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Hello and welcome to DNS!
This document attempts to provide a correct introduction to the Domain Name System as of 2018. The original RFCs remain the authoritative source of normative text, but this document tries to be in full alignment with all relevant and useful RFCs.
Although we start from relatively basic principles, the reader is expected to know what IP addresses are, what a (stub) resolver is and what an authoritative server is supposed to do. When in doubt: authoritative servers 'host' DNS, 'resolvers' look up things over at authoritative servers and clients run 'stub resolvers' to look things up over at resolvers.
DNS was originally written down in August 1979 in 'IEN 116', a parallel series of documents describing the internet. IEN 116 era DNS is not compatible with today's DNS. In 1983, RFC 882 was released, and stunningly enough, an implementation of this 35 year old document would function on the internet and be interoperable.
DNS attained its modern form in 1987 when RFC 1034 and 1035 were published. Although most of 1034/1035 remains valid, these standards are not that easy to read because they were written in a very different time.
The main goal of this document is not to contradict 1034 and 1035 but to provide an easier entrypoint into DNS.
If you will, the goal is to be a mini "TCP/IP Illustrated" of DNS.
The content is spread out over several documents:
- The core of DNS
- Relevant to stub resolvers and applications
- Relevant to authoritative servers
- Relevant to resolvers
- Optional elements: EDNS, TSIG, Dynamic Updates, DNSSEC, DNAME, DNS Cookies
We start off with a general introduction of DNS basics: what is a resource record, what is a RRSET, what is a zone, what is a zone-cut, how are packets laid out. This part is required reading for anyone ever wanting to query a nameserver or emit a valid response.
We then specialize into what applications can expect when they send questions to a resolver, or what a stub-resolver can expect.
The next part is about what an authoritative server is supposed to do. On top of this, we describe in slightly less detail how a resolver could operate. Finally, there is a section on optional elements like EDNS, TSIG, Dynamic Upates andDNSSEC
Note that this file, which describes DNS basics, absolutely must be read from beginning to end in order for the rest of the documents (or DNS) to make sense.
DNS Basics
In this section we will initially ignore optional extensions that were added to DNS later, specifically EDNS and DNSSEC which requires EDNS to function.
This file corresponds roughly to the fundamental parts of RFCs 1034, 1035, 1982, 2181, 2308, 3596, 4343, 5452, 6604.
DNS is mostly used to serve IP addresses and mailserver details, but it can contain arbitrary data. DNS is all about names. Every name can have data of several types. The most well known externally useful types are A for IPv4 addresses, AAAA for IPv6 addresses and MX for mailserver details. DNS also has types that have meaning for its own use, like NS, CNAME and SOA.
When we ask a DNS question we call this a query. We call the reply the response. These queries and responses are contained in DNS messages. When UDP is used, the message is also the packet.
A DNS message has:
- A header
- A query name and query type
- An answer section
- An authority section
- An additional section
The header has the following fields that are useful for queries and responses:
- ID: a 16 bit identifier used as part of the process of matching queries to responses
- QR: Set to 0 to identify a message as a query, 1 for a response
- OPCODE: 0 for a standard query, other opcodes also exist
- RD: Set to indicate that this question wants recursion
Relevant for responses:
- AA: This answer has Authoritative Answers
- RA: Recursive service was available
- TC: Not all the required parts of the answer fit in the message
In basic DNS, query messages should have no answer, authority or additional sections. DNS queries are mostly sent over UDP, and UDP packets can easily be spoofed. To recognize the authentic response to a query it is important that the ID field is random or at least unpredictable. This is however not enough protection, so the source port of a UDP DNS query must also be unpredictable.
DNS messages can also be sent over TCP/IP. Because TCP is not a datagram oriented protocol, each DNS message in TCP/IP is preceded by a 16 bit network endian length field.
