* Update bundle_ko.properties
* 용어 통일 및 변경
- medium : 긴 단어를 비슷한 의미인 "보통"으로 변경
- unit - "기체"로 통일
- biomass - 포자의 목적을 고려하여 ( 전력 생산의 원료) "생물자원"으로 번역
- at enemy - "~을 향해"로 통일. 예외 : 호라이즌과 쿼드는 현재 위치에 탄환을 투하하므로 "~에"로 작성함.
- 이 외에도 같은 문장이지만 다른 의미로 해석된 문단 통일
* 불필요한 설명 삭제 및 간소화
- 자원 : 추후 추가적인 번역 수정이 필요함.
- 번역 원문에 없는 부가적인, 굳이 필요하지 않는 설명 삭제
- 직역 지향
* details에서 커뮤니티 밈 혹은 개드립 삭제
- 특정 커뮤니티에 속하지 않은 유저의 시선에서 보았을 때, 이해하기 힘든 문구들 삭제
- 게임과 관련된, 유용한 팁을 추가하는 것이 여러모로 좋을 것 같음. 추후 수정 필요.
* Unify and change terms
- medium: Change the long word to "보통" which means something similar
- Unit - Unify as "기체"
- Biomass - Translated as "생물자원" (raw material for power production) considering the purpose of spores
- at enemy - Unify as "~을 향해". Exception: Horizon and Quad drop bullets at their current location, so write "~에"
- In addition to this, paragraph unification, which is interpreted in different ways in the same sentence
* Delete and simplify unnecessary comments
- Resources: Additional translation modifications are required later.
- Delete additional, unnecessary descriptions that are not in the original translation
- a literal orientation
* Delete a community meme or comment from details
- Delete phrases that are hard to understand when viewed from the perspective of users who do not belong to a particular community
- I think it would be good to add useful tips related to games in many ways. Need to be corrected later.
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
- 지적한 사항 수정. 미처 발견하지 못한 문제점이 남아있을 수 있음.
- description에는 간결하고 정확한 설명만 있는 것이 좋음. "기본 액체 운송 블록" 같이 불필요한 설명, "~에서 유용합니다"와 같이 부가적인 설명은 추후 details에 추가해도 무방하다 생각하여 일단 제거.
- 기존 번역에 존재하던 피동 표현을 수정했는데 수정본에도 피동 표현이 많다...? 일단 수정하였지만, 더 자세한 지적이 필요함.
- 이것 외에도 힌트의 문체 통일, 캠페인 설명의 수정이 필요해 보입니다.
- Corrected the points you pointed out. There may be more problems you haven't discovered.
- Description should be concise and accurate. Unnecessary descriptions such as "기본 액체 운송 블록" and additional descriptions such as "~에서 유용합니다" may be added to the details later, so remove them.
-I modified the passive expression that existed in the previous translation, but there are many passive expressions in the revised version...? Once revised, more detailed points are needed.
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Update bundle_ko.properties
* Updated bundle_cs.properties
All unstraslated words I've found were translated. Spacing between lines were synchronized with bundle.properties. +Added self to contributors file.
* Updated bundle_cs.properties
Replaced with shorters words, fixing issue with multilined text in buttons.
Open Games & Local Servers - Otwieraj Gry & Lokalne Serwery
Search maps-Przeszukaj mapy...
Filter Maps-Przefiltruj Mapy
Gamemodes-Tryby Gry
Map Type-Typ Mapy
Search In-Szukaj W
Sort By-Sortuj Według
Reverse Sort-Odwrotne Sortowanie
Hide All-Schowaj Wszystkie
Show All-Pokaż Wszystkie
Banned Units-Zabronione jednostki
Repair Speed-Prędkość Napraw
Skip Core Launch/Land Animation-Pomiń Animację Wystrzału/Lądowania
Enemy Team-Drużyna Wroga
Player Team-Drużyna Gracza
Rdzeń Spala Nadmarowe Przedmioty-Rdzeń Spala Nadmiarowe Przedmioty ("i" was missing and word had mistake)
* Make closestEnemyCore find the actual closest core
this function should return the closest core of all of `team`’s enemies, but it instead returns the closest core of the first enemy team that has a core
* Glenn method
* Cease.
* Mobile players are second rate citizens
* Undo config on ratelimit, revert PowerNode for loop
* Fix being unable to drop items into core vaults when there are over 1k of the item already
* utility method
* plainName for all console outputs
* plainLastName for all console outputs
* some formats
* slightly reformat trace output
* Slightly nicer admin indicator
* A space
* Update to servers_v7 - New Domain
Updating server list to include New surrealment ip address as read other pull rq for surrealment v6 domain update
* Update servers_v7.json
* Update to servers_v6.json - Update Domain
Im stupid and did not format it correctly i've removed the screwed branches on my fork here's the fixed one im so stupid *pain*
This is to change the port of surrealment as the previous ip was redirected to v7 ill be adding it to that list shortly (it is using the same plugins everything just a version split)
* Update servers_v6.json