indev.popup=[accent]v6[] hiện đang ở phiên bản [accent]beta[].\n[lightgray]Điều này có nghĩa là:[]\n[scarlet]- Chiến dịch chưa hoàn thiện[]\n- Mọi thứ bạn thấy có thể thay đổi hoặc bị xóa.\n\nBáo cáo lỗi hoặc sự cố trên [accent]Github[].
indev.notready=Phần này của trò chơi chưa sẵn sàng
mod.noerrorplay=[scarlet]You have mods with errors.[] Either disable the affected mods or fix the errors before playing.
mod.nowdisabled=[scarlet]Mod '{0}' is missing dependencies:[accent] {1}\n[lightgray]These mods need to be downloaded first.\nThis mod will be automatically disabled.
mod.missing=This save contains mods that you have recently updated or no longer have installed. Save corruption may occur. Are you sure you want to load it?\n[lightgray]Mods:\n{0}
mod.preview.missing=Before publishing this mod in the workshop, you must add an image preview.\nPlace an image named[accent] preview.png[] into the mod's folder and try again.
mod.folder.missing=Only mods in folder form can be published on the workshop.\nTo convert any mod into a folder, simply unzip its file into a folder and delete the old zip, then restart your game or reload your mods.
mod.scripts.disable=Your device does not support mods with scripts. You must disable these mods to play the game. [accent]host[] button hosts a server on port [scarlet]6567[]. \nAnybody on the same [lightgray]wifi or local network[] should be able to see your server in their server list.\n\nIf you want people to be able to connect from anywhere by IP, [accent]port forwarding[] is required.\n\n[lightgray]Note: If someone is experiencing trouble connecting to your LAN game, make sure you have allowed Mindustry access to your local network in your firewall settings. Note that public networks sometimes do not allow server discovery., you can enter a [accent]server IP[] to connect to, or discover [accent]local network[] or [accent]global[] servers to connect to.\nBoth LAN and WAN multiplayer is supported.\n\n[lightgray]If you want to connect to someone by IP, you would need to ask the host for their IP, which can be found by googling "my ip" from their device.
hostserver=Host Multiplayer Game
invitefriends=Invite Friends Game
hosting=[accent]Đang mở máy chủ...
hosts.refresh=Làm mới
hosts.discovering=Discovering LAN games
hosts.discovering.any=Discovering games
server.refreshing=Làm mới máy chủ
hosts.none=[lightgray]No local games found!
host.invalid=[scarlet]Can't connect to host.
servers.local=Local Servers
servers.remote=Remote Servers Servers
servers.showhidden=Show Hidden Servers
trace=Trace Player
trace.playername=Player name: [accent]{0}
trace.ip=IP: [accent]{0} ID: [accent]{0} Client: [accent]{0}
trace.modclient=Custom Client: [accent]{0}
invalidid=Invalid client ID! Submit a bug report.
server.bans.none=No banned players found!
server.admins.none=No admins found!
server.add=Thêm máy chủ
server.delete=Are you sure you want to delete this server?
data.import.confirm=Importing external data will overwrite[scarlet] all[] your current game data.\n[accent]This cannot be undone![]\n\nOnce the data is imported, your game will exit immediately.
map.publish.confirm=Are you sure you want to publish this map?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your maps will not show up! what you would like to do with this item.ông tin vật phẩm
changelog=Changelog (optional):
eula=Steam EULA
missing=This item has been deleted or moved.\n[lightgray]The workshop listing has now been automatically un-linked.
publish.confirm=Are you sure you want to publish this?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your items will not show up!
publish.error=Error publishing item: {0}
steam.error=Failed to initialize Steam services.\nError: {0}
editor.openin=Open In Editor
editor.oregen=Ore Generation Generation:
editor.mapinfo=Map Infoác giả:
editor.description=Mô tả:
editor.nodescription=A map must have a description of at least 4 characters before being published.
editor.ingame=Edit In-Game
editor.publish.workshop=Publish On Workshop
editor.newmap=New Map
waves.perspawn=per spawn
waves.preview=Xem trước
waves.edit=Chỉnh sửa...
waves.copy=Copy to Clipboard
waves.load=Load from Clipboard
waves.invalid=Invalid waves in clipboard.
waves.copied=Waves copied.
