CharData has been fully replaced with a version that doesn't just wrap a D2S file
Added support for a more event-based action approach with the UI
Event systems still need to be added to engine to perform CharData item operations
Decoupled com.riiablo.Cursor from D2S cursor item management -- defers to Riiablo.charData instance
Added support for serializing and synchronizing dropped items
Picking up items not supported yet -- requires API change
Added packet types for DropItem and PickupItem
Added ItemP component table and ItemSerializer
Added EntityFactory#createItem(Item,float,float)
Removed CharStats.BlockFactor from Stat.toblock item property -- should be applied on view stats and base character properties list
Changed Sync to EntitySync, SyncData to ComponentP, to Sync.component
This should result in cleaner API readability
Adjusted API slightly within NetworkSynchronizer + added note for future change
Added networking for object entities
Casted cof component in flatbuffers to ensure they are sign extended properly (0xFF was not becoming 0xFFFFFFFF which is a special value)
Added additional check in CofManager#setComponent to ignore change if redundant
Increased output packet queue to 1024 -- will eventually group all sync packets into a single packet
EntityFactory API now uses excel entry ids and lookup ids instead of references
Removed huge reliance on passing map references and instead use internal injected map and generated references
Fixed a bug where MapManager was inserting invalid entity ids that were causing a crash when searching through component mappers
Added networking support for dynamic object entities
Fixed issues with multiple packets in stream by prepending packet size
Fixed connection protocol for clients to wait until response received
Created Box2DDisposer system to destroy box2d bodies when an entity has Box2DBody removed
Created EntitySystemAdapter to simplify systems which are aspect event based (insert, removed, etc)
Removed Entity reference from Connection and changed to entity id instead
Renamed transform and alpha flag variables to tFlags and aFlags to remain consistent with elsewhere
Added DS1ObjectWrapperP to network DS1 objects (DS1 object reference is needed only for server-side/host)
ClientNetworkReceiver is disabled until Connection response is received
ClientNetworkSynchronizer will block until Connection response is received and drop other packets
Added ClassSerializer and DS1ObjectWrapperSerializer to transfer entity type and object data
Disabled networking on dynamic entities while I can determine issues with packet transfer
Added fix for AIStepper to make renderer bounds check optional -- will come up with a better solution to remove this client-only code
Added networking for dynamic objects
Fixed disconnecting players not being removed from player ids table
NetworkSynchronizer conditionally processes based on if any players are connected
Disabled AIStepper when game is connected to a socket
Added interactor and pathfind support to D2GS
Removed some special case code from pathfinder -- was forcing reliance on client code in what should be server-only code
D2GS clients are now indexed using a fixed-size array
Connecting clients will now use the first available slot
Disconnecting clients will now have their corresponding entity deleted
Shutting down server will now wait for client threads to end
Removed separate iteration method for broadcast packets -- I don't think this distinction is necessary
Refactored AtomicBoolean with volatile boolean
Debug logging has been significantly been improved to indicate clients / packet types / remote addresses
Disconnecting clients will now have a corresponding disconnect packet
Changing a players items will result in the change also appearing on other players' instances
Added MSI (master slave instancer) to create child D2GS processes
This is intended to act as a temp structure for testing until support for actual servers are added where an API can generate proper instances
Added support for creating game sessions with MCP
Forced debug mode for BNLS and MCP for testing purposes
Fixed type with Result#ALREADY_EXISTS constant
Extended GameSession to support builder pattern and CreateGame copy constructor
Added MCP server module which acts as the server browser
MCP only supports listing games at this time
Minor changes to LoginScreen to reflect how LobbyScreen was written differently
Added desktop with networking run config which starts up server instances and then a client
Created GameSession class which is used as a cache for mcp GameSession packets
Fixed bug with Map.find(int) returning actual GridPoint -- now returns a copy
Added workaround for set(String) in Cvar when generic type is String
Transition to entity package with refinements
Separated services into ChatServer, DedicatedServer and Sessions
Single player uses same code-base as DedicatedServer with a special loopback socket
Added SelectCharacterScreen2 copy -- will replace later on with more versatile SelectCharacterScreen impl
Some work on in-game chat
Separated Server into multiple systems (will be easier to transition to distributed servers later)
Minor entity changes -- may transition to an ECS soon