mods.browser.noreleases=[scarlet]No Releases Found\n[accent]Couldn't find any releases for this mod. Check if the mod's repository has any releases published.
mods.initfailed=[red]⚠[] Den tidigare Mindustry instansen kunde inte initieras. Detta var troligtvis orsakat av misskötta moddar.\n\nFör att förhindra en kraschslinga, [red]har alla mods inaktiverats.[]
mod.requiresversion.details=Requires game version: [accent]{0}[]\nYour game is outdated. This mod requires a newer version of the game (possibly a beta/alpha release) to function.
mod.outdatedv7.details=This mod is incompatible with the latest version of the game. The author must update it, and add [accent]minGameVersion: 136[] to its [accent]mod.json[] file.
mod.blacklisted.details=This mod has been manually blacklisted for causing crashes or other issues with this version of the game. Do not use it.
mod.missingdependencies.details=This mod is missing dependencies: {0}
mod.erroredcontent.details=This game caused errors when loading. Ask the mod author to fix them.
mod.errors=Fel har inträffat under laddning av innehåll.
mod.noerrorplay=[scarlet]Du har moddar med fel.[] Stäng antingen av de drabbade moddarna eller fixa felen innan du spelar.
mod.nowdisabled=[scarlet]Mod '{0}' saknar beroenden:[accent] {1}\n[lightgray]Dessa mods måste laddas ned först.\nDetta mod kommer att inaktiveras automatiskt.
mod.requiresrestart=Spelet kommer nu att stängas av för att tillämpa mod ändringarna.
mod.jarwarn=[scarlet]JAR moddar är i sig osäkra.[]\nSe till att du importerar detta mod från en trovärdig källa!
mod.item.remove=Denna artikel är en del av[accent] '{0}'[] modden. För att ta bort den, avinstallera det moddet.
mod.remove.confirm=Detta mod kommer att raderas.[lightgray]Skapare:[] {0}
mod.missing=Denna sparfil innehåller moddar som du nyligen har uppdaterat eller inte längre har installerade. Spar korruption kan förekomma. Är du säker på att du vill ladda den?\n[lightgray]Moddar:\n{0}
mod.preview.missing=Innan du publicerar detta mod i workshoppen, måste du lägga till en förhandsgransknings bild.\nPlacera en bild döpt[accent] preview.png[] i moddens mapp och försök igen.
mod.folder.missing=Endast moddar i mapp form kan bli publicerade på workshoppen.\nFör att konvertera ett mod till en mapp, packa helt enkelt upp filen i en mapp och ta bort den gamla zip-filen, starta sedan om ditt spel eller ladda om dina moddar.
mod.scripts.disable=Din enhet stödjer inte moddar med skripter. Du måste inaktivera dessa moddar för att kunna spela spelet.[accent]Värd[] knappen skapar en server på port [scarlet]6567[]. \nVem som helst på samma [lightgray]wifi eller lokala nätverk[] borde kunna se din server på deras server lista.\n\nOm du vill att personer ska kunna ansluta från var som helst med hjälp av IP, så är [accent]portvidarebefordran[] nödvändigt.\n\n[lightgray]Obs: Om någon har problem med att ansluta till ditt LAN spel, se till att du har gett Mindustry åtkomst till ditt lokala nätverk i dina brandväggsinställningar. Observera att offentliga nätverk ibland inte tillåter serverupptäckt.är, kan du skriva en [accent]server IP[] för att ansluta till, eller upptäcka [accent]lokala nätverks[] servrar att ansluta till.\nBåde LAN och WAN multiplayer stöds.\n\n[lightgray]Obs: Det finns ingen automatisk global serverlista; om du vill ansluta till någon via IP, måste du be värden om deras IP.
servers.disclaimer=Gemenskaps servrar är [accent]inte[] ägda eller kontrollerade av utvecklaren.\n\nServrar kan innehålla användargenererat innehåll som inte är lämpligt för alla åldrar.
save.corrupted=[accent]Save file corrupted or invalid!\nIf you have just updated your game, this is probably a change in the save format and [scarlet]not[] a bug.
data.import.confirm=Importing external data will erase[scarlet] all[] your current game data.\n[accent]This cannot be undone![]\n\nOnce the data is imported, your game will exit immediately.
map.publish.confirm=Are you sure you want to publish this map?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your maps will not show up!
editor.errorimage=That's an image, not a map. Don't go around changing extensions expecting it to work.\n\nIf you want to import a legacy map, use the 'import legacy map' button in the editor.
editor.errorlegacy=This map is too old, and uses a legacy map format that is no longer supported.
sector.groundZero.description=The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description=Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
sector.saltFlats.description=On the outskirts of the desert lie the Salt Flats. Few resources can be found in this location.\n\nThe enemy has erected a resource storage complex here. Eradicate their core. Leave nothing standing.