waves.none=No enemies defined.\nNote that empty wave layouts will automatically be replaced with the default layout.
sector.groundZero.description=The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description=Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
sector.saltFlats.description=On the outskirts of the desert lie the Salt Flats. Few resources can be found in this location.\n\nThe enemy has erected a resource storage complex here. Eradicate their core. Leave nothing standing.
sector.craters.description=Water has accumulated in this crater, relic of the old wars. Reclaim the area. Collect sand. Smelt metaglass. Pump water to cool turrets and drills.
sector.ruinousShores.description=Past the wastes, is the shoreline. Once, this location housed a coastal defense array. Not much of it remains. Only the most basic defense structures have remained unscathed, everything else reduced to scrap.\nContinue the expansion outwards. Rediscover the technology.
sector.stainedMountains.description=Further inland lie the mountains, yet untainted by spores.\nExtract the abundant titanium in this area. Learn how to use it.\n\nThe enemy presence is greater here. Do not give them time to send their strongest units.
sector.overgrowth.description=This area is overgrown, closer to the source of the spores.\nThe enemy has established an outpost here. Build Titan units. Destroy it. Reclaim that which was lost.
sector.tarFields.description=The outskirts of an oil production zone, between the mountains and desert. One of the few areas with usable tar reserves.\nAlthough abandoned, this area has some dangerous enemy forces nearby. Do not underestimate them.\n\n[lightgray]Research oil processing technology if possible.
sector.desolateRift.description=An extremely dangerous zone. Plentiful resources, but little space. High risk of destruction. Leave as soon as possible. Do not be fooled by the long spacing between enemy attacks.
sector.nuclearComplex.description=A former facility for the production and processing of thorium, reduced to ruins.\n[lightgray]Research the thorium and its many uses.\n\nThe enemy is present here in great numbers, constantly scouting for attackers.
sector.fungalPass.description=A transition area between high mountains and lower, spore-ridden lands. A small enemy reconnaissance base is located here.\nDestroy it.\nUse Dagger and Crawler units. Take out the two cores.
settings.language=Ngôn ngữữ liệu trò chơi
settings.reset=Reset to Defaults
settings.controls=Điều khiểnò chơi
settings.sound=Âm thanhĐồ họa
settings.cleardata=Xóa dữ liệu trò chơi...
settings.clear.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear this data?\nWhat is done cannot be undone!
settings.clearall.confirm=[scarlet]WARNING![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit.
settings.clearsaves.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear all your saves?
settings.clearsaves=Clear Saves
settings.clearresearch=Clear Research
settings.clearresearch.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign research?
settings.clearcampaignsaves=Clear Campaign Saves
settings.clearcampaignsaves.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign saves? Player Bubble Chat
public.confirm=Do you want to make your game public?\n[accent]Anyone will be able to join your games.\n[lightgray]This can be changed later in Settings->Game->Public Game Visibility.
public.beta=Note that beta versions of the game cannot make public lobbies.
uiscale.reset=UI scale has been changed.\nPress "OK" to confirm this scale.\n[scarlet]Reverting and exiting in[accent] {0}[] seconds...
uiscale.cancel=Hủy & Thoát
keybind.title=Rebind Keys[scarlet]Most keybinds here are not functional on mobile. Only basic movement is supported.
tutorial.intro=You have entered the[scarlet] Mindustry Tutorial.[]\nUse[accent] [[WASD][] to move.\n[accent]Scroll[] to zoom in and out.\nBegin by[accent] mining copper[]. Move close to it, then tap a copper ore vein near your core to do this.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} copper have entered the[scarlet] Mindustry Tutorial.[]\nSwipe the screen to move.\n[accent]Pinch with 2 fingers[] to zoom in and out.\nBegin by[accent] mining copper[]. Move close to it, then tap a copper ore vein near your core to do this.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} copper
tutorial.drill=Mining manually is inefficient.\n[accent]Drills[] can mine automatically.\nClick the drill tab in the bottom right.\nSelect the[accent] mechanical drill[]. Place it on a copper vein by clicking.\nYou can also select the drill by tapping [accent][[2][] then [accent][[1][] quickly, regardless of which tab is open.\n[accent]Right-click[] to stop building. manually is inefficient.\n[accent]Drills[] can mine automatically.\nTap the drill tab in the bottom right.\nSelect the[accent] mechanical drill[].\nPlace it on a copper vein by tapping, then press the[accent] checkmark[] below to confirm your selection.\nPress the[accent] X button[] to cancel placement.
