 870
Missile Cruiser 888
Rocket Artillery 930
Tank 948
Jet Fighter 988
Helicopter Gunship 992
Mechanized Infantry 1186
Panzer 1223
Mobile SAM 1376
Modern Armor 1620
Giant Death Robot 2977
Atomic Bomb 4714
Nuclear Missile 7906