sector.craters.description=Water has accumulated in this crater, relic of the old wars. Reclaim the area. Collect sand. Smelt metaglass. Pump water to cool turrets and drills.
sector.ruinousShores.description=Past the wastes, is the shoreline. Once, this location housed a coastal defense array. Not much of it remains. Only the most basic defense structures have remained unscathed, everything else reduced to scrap.\nContinue the expansion outwards. Rediscover the technology.
sector.stainedMountains.description=Further inland lie the mountains, yet untainted by spores.\nExtract the abundant titanium in this area. Learn how to use it.\n\nThe enemy presence is greater here. Do not give them time to send their strongest units.
sector.overgrowth.description=This area is overgrown, closer to the source of the spores.\nThe enemy has established an outpost here. Build Titan units. Destroy it. Reclaim that which was lost.
sector.tarFields.description=The outskirts of an oil production zone, between the mountains and desert. One of the few areas with usable tar reserves.\nAlthough abandoned, this area has some dangerous enemy forces nearby. Do not underestimate them.\n\n[lightgray]Research oil processing technology if possible.
sector.desolateRift.description=An extremely dangerous zone. Plentiful resources, but little space. High risk of destruction. Leave as soon as possible. Do not be fooled by the long spacing between enemy attacks.
sector.nuclearComplex.description=A former facility for the production and processing of thorium, reduced to ruins.\n[lightgray]Research the thorium and its many uses.\n\nThe enemy is present here in great numbers, constantly scouting for attackers.
sector.fungalPass.description=A transition area between high mountains and lower, spore-ridden lands. A small enemy reconnaissance base is located here.\nDestroy it.\nUse Dagger and Crawler units. Take out the two cores.
sector.biomassFacility.description=The origin of spores. This is the facility in which they were researched and initially produced.\nResearch the technology contained within. Cultivate spores for the production of fuel and plastics.\n\n[lightgray]Upon this facility's demise, the spores were released. Nothing in the local ecosystem could compete with such an invasive organism.
sector.windsweptIslands.description=Further past the shoreline is this remote chain of islands. Records show they once had [accent]Plastanium[]-producing structures.\n\nFend off the enemy's naval units. Establish a base on the islands. Research these factories.
sector.extractionOutpost.description=A remote outpost, constructed by the enemy for the purpose of launching resources to other sectors.\n\nCross-sector transport technology is essential for further conquest. Destroy the base. Research their Launch Pads.
sector.impact0078.description=Here lie remnants of the interstellar transport vessel that first entered this system.\n\nSalvage as much as possible from the wreckage. Research any intact technology.
sector.planetaryTerminal.description=The final target.\n\nThis coastal base contains a structure capable of launching Cores to local planets. It is extremely well guarded.\n\nProduce naval units. Eliminate the enemy as quickly as possible. Research the launch structure.
sector.coastline.description=Remnants of naval unit technology have been detected at this location. Repel the enemy attacks, capture this sector, and acquire the technology.
sector.navalFortress.description=The enemy has established a base on a remote, naturally-fortified island. Destroy this outpost. Acquire their advanced naval craft technology, and research it.
sector.aegis.description=This sector contains deposits of tungsten.\nResearch the [accent]Impact Drill[] to mine this resource, and destroy the enemy base in the area.
sector.lake.description=This sector's slag lake greatly limits viable units. A hover unit is the only option.\nResearch the [accent]ship fabricator[] and produce an [accent]elude[] unit as soon as possible.
sector.intersect.description=Scans suggest that this sector will be attacked from multiple sides soon after landing.\nSet up defenses quickly and expand as soon as possible.\n[accent]Mech[] units will be required for the area's rough terrain.
sector.atlas.description=This sector contains varied terrain and will require a variety of units to attack effectively.\nUpgraded units may also be necessary to get past some of the tougher enemy bases detected here.\nResearch the [accent]Electrolyzer[] and the [accent]Tank Refabricator[].
sector.marsh.description=This sector has an abundance of arkycite, but has limited vents.\nBuild [accent]Chemical Combustion Chambers[] to generate power.
sector.peaks.description=The mountainous terrain in this sector make most units useless. Flying units will be required.\nBe aware of enemy anti-air installations. It may be possible to disable some of these installations by targeting their supporting buildings.
sector.ravine.description=No enemy cores detected in the sector, although it's an important transportation route for the enemy. Expect variety of enemy forces.\nProduce [accent]surge alloy[]. Construct [accent]Afflict[] turrets.
sector.caldera-erekir.description=The resources detected in this sector are scattered across several islands.\nResearch and deploy drone-based transportation.
