Bleeding-edge live builds are generated automatically for every commit. You can see them [here]( Old builds might still be on [jenkins](
First, make sure you have Java 8 and JDK 8 installed. Open a terminal in the root directory, `cd` to the Mindustry folder and run the following commands:
Server builds are bundled with each released build (in Releases). If you'd rather compile on your own, replace 'desktop' with 'server', e.g. `gradlew server:dist`.
1. Install the Android SDK [here.]( Make sure you're downloading the "Command line tools only", as Android Studio is not required.
2. Create a file named `` inside the Mindustry directory, with its contents looking like this: `sdk.dir=<Path to Android SDK you just downloaded, without these bracket>`. For example, if you're on Windows and installed the tools to C:\\tools, your would contain `sdk.dir=C:\\tools` (*note the double backslashes are required instead of single ones!*).
3. Run `gradlew android:assembleDebug` (or `./gradlew` if on linux/mac). This will create an unsigned APK in `android/build/outputs/apk`.
4. (Optional) To debug the application on a connected phone, do `gradlew android:installDebug android:run`. It is **highly recommended** to use IntelliJ for this instead, however.
If the terminal returns `Permission denied` or `Command not found` on Mac/Linux, run `chmod +x ./gradlew` before running `./gradlew`. *This is a one-time procedure.*
After building, the output .JAR file should be in `/desktop/build/libs/Mindustry.jar` for desktop builds, and in `/server/build/libs/server-release.jar` for server builds.