Removed MonPreset references from obj.txt and Obj excel
Removed Type column from obj.txt (all entries are type 2 now)
Made Obj.Entry indexed instead of using Description as primary key
Obj excel is now only used for static object ids
Reduced MonPreset entries to 60
Added networking support for dynamic object entities
Fixed issues with multiple packets in stream by prepending packet size
Fixed connection protocol for clients to wait until response received
Created Box2DDisposer system to destroy box2d bodies when an entity has Box2DBody removed
Created EntitySystemAdapter to simplify systems which are aspect event based (insert, removed, etc)
Removed Entity reference from Connection and changed to entity id instead
Renamed transform and alpha flag variables to tFlags and aFlags to remain consistent with elsewhere
Added DS1ObjectWrapperP to network DS1 objects (DS1 object reference is needed only for server-side/host)
ClientNetworkReceiver is disabled until Connection response is received
ClientNetworkSynchronizer will block until Connection response is received and drop other packets
Added ClassSerializer and DS1ObjectWrapperSerializer to transfer entity type and object data
Disabled networking on dynamic entities while I can determine issues with packet transfer
Added fix for AIStepper to make renderer bounds check optional -- will come up with a better solution to remove this client-only code
Added networking for dynamic objects
Fixed disconnecting players not being removed from player ids table
NetworkSynchronizer conditionally processes based on if any players are connected
Disabled AIStepper when game is connected to a socket
Changed ClientEntityFactory reference type to EntityFactory
Removed references to MenuManager and DialogManager in favor of an event-based approach
ClientEntityFactory is now in charge of calling special Npc#createMenu method
Added interactor and pathfind support to D2GS
Removed some special case code from pathfinder -- was forcing reliance on client code in what should be server-only code
Added setter method for CofReference
Defined default modes for Class.Type types
Creating CofReference will require setting default mode mentioned above
CofManager will now call initial events when CofReference component is added
ObjectInitializer will automatically initialize when Object component is added
Changed EntityFactory object methods from DS1 to Map.Preset
Exposed Map.Preset to public access to assist with debugging issues
Reduced visibility of updatePopPads to package-private access
D2GS clients are now indexed using a fixed-size array
Connecting clients will now use the first available slot
Disconnecting clients will now have their corresponding entity deleted
Shutting down server will now wait for client threads to end
Removed separate iteration method for broadcast packets -- I don't think this distinction is necessary
Refactored AtomicBoolean with volatile boolean
Debug logging has been significantly been improved to indicate clients / packet types / remote addresses
Disconnecting clients will now have a corresponding disconnect packet
Changing a players items will result in the change also appearing on other players' instances
Renamed b1 to speed and changed to unsigned byte as short
Renamed b2 to unk1 and changed to unsigned byte as short
Added assertion that zero is really 0