sector.stronghold.description=The large enemy encampment in this sector guards significant deposits of [accent]thorium[].\nUse it to develop higher tier units and turrets.
sector.crevice.description=The enemy will send fierce attack forces to take out your base in this sector.\nDeveloping [accent]carbide[] and the [accent]Pyrolysis Generator[] may be imperative for survival.
sector.siege.description=This sector features two parallel canyons that will force a two-pronged attack.\nResearch [accent]cyanogen[] to gain the capability to create even stronger tank units.\nCaution: enemy long-range missiles have been detected. The missiles may be shot down before impact.
sector.crossroads.description=The enemy bases in this sector have been established in varying terrain. Research different units to adapt.\nAdditionally, some bases are protected by shields. Figure out how they are powered.
sector.karst.description=This sector is rich in resources, but will be attacked by the enemy once a new core lands.\nTake advantage of the resources and research [accent]phase fabric[].
sector.origin.description=The final sector with a significant enemy presence.\nNo probable research opportunities remain - focus solely on destroying all enemy cores.
settings.clear.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear this data?\nWhat is done cannot be undone!
settings.clearall.confirm=[scarlet]WARNING![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit.
public.confirm=Do you want to make your game public?\n[accent]Anyone will be able to join your games.\n[lightgray]This can be changed later in Settings->Game->Public Game Visibility.
public.confirm.really=If you want to play with friends, use [green]Invite Friend[] instead of a [scarlet]Public server[]!\nAre you sure you want to make your game [scarlet]public[]? the \ue817 [accent]hammer[] in the bottom right and tap to break blocks.\n\nHold down your finger for a second and drag to break in a selection.
hint.blockInfo=View information of a block by selecting it in the [accent]build menu[], then selecting the [accent][[?][] button at the right.
hint.derelict=[accent]Derelict[] structures are broken remnants of old bases that no longer function.\n\nThese structures can be [accent]deconstructed[] for resources.
hint.unitSelectControl=To control units, enter [accent]command mode[] by holding [accent]L-shift.[]\nWhile in command mode, click and drag to select units. [accent]Right-click[] a location or target to command units there. control units, enter [accent]command mode[] by pressing the [accent]command[] button in the bottom left.\nWhile in command mode, long-press and drag to select units. Tap a location or target to command units there.
hint.launch=Once enough resources are collected, you can [accent]Launch[] by selecting nearby sectors from the \ue827 [accent]Map[] in the bottom right. enough resources are collected, you can [accent]Launch[] by selecting nearby sectors from the \ue827 [accent]Map[] in the \ue88c [accent]Menu[].
hint.generator=\uf879 [accent]Combustion Generators[] burn coal and transmit power to adjacent blocks.\n\nPower transmission range can be extended with \uf87f [accent]Power Nodes[].[accent]Guardian[] units are armored. Weak ammo such as [accent]Copper[] and [accent]Lead[] is [scarlet]not effective[].\n\nUse higher tier turrets or \uf835 [accent]Graphite[] \uf861Duo/\uf859Salvo ammunition to take Guardians down.
hint.coreUpgrade=Cores can be upgraded by [accent]placing higher-tier cores over them[].\n\nPlace a \uf868 [accent]Foundation[] core over the \uf869 [accent]Shard[] core. Make sure it is free from nearby obstructions.
hint.presetLaunch=Gray [accent]landing zone sectors[], such as [accent]Frozen Forest[], can be launched to from anywhere. They do not require capture of nearby territory.\n\n[accent]Numbered sectors[], such as this one, are [accent]optional[].
hint.presetDifficulty=This sector has a [scarlet]high enemy threat level[].\nLaunching to such sectors is [accent]not recommended[] without proper technology and preparation.
hint.coreIncinerate=After the core is filled to capacity with an item, any extra items of that type it receives will be [accent]incinerated[].
hint.factoryControl=To set a unit factory's [accent]output destination[], click a factory block while in command mode, then right-click a location.\nUnits produced by it will automatically move there. set a unit factory's [accent]output destination[], tap a factory block while in command mode, then tap a location.\nUnits produced by it will automatically move there.
gz.mine=Move near the \uf8c4 [accent]copper ore[] on the ground and click to begin mining. near the \uf8c4 [accent]copper ore[] on the ground and tap it to begin mining.
gz.research=Open the \ue875 tech tree.\nResearch the \uf870 [accent]Mechanical Drill[], then select it from the menu in the bottom right.\nClick on a copper patch to place it. the \ue875 tech tree.\nResearch the \uf870 [accent]Mechanical Drill[], then select it from the menu in the bottom right.\nTap on a copper patch to place it.\n\nPress the \ue800 [accent]checkmark[] at the bottom right to confirm.
