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Try locally

Caveats compare to production environment

The development cluster doesn't have the following features:

  • There is no valid domain name, hence no SSL certificates (some services require valid SSL certificates)
  • Only accessible on the host machine
  • No backup

Please keep in mind that the development cluster may be unstable and things may break (it's for development after all).


Host machine:

  • OS: Linux (Windows and macOS are untested)
  • Recommended hardware specifications:
    • CPU: 4 cores
    • RAM: 16 GiB

Install the following packages:

  • docker
  • make

Clone the repository (follow the configuration guide if you want to customize it):

git clone
git checkout dev


Open the tools container:

make tools

Build a development cluster and bootstrap it:


Look for the dashboard URL in the command output.

Clean up

Delete the cluster:

k3d cluster delete homelab-dev