Renamed PixelBuffer#cell to PixelBuffer#lastCell
Created PixelBuffer#cell to store fCell mapping
Renamed cell variables to be more consistent for dCell vs fCell
Adjusted test cases to work better, but disabled draw_pixmaps2
Added pixmap buffer to Dcc.Direction
Created Dcc#uploadTextures() to generate textures on GL thread and dispose pixmaps
Exposed DccDecoder#decode(Dcc,int) to public
Implemented DccDecoder into DccLoader
Created DccDecoder to decode file streams into Dcc instances
Added generic bound to MpqParams#of to <T>
Changed Dc.Direction and Dc.Frame to be static abstract classes
Made Dc.Direction implement Disposable interface to dispose all its frames
Added Dc.Frame#texture() to return the TextureRegion of that frame
Implemented Dcc.DccDirection#texture as an array of textures (not a sprite sheet)
Changed Dcc.DccDirection#pixelValues to short to ease byte to ubyte conversion
Disabled some code in Dcc which expanded box width/heights by 1 (doesn't seem to be required)
Refactored Dcc.DccFrame#box initialization to be more simple
Fixed buffer futures to return slices with writer index set
Reorganized DecodingTest cases to make adding additional tests easier
Added additional tests to DecodingTest and validate readable bytes of `actual`
Implemented Dc and Dcc direction abstractions
Added AssetManager argument to AssetLoader#ioAsync for dependency access
Suppressed unchecked warnings in AssetDescTest test case
Implemented MpqBufferStream#read()
DccLoader#loadAsync will now process Dcc headers
Reorganized AssetManager io code and integrated rough loadAsync execution
Created MpqBufferStream which uses backing mpq file decoding
Created MpqFileHandle#bufferStream(EventExecutor)
Changed MpqFileResolver resolve failure to log at debug level
Work on new Dc,Dcc,Dc6 codecs for testing AssetManager
Roughed in deallocation for AssetContainer
Work on new AssetManager using netty and futures
Removed older implementation which are now behind this one
Removed MountPoint abstraction from MpqFileResolver
Moved some static functions from Mpq.HashTable to Mpq
Added support for AssetDesc into MpqFileResolver
Created MpqFileHandle#sectorSize()
Created mockup loaders to sample API usage
Integrated arg name into InstallationFinder searching methods
Refactored tools to use InstallationFinder#defaultHomeDir
Added java.lang.Exception to throws clause of Tool#handleCliOptions
Uncaught exceptions thrown by Tool#handleCliOptions will be fatal
Restricted scoping of DS1Reader constants specific to class impl to reduce confusion
Restructured DS1Reader a bit
Added support for DS1#layers bitsum of active layers
Implemented multiple layers into Chunk#tiles via Chunk#layers
Changed MapDebugger to y-up be north (more logical with level layouts and ds1 coordinates scheme)