gz.conveyors=Research and place \uf896 [accent]conveyors[] to move the mined resources\nfrom drills to the core.\n\nClick and drag to place multiple conveyors.\n[accent]Scroll[] to rotate. and place \uf896 [accent]conveyors[] to move the mined resources\nfrom drills to the core.\n\nHold down your finger for a second and drag to place multiple conveyors.
gz.drills=Expand the mining operation.\nPlace more Mechanical Drills.\nMine 100 copper.
gz.lead=\uf837 [accent]Lead[] is another commonly used resource.\nSet up drills to mine lead.
gz.moveup=\ue804 Move up for further objectives.
gz.turrets=Research and place 2 \uf861 [accent]Duo[] turrets to defend the core.\nDuo turrets require \uf838 [accent]ammo[] from conveyors.
gz.walls=[accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace \uf8ae [accent]copper walls[] around the turrets.
gz.defend=Enemy incoming, prepare to defend.
gz.aa=Flying units cannot easily be dispatched with standard turrets.\n\uf860 [accent]Scatter[] turrets provide excellent anti-air, but require \uf837 [accent]lead[] as ammo.
onset.research=Open the \ue875 tech tree.\nResearch, then place a \uf73e [accent]turbine condenser[] on the vent.\nThis will generate [accent]power[].
onset.bore=Research and place a \uf741 [accent]plasma bore[].\nThis automatically mines resources from walls.
onset.power=To [accent]power[] the plasma bore, research and place a \uf73d [accent]beam node[].\nConnect the turbine condenser to the plasma bore.
onset.ducts=Research and place \uf799 [accent]ducts[] to move the mined resources from the plasma bore to the core.\nClick and drag to place multiple ducts.\n[accent]Scroll[] to rotate. and place \uf799 [accent]ducts[] to move the mined resources from the plasma bore to the core.\n\nHold down your finger for a second and drag to place multiple ducts.
onset.moremine=Expand the mining operation.\nPlace more Plasma Bores and use beam nodes and ducts to support them.\nMine 200 beryllium.
onset.graphite=More complex blocks require \uf835 [accent]graphite[].\nSet up plasma bores to mine graphite.
onset.research2=Begin researching [accent]factories[].\nResearch the \uf74d [accent]cliff crusher[] and \uf779 [accent]silicon arc furnace[].
onset.arcfurnace=The arc furnace needs \uf834 [accent]sand[] and \uf835 [accent]graphite[] to create \uf82f [accent]silicon[].\n[accent]Power[] is also required.
onset.crusher=Use \uf74d [accent]cliff crushers[] to mine sand.
onset.fabricator=Use [accent]units[] to explore the map, defend buildings, and attack the enemy. Research and place a \uf6a2 [accent]tank fabricator[].
onset.makeunit=Produce a unit.\nUse the "?" button to see selected factory requirements.
onset.turrets=Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defensive capabilities if used effectively.\nPlace a \uf6eb [accent]Breach[] turret.\nTurrets require \uf748 [accent]ammo[].
onset.walls=[accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret.
onset.enemies=Enemy incoming, prepare to defend.
onset.attack=The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack.
onset.cores=New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core.
onset.detect=The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production.
split.pickup=Some blocks can be picked up by the core unit.\nPick up this [accent]container[] and place it onto the [accent]payload loader[].\n(Default keys are [ and ] to pick up and drop) blocks can be picked up by the core unit.\nPick up this [accent]container[] and place it onto the [accent]payload loader[].\n(To pick up or drop something, long-press it.)
split.acquire=You must acquire some tungsten to build units. must be transported to the other side of the wall.\nPlace two [accent]Payload Mass Drivers[], one on each side of the wall.\nSet up the link by pressing one of them, then selecting the other.
split.container=Similar to the container, units can also be transported using a [accent]Payload Mass Driver[].\nPlace a unit fabricator adjacent to a mass driver to load them, then send them across the wall to attack the enemy base.
item.silicon.description=An extremely useful semiconductor. Applications in solar panels, complex electronics and homing turret ammunition.
item.plastanium.description=A light, ductile material used in advanced aircraft and fragmentation ammunition.
item.phase-fabric.description=A near-weightless substance used in advanced electronics and self-repairing technology.
item.surge-alloy.description=An advanced alloy with unique electrical properties.
item.spore-pod.description=A pod of synthetic spores, synthesized from atmospheric concentrations for industrial purposes. Used for conversion into oil, explosives and fuel.
item.spore-pod.details=Spores. Likely a synthetic life form. Emit gases toxic to other biological life. Extremely invasive. Highly flammable in certain conditions.
item.blast-compound.description=An unstable compound used in bombs and explosives. Synthesized from spore pods and other volatile substances. Use as fuel is not advised.
item.pyratite.description=An extremely flammable substance used in incendiary weapons.