The header of a question for the IPv6 address of www.ietf.org looks like this:
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| ID = random 16 bits |
|QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
|0 | 0 |0 | 0| 0|0 | 0 | 0 |
| QDCOUNT = 1 |
| ANCOUNT = 0 |
| NSCOUNT = 0 |
| ARCOUNT = 0 |
Note that we did not spend time on field Z, this is because it is defined to be 0 at all times. This packets does not request recursion. QDCOUNT = 1 means there is 1 question. In theory DNS supported several questions in one message, but this has not been implemented. ANCOUNT, NSCOUNT and ARCOUNT are all zero, indicating there as no answers in this question packet.
Here is the actual question:
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| 3 w |
| w w |
| 4 i |
| e t |
| f 3 |
| o r |
| g 0 |
| 0 28 |
| 0 1 |
This consists of the 'www.ietf.org' encoded in DNS wire format (for which see below), followed by a 16 bit type field. For AAAA, which denotes the IPv6 address, this is 28. This is then followed by the 'class' of the question. It was originally intended that DNS records would exist in different 'classes', but the semantics of this were not specified completely and it was not really implemented. For now, always set class to 1.
Of specific note is the somewhat unusual way the name 'www.ietf.org' is serialized in DNS. 'www.ietf.org' consists of 3 'labels' of lenghts 3, 4 and 3 respectively. In DNS messages, this is encoded as the value 3, then www, then the value 4, then ietf, then 3 followed by org. Then there is a trailing 0 which denotes this is the end.
This format is unusual, but has several highly attractive properties. For example, it is binary safe and it needs no escaping. When writing DNS software, it may be tempting to pass DNS names around as "ASCII". This then leads to escaping an unescaping code in lots of places. It is highly recommended to use the native DNS encoding to store DNS names. This will save a lot of pain when processing DNS names with spaces or dots in them.
Finally, DNS queries are case-insensitive. This however is defined rather mechanically. Operators do not need to know that in some ASCII encodings a Ü is equivalent to ü when compared case insensitively. For DNS purposes, the fifth bit (0x20) is ignored when comparing octets within a-Z and A-Z.
Note that individual labels of a name may only be 63 octets long.
Next up, a DNS response. Note that this again is a DNS message, and it looks a lot like the original DNS query. Here is the beginning of a response:
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| ID = same random 16 bits |
|QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
|1 | 0 | 1| 0| 0| 0| 0 | 0 |
| QDCOUNT = 1 |
| ANCOUNT = 1 |
| NSCOUNT = 0 |
| ARCOUNT = 0 |
| 3 w |
| w w |
| 4 i |
| e t |
| f 3 |
| o r |
| g 0 |
| 0 28 (0x1c) |
| 0 1 |
Note that QR is now set to 1 to denote a response. The 'AA' bit was set because this answer came from a from a server authoriative for this name.
In addition, ANCOUNT is now set to '1', indicating a single answer is to be found in the message, immediately after the original question, which has been repeated from the query message.
To recognize the right response, check that the ID field is the same as the query, make sure the answer arrives on the right source port and that the query name and type match up with the original query. In addition, make sure not to send out more than one equivalent query when still waiting for the response, as doing so opens a security hole.
After the header and the original question we find the answer:
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| 0xc0 0x0c |
| 00 28 |
| 00 01 |
| TTL = 3600 |
| |
| RDLENGTH = 16 |
| 24 00 |
| cb 00 |
| 20 48 |
| 00 01 |
| 00 00 |
| 00 00 |
| 68 14 |
| 00 55 |
The first two bytes (0xc0 0c0c) look rather mysterious. When DNS was created, 512 octets was considered the maximum size of a UDP datagram and thus the maximum size of a DNS message transported without using the (then slow) TCP protocol.
In order to squeeze as much information as possible into the 512 bytes, DNS names can (and often MUST) be compressed. The details of this compression are arcane and easy to get wrong, leading to infinite loops or buffer overflows. So tread very carefully. If you remember one thing, make sure that a pointer always has to go to a lower position in the packet. Also beware of signed/unsigned arithmetic.