tutorial.blockinfo=Each block has different stats. Each drill can only mine certain ores.\nTo check a block's info and stats,[accent] tap the "?" button while selecting it in the build menu.[]\n\n[accent]Access the Mechanical Drill's stats now.[]
tutorial.conveyor=[accent]Conveyors[] are used to transport items to the core.\nMake a line of conveyors from the drill to the core.\n[accent]Hold down the mouse to place in a line.[]\nHold[accent] CTRL[] while selecting a line to place diagonally.\nUse the scrollwheel to rotate blocks before placing them.\n[accent]Place 2 conveyors with the line tool, then deliver an item into the core.[accent]Conveyors[] are used to transport items to the core.\nMake a line of conveyors from the drill to the core.\n[accent] Place in a line by holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging in a direction.\n\n[accent]Place 2 conveyors with the line tool, then deliver an item into the core.
tutorial.turret=Once an item enters your core, it can be used for building.\nKeep in mind that not all items can be used for building.\nItems that are not used for building, such as[accent] coal[] or[accent] scrap[], cannot be put into the core.\nDefensive structures must be built to repel the[lightgray] enemy[].\nBuild a[accent] duo turret[] near your base.
tutorial.drillturret=Duo turrets require[accent] copper ammo[] to shoot.\nPlace a drill near the turret.\nLead conveyors into the turret to supply it with copper.\n\n[accent]Ammo delivered: 0/1
tutorial.pause=During battle, you are able to[accent] pause the game.[]\nYou may queue buildings while paused.\n\n[accent]Press space to pause. battle, you are able to[accent] pause the game.[]\nYou may queue buildings while paused.\n\n[accent]Press this button in the top left to pause.
tutorial.unpause=Now press space again to unpause. press it again to unpause.
tutorial.breaking=Blocks frequently need to be destroyed.\n[accent]Hold down right-click[] to destroy all blocks in a selection.[]\n\n[accent]Destroy all the scrap blocks to the left of your core using area selection. frequently need to be destroyed.\n[accent]Select deconstruction mode[], then tap a block to begin breaking it.\nDestroy an area by holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging in a direction.\nPress the checkmark button to confirm breaking.\n\n[accent]Destroy all the scrap blocks to the left of your core using area selection.
tutorial.withdraw=In some situations, taking items directly from blocks is necessary.\nTo do this, [accent]tap a block[] with items in it, then [accent]tap the item[] in the inventory.\nMultiple items can be withdrawn by [accent]tapping and holding[].\n\n[accent]Withdraw some copper from the core.[]
tutorial.deposit=Deposit items into blocks by dragging from your ship to the destination block.\n\n[accent]Deposit your copper back into the core.[]
tutorial.waves=The[lightgray] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend the core for 2 waves.[accent] Click[] to shoot.\nBuild more turrets and drills. Mine more copper.[lightgray] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend the core for 2 waves. Your ship will automatically fire at enemies.\nBuild more turrets and drills. Mine more copper.
tutorial.launch=Once you reach a specific wave, you are able to[accent] launch the core[], leaving your defenses behind and[accent] obtaining all the resources in your core.[]\nThese obtained resources can then be used to research new technology.\n\n[accent]Press the launch button.
item.copper.description=Được sử dụng trong tất cả các loại xây dựng và đạn dược.
item.copper.details=Đồng.Kim loại dồi dào trên Serpulo.Kết cấu yếu trừ khi được gia cố.
item.lead.description=Used in liquid transportation and electrical structures.
item.lead.details=Dense. Inert. Extensively used in batteries.\nNote: Likely toxic to biological life forms. Not that there are many left here.
item.metaglass.description=Used in liquid distribution/storage structures.
item.graphite.description=Used in electrical components and turret ammunition.
item.sand.description=Used for production of other refined materials.
item.coal.description=Used for fuel and refined material production.
item.coal.details=Appears to be fossilized plant matter, formed long before the seeding event.
item.titanium.description=Used in liquid transportation structures, drills and aircraft.
item.thorium.description=Used in durable structures and as nuclear fuel.
item.scrap.description=Used in Melters and Pulverizers for refining into other materials.