liquid.water.description=The most useful liquid. Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.slag.description=Various different types of molten metal mixed together. Can be separated into its constituent minerals, or sprayed at enemy units as a weapon.
liquid.oil.description=A liquid used in advanced material production. Can be converted into coal as fuel, or sprayed and set on fire as a weapon.
liquid.cryofluid.description=An inert, non-corrosive liquid created from water and titanium. Has extremely high heat capacity. Extensively used as coolant.
liquid.arkycite.description=Used in chemical reactions for power generation and material synthesis.
liquid.ozone.description=Used as an oxidizing agent in material production, and as fuel. Moderately explosive.
liquid.hydrogen.description=Used in resource extraction, unit production and structure repair. Flammable.
liquid.cyanogen.description=Used for ammunition, construction of advanced units, and various reactions in advanced blocks. Highly flammable.
liquid.nitrogen.description=Used in resource extraction, gas creation and unit production. Inert.
liquid.neoplasm.description=A dangerous biological byproduct of the Neoplasia reactor. Quickly spreads to any adjacent water-containing block it touches, damaging them in the process. Viscous.
liquid.neoplasm.details=Neoplasm. An uncontrollable mass of rapidly-dividing synthetic cells with a sludge-like consistency. Heat-resistant. Extremely dangerous to any structures involving water.\n\nToo complex and unstable for standard analysis. Potential applications unknown. Incineration in slag pools is recommended.
block.armored-conveyor.description=Moves items at the same speed as titanium conveyors, but possesses more armor. Does not accept inputs from the sides from anything but other conveyors.
block.illuminator.description=A small, compact, configurable light source. Requires power to function.
block.copper-wall.description=A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description=A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.titanium-wall.description=A moderately strong defensive block.\nProvides moderate protection from enemies.
block.plastanium-wall.description=A special type of wall that absorbs electric arcs and blocks automatic power node connections.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description=A special type of wall that absorbs electric arcs and blocks automatic power node connections.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description=A strong defensive block.\nDecent protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description=A strong defensive block.\nDecent protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description=A wall coated with special phase-based reflective compound. Deflects most bullets upon impact.
block.phase-wall-large.description=A wall coated with special phase-based reflective compound. Deflects most bullets upon impact.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.surge-wall.description=An extremely durable defensive block.\nBuilds up charge on bullet contact, releasing it randomly.
block.surge-wall-large.description=An extremely durable defensive block.\nBuilds up charge on bullet contact, releasing it randomly.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.door.description=A small door. Can be opened or closed by tapping.
block.door-large.description=A large door. Can be opened and closed by tapping.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.mender.description=Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity. Keeps defenses repaired in-between waves.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
block.mend-projector.description=An upgraded version of the Mender. Repairs blocks in its vicinity.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.overdrive-projector.description=Increases the speed of nearby buildings.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.force-projector.description=Creates a hexagonal force field around itself, protecting buildings and units inside from damage.\nOverheats if too much damage is sustained. Optionally uses coolant to prevent overheating. Phase fabric can be used to increase shield size.
block.shock-mine.description=Damages enemies stepping on the mine. Nearly invisible to the enemy.
block.conveyor.description=Basic item transport block. Moves items forward and automatically deposits them into blocks. Rotatable.
block.titanium-conveyor.description=Advanced item transport block. Moves items faster than standard conveyors.
block.junction.description=Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.bridge-conveyor.description=Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.phase-conveyor.description=Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.sorter.description=Sorts items. If an item matches the selection, it is allowed to pass. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right.
block.router.description=Accepts items, then outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.\n\n[scarlet]Never use next to production inputs, as they will get clogged by output.[]
block.mass-driver.description=The ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range. Requires power to operate.
block.mechanical-pump.description=A cheap pump with slow output, but no power consumption.
block.rotary-pump.description=An advanced pump. Pumps more liquid, but requires power.
block.plated-conduit.description=Moves liquids at the same rate as pulse conduits, but possesses more armor. Does not accept fluids from the sides by anything other than conduits.\nLeaks less.
block.liquid-router.description=Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid. Useful for splitting the liquids from one source to multiple targets.
block.liquid-tank.description=Stores a large amount of liquids. Use for creating buffers in situations with non-constant demand of materials or as a safeguard for cooling vital blocks.
block.liquid-junction.description=Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits. Useful in situations with two different conduits carrying different liquids to different locations.
block.bridge-conduit.description=Advanced liquid transport block. Allows transporting liquids over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.phase-conduit.description=Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
block.power-node.description=Transmits power to connected nodes. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description=An advanced power node with greater range and more connections.
block.surge-tower.description=An extremely long-range power node with fewer available connections.
block.differential-generator.description=Generates large amounts of energy. Utilizes the temperature difference between cryofluid and burning pyratite.