In this case, the DNS name of the answer is encoded is '0xc0 0x0c'. The c0 part has the two most significant bits set, indicating that the following 6+8 bits are a pointer to somewhere earlier in the message. In this case, this points to position 12 (= 0x0c) within the packet, which is immediately after the DNS header. There we find 'www.ietf.org'.
So what this means is that the answer about the DNS name 'www.ietf.org' is also called 'www.ietf.org'.
This is then followed in the packet by '28', which denotes AAAA (IPv6), and the usual 'class' of 1. Then a whole 32 bits are devoted to the Time To Live of this record, followed by a 16 bits length field. Since this is an IPv6 address, the actual answer payload length is 16 bytes (or 128 bits).
This is then followed by the binary representation of the current IPv6 address of www.ietf.org, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55.
In the example above, the question for the AAAA record of 'www.ietf.org' had exactly one corresponding resource record. In a human readable 'zone file', this would stored as:
www.ietf.org IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55
It is however possible to have multiple AAAA records for the same name. Even if there is only one record, the DNS specifications talk about 'Resource Record Sets', or RRSETs. These operate in unity. So even though the encoding in the DNS packet allows different TTL values within a single RRSET, this should never happen.
Zone files
Zone files are one way of storing DNS data, but these are not integral to the operation of a nameserver. The zone file format is standardised, but it is highly non-trivial to parse. It is entirely possible to write useful nameserver that do not read or write DNS zone files. When embarking on parsing zonefiles, do not do so lightly. As an example, various fields within a single line can appear in many orders. Most fields are optional, and some will then be copied from the previous line. But not all.
Of specific note, many people have attempted to write a grammar (parser) for zonefiles and it is almost impossible.
DNS Names
The concept of a DNS name is non-trivial and frequently misunderstood. Despite writing 'www.ietf.org' from left to right, within DNS it is fairer to describe it as 'org' below the root node, with below the 'org' node a node called 'ietf'. Finally to the 'ietf' node is attached a node called 'www'.
Or in graphical form:
| . |
| ORG |
| IETF |
| WWW |
The 'tree' of nodes as shown above is real and not just another way of visualizing a DNS name. This for example means that if there is a name called 'www.fr.ietf.org' and a query comes in for 'fr.ietf.org', that name exists - even though no records may be assigned to it.
NOTE: This means that any implementation that sees DNS as a simple 'key/value' store, where only records that exist can match, is headed for trouble down the line.
As noted, DNS is more complicated than a simple key/value store. This is not only because of the tree style nature of names but also because the same data can live in multiple places, but always lives in a 'zone'.
Various DNS implementations over time have found out that you can mostly ignore the concept of 'zone' for simple nameservers or load balancers, but not implementing zones correctly will eventually trip you up.
To make life confusing, 'www.ietf.org' can be defined in four different places. It could be in the 'root' zone itself, fully written out:
www.ietf.org IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55
Or it could be in the org zone, where it might look like this:
$origin ORG
www.ietf IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55
Or, (as is actually the case), this name could live in the 'ietf.org' zone:
$origin ietf.org
www IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55
And finally, it is even possible that there is a zone called 'www.ietf.org', where the record lives like this:
$origin www.ietf.org
@ IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55
Start of Authority
A zone always starts with a SOA or Start Of Authority record. A SOA record is DNS metadata. It stores various things that may be of interest about a zone, like the email address of the maintainer, the name of the most authoritative server. It also has vales that describe how or if a zone needs to be replicated. Finally, the SOA record has a number that influences TTL values for names that do not exist.
There is only one SOA that is guaranteed to exist on the internet and that is the one for the root zone (called '.'). As of 2018, it looks like this:
. 86400 IN SOA a.root-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. 2018032802 1800 900 604800 86400
This says: the authoritative server for the root zone is called 'a.root-servers.net'. This name is however only used for diagnostics. Secondly, nstld@verisign-grs.com is the email address of the zone maintainer. Note that the '@' is replaced by a dot. Specifically, if the email address had been 'nstld.maintainer@verisign-grs.com', this would have been stored as nstld\.maintainer.verisign-grs.com. This name would then still be 3 labels long, but the first one has a dot in it.