item.scrap.details=Leftover remnants of old structures and units.
item.silicon.description=Used in solar panels, complex electronics and homing turret ammunition.
item.plastanium.description=Used in advanced units, insulation and fragmentation ammunition.
item.phase-fabric.description=Used in advanced electronics and self-repairing structures.
item.surge-alloy.description=Used in advanced weaponry and reactive defense structures.
item.spore-pod.description=Used for conversion into oil, explosives and fuel.
item.spore-pod.details=Spores. Likely a synthetic life form. Emit gases toxic to other biological life. Extremely invasive. Highly flammable in certain conditions.
item.blast-compound.description=Used in bombs and explosive ammunition.
item.pyratite.description=Used in incendiary weapons and combustion-fueled generators.
liquid.water.description=Used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.slag.description=Refined in separators into constituent metals, or sprayed at enemies as a weapon.
liquid.oil.description=Used in advanced material production and as incendiary ammunition.
liquid.cryofluid.description=Used as coolant in reactors, turrets and factories.
block.resupply-point.description=Resupplies nearby units with copper ammunition. Not compatible with units that require battery power.
block.armored-conveyor.description=Moves items forward. Does not accept inputs from the sides.
block.illuminator.description=Emits light.
block.message.description=Stores a message for communication between allies.
block.graphite-press.description=Compresses coal into graphite.
block.multi-press.description=Compresses coal into graphite. Requires water as coolant.
block.silicon-smelter.description=Refines silicon from sand and coal.
block.kiln.description=Smelts sand and lead into metaglass.
block.plastanium-compressor.description=Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description=Synthesizes phase fabric from thorium and sand.
block.alloy-smelter.description=Fuses titanium, lead, silicon and copper into surge alloy.
block.cryofluid-mixer.description=Mixes water and fine titanium powder to produce cryofluid.
block.blast-mixer.description=Produces blast compound from pyratite and spore pods.
block.pyratite-mixer.description=Mixes coal, lead and sand into pyratite.
block.melter.description=Melts down scrap into slag.
block.separator.description=Separates slag into its mineral components.
block.spore-press.description=Compresses spore pods into oil.
block.pulverizer.description=Crushes scrap into fine sand.
block.coal-centrifuge.description=Biến dầu thành than.
block.incinerator.description=Vaporizes any item or liquid it receives.
block.power-void.description=Voids all power inputted. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-void.description=Removes any liquids. Sandbox only.
block.copper-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.copper-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.titanium-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.titanium-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.plastanium-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Absorbs lasers and electric arcs. Blocks automatic power connections.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Absorbs lasers and electric arcs. Blocks automatic power connections.
block.thorium-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.thorium-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.phase-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, reflecting most bullets upon impact.
block.phase-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, reflecting most bullets upon impact.
block.surge-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically releasing electric arcs upon contact.
block.surge-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically releasing electric arcs upon contact.
block.door.description=A wall that can be opened and closed.
block.door-large.description=A wall that can be opened and closed.
block.mender.description=Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
block.mend-projector.description=Repairs blocks in its vicinity.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.overdrive-projector.description=Increases the speed of nearby buildings.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.force-projector.description=Creates a hexagonal force field around itself, protecting buildings and units inside from damage.\nOverheats if too much damage is sustained. Optionally uses coolant to prevent overheating. Phase fabric increases shield size.
block.shock-mine.description=Releases electric arcs upon enemy unit contact.
block.titanium-conveyor.description=Transports items forward. Faster than a standard conveyor.
block.plastanium-conveyor.description=Transports items forward in batches. Accepts items at the back, and unloads them in three directions at the front. Requires multiple loading and unloading points for peak throughput.
block.junction.description=Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts.
block.bridge-conveyor.description=Transports items over terrain or buildings.
block.phase-conveyor.description=Instantly transports items over terrain or buildings. Longer range than the item bridge, but requires power.
block.sorter.description=If an input item matches the selection, it passes forward. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right.
block.inverted-sorter.description=Similar to a standard sorter, but outputs selected items to the sides instead.
block.router.description=Distributes input items to 3 output directions equally.
block.router.details=A necessary evil. Using next to production inputs is not advised, as they will get clogged by output.
block.distributor.description=Distributes input items to 7 output directions equally.