block.rtg-generator.description=A simple, reliable generator. Uses the heat of decaying radioactive compounds to produce energy at a slow rate. a small amount of power from the sun. significantly more efficient version of the standard solar panel.
block.thorium-reactor.description=Generates significant amounts of power from thorium. Requires constant cooling. Will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied. Power output depends on fullness, with base power generated at full capacity.
block.impact-reactor.description=An advanced generator, capable of creating massive amounts of power at peak efficiency. Requires a significant power input to kickstart the process.
block.mechanical-drill.description=A cheap drill. When placed on appropriate tiles, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely. Only capable of mining basic resources.
block.pneumatic-drill.description=An improved drill, capable of mining titanium. Mines at a faster pace than a mechanical drill.
block.laser-drill.description=Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Capable of mining thorium.
block.blast-drill.description=The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power.
block.water-extractor.description=Extracts groundwater. Used in locations with no surface water available.
block.cultivator.description=Cultivates tiny concentrations of spores in the atmosphere into industry-ready pods.
block.cultivator.details=Recovered technology. Used to produce massive amounts of biomass as efficiently as possible. Likely the initial incubator of the spores now covering Serpulo.
block.core-shard.details=The first iteration. Compact. Self-replicating. Equipped with single-use launch thrusters. Not designed for interplanetary travel.
block.vault.description=Stores a large amount of items of each type. An unloader block can be used to retrieve items from the vault.
block.container.description=Stores a small amount of items of each type. An unloader block can be used to retrieve items from the container.
block.unloader.description=Unloads items from a container, vault or core onto a conveyor or directly into an adjacent block. The type of item to be unloaded can be changed by tapping.
block.launch-pad.description=Launches batches of items without any need for a core launch.
block.launch-pad.details=Sub-orbital system for point-to-point transportation of resources. Payload pods are fragile and incapable of surviving re-entry.
block.parallax.description=Fires a tractor beam that pulls in air targets, damaging them in the process.
block.tsunami.description=Fires powerful streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extinguishes fires when supplied with water.
block.silicon-crucible.description=Refines silicon from sand and coal, using pyratite as an additional heat source. More efficient in hot locations.
block.disassembler.description=Separates slag into trace amounts of exotic mineral components at low efficiency. Can produce thorium.
block.overdrive-dome.description=Increases the speed of nearby buildings. Requires phase fabric and silicon to operate.
block.payload-conveyor.description=Moves large payloads, such as units from factories.
block.payload-router.description=Splits input payloads into 3 output directions.
block.ground-factory.description=Produces ground units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.air-factory.description=Produces air units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.naval-factory.description=Produces naval units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.additive-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the second tier.
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the third tier.
block.exponential-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the fourth tier.
block.tetrative-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the fifth and final tier.
block.switch.description=A toggleable switch. State can be read and controlled with logic processors.
block.micro-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings.
block.logic-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the micro processor.
block.hyper-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the logic processor.
block.memory-cell.description=Stores information for a logic processor.
block.memory-bank.description=Stores information for a logic processor. High capacity.
block.logic-display.description=Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.large-logic-display.description=Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.interplanetary-accelerator.description=A massive electromagnetic railgun tower. Accelerates cores to escape velocity for interplanetary deployment. repairs the closest damaged unit in its vicinity. Optionally accepts coolant.
block.payload-propulsion-tower.description=Long-range payload transport structure. Shoots payloads to other linked payload propulsion towers.
block.electrolyzer.description=Converts water into hydrogen and ozone gas.
block.atmospheric-concentrator.description=Concentrates nitrogen from the atmosphere. Requires heat.
block.surge-crucible.description=Forms surge alloy from slag and silicon. Requires heat.
block.phase-synthesizer.description=Synthesizes phase fabric from thorium, sand, and ozone. Requires heat.
block.carbide-crucible.description=Fuses graphite and tungsten into carbide. Requires heat.
block.cyanogen-synthesizer.description=Synthesizes cyanogen from arkycite and graphite. Requires heat.
block.slag-incinerator.description=Incinerates non-volatile items or liquids. Requires slag.
block.vent-condenser.description=Condenses vent gases into water. Consumes power.
block.plasma-bore.description=When placed facing an ore wall, outputs items indefinitely. Requires small amounts of power.
block.large-plasma-bore.description=A larger plasma bore. Capable of mining tungsten and thorium. Requires hydrogen and power.
block.cliff-crusher.description=Crushes walls, outputting sand indefinitely. Requires power. Efficiency varies based on type of wall.
block.impact-drill.description=When placed on ore, outputs items in bursts indefinitely. Requires power and water.
block.eruption-drill.description=An improved impact drill. Capable of mining thorium. Requires hydrogen.