The following field, 2018032802, is a serial number. Quite often, but by all means not always, this is a date in proper order (YYYYMMDD), followed by two digits indicating updates over the day. This serial number is used for replication purposes, as are the following 3 numbers.
Zones are hosted on 'masters'. Meanwhile, 'slave' servers poll the master for updates, and pull down a new zone if they see new contents, as noted by an increase in serial number.
The numbers 1800 and 900 describe how often a zone should be checked for updates (twice an hour), and that if an update check fails it should be repeated after 900 seconds. Finally, 604800 says that if a master server was unreachable for over a week, the zone should be deleted from the slave. This is not a popular feature.
The final number, 86400, denotes that if a response says a name or RRSET does not exist, it will continue to not exist for the next day, and that this knowledge may be cached.
Zone cuts
As noted, 'www.ietf.org' can live in four places. If it lives where it currently does, in the 'ietf.org' zone, it passes through two zone cuts: From . to org, from org to ietf.org.
When an authoritative server receives a query for 'www.ietf.org', it consults which zones it knows about and answers from the most specific zone it has available.
For a root-server, which only knows about the root zone, this means consulting the '.' zone. As noted, 'www.ietf.org' is actually a tree, 'org' -> 'ietf' -> 'www'. And as luck will have it, the first node 'org' is present in the root zone.
Attached to that node is an NS RRSET, which has the names of nameservers that host the ORG zone.
If we ask these servers about 'www.ietf.org', they too find the best zone to answer from, which in this case is 'org'. Within the 'org' zone they then find the 'ietf' node, which again contains an NS RRSET.
When we ask the servers named in that RRSET about 'www.ietf.org', they find a node called 'www' with several RRSETs on it, one if which is for AAAA and contains the IPv6 address we were looking for.
Any authoritative server which does not implement 'zones' in this way will eventually run into trouble. It is not enough to consult a list of known names and answer records attached to those names.
NS Records
These are a mandatory part of a zone, at the 'apex'. The 'apex' is the name of the zone, at which point there is also a SOA record. So a typical zone will start like this:
$ORIGIN ietf.org
@ IN SOA ns1 admin 2018032802 1800 900 604800 86400
IN NS ns1
IN NS ns2
Note how in this zone file example names not ending on a '.' are interpreted as being part of ietf.org. The '@' is a way to specify the name of the apex. Lines two and three omit a name, so they default to '@' too.
This zone lists ns1.ietf.org and ns2.ietf.org as its nameservers. Being part of the zone, this data is authoritative. Any queries sent to this nameserver for the NS RRSET of 'ietf.org' will receive responses with the AA bit set.
Note however that above we learned that the parent zone, 'org' also needs to list the nameservers for example.org, and it does:
ietf IN NS ns1.ietf
ietf IN NS ns2.ietf
If we ask the 'org' nameservers for the NS RRSET of 'ietf.org', we receive a response with AA=0, indicating that the 'org' servers know they aren't 'authoritative' for ietf.org.
Glue records
The astute reader will have spotted a chicken and egg problem here. If ns1.ietf.org is the nameserver for ietf.org.. where do we get the IP address of ns1.ietf.org?
To solve this problem, the parent zone can provide a free chicken. In the org zone, we would actually find:
ietf IN NS ns1.ietf
ietf IN NS ns2.ietf
ns1.ietf IN A
ns2.ietf IN A
These entries are mirrored in the 'ietf.org' zone hosted on ns1.ietf.org and ns2.ietf.org. And as with the NS records, any queries for ns1.ietf.org sent to the org servers receive AA=0 answers, whereas ns1.ietf.org itself answers with AA=1.