block.overflow-gate.description=Only outputs items to the left and right if the front path is blocked. Cannot be used next to other gates.
block.underflow-gate.description=Opposite of an overflow gate. Outputs to the front if the left and right paths are blocked. Cannot be used next to other gates.
block.mass-driver.description=Long-range item transport structure. Collects batches of items and shoots them to other mass drivers.
block.mechanical-pump.description=Pumps and outputs liquids. Does not require power.
block.rotary-pump.description=Pumps and outputs liquids. Requires power.
block.thermal-pump.description=Pumps and outputs liquids.
block.conduit.description=Moves liquids forward. Used in conjunction with pumps and other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description=Moves liquids forward. Transports faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.plated-conduit.description=Moves liquids forward. Does not accept input from the sides. Does not leak.
block.liquid-router.description=Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid.
block.liquid-tank.description=Stores a large amount of liquid. Outputs to all sides, similarly to a liquid router.
block.liquid-junction.description=Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits.
block.bridge-conduit.description=Transports liquids over terrain or buildings.
block.phase-conduit.description=Transports liquids over terrain or buildings. Longer range than the bridge conduit, but requires power.
block.power-node.description=Transmits power to connected nodes. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description=An advanced power node with greater range.
block.surge-tower.description=A long-range power node with fewer available connections.
block.diode.description=Moves battery power in one direction, but only if the other side has less power stored.
block.battery.description=Stores power in times of surplus energy. Outputs power in times of deficit.
block.battery-large.description=Stores power in times of surplus energy. Outputs power in times of deficit. Higher capacity than a regular battery.
block.combustion-generator.description=Generates power by burning flammable materials, such as coal.
block.thermal-generator.description=Generates power when placed in hot locations.
block.steam-generator.description=Generates power by burning flammable materials and converting water to steam.
block.differential-generator.description=Generates large amounts of energy. Utilizes the temperature difference between cryofluid and burning pyratite.
block.rtg-generator.description=Uses the heat of decaying radioactive compounds to produce energy at a slow rate. a small amount of power from the sun. a small amount of power from the sun. More efficient than the standard solar panel.
block.thorium-reactor.description=Generates significant amounts of power from thorium. Requires constant cooling. Will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied.
block.impact-reactor.description=Creates massive amounts of power at peak efficiency. Requires a significant power input to kickstart the process.
block.mechanical-drill.description=When placed on ore, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely. Only capable of mining basic resources.
block.pneumatic-drill.description=An improved drill, capable of mining titanium. Mines at a faster pace than a mechanical drill.
block.laser-drill.description=Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Capable of mining thorium.
block.blast-drill.description=The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power.
block.water-extractor.description=Extracts groundwater. Used in locations with no surface water available.
block.cultivator.description=Cultivates tiny concentrations of atmospheric spores into spore pods.
block.cultivator.details=Recovered technology. Used to produce massive amounts of biomass as efficiently as possible. Likely the initial incubator of the spores now covering Serpulo.
block.oil-extractor.description=Uses large amounts of power, sand and water to drill for oil.
block.core-shard.description=Core of the base. Once destroyed, the sector is lost.
block.core-shard.details=The first iteration. Compact. Self-replicating. Equipped with single-use launch thrusters. Not designed for interplanetary travel.
block.core-foundation.description=Core of the base. Well armored. Stores more resources than a Shard.
block.core-foundation.details=The second iteration.
block.core-nucleus.description=Core of the base. Extremely well armored. Stores massive amounts of resources.
block.core-nucleus.details=The third and final iteration.
block.vault.description=Stores a large amount of items of each type. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.container.description=Stores a small amount of items of each type. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.unloader.description=Unloads the selected item from nearby blocks.
block.launch-pad.description=Launches batches of items to selected sectors.
block.duo.description=Fires alternating bullets at enemies.
block.scatter.description=Fires clumps of lead, scrap or metaglass flak at enemy aircraft.
block.scorch.description=Burns any ground enemies close to it. Highly effective at close range.
block.hail.description=Fires small shells at ground enemies over long distances.
block.wave.description=Fires streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extinguishes fires when supplied with water.
block.lancer.description=Charges and fires powerful beams of energy at ground targets.
block.arc.description=Fires arcs of electricity at ground targets.
block.swarmer.description=Fires homing missiles at enemies.
