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2020-02-18 01:16:43 +07:00
## 3.6.0
Massive multiplayer improvements!
Multiplayer screen reworked - by GGGueni
Added Multiplayer Turn Notification Service - by wrov/tobo
UI of New Game screen updated - by lishaoxia1985
Resolved #1930 - national wonders no longer require built buildings in puppeted cities
Nuking a Civ's land is considered an act of war - by Jack Rainy
Translation updates
2020-02-14 19:04:11 +07:00
## 3.5.14
Resolved #1926 - fixed unique improvements
Resolved #1927- changing new game parameters and exiting the new game screen doesn't change the current game's parameters
Resolved #1818 - Marble bonus now displayed in Civilopedia
Resolved #1918 - added missing translations
Fix tile yields in city screen when in multiplayer - by reversi
By Jack Rainy:
- Forge increases production of spaceparts
- Preview tile improvements
Minimap improvements - by lishaoxia1985
Translation updates
2020-02-13 02:05:44 +07:00
## 3.5.13
Moai no longer buildable on terrain features - by lyrjie
Resolved #1902 - buildings requiring worked resources can be built in cities that are built on that resource
Resolved #1841 - Legalism grants enqueued buildings - by reversi
Minimap can show the whole worldscreen and display cities better - by lishaoxia1985
Captured Khans now automate properly
Translation updates
2020-02-10 01:44:52 +07:00
## 3.5.12
Mongolian civ added! - by reversi
By Jack Rainy:
- Improvements to the Diplomacy overview: better spread and can select specific civs
- Research screen centered on current tech
Resolved #1859 - skip defeated players' turns in multiplayer
Fixed bug where air units in transports couldn't upgrade
Tied the unit upkeep scaling to game speed - by lyrjie
Translation updates
2020-02-07 03:38:25 +07:00
## 3.5.11
Rectangular maps and better map generation - by reversi
Resolved #1847 - Civs defeated by a nuke are now properly destroyed
Resolved #1844 - improved worker automation
Resolved #1852 - buildings requiring an improved resource now accept resources with great improvements
Solved the 'infinite warmongering penalty' bug
Resolved #1858 - Automated workers build unique improvements
Translation updates
2020-02-05 04:28:32 +07:00
## 3.5.10
Resolved #1827 - can no longer see other (current) player's city production in multiplayer
Resolved #1839 - Civs no longer declare war and offer things in the same turn
AI no longer sends 'please don't settle cities near us' warnings when at war
When disbanding carriers, transported air units move to nearby tiles if they can. If they can't then they're disbanded.
Resolved #1457 - no AI-to-AI trades are 'automatically accepted'
Translation updates
2020-02-02 23:04:38 +07:00
## 3.5.9
Resolved #1820 - Fixed a crashing bug with the AI trying to ally with defeated city states, as well as many other minor bugs
By Jack Rainy:
- Nuclear missile is able to target any tile within the range
- Added "Sleep/Fortify until healed" functionality
- Fixed relationship bug when capturing cities
By lyrjie:
- Notification when City-states advance an era disabled
- Fixed bug pertaining to unit healing
Half-ready Japanese translation added! - by paonty
Show name when icon is tapped in resource overview in a label above the icon - by ltrcao
Translation updates
2020-01-31 02:03:03 +07:00
## 3.5.8
Buying current construction no longer removes other items from the queue - by reversi
Resolved #1757 - Can now see version when running from a desktop Jar
Fixed crash in city-state influence notification
Solved ANR when waiting for the list of maps
Resolved #1808 - Disabled problematic declaration of friendship
2020-02-02 23:04:38 +07:00
2020-01-31 02:03:03 +07:00
Translation updates
2020-01-28 03:59:39 +07:00
## 3.5.7
Added Non-continuous rendering setting, to disable animations and save battery - by reversi
Add missing Forge and Seaport production bonus uniques - by Teague Lander
Fixed anti air units intercept range
Fixed aerial transportation crashing bug
Add specialist slot description for buildings that provide them - by Teague Lander
Quick access to diplomacy screen with other civilizations by tapping city buttons - by ltrcao
Translation updates
2020-01-26 01:28:30 +07:00
## 3.5.6
Research agreements! - by lishaoxia1985
Exploring units no longer auto-enter city states
Map editor menu fix - by lyrjie
Can no longer acquire another player's tiles in multiplayer - by lyrjie
Specialist allocation is immediately viewable on the City screen
Legalism fix - by reversi
Fix #1759: correct 'turns to construction' for multiple units of the same type - by reversi
Translation updates
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
## 3.5.5
Aircraft Carriers added - by ltrcao and Jack Rainy
Popups streamlined - by Azzurite
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Fixes to Oligarchy - by lyrjie
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Better support for tile images
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
More tile images by The Bucketeer
Translation updates
## 3.5.4
Turkish translations added - by rayray61
By lyrjie:
2020-01-24 03:14:20 +07:00
- Starting units no longer spawn on Ancient Ruins/Barbarian encampments
- Ships no longer 'teleport' into landlocked cities
- Barbarians no longer 'pillage' city ruins
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Barbarians don't move/attack on the turn of their spawning
By reversi:
2020-01-24 03:14:20 +07:00
- Legalism policy fix
- Fixed "empty entry in construction queue" bug
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
New Resource+Improvement images by The Bucketeer
Translation updates
## 3.5.3
By lyrjie:
2020-01-24 03:14:20 +07:00
- Can no longer buy the same building multiple times
- "Pick construction" tutorial now completes again
- Map is revealed after singleplayer defeat
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
More resource images by The Bucketeer
Ancient ruins are no longer save-scummable
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Resolved #1700 - As per original civ, you no longer start with a scout.