block.reinforced-conduit.description=Moves fluids forward. Doesn't accept non-conduit inputs to the sides.
block.reinforced-liquid-router.description=Distributes fluids equally to all sides.
block.reinforced-junction.description=Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits.
block.reinforced-liquid-tank.description=Stores a large amount of fluids.
block.reinforced-liquid-container.description=Stores a sizeable amount of fluids.
block.reinforced-bridge-conduit.description=Transports fluids over structures and terrain.
block.reinforced-pump.description=Pumps and outputs liquids. Requires hydrogen.
block.beryllium-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.beryllium-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.tungsten-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.tungsten-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.carbide-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.carbide-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.reinforced-surge-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically launching electric arcs upon projectile contact.
block.reinforced-surge-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically launching electric arcs upon projectile contact.
block.shielded-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Deploys a shield that absorbs most projectiles when power is provided. Conducts power.
block.blast-door.description=A wall that opens when allied ground units are in range. Cannot be manually controlled.
block.duct.description=Moves items forward. Only capable of storing a single item.
block.armored-duct.description=Moves items forward. Does not accept non-duct inputs from the sides.
block.duct-router.description=Distributes items equally across three directions. Only accepts items from the back side. Can be configured as an item sorter.
block.overflow-duct.description=Only outputs items to the sides if the front path is blocked.
block.duct-bridge.description=Moves items over structures and terrain.
block.duct-unloader.description=Unloads the selected item from the block behind it. Cannot unload from cores.
block.underflow-duct.description=Opposite of an overflow duct. Outputs to the front if the left and right paths are blocked.
block.reinforced-liquid-junction.description=Acts as a junction between two crossing conduits.
block.surge-conveyor.description=Moves items in batches. Can be sped up with power. Conducts power.
block.surge-router.description=Equally distributes items in three directions from surge conveyors. Can be sped up with power. Conducts power.
block.unit-cargo-loader.description=Constructs cargo drones. Drones automatically distribute items to Cargo Unload Points with a matching filter.
block.unit-cargo-unload-point.description=Acts as an unloading point for cargo drones. Accepts items that match the selected filter.
block.beam-node.description=Transmits power to other blocks orthogonally. Stores a small amount of power.
block.beam-tower.description=Transmits power to other blocks orthogonally. Stores a large amount of power. Long-range.
block.turbine-condenser.description=Generates power when placed on vents. Produces a small amount of water.
block.chemical-combustion-chamber.description=Generates power from arkycite and ozone.
block.pyrolysis-generator.description=Generates large amounts of power from arkycite and slag. Produces water as a byproduct.
block.flux-reactor.description=Generates large amounts of power when heated. Requires cyanogen as a stabilizer. Power output and cyanogen requirements are proportional to heat input.\nExplodes if insufficient cyanogen is provided.
block.neoplasia-reactor.description=Uses arkycite, water and phase fabric to generate large amounts of power. Produces heat and dangerous neoplasm as a byproduct.\nExplodes violently if neoplasm is not removed from the reactor via conduits. rebuilds structures in range and assists other units in construction.
block.regen-projector.description=Slowly repairs allied structures in a square perimeter. Requires hydrogen.
block.reinforced-container.description=Stores a small amount of items. Contents can be retrieved via unloaders. Does not increase core storage capacity.
block.reinforced-vault.description=Stores a large amount of items. Contents can be retrieved via unloaders. Does not increase core storage capacity.
block.tank-fabricator.description=Constructs Stell units. Outputted units can be used directly, or moved into refabricators for upgrading.
block.ship-fabricator.description=Constructs Elude units. Outputted units can be used directly, or moved into refabricators for upgrading.
block.mech-fabricator.description=Constructs Merui units. Outputted units can be used directly, or moved into refabricators for upgrading.
block.tank-assembler.description=Assembles large tanks out of inputted blocks and units. Output tier may be increased by adding modules.
block.ship-assembler.description=Assembles large ships out of inputted blocks and units. Output tier may be increased by adding modules.
block.mech-assembler.description=Assembles large mechs out of inputted blocks and units. Output tier may be increased by adding modules.
block.tank-refabricator.description=Upgrades inputted tank units to the second tier.
block.ship-refabricator.description=Upgrades inputted ship units to the second tier.
block.mech-refabricator.description=Upgrades inputted mech units to the second tier. inputted units to the third tier.
block.basic-assembler-module.description=Increases assembler tier when placed next to a construction boundary. Requires power. Can be used as a payload input.
block.small-deconstructor.description=Deconstructs inputted structures and units. Returns 100% of the build cost.
unit.dagger.description=Fires standard bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.mace.description=Fires streams of flame at all nearby enemies.
unit.fortress.description=Fires long-range artillery at ground targets.
