mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 19:09:34 +07:00
Fixed server discovery
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,10 +41,9 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
public NetServer(){
Net.handleServer(Connect.class, connect -> UCore.log("Connection found: " + connect.addressTCP));
Net.handleServer(Connect.class, (id, connect) -> UCore.log("Connection found: " + connect.addressTCP));
Net.handleServer(ConnectPacket.class, packet -> {
int id = Net.getLastConnection();
Net.handleServer(ConnectPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
UCore.log("Sending world data to client (ID=" + id + ")");
@ -69,8 +68,8 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
Net.handleServer(ConnectConfirmPacket.class, packet -> {
Player player = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection());
Net.handleServer(ConnectConfirmPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Player player = connections.get(id);
if (player == null) return;
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
sendMessage("[accent]" + Bundles.format("text.server.connected", player.name));
Net.handleServer(Disconnect.class, packet -> {
Net.handleServer(Disconnect.class, (id, packet) -> {
Player player = connections.get(packet.id);
if (player == null) {
@ -95,24 +94,24 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
Net.send(dc, SendMode.tcp);
Net.handleServer(PositionPacket.class, pos -> {
Player player = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection());
Net.handleServer(PositionPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Player player = connections.get(id);
Net.handleServer(ShootPacket.class, packet -> {
Player player = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection());
Net.handleServer(ShootPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Player player = connections.get(id);
Weapon weapon = (Weapon) Upgrade.getByID(packet.weaponid);
weapon.shoot(player, packet.x, packet.y, packet.rotation);
packet.playerid = player.id;
Net.sendExcept(Net.getLastConnection(), packet, SendMode.udp);
Net.sendExcept(id, packet, SendMode.udp);
Net.handleServer(PlacePacket.class, packet -> {
Net.handleServer(PlacePacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Vars.control.input.placeBlockInternal(packet.x, packet.y, Block.getByID(packet.block), packet.rotation, true, false);
packet.playerid = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection()).id;
packet.playerid = connections.get(id).id;
Recipe recipe = Recipes.getByResult(Block.getByID(packet.block));
if (recipe != null) {
@ -121,21 +120,21 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
Net.sendExcept(Net.getLastConnection(), packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.sendExcept(id, packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.handleServer(BreakPacket.class, packet -> {
Net.handleServer(BreakPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Vars.control.input.breakBlockInternal(packet.x, packet.y, false);
packet.playerid = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection()).id;
packet.playerid = connections.get(id).id;
Net.sendExcept(Net.getLastConnection(), packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.sendExcept(id, packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.handleServer(ChatPacket.class, packet -> {
Player player = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection());
Net.handleServer(ChatPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Player player = connections.get(id);
if (player == null) {
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry", "Could not find player for chat: " + Net.getLastConnection());
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry", "Could not find player for chat: " + id);
return; //GHOSTS AAAA
@ -145,8 +144,8 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
Vars.ui.chatfrag.addMessage(packet.text, Vars.netClient.colorizeName(packet.id, packet.name));
Net.handleServer(UpgradePacket.class, packet -> {
Player player = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection());
Net.handleServer(UpgradePacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Player player = connections.get(id);
Weapon weapon = (Weapon) Upgrade.getByID(packet.id);
@ -156,8 +155,8 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
Net.handleServer(WeaponSwitchPacket.class, packet -> {
Player player = connections.get(Net.getLastConnection());
Net.handleServer(WeaponSwitchPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Player player = connections.get(id);
if (player == null) return;
@ -169,23 +168,23 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
Net.sendExcept(player.clientid, packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.handleServer(BlockTapPacket.class, packet -> {
Net.handleServer(BlockTapPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Tile tile = Vars.world.tile(packet.position);
Net.sendExcept(Net.getLastConnection(), packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.sendExcept(id, packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.handleServer(BlockConfigPacket.class, packet -> {
Net.handleServer(BlockConfigPacket.class, (id, packet) -> {
Tile tile = Vars.world.tile(packet.position);
if (tile != null) tile.block().configure(tile, packet.data);
Net.sendExcept(Net.getLastConnection(), packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.sendExcept(id, packet, SendMode.tcp);
Net.handleServer(EntityRequestPacket.class, packet -> {
Net.handleServer(EntityRequestPacket.class, (cid, packet) -> {
int id = packet.id;
int dest = Net.getLastConnection();
int dest = id;
if (Vars.control.playerGroup.getByID(id) != null) {
Player player = Vars.control.playerGroup.getByID(id);
PlayerSpawnPacket p = new PlayerSpawnPacket();
@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
p.weaponright = player.weaponRight.id;
p.android = player.isAndroid;
Net.sendTo(dest, p, SendMode.tcp);
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry", "Replying to entity request (" + Net.getLastConnection() + "): player, " + id);
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry", "Replying to entity request (" + id + "): player, " + id);
} else if (Vars.control.enemyGroup.getByID(id) != null) {
Enemy enemy = Vars.control.enemyGroup.getByID(id);
EnemySpawnPacket e = new EnemySpawnPacket();
@ -209,7 +208,7 @@ public class NetServer extends Module{
e.type = enemy.type.id;
e.health = (short) enemy.health;