Translation updates
## 3.5.2
By JackRainy:
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
- Disable France culture boost after Steam Power
- Back button prompts dialog for game exit
- Janissaries heal after killing
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Legalism grants culture buildings asap - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Fix Map Editor Lag - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Cities can now bombard all tiles within range of 2 - by Vladimir Tanakov
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
barbarian automation - by Vladimir Tanakov
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Idle units select properly after settling a city - by lyrjie
Proper destruction notification for city states
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Added Fur resource image
Translation updates
## 3.5.1
City constructions queue - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Songhai Civ added - by Smashfanful and r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Game no longer confuses cities with the same name - by r3versi
Can no longer buy tiles outside the 3-tile radius - by lyrjie
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Added the "crudely-drawn map" to ancient ruins outcomes - by lyrjie
Visual bugfix for city button growth bar - by drwhut
Translation updates
## 3.5.0
Modding for Desktop is now available!
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
More resource images by The Bucketeer
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Added a growth progress bar to CityButton - by drwhut
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Translation updates
## 3.4.8
Huge Map Editor update - bush sizes and paint-dragging! - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
"Stop" actions now work again - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Battery saving rendering (also removes the 'current unit' animation but that's the price to pay) - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
"Sell building" no longer disabled when player has little gold - by lyrjie
Performance improvements
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Tutorial updates
## 3.4.7
Spain civ added - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Background work towards enabling mods
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Resolved #1598 - we now save map options for new games started
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Specific AI automation for Missile units means they won't try to move to tiles that they can't move to
Translation updates
## 3.4.6
AI no longer attempts to get rid of barbarian encampments with nuclear strikes.
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
All natural wonders now in the game, kudos to The Bucketeer for the art!
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Can now display pixel resources on the map - for now we have the mineral resources
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Resolved #1569 - "Patreon" button actually opens Patreon now
Natural wonders fixes - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Civilopedia and Tutorial fixes - by Vladimir Tanakov
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Added notifications for diplomacy between other civs - by lyrjie
Translation updates
## 3.4.5
Resolved #1533 - Defeated city states no longer "declare war" if you attack their ally
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Ancient Ruins are now spread out instead of randomized
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Automated units no longer advance towards enemies they can't attack without dying - by lyrjie
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Can no longer purchase constructions from cities in resistance
New language getting translated: Indonesian!
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Translation updates
## 3.4.4
Grand Mesa and Mount Fuji artwork by The Bucketeer means they're now in the game!
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Happiness from worked tiles now computed - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Polynesian galleys can enter ocean - by lyrjie
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Barbarians enter owned tiles (difficulty dependant) - by lyrjie
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Cities no longer connected to capital by water without harbor - by lyrjie
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Email popup for crash reports on Android - by Vladimir Tanakov
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Translation updates
## 3.4.3
Most players said Cultural victory was too easy - now requires 5 branches instead of 4
By r3versi:
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
- Unique promotions listed in Promotion screen
- Fixed Greece City states influence unique
- Added notifications on losing city state relationship
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Misc. rare bugfixes when:
-liberating cities when you haven't met their original owners
-activating "Conduct trade mission"
-conquering cities
-obsoleting scouts
-razing the capital city
-first entering a large multiplayer game
Translation updates
## 3.4.2
Diplomacy graph size scales with screen space available - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Game crash popup no longer affected by tutorial settings
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Fix error due changing language on Android < 4.4 - by r3versi & Vladimir Tanakov
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Resolved #1493 - Added Nation information to Civilopedia
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Added Promotion information to Civilopedia
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Translation updates
## 3.4.1
Fixed more crashes and ANRs related to translations
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Added loading screen
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Considerably sped up initial loading time
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Translation updates
## 3.4.0
Natural wonders are go! :smile: - by r3versi
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Great scientist now generates science like in original game - by lishaoxia1985
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Solved the "0 production for settler" bug
2020-01-24 03:13:06 +07:00
2020-01-24 03:10:15 +07:00
Tutorial task table now becomes visible when turning displayTutorials on - kudos @r3versi