block.salvo.description=Fires quick salvos of bullets at enemies.
block.fuse.description=Fires three close-range piercing blasts at nearby enemies.
block.ripple.description=Shoots clusters of shells at ground enemies over long distances.
block.cyclone.description=Fires explosive clumps of flak at nearby enemies.
block.spectre.description=Fires large armor-piercing bullets at air and ground targets.
block.meltdown.description=Charges and fires a persistent laser beam at nearby enemies. Requires coolant to operate.
block.foreshadow.description=Fires a large single-target bolt over long distances. repairs the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.segment.description=Damages and destroys incoming projectiles. Laser projectiles are not targeted.
block.parallax.description=Fires a tractor beam that pulls in air targets, damaging them in the process.
block.tsunami.description=Fires powerful streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extinguishes fires when supplied with water.
block.silicon-crucible.description=Refines silicon from sand and coal, using pyratite as an additional heat source. More efficient in hot locations.
block.disassembler.description=Separates slag into trace amounts of exotic mineral components at low efficiency. Can produce thorium.
block.overdrive-dome.description=Increases the speed of nearby buildings. Requires phase fabric and silicon to operate.
block.payload-conveyor.description=Moves large payloads, such as units from factories.
block.payload-router.description=Splits input payloads into 3 output directions.
block.command-center.description=Controls unit behavior with several different commands.
block.ground-factory.description=Produces ground units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.air-factory.description=Produces air units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.naval-factory.description=Produces naval units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.additive-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the second tier.
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the third tier.
block.exponential-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the fourth tier.
block.tetrative-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the fifth and final tier.
block.switch.description=A toggleable switch. State can be read and controlled with logic processors.
block.micro-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings.
block.logic-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the micro processor.
block.hyper-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the logic processor.
block.memory-cell.description=Stores information for a logic processor.
block.memory-bank.description=Stores information for a logic processor. High capacity.
block.logic-display.description=Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.large-logic-display.description=Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.interplanetary-accelerator.description=A massive electromagnetic railgun tower. Accelerates cores to escape velocity for interplanetary deployment.
unit.dagger.description=Fires standard bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.mace.description=Fires streams of flame at all nearby enemies.
unit.fortress.description=Fires long-range artillery at ground targets.
unit.scepter.description=Fires a barrage of charged bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.reign.description=Fires a barrage of massive piercing bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.nova.description=Fires laser bolts that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.pulsar.description=Fires arcs of electricity that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.quasar.description=Fires piercing laser beams that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight. Shielded.
unit.vela.description=Fires a massive continuous laser beam that damages enemies, causes fires and repair allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.corvus.description=Fires a massive laser blast that damages enemies and repairs allied structures. Can step over most terrain.
unit.crawler.description=Runs toward enemies and self-destructs, causing a large explosion.
unit.atrax.description=Fires debilitating orbs of slag at ground targets. Can step over most terrain.
unit.spiroct.description=Fires sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.arkyid.description=Fires large sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.toxopid.description=Fires large electric cluster-shells and piercing lasers at enemies. Can step over most terrain.
unit.flare.description=Fires standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.horizon.description=Drops clusters of bombs on ground targets.
unit.zenith.description=Fires salvos of missiles at all nearby enemies.
unit.antumbra.description=Fires a barrage of bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.eclipse.description=Fires two piercing lasers and a barrage of flak at all nearby enemies.
unit.mono.description=Automatically mines copper and lead, depositing it into the core.
unit.poly.description=Automatically rebuilds damaged structures and assists other units in construction.
unit.mega.description=Automatically repairs damaged structures. Capable of carrying blocks and small ground units.
unit.quad.description=Drops large bombs on ground targets, repairing allied structures and damaging enemies. Capable of carrying medium-sized ground units.
unit.oct.description=Protects nearby allies with its regenerating shield. Capable of carrying most ground units.
unit.risso.description=Fires a barrage of missiles and bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.minke.description=Fires shells and standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.bryde.description=Fires long-range artillery shells and missiles at enemies.
unit.sei.description=Fires a barrage of missiles and armor-piercing bullets at enemies.
unit.omura.description=Fires a long-range piercing railgun bolt at enemies. Constructs flare units.
unit.alpha.description=Defends the Shard core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.beta.description=Defends the Foundation core from enemies. Builds structures.