unit.scepter.description=Fires a barrage of charged bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.reign.description=Fires a barrage of massive piercing bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.nova.description=Fires laser bolts that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.pulsar.description=Fires arcs of electricity that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.quasar.description=Fires piercing laser beams that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight. Shielded.
unit.vela.description=Fires a massive continuous laser beam that damages enemies, causes fires and repairs allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.corvus.description=Fires a massive laser blast that damages enemies and repairs allied structures. Can step over most terrain.
unit.crawler.description=Runs toward enemies and self-destructs, causing a large explosion.
unit.atrax.description=Fires debilitating orbs of slag at ground targets. Can step over most terrain.
unit.spiroct.description=Fires sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.arkyid.description=Fires large sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.toxopid.description=Fires large electric cluster-shells and piercing lasers at enemies. Can step over most terrain.
unit.flare.description=Fires standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.horizon.description=Drops clusters of bombs on ground targets.
unit.zenith.description=Fires salvos of missiles at all nearby enemies.
unit.antumbra.description=Fires a barrage of bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.eclipse.description=Fires two piercing lasers and a barrage of flak at all nearby enemies.
unit.mono.description=Automatically mines copper and lead, depositing it into the core.
unit.poly.description=Automatically rebuilds destroyed structures and assists other units in construction.
unit.mega.description=Automatically repairs damaged structures. Capable of carrying blocks and small ground units.
unit.quad.description=Drops large bombs on ground targets, repairing allied structures and damaging enemies. Capable of carrying medium-sized ground units.
unit.oct.description=Protects nearby allies with its regenerating shield. Capable of carrying most ground units.
unit.risso.description=Fires a barrage of missiles and bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.minke.description=Fires shells and standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.bryde.description=Fires long-range artillery shells and missiles at enemies.
unit.sei.description=Fires a barrage of missiles and armor-piercing bullets at enemies.
unit.omura.description=Fires a long-range piercing railgun bolt at enemies. Constructs flare units.
unit.alpha.description=Defends the Shard core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.beta.description=Defends the Foundation core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.gamma.description=Defends the Nucleus core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.retusa.description=Fires homing torpedoes at nearby enemies. Repairs allied units.
unit.oxynoe.description=Fires structure-repairing streams of flame at nearby enemies. Targets nearby enemy projectiles with a point defense turret.
unit.cyerce.description=Fires seeking cluster-missiles at enemies. Repairs allied units.
unit.aegires.description=Shocks all enemy units and structures that enter its energy field. Repairs all allies.
unit.navanax.description=Fires explosive EMP projectiles, dealing significant damage to enemy power networks and repairing allied structures. Melts nearby enemies with 4 autonomous laser turrets.
lst.lookup=Look up an item/liquid/unit/block type by ID.\nTotal counts of each type can be accessed with:\n[accent]@unitCount[] / [accent]@itemCount[] / [accent]@liquidCount[] / [accent]@blockCount[]
lst.jump=Conditionally jump to another statement.
lst.unitbind=Bind to the next unit of a type, and store it in [accent]@unit[].
lst.unitcontrol=Control the currently bound unit.
lst.unitradar=Locate units around the currently bound unit.
lst.unitlocate=Locate a specific type of position/building anywhere on the map.\nRequires a bound unit.
logic.nounitbuild=[red]Unit building logic is not allowed here.
lenum.type=Type of building/unit.\ne.g. for any router, this will return [accent]@router[].\nNot a string.
lenum.shoot=Shoot at a position.
lenum.shootp=Shoot at a unit/building with velocity prediction.
lenum.config=Building configuration, e.g. sorter item.
lenum.enabled=Whether the block is enabled.
laccess.color=Illuminator color.
laccess.controller=Unit controller. If processor controlled, returns processor.\nIf in a formation, returns leader.\nOtherwise, returns the unit itself.
laccess.dead=Whether a unit/building is dead or no longer valid.
laccess.controlled=Returns:\n[accent]@ctrlProcessor[] if unit controller is processor\n[accent]@ctrlPlayer[] if unit/building controller is player\n[accent]@ctrlFormation[] if unit is in formation\nOtherwise, 0.
laccess.progress=Action progress, 0 to 1.\nReturns production, turret reload or construction progress.
graphicstype.col=Equivalent to color, but packed.\nPacked colors are written as hex codes with a [accent]%[] prefix.\nExample: [accent]%ff0000[] would be red.
onset.commandmode=Hold [accent]shift[] to enter [accent]command mode[].\n[accent]Left-click and drag[] to select units.\n[accent]Right-click[] to order selected units to move or attack. the [accent]command button[] to enter [accent]command mode[].\nHold down a finger, then [accent]drag[] to select units.\n[accent]Tap[] to order selected units to move or attack.