Net.sendTo(dest, e, SendMode.tcp);
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry", "Replying to entity request(" + Net.getLastConnection() + "): enemy, " + id);
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry", "Replying to entity request(" + id + "): enemy, " + id);
} else {
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry", "Entity request target not found!");
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.net.Streamable.StreamBuilder;
import io.anuke.mindustry.net.Streamable.StreamChunk;
import io.anuke.ucore.UCore;
import io.anuke.ucore.core.Timers;
import io.anuke.ucore.function.BiConsumer;
import io.anuke.ucore.function.Consumer;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -22,11 +23,10 @@ public class Net{
private static boolean active;
private static boolean clientLoaded;
private static ObjectMap<Class<?>, Consumer> clientListeners = new ObjectMap<>();
private static ObjectMap<Class<?>, Consumer> serverListeners = new ObjectMap<>();
private static ObjectMap<Class<?>, BiConsumer<Integer, Object>> serverListeners = new ObjectMap<>();
private static ClientProvider clientProvider;
private static ServerProvider serverProvider;
private static int lastConnection = -1;
private static IntMap<StreamBuilder> streams = new IntMap<>();
private static AsyncExecutor executor = new AsyncExecutor(4);
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ public class Net{
/**Registers a server listener for when an object is recieved.*/
public static <T> void handleServer(Class<T> type, Consumer<T> listener){
serverListeners.put(type, listener);
public static <T> void handleServer(Class<T> type, BiConsumer<Integer, T> listener){
serverListeners.put(type, (BiConsumer<Integer, Object>) listener);
/**Call to handle a packet being recieved for the client.*/
@ -160,10 +160,9 @@ public class Net{
/**Call to handle a packet being recieved for the server.*/
public static void handleServerReceived(Object object, int connection){
public static void handleServerReceived(int connection, Object object){
if(serverListeners.get(object.getClass()) != null){
lastConnection = connection;
serverListeners.get(object.getClass()).accept(connection, object);
Gdx.app.error("Mindustry::Net", "Unhandled packet type: '" + object.getClass() + "'!");
@ -183,11 +182,6 @@ public class Net{
public static int getPing(){
return server() ? 0 : clientProvider.getPing();
/**Returns the last connection that sent a packet to this server.*/
public static int getLastConnection(){
return lastConnection;
/**Whether the net is active, e.g. whether this is a multiplayer game.*/
public static boolean active(){
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class WebsocketClient implements ClientProvider {
public void connect(String ip, int port) throws IOException {
socket = new Websocket("ws://" + ip + ":" + Vars.webPort);
socket = new Websocket("wss://" + ip + ":" + Vars.webPort);
socket.addListener(new WebsocketListener() {
public void onMessage(byte[] bytes) {
try {
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class WebsocketClient implements ClientProvider {
public void pingHost(String address, int port, Consumer<Host> valid, Consumer<IOException> failed) {
failed.accept(new IOException());
Websocket socket = new Websocket("ws://" + address + ":" + Vars.webPort);
Websocket socket = new Websocket("wss://" + address + ":" + Vars.webPort);
final boolean[] accepted = {false};
socket.addListener(new WebsocketListener() {
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectSet;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.*;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.FrameworkMessage.DiscoverHost;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.Listener.LagListener;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.serialization.Serialization;
import io.anuke.mindustry.Vars;
import io.anuke.mindustry.net.Host;
import io.anuke.mindustry.net.Net;
@ -147,16 +145,8 @@ public class KryoClient implements ClientProvider{
public void pingHost(String address, int port, Consumer<Host> valid, Consumer<IOException> invalid){
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
Serialization ser = (Serialization) UCore.getPrivate(client, "serialization");
DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
ByteBuffer dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(64);
ser.write(dataBuffer, new DiscoverHost());
byte[] data = new byte[dataBuffer.limit()];
socket.send(new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, InetAddress.getByName(address), port));
socket.send(new DatagramPacket(new byte[]{-2, 1}, 2, InetAddress.getByName(address), Vars.port));
@ -166,9 +156,8 @@ public class KryoClient implements ClientProvider{
Host host = addresses.values().next();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(packet.getData());
Host host = KryoRegistrator.readServerData(packet.getAddress(), buffer);
if (host != null) {
Gdx.app.postRunnable(() -> valid.accept(host));
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class KryoServer implements ServerProvider {
c.addressTCP = connection.getRemoteAddressTCP().toString();
Gdx.app.postRunnable(() -> Net.handleServerReceived(c, kn.id));
Gdx.app.postRunnable(() -> Net.handleServerReceived(kn.id, c));
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class KryoServer implements ServerProvider {
Disconnect c = new Disconnect();
c.id = k.id;
Gdx.app.postRunnable(() -> Net.handleServerReceived(c, c.id));
Gdx.app.postRunnable(() -> Net.handleServerReceived(k.id, c));
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class KryoServer implements ServerProvider {
Gdx.app.postRunnable(() -> {
Net.handleServerReceived(object, k.id);
Net.handleServerReceived(k.id, object);
}catch (Exception e){
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ public class KryoServer implements ServerProvider {
if(k == null) return;
Disconnect disconnect = new Disconnect();
disconnect.id = k.id;
Net.handleServerReceived(disconnect, k.id);
Net.handleServerReceived(k.id, disconnect);
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ public class KryoServer implements ServerProvider {
if (debug) UCore.log("Decoded: " + Arrays.toString(out));
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(out);
Object o = serializer.read(buffer);
Net.handleServerReceived(o, k.id);
Net.handleServerReceived(k.id, o);
}catch (Exception e){
UCore.log("Error reading message!");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user